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Jervis-street Hospital, Dublin, regulations, 311
Johnson, Mr. H. C., cases under the care of, 9,


Joints, injuries and diseases of the, 121, 144
Jones, Dr. B., on albuminous and fatty urine,


Mr. G. F., on a case of placenta prævia,
and fœtal monstrosity, 590
Journal, Provincial Medical and Surgical, on
New Medical-Bill, 575
Jozeau, M., Copahine-Mège of, 553

Judd, Mr. J., note from, to what use can we
apply the rhubarb-leaf? 458
Jurists, medical questions for, 237


Keate, Mr. cases under the care of, 106
Keith, Mr. W., on Medical Reform Bill, 549
Kelis, case of, in a little girl of twelve years old,

Kent Ophthalmic Hospital, 115; annual meet-
ing, 139; legacy to, 433

Kidney, on the Diseases of, their Pathology,
Diagnosis and Treatment (review), 177
"Killing no murder," sale of poisons, 358
Kick from a horse, rupture of the jejunum, 78;
on the abdomen, previous irreducible hernia,
perforation of intestines, peritonitis, death,
autopsy, 300

King's College Hospital, meeting of governors,

341; result of Dr. Warneford's offer, 130;
and Medical School regulations, 282; Mu-
seum, collection of skeletons added to, 317;
introductory lecture at, 330

King and Queen's College of Physicians, Ire-
land, $10

Kirwan, the case of, 584

Knee-joint, acute inflammation of the, pro-

tracted morbid state of the articulation, am-
putation of the thigh, 471; excision of the,

Kyd, Mr. H., remarks on the effects of clothing
on cutaneous exhalation, 263


Labour, induction of premature, 297; on the
induction of, by the water-dash, 431
Lactation, on the influence of, in causing abor.
tion, 510; tables illustrating the influence
of, 514, 533

Lacy, Mr. J. P., on a case of pelvic distortion,

in which premature labour was induced by
water-douche, 517

"Lady Montague," the mortality on board the,

Lambeth M.D., 230; and St. Andrew's, 274
Lancashire Assurance Company, and the medi-
cal profession, 409

Lane, Dr. B., testimonial to, 536
Lankester, Dr., Quarterly Journal of Micro-

scopical Science (review) 353; on a new
acupuncture needle, 362; on the state of the
London Medical Society, 363
Lane, Mr., cases under the care of, 57
Laurie, Sir Peter, explanation of, concerning
the confidential report of the Commissioners
at Bethlehem, 447

"La Plata," the, 491
Lawrence, Mr., cases under the care of, 10, 104,


The Irregularities of Bethlehem Hospital-Pro-
secution of Henry Baker, a former keeper at
Bethlehem, by the Commissioners in Lunacy,
13; the power of granting diplomas by the
Irish Medical Corporations and the Colleges,
14; libels upon the practitioners of medicine,
15; the coming election of councillors of the
College of Surgeons, ib.; electioneering at
Bethlehem-the regenerate model asylum,
88; the vaccine question-evidence afforded
by naval and military statistics, ib.; appoint-
ment of Mr. Propert as Deputy-Lieutenant
for Cardiganshire, 39; the approaching anni-
versary meeting of the Provincial Association
at Oxford, 40; Bethlehem electioneering-


the conclusion of the farce, 60; the ethics
of the profession-unworthy modes of esta-
blishing a practice, ib.; Dr. Webster's report
on French lunatic asylums, 61; importance of
courts medical, 62; further frauds of homœo-
pathic quacks-letter from Sir James Clark,
87; necessity for a change in the constitu-
tion and arrangements of the Board of
Health, ib.; Dr. R. D. Thomson and the
chair of chemistry in the University of Glas-
gow, 88; the income tax and the medical
profession, 108; evil effects of gratuitous
medical services on practitioners of medicine,
ib.; case of Daniel Freeman-insanity and
crime, 109; Mr. Mechi and the hygeia of the
fields, 110; the quacks and their “Directory,"
131; anomalies of gratuitous medical ser-
vices, ib.; actions for malpractice against
qualified men, 132; the new charter of the
College of Physicians, 133; the University
of Durham, and their power of making cheap
physicians and cheap surgeons, 134; the
New Medical Reform Bill of the Provincial
Association, 157; necessity for medical mem-
bers of Parliament, ib.; rescinding of the
Treasury minute respecting the adulteration
of coffee, 158; the late trial for manslaugh-
ter at Wells, 159; the British Medical
Directory, 160; the British Medical Directory
and fictitious medical titles, 179; further
evils of the gratuitous advice system, 180;
the vacancy at Bethlehem Hospital-duties of
the Governors on the occasion of filling it up,
ib.; inoculation for small-pox in the Isle of
man, 181; a medical pluralist, St. Ann's,
Soho, 182; injustice of the income tax to-
wards medical practitioners, 197; the New
Medical Bill-importance and necessity of
continued, vigorous, and united action, ib.;
evils of gratuitous hospital services, 198; the
Provincial Association and fees from life as-
surance offices, 199; another Bethlehem job,
ib.; the regulations of the Society of Apo-
thecaries, ib.; the Hunterian Museum worthy
the support of the country, 223; rising im-
portance of the University of London, ib.;
an answer to a "Warning Voice" on old life
offices, 224; injustice of life assurance offices
to medical men, 225; the position of the
profession in respect to cholera, 245; the
Suffolk imposture-credulity and ignorance,
ib.; Dr. Webster's report on the French
lunatic asylums, 246; funeral "perform-
ances"-the late Duke of Hamilton, 247; Mr.
Farr and the income tax, ib.; gratuitous
medical services-wretched remuneration of
public medical officers, 268; injustice of the
War-office authorities to surgeons of militia
regiments, 269; the new charter of the Col-
lege of Physicians, ib.; address to students,
292; the College of Physicians and the
Board of Health, 294; the British Medical
Directory, 313; consultations with unquali-
fied practitioners-Mr. Toulmin, of Black-
heath, ib.; the motley group of medical
officers of the London City Mission, 314; ob-
stetric physicians and the college, 334;
frightful evils from the indiscriminate sale of
poisons, ib.; Bethlehem, the Lunacy Commis-
sioners and the public-recent disclosures,
335; opening of the session-the introduc-
tory lectures, 336; sanitary measures and
the cholera, 337; the subdivision of labour-
specialities in the practice of medicine and
surgery; 382; Bethlehem-the position of
the medical officers in relation to the abuses
recently disclosed, 283; habitual drunkards
-how are they to be reformed? 384; Beth-
lehem-the Court of Common Council-their
duty in the case, 408; homicidal attack of a
patient at Bethlehem upon a keeper-evil
effects of the late mismanagement, ib.; the
case of Cox v. Bourn, 404; Miss Squirrell,
the Suffolk wonder, 405; inequality in the
numbers of patients in the medical and sur-
gical wards of the London hospitals, 428;
the election of surgeons to the Bradford in-
firmary-legitimate medicine v. quackery,
429; The Hull Association for the Protec-
tion of the Medical Profession, 430; the Uni-
versity of London-the report of the select
committee of the senate on the future organ-

ization of the university, 446; Bethlehem-
the Court of Aldermen-the explanation of
Sir Peter Laurie concerning the confidential
report of the commissioners, 447; injurious
tendency of the laws of the Hull Medical
Protection Association, 448; generous can-
duct to a poor-law medical officer, 449; elec-
tion to the chair of chemistry in the Univer-
sity of Glasgow, ib.; the University of Lon-
don-the practical character of the examin-
ations for degrees in medecine-recent ex-
tensions, 475; the medical department of
the Indian army, ib.; Bethlehem--the pro-
posed reforms of the Lord Chancellor, 476;
election of Mr. Robert Gardiner Hill ai
Mayor of Lincoln, ib.; the amended draught
bill on medical reform, 496; the funeral of
the great Duke of Wellington-absence of
the representatives of the profession of medi
cine; neglect of medical men by the state,
the University of London-the move-
ment for obtaining the franchise, 497; the
case of Mr. Cox-his retirement from the
Provincial Association, 498; the New Medi-
cal College, ib.; the New Medical Reform Bill,
524; the movement in favour of extending
the franchise to the University of London,
525; the vacancy for the office of physician
at St. Thomas's Hospital, 526; a quack doc-
tor at Fife, ib.; Bethlehem Hospital-the
Governors' reply, 527; New Medical College,
ib.; the regulations of the College of Sur-
geons respecting the new certificates in mid-
wifery-their injurious tendency as regards
the profession, 550; the state of clinical sur-
gery in Edinburgh-Mr. Syme's comicalities,
551; destitution and sickness, workhouses
and hospitals-their bad management in
respect to urgent cases, 552; Bethlehem Hos-
pital and its irresponsible governors, 573; the
election of physician at St. Thomas's Hos-
pital-termination of the contest, 574; evils
of passenger-ships carrying unqualified sur-
geons, ib.; the Provincial Medical Journal
on the New Medical Bill, 575; unsatisfactory
nature of the medical evidence in the case of
William Bourke Kirwan, convicted for the
murder at "Ireland's Eye," 595; Bethle
hem Hospital, the history of this coporate
institution, 598; necessity for qualified sur-
geons to passenger-ships; death of the last
surviving officer of the "Amazon," 599



The Lumleian Lectures, delivered at the
Royal College of Physicians for the
Session 1852.

-Remarks on the state of science, hydro-
pathy, homœopathy, mesmerism, 73; valuable
fruits of science, ozone, epidemics, quarantine,
history of lead disease, Citois, Sir George
Baker, Hippocrates, Nicander, Dioscorides,
Pliny, Paulus Ægineta, Avicenna and Rhazes;
use of lead among the ancients, Vitruvius,
Horace, Celsus; forms of the disease, 74;
channels of reception, respiration, digestive
organs, state of the saliva and gastric juice,
reception accidentally and medicinally, skin
and conjunctiva, preliminary signs, dis-
coloration of the gums and mouth, Tanquerel,
Burton; taste, change of complexion, state of
the blood, symptoms of lead colic, pain, con-
stipation, retraction of the abdomen, nausea,
eructations, vomiting, exciting causes; mana-
facture of white lead, ancient method; Vitru-
vius; alleged immunity of females, age of
patients attacked; Perceval, Pereira, Christi-
son, 95; manufacture of minium, Vitruvius;
manufacture of litharge; Sir H. De la Beche,
report of Messrs. Pelouse and Rayer; house
painters; chemical analysis of secretions;
post-mortem examinations; Tanquerel
Bright, Louis, Andral; other forms of lead
disease; pains in the limbs (metallic rheu
matism of Sauvages-arthralgia of Tan-
querel); paralysis of the upper extremities-
of the lower extremities; amaurosis, deafness,
loss of voice; inspections after death in para-

lysis; Hunter, Tanquerel, Devergie; compara-
tive influence of lead on the system; Andral
and Gavarat, Merat, 165; results of the ab-
sorption of mercury by fumes exemplified in
the water-gilder in metals; theory of modes
of absorption of lead; treatment; empirical
treatment at La Charité; purgatives, warm
baths; opiates; electricity; galvanism;
tonics; alkaloids; other artisans in the use
of lead in various manufactures-compositors,
plumbers, potters, glass-makers, sealing-wax
makers, German card makers; use of lead in
cosmetics, 202; acute paralysis; the Bath
waters, mineral baths in general, bath of
sulphide of potassium for the poor; Henlé;
German opinions of lead disease, comments;
acute poisoning by lead, treatment; un-
scientific use of lead in medicine, exact loss
of the acetate of lead when combined with
extract of opium in practice; contamination
of water for domestic purposes by lead;
wines and fermented liquors, the beer-engine;
refinement of sugar, 392; contamination of
rain-water kept in leaden cisterns; of water
containing lead at Claremont; the royal
family of France; analytical examination of
the water, and its mode of contamination
explained; similar cases explained by Dr.
Paris in his "Life of Sir Humphry Davy;"
galvanic agency established; other sources
of contamination enumerated; supply of
water to London by the Government; plan
of the Board of Health; the Government
Commission of Chemists; filtration of water
and disturbance of sediment remove the lead;
real cause of poisoning; leaden pipes and
cisterns; accidental causes of contamination
of water; galvanic agency; abandonment of
lead in the distribution of water for domestic
purposes; conclusion, 416-419


Clinical Lecture on a case of Gonorrhoeal
Ophthalmia, 28.


