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authoritie in the same, be it of Em- imperia, regibus in regna, ducibus perours in their Empyres, of Kingis et principibus in dynastias, aliisque in their Realmes, Dukes and Princes magistratibus in suas civitates, jus in their Dominionis, and of utheris et potestatem esse ex ordinatione et Magistrates in the Citties, to be instituto Dei, ad gloriæ ipsius maGods haly ordinance, ordained for nifestationem, et singularem humani manifestatioun of his awin glory, generis utilitatem et commoditatem. and for the singular profite and Itaque quicunque id agit, ut jamcommoditie of mankind: So that diu corroboratum inter homines whosoever goeth about to take away, civilem ordinem aut tollat aut conor to confound the haill state of turbet, eum nos asserimus non modo Civile policies, now long established; humani generis esse inimicum, sed we affirme the same men not onely adversus expressam Dei voluntatem to be enimies to mankinde, but also impium gerere bellum. Præterea wickedly to fecht against Goddis asserimus atque affirmamus, iis qui expressed will. Wee farther con- autoritate justa funguntur, omnem fesse and acknawledge, that sik per- laudem, honorem, et reverentiam souns as are placed in authoritie ar esse deferendam: propterea, quod to be loved, honoured, feared, and cum vices Dei inter homines gehalden in most reverent estima- rant, in eorum conciliis Deus ipse tioun; because that they are the assideat, ac de ipsis judicibus et Lieu-tennents of God, in whose principibus (quibus gladium dedit, Sessiouns God himself dois sit and ut bonos tueantur, et in noxios judge: Zea, even the Judges & animadvertant) ipse judicabit. PræPrinces themselves, to whome be terea affirmamus regum, principum, God is given the sword, to the praise aliorumque magistratuum, vel præand defence of gude men, and to cipuum esse munus ut religionem revenge and punish all open male- puram tueantur, adulteratam mafactors. Mairover, to Kings, Princes, culis purgent; neque enim ad civiRulers and Magistrates, wee affirme lis modo ordinis conservationem, that chieflie and most principallie sed ad religionis etiam tutelam sunt the conservation and purgation of instituti, ut idololatriam, omnemthe Religioun apperteinis; so that que superstitionem in ea oborientem

'Rom. xiii. 1; Titus iii. 1; 1 Pet. ii. 13. 14.

* Rom. xiii. 2.

3 Rom. xiii. 7; 1 Pet. ii. 17.

Psa. viii. 1.

5 1 Pet. ii. 14.

not onlie they are appointed for opprimant: quod in Davide, JosaCivill policie, bot also for mainte- phat, Ezechia, Josia, aliisque reginance of the trew Religioun, and bus intueri licet, qui ob vehemens for suppressing of Idolatrie and studium in puritate religionis tuSuperstitioun whatsoever: As in enda, singularem consequuti sunt David, Josaphat, Ezechias, Jo- laudem.

sias, and utheris highlie commended for their zeale in that

caise, may be espyed.

And therefore wee confesse and Ideoque profitemur et palam avow, that sik as resist the supreme affirmamus, quicunque magistrapower, doing that thing quhilk ap- tui in mora est quo minus pertains to his charge, do resist suum exerceat munus, is ordinaGoddis ordinance; and therefore tioni Dei resistit, neque a scelere cannot be guiltles. And farther we excusari potest. Præterea affirmaaffirme, that whosoever denies unto mus, quicunque auxilium, consilithem ayde, their counsell and com- um, operamque suam negat magifort, quhiles the Princes and Rulers stratui, ad officium vigilanter et vigilantly travell in execution of ex fide faciendum, idem suum auxtheir office, that the same men deny ilium, consilium, et operam Deo their helpe, support and counsell to negat, qui per magistratum, qui God, quha, be the presence of his vices ejus in terris explet, ea ipsa Lieu-tennent, dois crave it of them. a nobis exposcit.






Quanquam verbi divini syncera

Albeit that the Worde of God trewly preached, and the Sacra- prædicatio, sacramentorum legitima ments richtlie ministred, and Dis-ministratio, et disciplina convenicipline executed according to the enter verbo Dei exercita, sint certa Worde of God, be the certaine and et minime fallacia veræ ecclesia infallible Signes of the trew Kirk, indicia; non continuo tamen quiwe meane not that everie particu-cunque in hunc cœtum nomen dedit,

1 1 Chron. xxii., xxiii., xxiv., xxv., and xxvi. 2 2 Chron. xvii. 6, etc.; xix. 8, etc.

