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much magnitude, and was too deeply at half-past five; and to prevent him interesting to all the missionaries, to al- from sleeping beyond his accustomed low them time to make observations on time, the servant, who attended him, any thing besides. This event was had received orders to call him from nothing less than the sudden and unex- his bed at the appointed hour. On the pected death of Dr. Coke. Cheerful, morning of the 3d of May, the servant and animated with the mission which knocked, as usual, at his cabin was full in prospect before him, he But after several efforts, being unable had enjoyed a good share of health du- to procure any reply, he ventured to ring all the former part of their voyage. open the door. This being done, he And instead of having any presenti- discovered, to his utter astonishment, ment of his death, he was ready, on the mortal remains of Dr. Coke, lifemost occasions, to comfort those whose less, cold, and nearly stiff, stretched spirits sunk under the violence of con- upon the cabin floor. tinued storms. Even to the last day of The servant, on making this discovhis life his exertions in his study were ery, hastened to the apartment of Capunremitted, to prepare himself for those tain Birch, making him first acquaintmissionary labours, on which he had ed with the melancholy tidings. Capalready entered, and of which he be- tain Birch, on hearing of the event, held the happy effects by a pleasing an- immediately sent for Mr. Clough, and ticipation. But his work was done; communicated to him the awful inforand his days were brought to an end, mation. Mr. Clough instantly hastenlike a tale that is told. ed to Mr. Harvard, and imparted to him the tale of woe. Both then proceeded to the cabin of Dr. Coke, and saw that the catastrophe, which they would gladly have disbelieved, was mournfully true.

On the 1st of May, he just hinted that he found himself somewhat indisposed, but his complaint was of so trifling a nature, that neither himself nor his companions viewed it in any serious light. On the 2d of May he continued The corpse by this time had been tamuch the same; his indisposition was ken from the floor, and laid on the bed; not wholly removed, but he did not but from the placidity which rested on perceive it to increase. He conversed the countenance, it did not seem to as usual, and walked the deck at his have been agitated by any convulsive accustomed hour. In the evening, as throes. The head appeared to be a litbe was about to retire to rest, he re- tle turned towards one shoulder; but, quested Mr. Clough to give him from with this exception, no distortion whattheir chest a little opening medicine. ever was visible. As soon as the agitaWith this request Mr. Clough instant- tion, which the sudden shock had ocly complied, offering at the same time casioned, had a little subsided, they reto sit up with him during the night.- quested the surgeon of the ship to exBut this offer was refused by Dr. Coke, amine the body. With this request he who did not think himself so much in- readily complied; and the result of his disposed as to render such attention examination was, the probability that necessary. He therefore, on retiring his death was occasioned by a fit of to rest, took his fellow missionaries by the hand, and, in his usual manner, commended them to God. This was the last time his voice was ever heard. To improve his moments to the utmost, it had been his constant practice while on board, to rise every morning ly and alone.

apoplexy, to which, from the make of his body, and the nature of his constitution, he appeared to have been somewhat predisposed. But of this fact no satisfactory evidence can be either expected or obtained, as he died sudden

