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I TAKE pleasure in saying, that I have examined the little work, "Bible Stories" -given in the words of the Scriptures-with great satisfaction. It is calculated to be useful; and will lead the young reader to go to the Bible for more such instruction.

New York, 7th May, 1859.


I cordially approve of the plan of "Bible Stories in Bible Language." There can be no doubt of the usefulness of a work which is calculated to increase in the hearts of children a love and reverence for the Sacred Volume.

Union College, Schenectady, 1859.


I have examined the MS. of "Bible Stories." The plan is so obviously good, that the only wonder is that it has not been adopted before.

I can hardly doubt the success of the book, both in families and Sunday schools; and cordially recommend its publication.

May 17, 1859.


MY DEAR SIR: I am obliged to you for the perusal of the MSS. of "Bible Stories." I was at once struck with the beauty and appropriateness of the design,


as set forth in the Preface to the "Old Folks ;" and from the words "to the children," so thoroughly in sympathy with children's hearts, I conclude that the author is just the man to execute such a design.

You may be sure that a book which will do so much to bring forth the simple beauty of the Bible, will claim an especial favor among a Bible-loving denomination.

I am glad to see such a work issued from your house; for if private publishers would study to meet the religious wants of the Christian public, we should be in great measure relieved of the too burdensome weight of expensive publishing organizations, supported or endowed by charity.

Truly yours,

Pastor of First Bap. Ch.

New York, May 11th, 1859.

The author's plan of telling "Bible Stories" in Bible words strikes me as a happy one, and as susceptible of being carried out with great advantage. I have not examined the details, but have read enough to see that no liberties have been taken with the Sacred Text. The little work deserves, as it will doubtless secure, a wide circulation.

New York, May 2, 1859


The Stories of the Bible, in the words of the Bible, collected for the use of parents and children, by one who heard them from the lips of a mother ere she went to her early rest, and who now associates them with a mother's tenderness and love! Such a book needs no commendation; but the sacred memories which prompted and presided over the collection will endear it to many hearts, and give a pathetic voice to all its blessed lessons.

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Provisional Bishop of New York

New York, 1859.

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