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them judge for themselves, how fatal must be the sin of those that profess to be believers in my Gospel, and will presumptuously mock the sealing. Therefore, I tell thee, the command must be strict unto all for the future; and let them discern, from the Scriptures where the words were taken from, how the different sorts of people were foretold and prophesied of by the Apostles. This men must discern themselves, what the Apostles told them they were waiting for, and what they had to hope to attain. So if men clearly discerned their words, they would discern that the mystery of the sealing is great to the believers, that are obedient to the heavenly calling, but not to the disobedient and unbelievers, who walk not after the spirit but after the flesh, and soon fall back through unbelief. And here let them discern further, though the Apostles are dead their words appear to speak to the living, and to confound the disputers of this world."

Here ends the communication concerning the Scriptures, where the words in the Seals were taken from.

Given Jan. 29, 1807.

A Communication, given Dec. 14th, 1806. "Now I shall come to caution the Sealed People who are sealed to be elect members of Christ: but let them consider, they must strive to make their calling and election sure; as they are not all of Israel that are in Israel; neither are they all sealed in faith that are sealed in names; and those that are sealed in unbelief and have departed from the faith cannot be called of the sealed number; because the Lord will judge from the heart; and it is from the heart man believeth unto righteousness, to fulfil the Gospel. The Sealing hath already went out like the net cast into the sea, gathering in good and bad; but many have come in

as thieves and robbers, professing faith when they had none, after the command was given that none should come in but by faith. Yet as it is impossible for men to judge from the heart; if they profess a faith when they have none, the evil is to themselves; and therefore the caution must be strictly given for the future, that no one is to be sealed, but such as have read to judge for themselves, and are convinced the calling is of God, from the manner of my visitation.

And now I shall give them the Communication that was given me after hearing that many had fallen back, that were first sealed, and many had come in as impostors, whose names I am ordered to blot out from the Second Sealing. These things I marvelled at, that they should be permitted; but was answered as follows.


"Know I told thee of the Sealing in the beginning, it was like the net cast into the sea, gathering in good and bad. This I told thee of the first; and like thieves and robbers, know I told thee, many would come in, as I placed it to my parables in my Gospel; and these things stand ou record, to prevent the subtlety of Satan's arts, that he may not be able to swell their pride of being some of the sealed number, that will stand to the end with the Lamb on Mount Sion; because there are none who can stand of the sealed number in the end, but such as are true believers in heart and mind, unshaken in faith, and perfect in obedience to the heavenly calling. It is these are the people that are the sealed number, to stand to the end. But I now tell thee of this nation; were there as many true and faithful believers in this nation as there are names sealed, ye need not fear any enemy ever coming to this nation; because my judgements upon the unbelieving world

then judge for themselves, how fatal must be the sin of those that profess to be believers in my Gospel, and will presumptuously mock the sealing. Therefore, I tell thee, the command must be strict unto all for the future; and let them discern, from the Scriptures where the words were taken from, how the different sorts of people were foretold and prophesied of by the Apostles. This men must discern themselves, what the Apostles told them they were waiting for, and what they had to hope to attain. So if men clearly discerned their words, they would discern that the mystery of the sealing is great to the believers, that are obedient to the heavenly calling, but not to the disobedient and unbelievers, who walk not after the spirit but after the flesh, and soon fall back through unbelief. And here let them discern further, though the Apostles are dead their words appear to speak to the living, and to confound the disputers of this world."

Here ends the communication concerning the Scriptures, where the words in the Seals were taken from.

Given Jan. 29, 1807.

A Communication, given Dec. 14th, 1806. "Now I shall come to caution the Sealed People who are sealed to be elect members of Christ: but let them consider, they must strive to make their calling and election sure; as they are not all of Israel that are in Israck; neither are they all sealed in faith that are sealed in names; and those that are sealed in unbelief and have departed from the faith cannot be called of the sealed number; because the Lord will judge from the heart; and it is from the heart man believeth unto righteousness, to fulfil the Gospel. The Sealing hath already went out like the net cast into the sea, gathering in good and bad; but many have come in

as thieves and robbers, professing faith when they had none, after the command was given that none should come in but by faith. Yet as it is impossible for men to judge from the heart; if they profess a faith when they have none, the evil is to themselves; and therefore the caution must be strictly given for the future, that no one is to be sealed, but such as have read to judge for themselves, and are convinced the calling is of God, from the manner of my visitation.

And now I shall give them the Communication that was given me after hearing that many had fallen back, that were first sealed, and many had come in as impostors, whose names I am ordered to blot out from the Second Sealing. These things I marvelled at, that they should be permitted; but was answered as follows.


"Know I told thee of the Sealing in the beginning, it was like the net cast into the sea, gathering in good and bad. This I told thee of the first; and like thieves and robbers, know I told thee, many would come in, as I placed it to my parables in my Gospel; and these things stand ou record, to prevent the subtlety of Satan's arts, that he may not be able to swell their pride of being some of the sealed number, that will stand to the end with the Lamb on Mount Sion; because there are none who can stand of the sealed number in the end, but such as are true believers in heart and mind, unshaken in faith, and perfect in obedience to the heavenly calling. It is these are the people that are the sealed number, to stand to the end. But I now tell thee of this nation; were there as many true and faithful believers in this nation as there are names sealed, ye need not fear any enemy ever coming to this nation; because my judgements upon the unbelieving world

would come another way. But now I tell thee of many, they are like the fish that came into the net to be cast away, as many already are become thy enemies; but were such to profess their faith was strong and unshaken in my visitation to thee, then their sins must be of the blackest dye, and sin through light and knowledge, doing despite unto my Spirit, if they profess to believe it is by my Spirit thou art led. He that is not with ME is against ME; he that gathereth not with ME scattereth. What I said in the days of the flesh, when I was amongst them, I now say by the visitation of my Spirit: those that were offended at. my sayings, and went back and walked no more with ME, I never called them my friends, or followers, or my disciples: but know what I said in my Gospel, he that began in the spirit and ended in the flesh, the last state of that man was worse than the first; therefore marvel not in thy heart that such men should be chosen, as fall back; neither marvel that men should be suffered to be sealed who are thy enemies; because there were such professors when I was amongst them in the flesh; and such I said there would be in the end, that in the time of temptations would' fall away; but it is those that endure to the end will be saved. Therefore I tell thee of the sealed people; it is not their names being sealed will be of any use to them, unless their hearts are sealed in faith and love for my kingdom; and it is those are the sealed people, that will stand with ME on Mount Sion, whose eyes of their understanding are opened clearly to discern, from the manner of my visitation to thee, the justice of my decrees in the beginning, and the promise that was first made after the fall, and the justice of my decrees in setting bounds for the adversary, that betrayed at first, as bounds were set for man in the beginning, Thus men must discern my ways, and my wisdom,

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