It was supposed by those on board, repaired on board, to mingle their tears that he must have risen from his bed, with those who were already weeping either to procure something that was there. Their first meeting was rather not within his reach, or to call assist- speechless than silent; and the sensa ance, as he found his indisposition to tions of their bosoms at the sight of increase; but that the stroke coming each other no language can fully exsuddenly on him with irresistible vio- press. Their own situation was now lence, he fell immediately on the floor, rendered truly forlorn; but the tide of and instantly expired in that position sorrow, on which they were borne by in which he was found by the servant. their present calamity, swallowed up It is furthermore presumed, that his every other consideration, thus leaving death must have happened about mid- to them no room for reflections on their night. If it had been much earlier private concerns. his fall must have been heard by some When the first transports of their in the adjoining cabins, who had not grief had somewhat subsided, they held retired long to rest; and if it had been a consultation together, to contrive in later, his body could not have been what manner they might preserve the stiff and cold. Divided from his cabin body; and, in compliance with Dr. only by a thin wainscot partition were Coke's will, restore it to England, that the cabins of Captain Birch and Mr. it might be interred at Brecon with his Harvard; but as 'neither of these wives. But as nothing could be done heard the least noise from his apart- without the concurrence of Captain ment, it is fairly to be presumed, that Birch, they agreed to wait on him, he expired without a struggle or a and state the particular wish, which their deceased father in the Lord had groan. As the Lady Melville was at no frequently expressed. Messrs. Ault great distance, and the weather was and Clough undertook this task, and on serene, Captain Birch kindly offered being introduced, communicated their to Messrs. Harvard and Clough a boat, message. To every thing they urged to transmit the melancholy tidings to be paid the most scrupulous attention, the missionaries on board that ship.- and expressed his earnest desires to A note was accordingly written by Mr. comply with their wishes, so far as pruHarvard to the brethren on board, and dence and propriety would admit. But another from Captain Birch to Captain on the present occasion, he thought the Lochner, stating the awful fact, and difficulties against preserving the body requesting the missionaries to hasten to the Cabalva, and join in the mourn ful consultation. On receiving their note, the missionaries gazed on each other in speechless amazement, scarcely presuming to credit the intelligence which its lines had imparted, or to believe the evidence of their eyes. They communicate to their associates in sor were, however, soon roused from this row the observations which Captain natural delirium, by the surgeon of the Birch had made. A consultation was Lady Melville, who entered their ca- immediately held; and, after delibebin with the note of Captain Birch to rately weighing all that had been, and Captain Lochner in his hand, announ- might be urged, on both sides, they ficing to them with unquestionable cer- nally concluded, that it would be prutainty, that Dr. Coke was actually dent to submit to the Captain's opin dead. ion, and suffer the body of Dr. Coke to Expiring hope being now deprived be committed to the deep. of every subterfuge, the mournful band

to be so numerous, and so formidable, that their request amounted to little less than a moral impossibility,

Being disappointed in their hopes, in the same proportion that they were convinced by his arguments, Messrs. Ault and Clough then withdrew, to


On communicating this reluctant ac- deck, when the tolling of the ship's quiescence to the Captain, he seemed bell called together the passengers and highly pleased with their determina- crew, so that the deck was quite crowdtion, and requested them to pursue any ed with solemn and silent spectators, plan they might think proper in cele- who seemed much affected with the brating his funeral solemnities. But scene of mortality they were then callas this was a point on which they had ed to witness. Mr. Harvard then read not deliberated, it became necessary the burial service, and the body was for them again to withdraw, to hold consigned to its watry grave in silent another consultation. Their ship was solemnity, to be seen no more, till “the now within about two degrees of the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall equator. and the intenseness of the heat be raised incorruptible." rendered it improper for them to pre- The funeral service being concluserve the body, which would soon be- ded, Mr. Ault, before the people recome putrid in a cabin, contiguous to tired, delivered an address on the afwhich several passengers must sleep. fecting occasion of their assembling It was therefore resolved, that his ob- together. In this address he adverted sequies should take place on the eve- to the character, zeal, perseverance, ning of the same day. respectability, activity, and public useBefore they had communicated this fuless of the deceased, and lamented intention to the Captain, he sent them the loss which the present mission had a polite note, requesting to know how sustained, by being for ever deprived they meant to proceed; and at the of his talents and counsels. From the same time expressed his desire "to sudden and unexpected stroke which shew every token of respect to the had launched into eternity one of their memory of so worthy and excellent a companions, who but yesterday had man." He was soon made acquainted walked the deck from which he had with their determination; and appro- now been plunged into the ocean, and ving of the measures they intended to was at this moment descending into pursue, every thing was got ready with caverns which no plummet had ever all prudent expedition, to the entire reached, he took occasion to remind satisfaction of all the officers and pas- them of the uncertainty of human life, sengers on board. The funeral rites and to enforce the necessity of bewere conducted in the following man- ing prepared for an unexpected summons. Having finished his address,


