NEW WORKS, PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, & GREEN, LONDON. DR. LARDNER'S CABINET LIBRARY, to be published in Monthly Volumes, small 8vo. price 5s. embellished.-Nearly ready. This work, which has been some time in preparation, is intended to embrace such subjects of powerful or immediate interest as do not fall within the regular plan of the "Cabinet Cyclopædia." It will be supported by the same class of Literary and Scientific Contributors as the Cyclopædia, and will form a companion to that work. Volumes in Preparation. I. THE MILITARY MEMOIRS OF ARTHUR DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 2 Vols. DR. LARDNER'S CABINET CYCLOPÆDIA, published in Monthly Volumes, small 8vo. price 6s. Volumes published, IX. OUTLINES OF HISTORY. 1 Vol. VIII. SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, Vol. I. III. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. By M. Donovan, Esq. Vol. I. V. MECHANICS. By Capt. H. Kater and Dr. Lardner. VI. LIVES OF EMINENT BRITISH LAWYERS. By H. Roscoe, Esq. Sept. 1.-THE HISTORY OF THE NETHERLANDS. 1 Vol. A CATALOGUE of all the PLANTS Indigenous, Cultivated in, or Introduced to Britain.-PARTI. The Linnæan Arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 Species are enumerated: preceded by an Introduction to the Linnæan System.-PART II. The Jussieuean Arrangement of nearly 4000 Genera; with an Introduction to the Natural System, and a General Description and History of each Order. Edited by J. C. LOUDON, F.L. H.G. and Z.S. In 8vo. Nearly ready. The Linnæan Arrangement and its Supplement are entirely the work of Mr. GEORGE DON; the Natural Arrangement is founded on that of Professor LINDLEY, with some additions and alterations rendered necessary by the plan of this Catalogue; and DR. GREVILLE, the profound Cryptogamist, assisted in arranging the Cryptogàmia. Those who are acquainted with the present state of Botany, and with the Botanists of this country, will allow that three gentlemen hetter adapted for co-operating in producing a Catalogue like that now submitted to the public, are not to be found. TRAVELS in RUSSIA, and a Residence at St. Petersburgh and Odessa, in the Years 1827-29; intended to give some Account of Russia as it is, and not as it is represented to be, &c. &c. By EDWARD MORTON, M.B. Member of Trinity College, Cambridge, &c. &c. In 8vo. 14s. bds. The BRITISH FLORA; comprising the PHENOGA MOUS or FLOWERING PLANTS, and the FERNS. By WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, LL.D. F.R.A. and L.S. Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow, &c. &c. In 1 vol. royal 12mo. 12s. cloth bds. The plan of the above work is similar to that of the first part of Dr. Hooker's "Flora Scotica." The MOSSES, and the rest of the CRYPTOGAMIA, will form a distinct volume, corresponding with the above, and with the "English Flora" of the late Sir James Smith. MEMOIRS of the LIFE of SIR WALTER RALEGH, with some Account of the Period in which he lived. By Mrs. A. T. THOMSON. In 1 vol. 8vo. with Portrait, 14s. bds. "Such is the outline of a life, which in Mrs. Thomson's hands is a mine of interest: from the first page to the last the attention is roused and sustained; and while we approve the manner, we still more applaud the spirit in which it is executed."-Literary Gazette. By the same Author, MEMOIRS of the COURT of HENRY the EIGHTH. In 2 Vols. 8vo. with a Portrait, 11. 8s. bds. A SYSTEM of UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY. By M. MALTE BRUN, Editor of the "Annales des Voyages," &c. Vol. VIII. Part 1, 7s. 6d. This Part contains the Geography of Spain, Portugal, and Part of France. The work is now finished in the original; but in order to render it a more complete System of Geography for the English reader, large additions will be made to the description of Great Britain, which is now in progress, and will be published in a few months. "We think the translators of M. Malte Brun's Geography have done good service to the public, by rendering so valuable a work accessible to the English reader."-Edin, Rev. No. 97. "Infinitely superior to any thing of its class which has ever appeared "-Lit. Gaz. No. 405. SELECT WORKS of the BRITISH POETS, from CHAUCER to WITHERS. BY ROBERT SOUTHEY, LL.D. Poet Laureate. 1 vol. 8vo. uniform with "Aikin's Poets."