Lectures on Lithotomy and Lithotrity.
Lecture III.-The ball extractor of Alphonso
Ferri; the quadrupulus vesice of Franco;
the forceps of Fabricius Hildanus, 1; Sanc-
torius' instruments; Thomassini; Gruithui-
sen's instruments for perforating and
crushing calculi; instruments for crushing
after perforation; M. Civiale's original in-
struments, 2; Mr. Elderton's instrument for
crushing; M. Amussat's crushing forceps;
M. Leroy d'Etiolle's perforator, 3; improved
instruments, 4; M. Civiale's improved in-
struments; Mr. Weiss's instruments; Dr.
Haygarth's instrument for crushing; Re-
toré's instrument for measuring, 23; Mr.
Weiss's catheter-forceps and screw scoop;
Professor Jacobson's instruments; Baron
Heurteloup's original instrument for percus-
sion; Dr. Costello's modification of the ori-
ginal percussor, 24; Mr. Weiss's instrument
for sawing the stone; Baron Heurteloup's
bed, 25; Charrière's rack and pinion; state
of the urethra, prostate, and bladder, 26;
position of the patient, and mode of pro-
ceeding, 28
Lecture IV.-Method of removing detritus and
fragments of calculus from the bladder, 71;
conditions which present obstacles to the
operation, 72; accidents which sometimes
supervene on the operation of lithotrity, 93;
instruments for crushing and removing frag-
ments lodged in the urethra, 94; breaking
or bending of the instruments, inclusion of
the mucous membrane within the blades of
the crusher, 95

Lecture V.-Pain in lithotrity; chloroform, dis-
charge of blood, 141; retention of urine,
cystitis, peritonitis, retention of fragments
in the bladder, 142; relapse of the disease,

Lecture VI.-Pathological effects of urinary
calculi, 170; the urethra does not necessarily
suffer from the presence of stone; modifica-
tions of sensibility and contractility as a
consequence of stone; pathological effects of
calculus, inflammation of the mucous mem-
brane, hypertrophy of the muscular tissue,


chronic disease of the prostate gland, en-
largement, 171; atrophy, conditions of the
ureters and kidneys, obscurity of renal dis-
ease, 172

Lecture VII.-Indications and contra-indica-
tions of lithotrity, nature of the calculus, size of
the calculus, density, form and position, con-
dition of the urinary organs, 209; state of
the prostate, partial or total enlargement,
enlargement of the middle lobe, 210; chronic
inflammation or catarrh, hypertrophy, 211;
abnormal development of muscular fibres,


Lecture VIII.-Sacculated condition of the
bladder, fungoid tumours, paralysis, atony,
morbid sensibility, constitutional disturb-
ance, *233

Lecture IX.-Lithotomy, tabular classification,
embracing nearly all the various modes of
operating, 295; the apparatus major of
Johannes de Romanis, 296; high operation;
infiltration of urine through the wound; in-
struments of the time of Franco, Cheselden,
Dupuytren; Hawkins's gorget, 319
Lecture X.-Lateral operation, perineal tri-
angle, 367; modern instruments, position of the
patient, first incision, 368; parts divided by
the operation, 369; internal incision, various
ways of dividing the prostate, 370; lithotome
caché; seizing the stone; the modern French
operation, 371

Lecture XI.-Obstacles which impede lithotomy:
enlargement of the prostate, morbid condi-
tion of the bladder, mucous membrane re-
laxed and thrown into folds; encysted cal-
culi, irregular position of the calculus; the
presence of more than one calculus, small-
ness of size, shape of the stone, fracture of
the calculus; the calculus should always be
extracted whole if possible, 415
Lecture XII.-Size of the calculus, modification
of the lateral operation for calculi beyond a
certain size, double incision, necessity for
breaking of the calculus in the bladder-
hypertrophied fibres may be caught in the
blades of the forceps, 484; injury to the
rectum, tearing and disorganization of the
rectum; shock on the system, retention and
incontinence of urine from the lateral ope-
ration; impotency, 485

Lecture XIII.-Causes of death in lithotomy:
hæmorrhage, arterial or venous, primary or
secondary; bleeding from division of an
artery during the operation; arteries of the
perinæum; primary hæmorrhage may arise
from division of the superficial artery of the
perinæum, the transverse artery, and the
internal pudic; primary hæmorrhage from
irregular distribution of arteries, 507; venous
hæmorrhage following division of a portion of
the bulb, from the venous plexus about the
neck of the bladder and prostate; secondary
hæmorrhage, from various causes, opinion of
Cruveilhier, infiltration of urine, circum-
stances which give rise to, 508; purulent
infection; inflammation of the bladder; table
of the causes of death in the Parisian hos-
pitals; general tendency to disease of the
bladder, ureters, and kidneys, an impeding
cause to the operation; choice between litho-
tomy and lithotrity in renal disease, 509
Lecture XIV.-Parallel between lithotrity and
lithotomy; summing up in relation to both
methods considered merely as operations,


Lecture XV.-Comparison of the two methods,
in the accidents they give rise to, and the cases
to which they are respectively applicable,
561; conclusion, 564.


A course of lectures on some of the more
Important Points in Surgery:

Lecture VI.-Wounds of the knee-joint, com-
pound fractures of the patella, excision of the
knee-joint, amputation of the leg, 47; exci-
sion of the ankle-joint, 48; removal of the
os calcis; gun-shot wounds of the foot; ampa-
tation at the tarsus, 49; amputation of the
foot, Mr. T. Wakley's successful operation,
50; amputation of a single metatarsal bone;
M. de Beaufoy's rolling-foot, 51


Lecture VII.-Amputation at the shoulder-
joint, 117; operation by two flaps, by one
flap; amputation immediately below the tu-
berosities of the humerus, excision of the
head of the humerus, 118; amputation of the
arm, excision of the elbow-joint, 119; ampu-
tation at the elbow-joint, of the fore-arm, at
the wrist; injuries of the hand; removal of the
phalanges, 120

Lecture VIII.-Secondary amputations, mode
and time of the operation; tying the arteries,
animal substances as ligatures, 187; com-
pound fractures, condition of the wounded
after the battle of Toulouse; splintering of bone
by a gun-shot, 188; lodging of ball in the
bone; splintered femur should not be saved, re-
moval of splinters; position of patient of
much importance, varieties of splints, 189;
best apparatus for compound fractures, ex-
tempore bearers; fractures of the arm by
musket-shot, splints and pads for, 190
Lecture IX.-Hospital gangrene, 256; treat-
ment of, 257; conclusions, 258; returns of
the number of cases, 259


A course of Clinical Lectures delivered at
Guy's Hospital:

