| Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 404 pages
...scene ; not a Around her silver throne the planets glow, And stars unnumber'd trembling beams bestow : Around her throne the vivid planets roll And stars unnumber'd gild the glowing pole; Clear gleams of light o'er the dark trees are seen, o'er the dark trees a yellow sheds, O'er the dark... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1810 - 494 pages
...scene ; not a Around her silver throne the planets glow, And stars unnumber'd trembling beams bestow ; Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumber'd gild the glowing pole ; Clear gleams of light o'er the dark trees are seen, o'er the dark trees a yellow sheds, O'er the... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 790 pages
...ground ; As when the Moon, refulgent lamp of niglit ! O'er Heaven's clear azure spreads her snored light, When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cluud o'creasts the solemn scene ; Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumber'd gild... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1810 - 548 pages
...pri'.st, but rich without a fault. CONCtUIIOS OF BOOK Till. VER. 637. As wh»n the Moon, refulgeiit lamp of night, O'er Heaven's clear azure spreads her sacred light, When nut a breath disturbs the deep serene. And not a c'oud o'ercasts the solemn scene; Around her throne... | |
| John Walker - 1811 - 568 pages
...disturbs the deep serene, Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumber'd deck the shadowy pole, O'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed, And tip with silver every mountain's head; Then shine the vales, the rocks in prospect rise, A flood of glory bursts from... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 366 pages
...rising morn. As when in stillness of the silent night, As when the moon in all her lustre bright ; As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er Heaven's clear azure sheds her sillier lijjht ; pure spreads sacred As still in air the trembling lustre stood, And o'er... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1812 - 348 pages
...the rising morn. As when in stillness of the silent night, As when the moon in all her lustre bright; As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er Heaven's clear azure sleds her silver light ; pure " spreads sacred As still in air the trembling lustre stood, And o'er... | |
| George Dyer - English poetry - 1812 - 240 pages
...the moon, according to those inimitable lines of Homer, so finely paraphrased by Pope : — Aswhen the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er heaven's clear azure spreads her silver light, When uot a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene... | |
| English literature - 1813 - 352 pages
...her guilty race. The troops exulting sat in order round, And beaming fires illumin'd all the ground. As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er Heaven's...trees a yellower verdure shed, And tip with silver every mountain's head ; Then shine the vales, the rocks in prospect rise, A flood of glory bursts from... | |
| Greek literature - 1813 - 350 pages
...her guilty race. The troops exulting sat in order round, And beaming fires illumin'd all the ground. As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er Heaven's...Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars uunumber'd gild tin: glowing pole, O'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed, And tip with silver... | |
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