| Communicant - 1881 - 142 pages
...with Angels, &c. Upon Ascension-day, and seven days after. '""pHROUGH thy most dearly beloved Son J- Jesus Christ our Lord ; who after his most glorious...and reign with him in glory. Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon Whit-Sunday, and six days after. '"PHROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord ; accordJL ing to whose most... | |
 | Churchman - 1881 - 266 pages
...Angels, ctc. Upon Ascension-day, and seven days afler. rilHROUGH thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus JL Christ our Lord ; who after his most glorious Resurrection...and reign with him in glory. Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon Whit-sunday, and six days afler. THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord ; according to whose most true... | |
 | Holy communion Order of - 1881 - 104 pages
...thy most dearly be•"• loved Son Jesus Christ our Lord ; who after his most glorious Kesurrection manifestly appeared to all his Apostles, and In their...and reign with Him in glory. Therefore with Angels, <tc. Upon Whit-sunday, and six days after. rpHROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord ; -*• according to whose... | |
 | William Walsham How (bp. of Wakefield.) - 1881 - 220 pages
...us everlasting life. Therefore with Angels, &e. Upon ASCENSION DAT, and seven days after. fPHROUGH Thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who after His most glorious Resurreetion manifestly appeared to all His Apostles, and in their sight ascended up into heaven to... | |
 | Edward Henry Bickersteth (bp. of Exeter.) - Lord's Supper - 1882 - 284 pages
...us everlasting life. Therefore with angels, etc. Upon Ascension Day, and seven days after. THROUGH Thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord...and reign with Him in glory. Therefore with angels, etc. Upon Whitsunday, and six days after. THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord; according to whose most true... | |
 | E W. Bodley - 1882 - 514 pages
...and with all the Company of Heaven, in praise and thanksgiving, because "Jesus Christ our Lord has ascended up into Heaven, to prepare a place for us...we might also ascend, and reign with Him in glory." FRIDAY- After Ascension Day. The Acts i. 10, 11. St. Luke xxiv. 52. " And while they looked steadfastly... | |
 | Herbert George Morse - 1882 - 248 pages
...his moft glorious refurrection manifeftly appeared to all his Apoftles, and in their fight afcended up into heaven to prepare a place for us ; that where He is, thither we might alfo afcend, and reign with Him in glory. Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon Whitfun Day, and ßx days... | |
 | Edward Bouverie Pusey - 1883 - 296 pages
...us everlasting life. Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon Ascension Day, and seven days after. 'yHROUGH Thy most dearly -*. beloved SON JESUS CHRIST our LORD...and reign with Him in glory. Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon Whitsun Day, and six days after. ""THROUGH JESUS CHRIST our -*. LORD ; according to Whose... | |
 | Living way - 1883 - 176 pages
...to us everlasting life. Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon Ascension-day, and seven days after. THROUGH Thy most dearly beloved SON JESUS CHRIST our LORD...and reign with Him in glory. Therefore with Angels, &c. Upon Whitsun-day, and six days after. THROUGH JESUS CHRIST our LORD; according to Whose most true... | |
 | Vauxhall St. Peter's - 1883 - 96 pages
...death, and by His Rising to life again hath restored to us everlasting life. Ascension Octave. THROUGH Thy most Dearly Beloved SON JESUS CHRIST our LORD...we might also ascend, and reign with Him in glory. Whitsun Week. THROUGH JESUS CHRIST our LORD ; according to Whose most true promise, the HOLY GHOST... | |
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