Lecture IV.-Case of stone in the bladder, case
in which the patient died with the calculus
in the bladder, exhibition of the preparation,
details of the case; the symptoms of stricture
of the urethra and those of stone in the
bladder compared; the pathological signifi-
cancy of an habitually hot and dry skin; the
importance of consultations; should, in the
present case, lithotomy or lithotrity be per-
formed? circumstances favourable to litho-
trity; question of the quantity of water which
should be in the bladder during the operation
of lithotrity; appearance of the urine, micro-
scopical examination; determination of the
lesion which produces hæmaturia; reasons for
not using leeches in peritonitis connected
with diseased kidney; the advantages of wash-
ing out the bladder; quotation of a case in
which this practice was especially useful;
symptoms of urea in the blood, somnolency,
irritable bladder; good effects of chloroform
applied to the hypogastrium; nervous irrita-
bility brought on by poisoned blood; death by
coma, post-mortem examination; urine in the
cavity of the abdomen, pus in the kidneys,
parietes of the thickened bladder of a green
colour; attempt at an explanation of this
phenomenon; cause of the thickening of the
bladder, and of the formation of sacculi;
decomposition of the urine retained in these
sacculi, 167

Lecture V.-Remarks on the case of calculus
in the bladder, related in the last lecture;
recapitulation of the facts of this case, con-
siderations touching the amount of dilatation
which the urethra should undergo by the use
of catheters, rules regarding this dilatation,
which is generally carried too far; the meatus
urinarius is the criterion or gauge; case in
which over-dilatation might have done much
harm; another case in which over-dilatation
and slitting up of the meatus failed to effect a
cure; good results in the same case obtained
by a second surgeon in adopting an opposite
course; remarks on this case; question as to
when a stricture of the urethra may be consi-
dered cured; distinction to be made as to the
age of patients; enumeration of the signs which
point out that a stricture is quited cured,-
viz., 1. Unobstructed passage of the instru-
ment; 2. Nature of the stream; 3. Complete
emptying of the bladder; 4. No ammoniacal
odour; 5. Absence of mucus or pus; 6. Ab-
sence of any discharge; remarks on the
causes of constitutional disturbance in cases
of stone in the bladder, disease of the kidney
one of the principal causes, danger of resort-
ing to operations of any kind with patients
labouring under disease of the kidney; paral-
lel between the symptoms produced by the
presence of a stone in the bladder and those
depending on diseased kidney; symptoms
exclusively owing to the presence of the cal-
culus; case illustrating such influence, for-


merly treated by Mr. Aston Key; the opera-
tion of puncturing the bladder through the
rectum for the complete retention of urine,
dislike of some surgeons to the operation;
case of complete retention of urine; enume-
ration of the various symptoms of stricture,
and remarks touching their cause; tumours
in the perinæum, necessity of opening them
early; fistulous apertures, complete retention,
bleeding from the urethra from forced at-
tempts at catheterism; evil effects of this
practice, 234

Lecture VI. Continuation of the case of
retention of urine in which the bladder was
punctured through the rectum; fruitless at-
tempts at passing a catheter; discharge of
pus through the meatus urinarius; the use of
opium in cases of retention; the surgeon
should endeavour to give relief without an
operation; symptoms of a full and distended
bladder; distinction between suppression and
retention; anatomical reasons why the blad-
der distends in a particular direction; pa-
rallel between the urinary apparatus and
the hydraulic press; operation of puncturing
the bladder through the rectum, description
of the operation; precautions to be taken
when the patient returns to his bed; progress
of the case after the operation; great im-
provement; blood in the urine; removal of
the canula; severe constitutional symptoms,
death; remarks upon the likelihood of peri-
tonitis having taken place; safety of the
operation; post-mortem examination; ana-
tomical preparation showing the course of
the trocar; pathological peculiarity of this
patient's bladder; considerations. about the
cause of death in this case; reasons why this
patient's bladder was punctured through the
rectum; review of the several methods of
puncturing or relieving the bladder distended
with urine-1. By forcing a catheter into the
bladder; 2. By puncturing above the pubes;
3. By puncturing through the perinæum ;
4. By puncturing through the rectum; re-
capitulation of the reasons which support the
operation of puncturing the bladder through
the rectum; analogy with tracheotomy in
disease of the larynx, and rest to the stric-
tured œsophagus in giving nourishment by
the lower bowel; case of patient nourished
by enemata for thirty-four days, 343
Lecture VII. Additional observations on
puncturing the bladder through the rectum;
principles upon which the operation is founded;
complete rest of the urethra; reasons derived
from analogy; the same treatment used in
the affections of bones, salivary fistulæ, arti-
ficial anus, &c.; directions as to the manage-
ment of the patient after the operation; es-
cape of fæcal matter at the umbilicus treated
on the same principle; so also the passage of
urine through the umbilicus in persistent
urachus; case of umbilical urinary fistula;
comments on some points of the case men-
tioned in the preceding lecture; blood from
the urethra; danger of healing the wound
made by the trocar too soon; observations
on the post-mortem examination; the rare
occurence of peritonitis; stricture before and
after death; gonorrhoea not the cause of the
corrugated state of the urethral mucous mem-
brane; displacement of the bladder by
distention, and altered relation of parts
in retention; danger of false passages;
wounding the ejaculatory duct of little im-
portance; the cause of death in this case;
case of retention of urine; puncturing
the bladder through the rectum; very severe
symptoms; impermeable stricture resisting
various methods of treatment; puncture of
the bladder through the rectum; injecting
the bladder with warm water; slipping out
of the instrument; second puncturing; hæ-
morrhage; favourable progress, the canula
remaining twenty-nine days in the rectum;
discharge from the hospital; puncturing of
the bladder through the rectum should only
be performed when other means fail, 435;
case; severe symptoms of stric-
ture; puncturing of the bladder through the
rectum; favourable progress; canula kept


in sixteen days; recovery; question as to
how long a canula may remain in the rec-
tum; late case of retention, and puncturing
the bladder through the rectum; fall on the
perinæum, and subsequent stricture; reten-
tion; puncture of the bladder through the
rectum; slipping out of the canula; second
puncture of the bladder through the same
bowel; variable symptoms; final recovery;
answers to objections offered to the operation
of puncturing the bladder through the rec-
tum, 460


A lecture on the Induction of Premature
Labour, by the method of Professor
Kiwisch of Würzburg, 297


Clinical lectures on Injuries and Diseases
of the Joints; delivered at St. Tho-
mas's Hospital, 121, 144


