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Ma Túy, Dầu Mỏ, và Chiến Tranh

"Ma Túy, Dau Mo, va Chiến Tranh" là tất cả những gì cần biết về mầm mống chiến tranh, khuynh đảo, thao túng chính trị và xã hội.

Family Business Survival: Six Key Tasks Required for a Successful Family Business

Only one in 8 family businesses survives into the third generation. Dr. Alonso helps them thrive by turning potential family problems into unique business advantages.

Just A Marine

I proudly served my country in a noble cause, I never faltered.


Pearl is a beautiful lady who was found naked and covered with blood after what appeared to be some kind of a cult ritual. She was found by Matt Mueller and his wife, who adopted her after they realized that she had amnesia and had acquired the ability to bring the dead back to life. The Muellers help her find her identity, including a very deadly drive on "Alligator Alley" where Thomas Bradshaw a Patrolman, was killed and brought back to life by Pearl. He has a grandson with Leukemia, and asks the question: "Can Pearl cure the terminally ill?"

Revolutionary War Period Cookery

Revolutionary War Period Cookery is chock full of delightfully different and delicious cooking ideas favored by many famous and some forgotten yet historically important individuals of yesteryear. It contains the favorite dishes of numerous figures from the Colonial period of our glorious history.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams