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CH. 7.

8 For whosoever asketh, obtaineth; whosoever Mar. 11; 24. seeketh, findeth; and to every one who knocketh, Lu. 11; 9.

Jo. 16; 24.

9 the door is opened. Who amongst you men would. Ja. 15 10 give his son a stone, when he asketh bread; or a 11 serpent, when he asketh a fish? If ye then, though evil, can give good things to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him?

12 Whatsoever ye would that others do to you, do Lu 6; 31. ye also to them; for this is the law and the Pro- Lu. 13; 24. 13 phets. Enter through the strait gate; for wide is

the gate of perdition, broad is the way leading 14 thither; and many are they who enter by it. But how strait is the gate of life; how narrow the way leading thither; and how few are they who find it!


Beware of false teachers, who come to you in the garb of sheep, while inwardly they are ravenous 16 wolves. By their fruits ye shall discover them. Lu. 6; 43.

Are grapes gathered from thorns; or figs from 17 thistles? Every good tree yieldeth good fruit ; and 18 every evil tree evil fruit. A good tree cannot yield 19 evil fruit, nor an evil tree good fruit. Every tree ch. 3; 10.

which yieldeth not good fruit is felled, and turned

20 into fewel. Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall discover them.

21 Nor every one who saith unto me, Master,

master, shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he ch. 25; 11that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven. Acts, 19; 13.

22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Master, mas

Lu. 6; 46.

Ro. 2; 13.
Ja. 1; 22.
Lu. 13; 27.

6; 47


Mar. 1; 22.
Lu. 4. 32.

CH. 8.


'ter, have we not taught in thy name, and in thy ' name expelled demons; and in thy name per23 'formed many miracles?' To whom I will declare, ' I never knew you. Depart from me ye who 'practise iniquity.'


Therefore, whosoever heareth these my precepts, and doth them, I will compare to a prudent man, 25 who built his house upon the rock. For although the rain descended, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, it fell 26 not, because it was founded upon the rock. But whosoever heareth these my precepts, and doth them not, shall be compared to a fool, who built 27 his house upon the sand. For when the rain descended, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew, and dashed against that house, it fell, and great was its ruin.


WHEN Jesus had ended this discourse, the peo29 ple were astonished at his manner of teaching: for he taught as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.



VIII. JESUS being come down from the mountain, 2 followed by a great multitude, a leper came, who prostrating himself before him, said, Sir, if thou,


3 wilt, thou canst cleanse me.

CH. 8.

Jesus stretched out Mar. 1; 40.

his hand and touched him, saying, I will; be thou Lu. 5; 12: cleansed. Immediately he was cured of his le

4 prosy. Then Jesus said to him, See thou tell nobody; but go, show thyself to the priest, and Lev. 14; 2: make the oblation prescribed by Moses, for notifying [the cure] to the people.


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Having entered Capernaum, a centurion 12 ac- Lu. 7; 1. 6 costed him with this request, Sir, my man-servant lieth sick at home, exceedingly afflicted with a 7 palsy. Jesus answered, I will go and cure him. 8 The centurion replying, said, Sir, I have not deserved that thou shouldst come under my roof; only say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For even I, who am under command myself, having soldiers under me, say to one, 'Go,' and he goeth; to another, "Come,' and he cometh; and 10 to my servant, ' Do this,' and he doth it. Jesus hearing this, was astonished, and said to those who followed, Verily, I say unto you, not even in Is11 rael have I found so great faith. But I assure you, Mal. 1; 11. that many will come from the east and from the west, and will be placed at table with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven, 12 while the sons of the kingdom shall be thrust out

into darkness, where will be weeping and gnash13 ing of teeth. Then Jesus said to the centurion, Go home; be it to thee according to thy faith. That instant his servant was cured.


Then Jesus having entered Peter's house, saw 1.5 his wife's mother lying sick of a fever: and having

13 A Roman officer, who had the command of 100 soldiers.

Mar. 1; 29
Lu. 4; 38

CH. 8.

Mar. 1; 32 16

Is. 53; 4.


touched her hand, the fever left her; whereupon she arose and entertained him.


In the evening, they presented to him many demoniacs; and he expelled the spirits with a word, Lu. 4; 40: 17 and cured all the sick; thus verifying the saying of the Prophet Isaiah, "He hath himself carried off our infirmities and borne our distresses." 18 Jesus seeing himself crowded on all sides, gave 19 orders to pass to the opposite shore. Meantime, a scribe accosted him, saying, Rabbi, I will follow 20 thee whithersoever thou goest. Jesus answered, The foxes have caverns, and the birds of the air have places of shelter, but the Son of Man hath not where to repose his head.

Lu. 6; 57

Lu. 9; 59.

Lu. 8; 23


Another, one of his disciples, said to him, Master, permit me to go first, and bury my father. 22 Jesus answered, Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.


THEN entering the bark, his disciples followed him. Soon after there arose in the sea so great a Mar. 4;37 24 tempest, that the bark was covered with the bil25 lows. But he being asleep, his disciples came and waked him, saying, Save us, Master, we perish. 26 He answered, Why are ye timorous, O ye distrustful? Then he arose, and having commanded the winds and the sea, a great calm ensued; insomuch, that every one exclaimed with admiration, 27 What personage is this, whom even the winds `and the sea obey!

Mar. 5; 1 28

When he was come to the other side, into the


ен. 9.

country of the Gadarenes, there met him two de- Lu. 8; 26moniacs, issuing out of the monuments, so furious, 29 that nobody durst pass that way. These instantly cried, saying, What hast thou to do with us, Jesus, Son of God? Art thou come hither to tor30 ment us before the time? Now there was feeding 31 at some distance a great herd of swine. And the fiends besought him, saying, If thou expel us, permit us to go into the herd of swine. He an32 swered, Go. And when they were cast out, they went into the swine; on which the whole herd rushed down a precipice into the sea, and perished in 33 the waters. Then the herdsmen fled into the city,

and reported every thing, and what had happened 34 to the demoniacs. Presently the whole city went out to meet Jesus, and having seen him, entreated him to depart out of their territory.


Lu. 5; 18

Then having gone aboard the bark, he repas2 sed, and went to his own city; where they brought Mar. 2; 3to him a paralytic, laid upon a bed. Jesus perceiving their faith, said to the paralytic, Son, take 3 courage, thy sins are forgiven thee. Whereupon Lu. 7; 48.

some of the scribes said within themselves, 'This ▲ ' man blasphemeth. But Jesus knowing their sen5 timents, said, Why do ye harbour evil thoughts? which is easier; to say, 'Thy sins are forgiven;' 6 or to say [with effect], 'Arise and walk. But that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power upon the earth to forgive sins, Arise (said he then to the paralytic), take up thy bed and go home. 7 Accordingly he arose, and went home. And the

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