Lettsomian Lectures, No. II., on the
Medical Treatment of Insanity, 253, 321
Lectures on insanity and the East India Com-
pany, 21

Lee, Dr. R., on cancerous disease of the
uterus, 40

Mr. H., a calculus with a cork nucleus,
430, 441; cases under the care of, 264, 265
Mr. Richard, on a case of rupture of the
peritoneal coat of the uterus, 192

Leeds School of Medicine, 304
Leipsic, the University of, alleged sale of
degrees at, 12; declaration of the Medical
Faculty of, 12

patients in the medical and surgical wards
of, 428

Lord Chancellor, proposed reforms of the, at
Bethlehem, 476

Lords of the Admiralty and cholera, 365
Loss of hair, 116, 140

Lumleian lectures, on the effects of lead on the
system, 73, 95, 165, 212

Lunacy commissioners and St. Pancras work-
house, 411

increase of, amongst the working classes,
274, 389; returns, 412
Lunatic asylum, Cork, 457; Hanwell, 69;
Thorpe Asylum, 582

asylums, 505: the assistant medical
officers of, 249; balance of accounts, 251;
inspection of, 251

Luxation of the elbow-joint of seven years
date; anchylosis, excision, recovery, 320


M'Cormack, Dr., on a case of rupture of the jeju-
num, 78

Macdonald, Dr. W., case of ranula successfully
treated on the principle of mechanical pres-
sure, 238

Mackarsie, Mr. W., case of epilepsy treated by
tracheotomy, communicated by Dr. Hall,
337, 349; Dr. Dick on, 402

Mackmurdo, Mr., cases under the care of, 83
McWilliam, Dr., on the climate of hill stations,
in India, 379

Maisonneuve, M., on a case of deligation of the
vertebral artery, 195; on the syphon-douche,


Leg, atrophy of the, a simple boot for, 467, Malgaigne, M., new mode of treating varicose


Legion of Honour given to quacks, 341
Legitimate medicine versus quackery at Brad-
ford, 429

Lens, sub-conjunctival dislocation of, 486
Letter to Dr. Lyon Playfair, on his recent
Analysis of the Buxton Tepid Water
(review), 301

Leucorrhoea, on the pathology and treatment
of, 10

Libel, Lizars v. Syme, 162; Queen v. Jackson,


Libels upon the practitioners of medicine, 14
Liberality, medical, 251

Librarian, the indefatigable, Mr. Panizzi, 536
Liebig medal, 559

Life prolonged from food artificially introduced
into the stomach, by Mr. F. W. Casson, 518
Lille, new School of Medicine at, 341
Limerick, St. John's Fever Hospital, 388
Limes, preserved, 135
Lincoln Dispensary, 185

election of Mr. Robert Gardner Hill as
mayor of, 476, 481
Liquid vaccine lymph, the transmission of,
Mr. Chatterley on, 41; Mr. Marson on, 42;
Mr. Faxon on, 67
Litchfield, Mr. V., on the treatment of ery-
sipelas, 517

Lithotomy and lithotrity, lectures on, 1, 23,
71, 93, 141, 170, 209, 231, 295, 319, 561
Lithotrite, modification of the, 474
Lithotrity, who invented? 70
Liverpool College of Chemistry, 289;
firmary School of Medicine, ib.
Lizars v. Syme, libel, 162


Lloyd, Mr,, cases under the care of, 174, 241,
422, 423

Local action of poisons, 488
Lock Hospitals, 557, 581
Longevity of the English, 206

Dr. Denis Burke, 185
London Hospital Medical School, 600

and Provincial Medical Directory,
letter on, 386

City Mission, motley group of medical
officers, 314

Dispensary, state of the funds, 317
Hospital and Medical and Surgical
School, 282; meeting of governors, 139;
number of cases, 251

University, movement for obtaining
franchise, 497; regulations, 275

hospitals, inequality in the numbers of

aneurism by, 37

Malpractice, actions for, against qualified
medical men, 132

Manchester Royal School of Medicine and
Surgery, 206, 289

Manslaughter at Wells, the late trial for, 159;
Charge of, against a surgeon, 115
Manual of Elemental Chemistry (review), 381
Margate Royal Sea-Bathing Infirmary, quar-
terly court, 536

Marischal College, Aberdeen, 22, 116, 225, 248;
and University, 308

Marine Life and Casualty Mutual Assurance
Society and Mr. F. Fussell, 535
Markwick, Mr. A., letter on the prevention of
bed-sores, 458

Marley, Mr. R., use of sulphuric acid in the

diarrhoea of the insane, 432
Marson, Mr., on transmission of liquid vaccine
lymph, 42; on preservation of, 114
Marylebone Institution for Diseases of Women,

[blocks in formation]

tax to, 197; practitioners in Cuba, 130:
profession and American slavery, 523; and
life assurance companies, 248, 272, 409, 535;
and assurance offices, 68; compliment to
the, 317; congress of in Germany, 318;
Protection Society at Hull, 581; reform,
amended draught bill on, 496; reform bill,
329, 524, 534, 535, 549; reform bill of the
Provincial Association, 157; reform, extended
report on, 129; registrars, letter on, 204;
Societies, opening of the session of the 357;
the new College, 498; titles, assumed, 432;
treatment of the Duke of Wellington, 355;
witnesses, payment of, 205; fees to, 316;
unqualified, 482

Medical news, 12, 40, 68, 91, 115, 138, 162,
184, 206, 229, 251, 273, 317, 340, 364, 388,
411, 432, 456, 480, 504, 536, 558, 582
M. D., degradation of the title of, 339, 364,
387, 456, 480

Medicine, a Practical Dictionary of, (review),

Medullary cancer of the superior maxilla and
malar bone, 194; in chest, without morbid
symptoms, 492

Meeting of medical officers of hospitals for the
insane, 115

Melanosis of left eye, extirpation of the globe,

58; of the eye in a child five years old, 587
Melanotic tumour growing from the heel, am.
putation of the leg, 175; in different parts
of the trunk, 176