-Nearly ready. INQUIRY into the RISE and GROWTH of the ROYAL PREROGATIVE in ENGLAND. By JOHN ALLEN. In 8vo. 9s. bds. By the Rev. LITERARY RECOLLECTIONS. WARNER, F.A.S. Rector of Great Chalfield, Wilts, &c. In 2 Vols. 8vo. 26s. bds. "We have seldom seen so much good sense, and still more rarely so much good humour, R. united with a greater abundance of charitable feeling and innocence of purpose. The style is remarkably forcible, chaste, and elegant"-Monthly Review, June 1830. The BARONY, a Romance. By Miss A. M. PORTER. 3 Vols. 12mo. 11. 7s. bds. "The descriptions are picturesque even to poetry....we cannot but commend the beautiful and healthy spirit of that best of morality, the morality grounded on religious feeling, which thoroughly pervades these graceful pages."-Literary Gazette, May 8, 1830. SIR ETHELBERT, or the Dissolution of Monasteries. A Romance. By the Author of "Santo Sebastiano," "The Romance of the Pyrennees," &c. &c. In 3 Vols. 12mo. price 11. 4s. bds. The ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY and OBITUARY, for 1830, being the 14th Volume; containing Memoirs of Sir William Hoste, the Countess of Derby, Lieut.-Col. 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A few copies of the First Edition, in royal 8vo. with Proofs of the Plates on India Paper, price 41. 4s.; or with Proofs and Etchings, on India Paper, 41. 14s. 6d. may still be had. "A work which must be seen to be estimated as it ought."- Literary Gazette, Oct. 17, 1829. The BOOK-RARITIES in the UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE. Illustrated by Original Letters and Notes, Biographical, Literary, and Antiquarian. By the Rev. C. H. HARTSHORNE, M.A. 1 Vol. demy 8vo. with numerous Woodcuts, price 11. 11s. 6d. A NEW GENERAL ATLAS of FIFTY-THREE MAPS, with the Divisions and Boundaries carefully COLOURED; constructed entirely from New Drawings, and engraved by SIDNEY HALL. (Completed in Seventeen Monthly Parts, any of which may still be had separate, price 10s. 6d. each.) Folded in half, and pasted on Guards, in strong canvas and lettered £8 18 6 Half-bound, Russia backs, corners, and lettered 990 In the full extended size of the Maps, half-bound, Russia backs, cor ners, and lettered.... 10 0 0 Proofs on India Paper, half-bound, Russia backs, corners, and lettered 14 50 For favourable opinions of this Atlas, references may be made to the Literary Gazette, Gentleman's Magazine, The Sphynx (conducted by J. S. Buckingham, Esq.) New Monthly Magazine, Literary Chronicle, John Bull, Sun, Standard, Atlas, Courier, London Weekly Review, Globe, &c. &c. CONVERSATIONS on GENERAL HISTORY, from the Creation of the World to the Birth of Christ In 12mo. price 10s. 6d. Bds. "We can bear the highest testimony to its merits. No research seems to have been spared, and the author has placed the information acquired from the most authentic sources in a very 1 uminous point of view.-We most cordially recommend them to the public."-Lit. Gaz. Feb. 13. An ARRANGEMENT of BRITISH PLANTS, according to the latest Improvements of the Linnæan System; with an Easy Introduction to the Study of Botany. By WILLIAM WITHERING, M.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. &c. The Seventh Edition, with considerable additions, including the most recent Discoveries, and numerous Annotations, illustrative of Vegetable Economy. By WILLIAM WITHERING, Esq. LL.D. F.L.S. &c. In 4 Vols, 8vo. Price 21. 16s. Bds. HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of DISCOVERIES and TRAVELS in NORTH AMERICA. By HUGH MURRAY, Esq. F.R.S.E. &c. Author of Historical Account of Travels in Africa, Asia, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. with a Map, 11. 7s. Bds. The LITERARY SOUVENIR, for 1830. Edited by ALARIC A. WATTS. Bound in rich Crimson Silk, price 12s. A limited number of Copies in Post 8vo. with Proofs of the Plates on India Paper, price 24s.; and of the Plates, separate, Proofs on Imperial Paper, price 30s. in a Portfolio. A very few Proofs, before Letters, Colombier, price 31. 3s. 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NARRATIVE of TRAVELS to the EQUINOCTIAL REGIONS of the NEW CONTINENT, during the years 1799-1804. BY ALEXANDER DE HUMBOLDT and Aimé BONPLAND. Translated into English by HELEN MARIA WILLIAMS. In 7 Vols. 8vo. price 61. Bds. By the same Author, RESEARCHES concerning the INSTITUTIONS & MONUMENTS of the ANCIENT INHABITANTS of AMERICA; with Descriptions and Views. 2 Vols. 8vo. 11. 11s. 6d. Bds. POLITICAL ESSAY on MEXICO. |