32 Chron. xxix., xxx., and xxxi.

2 Chron. xxxiv. and xxxv.

lar persoun joyned with sik compa- sit electum Jesu Christi membrum: ny, be ane elect member of Christ scimus enim lolium, zizania, aliasque Jesus For we acknawledge and id genus frugum pestes, una cum confesse, that Dornell, Cockell, and tritico seri, copioseque posse creCaffe may be sawen, grow, and in scere; hoc est, impios posse in great aboundance lie in the middis eundem cum electis cœtum coire, of the Wheit, that is, the Reprobate et assidue cum eisdem verbi et samay be joyned in the societie of the cramentorum beneficiis uti: verum Elect, and may externally use with hujuscemodi homines, qui ad temthem the benefites of the worde and pus, neque id quidem ex animo, Sacraments: Bot sik being bot tem- veritatem profitentur, retro abeunt, porall professoures in mouth, but neque ad finem usque perseverant; not in heart, do fall backe, and con- ideoque nullus ex morte, resurrectinew not to the end. And there- tione, et ascensione, Christi fructus fore have they na fruite of Christs ad eos pertinet. At qui et animo death, Resurrection nor Ascension. persuasum habent, et ore constanBot sik as with heart unfainedly be- ter confitentur Dominum Jesum leeve, and with mouth bauldly con- Christum, eo quo superius dixifesse the Lord Jesus, as before we mus modo, hæc haud dubie recipihave said, sall most assuredly re-ent beneficia: primum, in hac vita ceive their guiftes :3 First, in this peccatorum condonationem, idque life, remission of sinnes, and that duntaxat in sanguine Christi; be only faith in Christs blude; in adeo ut quanquam peccatum resamekle, that albeit sinne remaine maneat, et continenter habitet in and continuallie abyde in thir our hoc mortali nostro corpore, non mortall bodies, zit it is not imputed tamen imputabitur nobis, sed conunto us, bot is remitted, and covered donabitur, atque operietur Christi with Christs Justice. Secundly, in justitia. Deinde in generali illo the general Judgement, there sall judicio redivivum cuique suum rebe given to every man and woman resurrection of the flesh: For the Sea sall give her dead; the Earth, they that therin be inclosed; zea, the Eternall our God sall stretche per pulverem extendet, surgentque

'Matt. xiii. 24, etc

stituetur corpus; mare enim suos reddet mortuos, terra item quos sinu suo clausos tenet; ac sempiternus ille noster Deus manum suam su

* Matt. xiii. 20, 21.

[blocks in formation]

out his hand on the dust, and the mortui in eo ipso quod quisque tudead sall arise uncorruptible,' and lerat corpore, sed jam immortali et that in the substance of the selfe incorruptibili, ut recipiant, juxta same flesh that every man now opera sua, aut gloriam aut pœbeiris,2 to receive according to their nam; nam crudeles, flagitiosi, idowarkis, glory or punishment:3 For lolatræ, quique rerum partim inanisik as now delyte in vanity, cruelty, um, partim etiam impiarum studio filthynes, superstition or Idolatry, in hac vita tenebantur, ad ignis sal be adjudged to the fire un- inextincti supplicium damnabunquencheable: In quhilk they sall tur: ibique sempiternis cruciabunbe tormented for ever, asweill in tur pœnis non modo corpora, sed their awin bodyes, as in their saules, etiam animæ, quas in servitutem quhilk now they give to serve the diabolo in omnem immunditiæ et Devill in all abhomination. Bot nequitia usum addixerant. At qui sik as continew in weil doing to the in bonorum operum exercitio ad end, bauldely professing the Lord finem usque perseverabunt, ChriJesus, we constantly beleve, that stumque fidenter profitebuntur, eos they sall receive glorie, honor, and persuasissimum habemus in gloimmortality, to reigne for ever in life everlasting with Christ Jesus, to whose glorified body all his Elect sall be made lyke,5 when he sall appeir againe in judgement, and sall rander up the kingdome to God his Father, who then sall bee, and ever sall remaine all in all things God perpetuum perseverabit in omnibus blessed for ever: To whome, with et per omnia Deus in æternum bethe Sonne and with the haly nedictus: cui, cum Filio et Spiritu

Ghaist, be all honour and glorie, now and ever. So be it.

Arise (O Lord) and let thy

riam, honorem, et immortalitatem assumptum iri, ut vivi perpetuo regnent cum Christo; cujus corpori glorioso omnes electi ejus conformabuntur, cum is rursus in judicio comparebit, regnumque Deo Patri tradet, qui tum erit, et in

Sancto, omnis honor et gloria, et nunc et in æternum. Amen.

Exurge Domine, et confundan

enimies be confounded; let them tur inimici tui. Fugiant a facie

1 Rev. xx. 13; 1 Cor. xv. 52, 53, 54.

2 Job xix. 25, 26, 27.

3 Matt. xxv. 31, to the end of the chapter.

Rev. xiv. 10; Rom. ii. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

5 Phil. iii. 21.

1 Cor. xv. 24, 28.

flee from thy presence that hate tua qui oderunt sanctum nomen thy godlie Name. Give thy ser- tuum. Da servis tuis virtutem, vands strenth to speake thy word ut cum omni fiducia verbum tuum in bauldnesse, and let all Na- eloquantur; omnesque nationes vetiouns cleave to thy trew knawl-ritatem tuam agnoscant et amplecedge. Amen. tantur. Amen.

Thir Acts and Artickles ar red in the face of Parliament, and ratifyed be the thre Estatis, at Edinburgh the 17 day of August,

the Zeir of GOD 1560 Zeiris.

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