| Robert Harding Evans - Private libraries - 1819 - 296 pages
...Sensuit les Prophecies de Merlin, black letter, blue morocco, - - Paris, 1628 и jf^ _2749 Merlin's Life, his Prophecies and Predictions Interpreted, and their truth made good by our English Annals, frontispiece, - - - - 1641 •• Í .. - 2750 Merrett's View of the Frauds and Abuses committed by... | |
| Eastburn, James, & Co., firm, booksellers, (New York) - Booksellers' catalogs - 1822 - 264 pages
...Son of God Illustrated, 2 vols. boards, $3 Lond. 1807 1375 Merlin, (surnamed Ambrosius) Life of, with his Prophecies and Predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English Annals, $2 50 Carmarthen, 1812 1376 Merrick's (J.) Versions of the Psalms, vol. 1, withmusic, $1 25 Lond. 1795... | |
| Robert Watt - English literature - 1824 - 720 pages
...3 vols. 4to. ItaL Ven. 1539, 12mo. In я English, entitled, The Life of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius, his Prophecies, and Predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English Annals. Published by T. Heywood, Lond. 1641, 4to. of Richard de St. Victor, Peter de Blois, Durand de Si. Pourcain,... | |
| Stephen Reynolds Clarke - England - 1826 - 462 pages
...the civil wars ; for in 1641 a book was published, called " The Life of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius, his Prophecies and Predictions interpreted, and their Truth made good by our English Annals." This and other similar works seem to have consisted of expressions borrowed from the original Merlin,... | |
| Stephen Reynolds Clarke - England - 1826 - 448 pages
...the civil wars ; for in 1641 a book was published, called " The Life of Merlin, surnamed Ainbrosius, his Prophecies and Predictions interpreted, and their Truth made good by our English Annals." This and other similar works seem to have consisted of expressions borrowed from the original Merlin,... | |
| Harvard University. Library - 1834 - 274 pages
...Common Pleas, temp. Car. I. fol. Lond. 1657. f Heywood, Thomas. Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius ; his Prophecies and Predictions interpreted, and their...memorable Passages of this Kingdome, from Brute to King Charles. 4to. Lond. 1641. Hibernieus. See Clinton, De Witt. 1804. Hickes, George. See Wotton,... | |
| Harvard University. Library - Academic libraries - 1834 - 276 pages
...Common Pleas, temp. Car. I. fol. Lond. 1657. f Heywood, Thomas. Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius ; his Prophecies and Predictions interpreted, and their...memorable Passages of this Kingdome, from Brute to King Charles. 4to. Lond. 1641. Hibernicus. See Clinton, De Witt. Hickes, George. See Wotton, W. Hidalgo,... | |
| Association réformiste - 1835 - 478 pages
...note by Sir F. Frrtling. 455 HEYWOOD'S (Thomas) Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosias ; his Prophesies and Predictions interpreted ; and their Truth made good by our English Annals, frontispiece, 4to. calf, neat, (Sir F. Freeling's copy,} 12s 1641 " A prolific writer who says ' I... | |
| Library company of Philadelphia Loganian libr - 1837 - 482 pages
...By George McClelan, MD Philadelphia, 1822. Merlin, 862, Q. The Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius : his prophecies and predictions interpreted ; and their...history of all the Kings, and memorable passages of this Kingdom, from Brute to the reigne of our Royall Sovereign King Charles. London, 1641. M. Mißin, 2225,... | |
| Loganian Library - Libraries - 1837 - 498 pages
...George McClelan, MD Philadelphia, 1822. Merlin, 862, CÎ. The Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius : his prophecies and predictions interpreted ; and their truth made good by our English annals. Being a chronologieall history of all the Kings, and memorable passages of this Kingdom, from Brute to the... | |
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