The carpenters employed made a Mr. Lynch read a funeral hymn, from large, thick, deal coffin, leaving as the 53d page of Mr. Wesley's collecusual on such occasions, holes in the tion, beginning with these words,— bottom, that the air being expressed "Hark a voice divides the sky,-Hapby the entrance of the water, might py are the faithful dead." He then not prevent the body from sinking. In concluded with a solemn prayer, that this coffin the body was decently laid; God would render this melancholy visand, to accelerate its descent, four can- itation a blessing to every soul. The non balls, tied up in four bags, were whole service was awfully interesting introduced, two at the head and two at and deeply impressive. Several were the feet of the corpse. The cover be- visibly affected; and all conducted ing nailed down, the coffin was brought themselves with the utmost propriety. upon deck a little before five o'clock, But to render serious impressions lastand laid on the leeward gangway, on ing must be the work of God. the starboard side, where it remained for some time, covered over with signal flags. The awning being spread, the soldiers were drawn up in rank on

This solemn event took place on th 3d of May, 1814, in latitude 2 deg 29 min. south, and in longitude 59 deg. 29 min. east from London."



GREAT GOD! to Thee what gratitude I owe!

The source of ALL that I enjoy below; Past blessings not thy gracious care suffice,

'Twas dreadful as the flames of hell,

Bright as the beams above:
Heroes were wont to name

The weapons of their might:
This was a brand of matchless fame,
-The WORD of GOD, in fight.

New mercies still with each new mo- Oft with its fi'ry force

ment rise;

His arm had quell'd the foe:

Nor this the least, for which my thanks And laid, resistless in his course,

[blocks in formation]


To the Memory of the late Rev. THOMAS TAYLOR.-By Mr. Montgomery. SERVANT of GOD! well done,

Rest from thy lov'd employ;
The battle's fought, the vict'ry won,
Enter thy Master's joy;
-The voice at midnight came,
He started up to hear;

A mortal arrow pierc'd his frame,
He fell but felt no fear.

At home amidst alarms,

It found him in the field;

A vetran slumb'ring on his arms,
Beneath his red-cross shield;
His sword was in his hand,

Still warm with recent fight;
Ready that moment at command
Through rock and steel to smite.

It was a two edg'd blade,

Of heav'nly temper keen; And double were the wounds it made

Where'er it glanc'd between; 'Twas death to sin-'twas life

To all that mourn'd their sin : It kindl'd and it silenc'd strife,

Made war and peace within. Stout hearts before it fell,

Subdu'd by wrath and love;

The alien armies low; Bent on such glorious toils,

The world to him was loss; But all his trophies, all his spoils, He hung upon the cross.

At midnight came the cry,

"To meet thy GOD prepare,"
He 'woke--he caught his Captain's eye,
Then strong in faith and prayer;
His spirit with a bound

Burst its incumb'ring clay;
His tent at sun-rise on the ground
darken'd ruin lay.

The pains of death are past,

Labour and sorrow cease; And life's long warfare clos'd at last, His soul is found in peace. -Soldier of Christ well done!

Begin thy new employ;
Sing, while eternal ages run,
Thy Master and his joy.

Sheffield, Nov. 27th, 1816.


TREAD Softly o'er this hallow'd ground,
Pale Sorrow's child lies here;
Ye who have felt misfortune's frowns
Here pause, and drop a tear:

And ye, who nought but pleasures court,

And bask in Fortune's ray, Here, learn how vain are earthly joys,

How soon they fade away.

Here sleeps in peace, who often felt
Compassion's kindly flame;
Oft dropt a tear at Pity's shrine,-
A shade without a name.






Extracted from the new Edinburgh Encyclopædia.
(Continued from page 10.)

11. In laying before the reader, then, the evidence for the truth of Christianity, we do not call his mind to any singular or unprecedented exercise of its faculties. We call him to pronounce upon the credibility of written documents which profess to have been published at a certain age, and by certain authors. The inquiry involves in it no principle which is not appealed to every day in questions of ordinary criticism. To sit in judgment on the credibility of a written document, is a frequent and familiar exercise of the understanding with literary men. It is fortunate for the human mind, when so interesting a question as its religious faith can be placed under the tribunal of such evidence as it is competent to pronounce upon. It was fortunate for those to whom Christianity (a professed communication from heaven) was first addressed, that they could decide upon the uineness of the communication by such familiar and every-day principles as the marks of truth or falsehood in the human hearers of that communication. And it is fortunate for us, that when, after that communication has assumed the form of a historical document, we can pronounce upon the degree of credit which should be attached to it, by the very same exercise of mind which we so confidently engage in, when sitting in examination upon the other historical documents that have come down to us from antiquity. VOL. I.



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