"Suette Miliaire," in the Hérault, 480; on
the climate of the hill stations in India, 579
HARVELAN SOCIETY-Dr. James Bird's intro-
ductory address, 408

or idiopathic emphysema; infusoria in can-
cer of the mouth; excision of the elbow-joint;
necrosis of the humerus, 385; cases of em-
pyema, and the character of of the prevalent
pleuro-pneumonia; laceration of the umbi-
lical cord; internal strangulation; on the
constitutional treatment of scald-head and
ringworm, 405; congenital deficiency of the
diaphragm; a calculus with a cork nucleus.
430; on the surgical treatment of some forms
of scrofulous disease; on the question of
relation between phthisis and hysteria, 452;
on the pathology of affections allied to
epilepsy, 478; diphtheritic exudation in
scarlet fever, &c.; case of nigrities; bella-
donna as a prophylactic or curative agent
in scarlatina, 503; a new styptic; dis-
cussion on Dr. Barnes's paper on men-
struation, conception, and lactation, 532; M.
Jozeau's saccharine capsules of copaiba and
cubebs; scirrhus of the uterus complicated
with pregnancy, funis presentation, delivery;
on the pathology and treatment of sangui-
neous pelvic cysts, 553; on the treatment of
vesico-vaginal fistula (with engravings);
encephaloid disease of the lower end of the
left femur; "suppurative derivation"
therauputic agent, 576; prophylatic and
curative syphilization, 593
muscular fibres of the valve of the foramen
ovale; fatty degeneration of the uterine
fibres after delivery; co-existence in the
lungs of cancer and military tubercle (?);
intestine in typhoid fever, 409; granular
and incipient fatty degeneration of the heart,
causing sudden death; internal strangulation
caused by adhesion of the vermiform process
to the ovary, 578
-A memoir on the pathology and treatment
of leucorrhoea, based upon the microscopical
anatomy of the os and cervix uteri, 10; an
analysis of one hundred cases of cancerous
disease of the uterus; an account of a case
of pulsating tumour in which the urine
contained cancer-cells; remarks on the
pathology of hydrophobia, with an account
of a case of that disease, 40; first meeting of
the session, 452; a comparative view of some

as a


of the more important points of the pathology
of rheumatic and non-rheumatic pericarditis,
deduced from an analysis of cases; on the
cure of nævus and erectile tumours by elastic
subcutaneous strangulation and section, 477;
on the development of torule in the urine,
and on the relation of these fungi to albu-
minous and saccharine urine, 531; case of
fracture of the thigh-bone occurring sponta-
neously, 591; sequel to a case of albuminous
and fatty urine, published in the Medical and
Chirurgical Transactions for 1850, with some
account of two other cases of so-called chy-
lous urine, 592; cases of peritonitis with
copious purulent effusion and empyema,
ib.; on a new method of treating fractures,
OF LONDON-Paraplegia; dilatation of the
bladder in a new-born infant, 356; on the
therapeutical effects of gold, 455; on exos-
tosis and some other diseases of the teeth,
and their consequences, 554; death of the
President; suppurative peritonitis, attended
with the evacuation of the pus through the
abdominal walls, and followed by recovery,


Mercury, bin-iodide of, in syphilis, 491
Méric, Mr. de, on the saccharine capsules of
copaiba and cubebs, 553; on prophylactic
and curative syphilization, 593
Merriman, death of Dr., 498
Microscope, questions about the, 70
Microscopical lectures by Prof. Quekett, 375
Middlesex Hospital, 115; Mr. W. H. C. Plow-
den, 273; and medical school, 284; intro-
ductory lecture, 330

Midwifery board, Royal College of Surgeons,

boards, 457, 536, 580; regulations
respecting candidates for certificates of qua-
lifications in 550, 558

Lectures on the Principles and Prac-
tice of (review), 242; Elements of Practical
(review), 427; contribution to clinical, 174

on some of the more important
points in the physiology, pathology, and
practice of, by Dr. J. Power:-Introductory
observations, 4: anatomy of the uterine sys-
tem; the cervix; normal parturition, or la-
bour; active labour, 5; the exciting causes
of labour, 31; diagram illustrative of excito-
motory action, 32; abnormal parturition;
deviations connected with the exciting causes
of uterine action; deficiency of nervous
power mental emotions; various accidental
causes, 79; abnormal parturition, 101; re-
flex action; painful affections of the uterus ;
treatment, 103; painful reflex action; treat-
ment, bleeding, opium, anæsthetics, 146;
fomentation, friction, pressure, promotion of
uterine action, ergot of rye, 147; convulsion,


Military medicine, and medical statistics of
Indian goals, 91

Militia, the, 388, 412; bill and medical prac-
titioners, 366; injustice of the war office
authorities to surgeons of militia regiments,
269; surgeons, inadequate pay of, 315
Miller, Dr., on the treatment of diarrhoea by
sulphuric acid, 323, 495
Mineral acids, 489

Ministerial budget and professional incomes, 557


lysis, 81; rapid necrosis of the tibia; ampu-
tation above the knee according to Mr.
Luke's method; fissure of the soft and hard
palate; operation, 193; medullary tumour
of large size, situated in the right inguinal
region, partial removal, death, autopsy, 265;
amputation of the leg in utero (with an en-
graving), 326; melanosis of the eye in a
child five years old, 587; secondary melanotic
tumour of the orbit, after removal of the eye;
melanosis of the liver, 588

GUY'S HOSPITAL.-Encephaloid disease of the

[ocr errors]


