Lo! Zaur non wear Thy eyes, as ve a beauteous Live Shine thro thr loca a ar Gay like a pleniam fuck i geate, On Gileads ftatery night, Is thine adurning hair "that notes Thy known peprnment bright.) a Thy teeth are like a flock of theer, Even iter, from wathing come: Each active grace does order keer, And bring its product come.
3 Thy lips resemble scariet reza. And comely speech, near
Within thy locks the rem Like "granates...
4 Thy neck is like Built for a
Whole pegs
All thiette
5. Thy breats == Do feed The me
Ver. Fair spouse by marriage-ties alone 8 I urge my call on thee;
Come, come with me from Lebanon, From Lebanon with me: Look from Amana's top that chills, Shenir and Hermon Ligh, From lions dens, and leopards hills, Where ghastly dangers ly. 9 My fifter, spouse, thou in effect, With one glance of thine eye; With one chain of thy stately neck, Hast rap'd my heart from me. 10 Mv sister dear, how fair's thy love! How better far than wine!
Thy fav'ry ointment smell above All eastern spices fine!
II Thy lips drop like the honey-comb; There milk and honey flow: Thy garments smell like Lebanon, Where aromatics grow.
12 My love's a garden well inclos'd, Delicious fruits to yield: A spring shut up, and unexpos'd; A fountain safely seal'd.
13 Thy plants of grace do parallel An orchard rich with trees, And fruits that gratify the smell, And form a paradise.
14 Here pomegranates and camphire grow; Here trees of incense bloom: 'Nard, cinamon, myrrh, aloes blow With gales, a rich perfume.
15 My love's a garden-fountain known, A living well beside,
Whose glad'ning streams from Lebanon Through distant valleys glide. [The Church's Words.]
16 Awake, O north-wind; come thou south;
Upon my garden blow:
Soon will the breath, Lord, from thy mouth
Make all the spices flow.
Ver. Then, Lord, come share the pleasant spice,
Thus by thy Spirit blown : My garden be thy paradife;
Its fruits are all thine own.
CHRIST awaketh the Church by bis calling. She baving a Taste of bis Love, is fick of Love. A Description of CHRIST by bis Graces.
I'M come, my spouse and sister dear;
I'm to my garden come; I've gather'd up my fpice and myrrh, And eat my honey-comb:
My feast of honey, milk, and wine, With pleasure shar'd have I: Come eat and drink, O friends of mine, Yea, drink abundantly.
2 I sleep, but yet my heart's awake; A kindly knock I hear: 'Tis my Beloved's voice thus spake, "Open to me, my dear. "Open, my dove, my undefil'd; "Love, give not love the flight : "My head's bedew'd, my locks are fill'd " With drops of winter-night." 3 Base sloth reply'd, "I'm now undress'd; "How shall I dress again? How shall I leave this bed of rest, My new wash'd feet to stain?" 4 My Lord then by the shut-door's hole Put in his hand of pow'r;
Which with lov'd-wounds so pierc'd my foul, My bowels melted fore.
5 When up to ope I did me stir, In answer to his knock:
My hands and fingers drop'd sweet myrrh, On handles of the lock.
Wer. I open'd then to my Belov'd, But he, alas! was gone :
His late love-suits my mind so mov'd, I fainted as undone:
I fought him whom my foul ador'd, But him I could not have:-
I call'd and cry'd, My Love, my Lord;
But he no answer gave.
7 The cruel city watch me found, And keepers of the wall; Who did me rudely smite and wound, And took away my vail.
8 O Salem's race, of better mind, To wail my Lord's remove, I charge you tell, if him you find, That I am fick of love..
[The Companions Words.]
9 O fairest, what Belov'd is thine? In what, pray let us know, Doth he all other loves out-shine, That thou dost charge us fo?
LO O my Belov'd, could you him fee, Both white and red appears; Among ten thousand chieftains he The signal standard bears. II His head's of finest gold t' attract, So bright and firm his sway; His locks are curl'd, and raven-black, So fresh without decay.
12. His dove-like eyes most bright appear,, Like these the brooks have wet; Or milky streams have washed clear, Fit for inspection set.
13 His cheeks are like a spicy bed, Where choice perfumes do meet, His lily lips drop grace, and shade The myrrh that smells so sweet..
Ver. As rings of gold, with beryl fet, His hands, his works, appear; His bowels kind, like iv'ry bright, O'erlaid with sapphires clear.
15 His legs like marble-pillars are, On golden fockets fet : His face like Lebanon most fair, Like cedars most complete.
16 Most sweet is that bless'd mouth of his, Whence grace and truth doth flow;
Yea, he himself most lovely is, And altogether fo.
O Salem's daughters this is he Of whom ye fought my mind: This is the best Belov'd to me; This si my dearest Friend.
The Church profeffetb ber Faith in CHRIST. Не Sheweth the Graces of the Church, and bis Love towards ber.
[The Companions Words.]
IF thy Belov'd, O fairest fair,
Be such a matchless one,
With thee we'd seek him, wist we where; O tell us where he's gone! [The Church's Words.]
2 My Lord's down to his garden dress'd,
The place of his repair, 'Mong spicy beds to feed and feast, And gather lilies there.
3 I'm my Belov'd's, and he is mine; Sweet are his sacred courts; Among the lilies there that shine He feeds, and there reforts.
4 My love, like Tirzah, fair array'd, Like Salem gay indeed; Thou like an host, with flags display'd, Dost strike thy foes with dread.
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