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ten with letters plain enough to make known to us that we ought to glorify God!

But this witness was too dark for the rudeness and weakness of men: it was therefore necessary that God should reveal himself in another manner, which was far greater; which he hath done by means of the gospel. The law and the prophets were as a lamp to lighten the Jews, but they belonged to but one people. But this grace is bestowed generally upon all the nations of the earth. Therefore, it is not without cause that St. Paul saith, this witness was to be testified in due time.

In another place, we see how marvellously he setteth forth this great secret, which God had kept from the beginning of the world, but had now revealed by the preaching of the gospel; insomuch, saith he, that the angels marvel at it: to see those who were separated from God, who seemed to be cut off and banished from salvation, now taken for his children, to be members of Jesus Christ, and of the fellowship and company of angels. This was a wonderful secret, and enough to astonish all creatures! St. Paul saith, Gal. iv. 4 and 5. "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." Wherein it pleased him to make known to the world, that which was before unknown to the fathers.

For he saith, Eph. ii. 12, 13, 14, 15. "That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: but now, in Christ Jesus, ye, who sometime were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; having abolished in

his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace." Thus, the discord which was between the Jews and Gentiles was abolished.

Jesus Christ hath not only proclaimed the glad tidings, but hath sent forth his apostles and ministers to preach and publish peace to the world: to assemble the Jews, who were nigh by reason of the covenant, and by the solemn pledge made to their fathers, but who still needed a reconciliation through Jesus Christ the redeemer. These glad tidings were afterwards directed to those who were afar off; even to the poor Gentiles: they also received the message of salvation, and the peace of God; being assured that God so loved them, that he forgave all their sins. Thus the partition wall was broken down, and the ceremonies destroyed, whereby God had made a difference between the Jews and the Gentiles. And why so? Because this salvation belongeth to all the world without exception.

We therefore have this doctrine made clear; namely, that it was requisite for our Lord Jesus Christ to make an atonement for our sins; and that by his death he hath purchased our redemption. We must therefore come to the testimony set forth in the gospel, that we may enjoy the blessings contained therein. We must not say that God is changeable, because it pleased him to hide the witness of his gospel from the Gentiles for a season, and afterwards to have it preached throughout the world, for this he had determined in the counsel of his own will. Let us therefore be convinced that it is our duty to worship and reverence him with all humbleness, for this is the greatest wisdom we can possess.

We must not be too curious in seeking vain and unprofitable questions: for God, who knoweth what we are able to bear, hath made known that which is

proper for us to understand: let us therefore learn in his school, and no where else. Isaiah speaketh of an acceptable time, chap. xlix. 8. He calleth it an acceptable time, when the message of salvation is carried throughout all the world. Seeing then that God hath displayed his goodness, and showeth that he chose a particular time to call us to salvation, let us not on our part be stiff-necked, and show our corrupt hearts, and say all is not well, for this churlishness will prevent our coming to God; but let us heartily content and rest ourselves upon the grace offered, that there may be a sweet union between God and us; and that we may acknowledge it to be a fit time, because the Lord hath chosen it.

If things do not go according to our own minds, we must not find fault, and say, God should have done otherwise, but let us restrain ourselves, and show implicit obedience to his divine will; let us be ruled by his counsel, and remember that it is not for us to appoint a time when he shall do what is to be done: this mastership and office of commanding is not in our hands, but belongs to God alone. When the gospel is called a witness, it is to assure us that God is kind and favourable toward us; but if we doubt, after having this assurance of his good will, and stand wavering, and show ourselves rebellious against him, we cannot do him a greater dishonour. Let us remember that whenever the gospel is preached to us, God beareth us witness of his goodness.

Moreover, although they that speak to us be mortal men, yet let us consider in what situation God hath placed them; he hath made them his witnesses. When a man is sworn as a notary in any place, all the writings which he receiveth must be taken for true and authentical: if magistrates, who have so little authority, can do this, and the order be good and allowable in a commonwealth, how much more ought we, when God sendeth his witnesses to

proclaim the gospel, to receive the message of salvation which they bring. If we do not, the honour of God is shamefully abused. Let us learn therefore to be more obedient than we have been in times past, and attend more strictly to the doctrine of the gospel.

If St. Paul was driven to fight against the pride and malice of men in his time, what is to be done now? for we see that ungodliness overfloweth, and the papists endeavour to abolish the remembrance of God's truth from the world. But we need not go so far; many among ourselves are profane, and tread the word of God, as it were, under foot: yea, and live in defiance of it. We see men who call themselves christians, and wish to be taken for such, yet they will not be governed by the word of God, but scorn and scoff at the doctrine of the gospel; I would to God these things were not so common among us.

If these scoffers come to hear a sermon once a month, it is to ascertain whether we speak according to their own fancy or not: if not, they immediately begin to murmur; and to say, all is nought; you would make us believe that we do not our duty! But let us mark well the words of St. Paul, where he protesteth that he is God's witness, and showeth that all who rebel against the gospel, and will not submit themselves to it, must not think that they have to deal with men, but with God; for the work is his. Let us therefore beware that we submit ourselves to God, and bow down our necks to his obedience; and so honour and magnify his glorious name, that he may acknowledge us as his children; that we may, all the days of our life, call upon him as our Father, and our Saviour!

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