lower portion of the femur; amputation high
up; new tourniquet; recovery, (with an
engraving) 7; encephaloid disease of the
clavicle and scapula, 34; cases of amputation
at the shoulder-joint; severe injury to the
upper part of the arm by machinery; ampu-
tation at the shoulder-joint, 85; amputation
of the little finger; dangerous symptoms
manifested after the administration of
chloroform; resuscitation by galvanism, 103;
ununited fracture of the tibia in an old sub-
ject; union promoted by the introduction of
ivory pegs, according to Dieffenbach's method,
(with engravings), 152; cysts of the female
breast in communication with a lactiferous
tube; operation; microscopic investigation
(with engravings), 216; kick on the abdo-
men; previous reducible inguinal hernia;
anomalous symptoms; perforation of in-
testines; peritonitis; death; autopsy, 300.
Two cases of hemiplegia: one connected
with diseased arteries and ramollissement of
the brain; the other presenting the pecu-
liarity of metastatic paralysis; death and
autopsy in the first case; partial recovery in
the second.-Hemiplegia; metastasis; par-
tial recovery, 400; cases of gonorrhoea,
treated by M. Jozeau's Copahine-Mège, a
peculiar mode of administering copaiba, 42;
stone in the male bladder; nucleus formed
of the stem of the parsley plant; extraction;
recovery, 442; thoracic aneurism, consequent
upon a blow on the right side of the chest.-
Diffuse aneurism of the femoral artery occur-
ring six months after an injury; deligation
of the vessel; recovery, 469; case of kelis
in a little girl, twelve years old, 567
cancer of the testicle; removal of the
organ, 35; scirrrhus of the testis; removal,
106; gout from infancy, 126; fracture of
the tibia and fibula at the age of three
months; non-union from neglect: great de-
formity; operations for its rectification, the
last operative measure being the use of
Dieffenbach's pegs. (With engravings), 153;
Ununited fracture of the ulna.-Dieffenbach's
operation for promoting union, 154; me-
lanotic tumours in different parts of the
trunk. Recurrence of an osteo-cartilaginous
tumour connected with the nasal process of
the superior maxilla; second removal; re-
covery. Fracture of the os calcis, 176;
spasm of the muscles of the larynx, simu-
lating hiccup, and supposed to be excited
by the presence of the tænia solium in the
digestive canal, 218; trephining of the
tibia in two cases: in one for abscess in the
interior of the bone, and in the other for
necrosis unconnected with any tegumentary
solution of continuity.-Trephining of the
tibia for necrosis, unconnected with
tegumentary solution of continuity, 264;.
tic douloureux, seated in the mental branch
of the inferior dental nerve; division of that
branch; recovery, 376; large calculus in the
female, of which the nucleus was a piece of
cork; previous paraplegia; extraction; re-
covery, 441; acute inflammation of the
knee-joint; protracted morbid state of the
articulation; amputation of the thigh;
death, 471; excision of the knee-joint.-
Luxation of the elbow-joint of seven years'
date; anchylosis of the humero-ulnar ar-
ticulation; excision of the joint; recovery
with satisfactory motion in the articulation.
-Excision of the elbow-joint; recovery,
with a useful arm.-Chronic disease of the
elbow-joint; excision of the articulation, 518
LONDON HOSPITAL-Encephaloid disease of
the pelvis aud upper part of the femur, 9;
fracture of the skull in a chlld; trephining;
hernia cerebri; recovery; subsequent death,
54; inguinal hernia; imperfect descent of
the testicle; strangulation; reduction with-
out operation, 241; popliteal aneurism suc-
cessfully treated by compression of the
arterial trunk, 325; fibrous tumour of the
lower jaw; removal of the portion of bone
involved in the disease; recovery, 424
MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL-Two cases of scirrhous
cancer of the breast of twelve years' stand-



ing; former ablations of the organ in the
first case; non interference in the second,
128; enormous enlargement of the clitoris ;
removal of the mass-(With an engraving.)
468; scrofulous caries of the upper cervical
vertebræ; sudden death; autopsy, 585
ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL-Irreducible femoral
hernia; severe pain occasioned by the truss ;
removal of the adherent omentum and a
portion of the sac by operation, 218
disease of the femur; amputation; small
fungus of the bone soon after the operation;
death; autopsy, 8; encephaloid disease of
the femur and ilium, 10; encephaloid disease
of the humerus; amputation at the shoulder-
joint, 33; strangulated hernia in a child
ten weeks old; operation; recovery, 104:
epidemic of carbuncular inflammation of
the lip, 174; encysted hernia in the right
inguinal canal; abnormal situation of the
right testicle; strangulation; operation; re-
covery. Inguinal hernia on the right side;
imperfect descent of the testicle on the
same side; strangulation; formation of a
watery cyst; operation; recovery,
constriction of the thigh in utero. (With
an engraving.) Congenital deficiency of
the muscular fibres in the left half of the
diaphragm; displacement of the stomach;
double pneumonia; death, autopsy, 327;
cases of Gonorrhoea treated by M. Jozeau's
Copahine-mège; a peculiar mode of ad-
ministering copaiba, 422; catgut introduced
into the urethra; consequent urethritis; or-
chitis; suppuration of the epididymis on
both sides; recovery, 443; medullary cancer
Occupying a great portion of the chest,
without morbid symptoms until a few days
before the patient's death, 492; diseased
elbow-joint; removal of the olecranon and
coronoid process.-Chronic inflammation of
the elbow-joint; exploration of the joint
without removal of the bone, 521; fall on
the nape of the neck; compression of the
medulla spinalis; death; autopsy, 586
ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL. - Encephaloid dis-
ease of the lower portion of the femur; am-
putation; recovery, 9; encephaloid disease
of the testicle presenting an enchondro-
matous induration, 35; supposed spina bi-
fida in a young man; enormous size of the
tumour; puncture; tetanus; death; autopsy,


[ocr errors]


disease of the hip-joint of several
years' standing; death; examination of the
joint, 106; strangulated femoral hernia;
mortification and rupture of the intestine ;
operation; death; autopsy, 493

ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL.-Aneurism of the left
cartoid artery close to the origin of the vessel;
Brasdor's operation, 57; injury to the upper
part of the left arm; amputation at the
shoulder-joint; death, 84; compound fracture
of the hand, with extensive laceration of
the integuments and tendons; recovery with-
out amputation, 127; two cases of ovarian
disease: one of ovarian dropsy, the other of
ovarian tumour; deaths; autopsies.-Ova-
rian tumour; extirpation; death; autopsy,
377; encephaloid cancer developed in the
abdomen of a child five years old; death;
autopsy, 493

ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL.-Encephaloid disease
of the testicle; removal of the organ.-En-
cephaloid disease of the testicle; post-mortem
examination, 35; severe neuralgia arrested
by surgical operation, 83; melanotic tumour
growing from the heel; amputation of the
leg, 175; cephaloma developed in the me-
dullary canal of the lower part of the right
ulna; removal of the diseased portion of
bone, 378 cases of gonorrhoea treated by
M. Jozeau's Copahine-mège, a peculiar mode
of administering copabia, 422; calculus in
the female; extraction without incision or
crushing, and with the assistance of instan-
taneous dilatation of the urethra, 442; ex-
cision of the elbow joint; erysipelas; death;
545; ectropia vesica; (absence of the ante-
rior walls of the bladder and pubic abdo-
minal parietes ;) operation for directing the
orifices of the ureters into the rectum;


temporary success; subsequent death; New Lunatic Asylums, 505

autopsy, 568

lated hernia in a child five months old; ope-
ration recovery.-Strangulated congenital
hernia in a child ten weeks old; operation;
death. Strangulated congenital hernia in a
child ten weeks old; operation, recovery, 105;
bite from the hooded snake, (cobra de ca-
pello ;) rapid death; autopsy, (with en-
gravings,) 397; excision of the elbow-joint
upon a child of five years; inflammation of
the humerus; phlebitis; death.-Excision
of the elbow-joint upon a child of twelve
years; recovery with a useful arm.-Exci-
sion of the elbow-joint upon a child eight
years old; recovery with a useful arm.-Ex-
cision of the head of the humerus; recovery
with a moveable joint.-Remarks upon the
cases, 546

of uncertain seat, 469.

