WASSALL, J. W. WADSWORTH, E. C. Room 32, 103 State st., Chicago, Ill. 53 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Any inaccuracies in the above list, either of names or locations, should be reported to the Treasurer at once, in order that the necessary correction of the record may be made. Annual dues being payable in advance, no name appears on above list except those who have paid for 1884, and Transactions are not sent to any who have not fully paid their dues. On motion, the reading of the minutes of the last session was dispensed with. The Executive Committee made a report of programme, which was accepted and adopted. On motion of Dr. Odell, the time from three to seven o'clock on Wednesday afternoon was set apart for clinics. The Executive Committee made a partial report on credentials, which was subsequently completed, accepted, and adopted, as follows: Brooklyn Dental Society-C. D. Cook, R. C. Brewster, E. C. Wadsworth, J. N. Farrar. Connecticut Valley Dental Association-James McManus, J. L. Williams. Chicago Dental Society-A. W. Harlan, J. A. Swasey, J. N. Crouse, F. H. Gardiner. Dental Society of the State of New York-J. G. Ambler, C. F. Rich, W. W. Walker. Dental Association of Maryland and District of Columbia-M. W. Foster, Edward P. Keech. First District Dental Society of the State of New York-T. A. Wadsworth. Kentucky Dental Association—J. Hooper. Minnesota State Dental Association-A. T. Smith. New England Dental Society-S. D. Hodge, R. F. Horne, A. M. Dudley, J. W. Palmer, F. Searle, Wm. Barker. New Jersey State Dental Society-C. A. Timme, F. A. Levy, Chas. A. Meeker, F. C. Barlow, C. S. Stockton, Worthington Pinney, Chas. W. F. Holbrook. Odontological Society of Pennsylvania-C. R. Jefferis. Ohio Valley Dental Society-Charles A. Wingerter. Ohio State Dental Society-David Gibbons. Pennsylvania State Dental Society-W. H. Trueman. St. Louis Dental Society-C. W. Spalding. Sixth District Dental Society of the State of New York-W. C. Stewart. Seventh District Dental Society of the State of New York-Charles F. Booth. Society of the Alumni of the Dental Department of the University of Pennsyl vania-Earl P. Hawes. Washington City Dental Society-R. Finley Hunt. On motion of Dr. Cushing, the following amendment to the Constitution was unanimously adopted-to take effect at once: To amend sect. 2 of Art. VI. by changing "third day" to "second day." Also, sect. 3 of Art. VI. by changing the word "after" to "before," and "third day" to "second day," and to add the following after the last word, "Sections," "whereupon the Sections shall immediately proceed to the election of chairmen, and such other officers as they may see fit," and to strike out sects. 4 and 5, and change the numbers of sects. 6, 7, and 8 to 4, 5, and 6. The President then read the annual address. On motion of Dr. Ambler so much of the President's address as referred to the death of Dr. Buckingham was referred to a committee of three, who were afterwards appointed, as follows: J. G. Ambler, chairman; J. Taft and John Allen. Dr. McKellops moved that the following committee be appointed to suggest some means of increasing the attendance upon this Association: E. Parmly Brown, chairman; G. W. McElhaney, A. W. Harlan, J. Taft, and M. W. Foster. Adopted. The Publication Committee made the following report, which was accepted and referred to the Executive Committee, who subsequently reported it back with their approval: SARATOGA SPRINGS, August 5, 1884. The Publication Committee would report that, under the standing instructions of the Association, they made the same arrangement with The S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co. as in former years, whereby the Transactions were furnished to the Association free of cost; the work has been done as admirably as heretofore, and the committee desire to renew their thanks to Mr. Hise for his care in the supervision of his part of the work, and for the great assistance he has afforded the committee. The Transactions were mailed March 5, 1884, to all entitled to them, including the libraries, universities, journals, and honorary members, and since that date to those members who the Treasurer notified the committee had subsequently paid their dues. There are now in the hands of the committee about thirty copies. The receipts and expenditures of the committee are as follows: Received from Treasurer...... $25 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. H. CUSHING, Chairman. SARATOGA, August 5, 1884. Audited and approved. J. N. CROUSE, A. M. DUDLEY,} Auditing Committee. On motion of Dr. Stockton so much of the President's address as had not already been referred to other committees was referred to the committee named by Dr. McKellops. Dr. Taft moved that we adjourn at 1 P. M., and that the Sections meet immediately thereafter. Carried. Adjourned at 1 P. M. to meet at 8 P. M. FIRST DAY-EVENING SESSION. The Association met at 8.10 P. M., President Darby in the chair. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved. Under the head of miscellaneous business Dr. Odell moved that Wednesday evening be set apart to receive the paper and stereopticon exhibition by Dr. J. L. Williams, of Section V. Carried. The regular order was then taken up, and Section VI. being called, Dr. Harlan, the chairman, read a paper, being a continuation of the subject presented by him last year. He also read a brief statement of the properties of eugenol and sanitas. The subject was discussed by Drs. Odell, Bogue, Harlan, Barrett, Atkinson, Shepard, Peirce, Rhein, Field, Allport and Truman, and on motion of Dr. Odell the further discussion was postponed till to-morrow morning. The Association then adjourned. SECOND DAY-MORNING SESSION. The Association met at 10 A. M., the President, Dr. Darby, in the chair. The minutes of last evening's session were read and approved. Under the head of miscellaneous business, on motion, the Secretary was authorized to draw the necessary orders on the Treasurer to pay all properly authenticated bills. The Executive Committee announced the temporary filling of vacancies in that committee by the appointment of Dr. Shepard, of Boston, and Dr. A. O. Hunt, of Iowa City. On motion of Dr. Dudley the courtesies of the floor were extended to Prof. Mayr, of Springfield, Mass. On motion of Dr. Lewis, Drs. J. A. Bazin, G. W. Lovejoy, J. H. Bourden, and S. J. Andres, of Montreal, were invited to participate in the discussions. A telegram was received from Dr. T. T. Moore, of Columbia, S. C., Second Vice-President of the Association, expressing his regret at being unavoidably absent on account of the serious illness of his wife and daughter. The regular order being resumed, the subject of Dr. Harlan's paper was further discussed by Drs. Searle, Stockton, R. Finley Hunt, Peirce, Watkins, How, Harlan, E. Parmly Brown, Shepard, and Atkinson. On motion of Dr. Dudley, the subject was passed. Section VII. being called, the chairman, Dr. Barrett, read a paper entitled Physiology and Etiology. It was discussed by Prof. Mayr, Drs. Atkinson, Spalding, Barrett, and Abbott. At 1.30 the special order of organization of Sections came up, and resulted as follows: SECTION I. Prosthetic Dentistry, Chemistry, and Metallurgy.-John Allen, chairman; W. H. Trueman, secretary; J. G. Ambler, C. S. Stockton, J. A. Robinson, Chas. W. F. Holbrook, W. H. Fundenberg, J. Hayhurst, H. H. Keith, Alonzo Boice, W. B. Ames, W. H. Dorrance, C. H. Harroun, Thos. C. Leiter, M. L. Chaim, J. N. Farrar, C. Bullock, Henry Cowie, W. R. Clifton, C. W. Clement, D. W. Clancey, J. R. Callahan, Chas. E. Dunn, Wm. Dutch, A. F. Emminger, A. W. Freeman, S. A. Freeman, Gale French, David Gibbons, H. H. Jackson, D. J. Pollock, A. T. Smith, S. D. Stewart, W. H. Tillinghast, E. S. Talbot, Sam'l A. White, Geo. H. Wilson. SECTION II. Dental Education.-A. O. Hunt, chairman; I. P. Wilson, J. N. Crouse, C. N. Peirce, C. H. Osgood, C. D. Cook, E. S. Holmes, Thos. Fillebrown, T. W. Brophy, E. P. Keech, Seneca B. Brown, Jos. Bauer, Ira Brown, Jas. Cleland, A. Colton, J. H. Coyle, S. W. Dennis, Geo. L. Field, J. L. Hill, T. S. Hacker, P. G. C. Hunt, E. D. Swain, J. A. Swasey, W. C. Wendell, C. A. Wingerter, W. H. Morgan. SECTION III. Dental Literature and Nomenclature.-J. Taft, chairman; W. H. Atkinson, Geo. J. Friedrichs, M. V. Toledo, C. F. Rich, E. A. Bogue, E. H. Allen, C. A. Kingsbury, A. L. Northrop, A. N. Priest, F. H. Rehwinkel, J. H. Smith. SECTION IV. Operative Dentistry.-L. D. Shepard, chairman; V. H. Jackson, secretary; E. T. Darby, S. C. G. Watkins, W. H. Colgrove, S. H. Guilford, E. S. Gaylord, M. F. Finley, J. C. Walton, S D. Hodge, E. P. Hawes, C. A. Timme, G. W. Keely, C. I. Keely, Jas. McManus, C. W. Meloney, R. C. Brewster, Wm. W. Walker, F. C. Barlow, F. A. Levy, Chas. A. Meeker, W. Pinney, Robt. F. Horne, E. Parmly Brown, G. W. Hoysradt, J. W. Rhone, J. A. Watling, H. B. Noble, Wm. Barker, C. R. Butler, E. Honsinger, J. H. Devore, W. N. Morrison, W. C. Starbuck, S. B. Palmer, S. G. Stevens, W. E. Page, Eugene H. Smith, G. R. Thotnas, S. G. Perry, H. J. McKellops, J. B. Coolidge, I. Williams, Frank A. Hunter, A. H. Brockway, Dwight M. Clapp, J. G. W. Werner, E. C. Moore, J. E. Cravens, G. C. Daboll, M. L. Rhein. SECTION V. Anatomy, Histology, and Microscopy.-C. F. W. Bödecker, chairman; Frank Abbott, secretary; J. L. Williams, F. Y. Clark, G. H. Cushing, Thomas L. Gilmer, T. T. Moore, G. W. McElhaney, Chas. Merritt, B. G. Marcklein. SECTION VI. Pathology, Therapeutics, and Materia Medica.-A. W. Harlan, chairman; F. M. Odell, secretary; A. M. Dudley, J. Hooper, J. W. Palmer, W. W. Allport, T. A. Wadsworth, M. W. Foster, W. H. Baird, Wilbur F. Litch, R. G. Richter, C. R. Jefferis, C. A. Brackett, J. D. Patterson, F. H. Gardiner, C. P. Pruyn, L. C. Ingersoll, C. S. Beck, A. J. Friedrichs, H. W. Morgan. SECTION VII. Physiology and Etiology.-H. A. Smith, chairman; N. W. Kingsley, secretary; Denton E. Peterson, W. C. Barrett, J. W. Wassall, R. Finley Hunt, G. F. Waters, Sam'l E. Knowles, G. W. Klump, Jos. Lathrop. Adjourned to meet at 8 P. M. SECOND DAY-EVENING SESSION. The Association met at 8 P. M., President Darby in the chair. The reading of the minutes was dispensed with until morning, and the Association heard the paper of Dr. Williams, of Section V. After its conclusion Dr. Barrett announced that a serious accident |