God, Creator of FamiliesThe great God of the Bible created us to enjoy one another in happy, united families.He is the loving heavenly Father who kept His promises made from the beginning. He sent His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to bless every family on earth. Each family is a building block of a strong, united nation. America will remain a strong nation if we unite ?under God? to uphold His laws and place our faith in His promises to bless our families.Discover how to establish your family life according to His wisdom. Discover how God will teach you to live as a family of obedient, loving children of the heavenly Father under the headship of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. With strong, loving families, our nation will continue to sing with triumphant joy: ?America, America, God shed His grace on thee.? |
From inside the book
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God promises victory to the family | 17 |
Abraham example to all of us | 32 |
God set up a king over His people | 47 |
The King of the Jews everyones Savior | 60 |
Kneel at the Cross Jesus will meet you there | 73 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham believed according to God's altar America apostle baby believed God's promise Bible bless every family body born bring build burnt offering called children of Israel church command crucified David believed death descendants Deuteronomy disciples disobedience Egypt enemy Evil faith faithfully family groups family on earth flesh fore-fathers forever forgiveness gave Genesis Gentiles give glorified God's beloved God's children God's Word hear hearts heaven heavenly Father Holy Spirit house of Israel household Isaac Isaiah Jacob Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Jews John Joshua King David King Jesus lamb land live according Lord Jesus Christ mankind marriage married couples midst miracle Moses nation obedience obey Panama Canal Zone parents Passover Pentecost Peter Philip Steers pray prayer promised to King prophets Psalm Rahab Savior says the Lord Scriptures sent sinful Steers tabernacle teaches Temple Ten Commandments thief Thou shalt throne unbelieving united families woman united worship