Misrepresentations, Dr. Wallis and his con-
frères, 434

Modification of the lithotrite, 474
Molloy, Dr. R., on questions for medical jurists,
237; on excessive vomiting in connexion
with profound coma, 396

Monmouth and South Wales Branch of the
Provincial Medical and Surgical Association,


Monmouth Dispensary, annual meeting, 457
Monstrosity, fœtal, and placenta prævia, 590
Moore, Mr., on a case of pulsating tumour, in
which cancer-cells were found in the urine,
40; on stricture of the urethra, with a new
method of treating the disease, 351
Mopping out the air-passages, 318, 342, 366
Morphia, 490

Mortality of London during the week, 69, 139,
163, 186, 230, 251, 274, 318, 341, 365, 389,
412, 484, 457, 482, 505, 559, 583
Mortality among the troops in China, 251; at
the seat of war, 185; on board the "Lady
Montague," 44

Mosse, Mr., on the use of yeast in the treatment
of boils, 113

Motley group of medical officers of the London
City Mission, 314

Movement at University of London for obtain-
ing franchise, 496

Mucous membranes of the air-passages; topical
medication in the treatment of, 259
Munificence, 116; Miss Abigail Pratten, 230
Munificent donations, 536

Murder by a quack, alleged, 389; committed by
a patient upon his medical adviser, 317
Muscular tic, Dr. Hall on, 510
Museum, Hunterian, 223, 457
Mushrooms, test for, 434


Napoleon's surgeon, death of, 317
Narcotine, 490

Naval appointments, 582

service, 302

Medical College, 498

Medical Directory and foreign degrees,
182; medical reform bill, 524, 534, 535

Medical Bill, importance and necessity of
continued vigorous and united action, 197;
medical college, 527

Sanitary Barracks at Octamund, 249
-method of treating dyspepsia, by Dr.
Spurgin, 77

News, medical, 12, 40, 68, 91, 115, 138, 162,
184, 206, 229, 251, 273, 317, 310, 364, 383,
411, 432, 456, 480, 504, 586, 558, 582, 599
Nitrate of silver in pruritus of the vulva, 474
Neuralgia arrested by surgical operation, 83
Nigrities, case of, 503

Nisi-Prius Court, Newcastle, action for compen-
sation, alleged want of care and skill, 137
Nitric acid, death from the fumes of, 162; in
rain water, 86

Non-medical Board of Health, 318
North medical district of St. Pancras, 457
Northern Circuit, Trial of Jane Harland, 138
Sea Bathing Infirmary, Scarborough,
216, 226, 229
Notes, Clinical, on influence of posture in
treament of epilepsy, 564

Notices to correspondents, 21, 46, 70, 92,

116, 140, 164, 186, 208, 230, 274, 294, 318,
342, 366, 390, 412, 434, 458, 482, 506, 537,
560, 584

Obituary, Dr. John Taylor, 21; Dr. Moreno,
40; Dr. John Kidd, Dr. R. B. Dennison,
45; Professor Recamier, 46; Mr. Vincent,
91; Dr. Gosden, 92; Mr. Lucas Bennett,
116; Mr. H. Mayo, Dr. D. O'Flynn, 207;
Mr. W. Robinson, 230; Mr. H. G. King,
Dr. T. Brown, 274; Mr. J. Stokoe, Na-
poleon's surgeon; Dr. A. J. Impey, Dr.
M'Can, Dr. H. M. Smith, Dr. A. Fitzgerald,
Dr. John Shaw Wells, 317; Dr. J. Barlow,
Dr. J. Guillemard, Dr. H. Galloway, 389;
Dr. J. Peeble, Dr. J. B. Watson, Dr. W. B.
Gilgeous, 434; Francis Whitestone, Dr. T. W.
Calder, and Dr. Hewitt, at Barbadoes, 457;
Dr. G. A. Mantell, 481; Dr. Merriman, 498;
Mr. Alex. Walker, Dr. Rodrick McLeod,
Mr. John Smith, 583; Dr. G. Soulby; Mr.
J. Berry, 600

Obré, Mr. H., On the induction of labour by
the water dash, 431

Observations, London Medical Society of, what
to observe at the bedside, and after death,
in medical cases, 591

Observations on the impulse of the heart, 467,

Obstetric dynamics, 130, 178; physicians and
the college, 334

[blocks in formation]

assistant-surgeons, 47, 161, 251; medical Opening of the New Crystal Palace on Sundays,
and the public health, 474; of the session;
introductory lecture, 336; of the medical so-
cieties, 357

Navy, the, and College of Surgeons in Ireland,


Nap after dinner, 274; letters on a, 318, 342,


Necessity for qualified surgeons to passenger-
ships, 599

Necrosis of the sixth cervical vertebra; death,


Nees von Esenbeck's herbarium, 116
Neligan, Dr., on Discases of the Skin (Review),


Neuroma pervading all the nerves; curious case
of, 219

Newcastle-upon-Tyne College of Medicine and
Practical Science, 290; in connexion with
the University of Durham, 290; Infirmary,
291; tracheotomy and extraction of a portion
of broken glass, 471
New acupuncture needle, 362

Charter of the College of Physicians, 269
Fellows, Royal College of Surgeons, 582;
letter on the, 228

[blocks in formation]

Ordnance medical department, 303
Ormerod, Dr., on some of the more important
points in the pathology of rheumatic and
non-rheumatic pericarditis, 477

Orange, Mr., note on mopping out the air pas-
sages, 342

Orthopedic Hospital, City, anniversary dinner
of, 43

Os calcis, fracture of the, 177
Os uteri, occlusion of the, note from Dr. Power,
272; notes from Dr. Highmore and Mr.
Hendry, 248; supposed occlusion of the,
204; Dr. Whitworth, note from, 227
Ovarian abscess, on two cases of, with remarks,

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