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(Continued from p. 302.)

In the survey of Hofwyl, the result contemplated in even every minute arrangement, and the practical manner in which the moral of education is pursued, challenge notice. A solicitous concern has been directed to the tendency of measures, and their effect on the character. The appearance of constraint, except that of a self-controuling kind, is as much as possible banished. Study is to be a pleasure, because a duty; improvement is to be the reward of application; and it consists with the methods pursued, to take books away, rather than to impose tasks, for idleness. None are to be unoccupied even during play-hours*. Variety of employment yields relaxation at all seasons; and the youth. ful frame is not to be wearied and jaded by a too protracted attention in one posture and to one subject. Emulation is not excluded; but it is not so excited as to be made the great spur to diligence. There is no system of rewards by prizes: mortifications contrived according to the character of the individual, constitute the principal punishments. Remonstrances in private are not spared. The first boy is not exhibited, and the last is not exposed. At meals the pupils of the Institute sit in rotation near M. Fellenberg, who presides; or according to an order he may specially prescribe. For study, each young gentleman has a convenient desk and compartment. Under certain regulations the professors follow their own mode of tuition; and no peculiar system

Some of the young gentlemen have small gardens; and, by turns, they are permitted to amuse themselves in the bookbinder's and joiner's working rooms.

of instruction is exclusively adopted. According to the ages of pupils, there are from six to eight hours of sedentary employment. Boyish sports are of course permitted, and gymnastics, not carried to a dangerous excess, compose part of the daily exercise of the pupils. When the weather is not too severe they also bathe, and learn to swim.

M. Fellenberg's eldest son, who superintended them whilst in the gymnasium, related to me an anecdote, which illustrates his father's plans. One of the young gentlemen, a fine ruddy youth, could not be induced to join in these trials of agility and strength with any tolerable degree of zest. However, it happened that during a journey amongst the Alps, which some of the pupils make on foot every August, with one of M. Fellenberg's sons, this lad soon became tired. The cause of his suffering from fatigue more than the rest, as arising from his previous inactivity, was then pointed out to him; and he has since been one of the best at these exercises. Where M. Fellenberg can, by any management, lead, he never drives. He endeavours to apply those incentives to exertion, and that love of useful employment, which will make idleness wearisome, and render his pupils independent of extraneous excitement. He strongly inculcates a love of truth, teaching that falsehood and revenge spring from fear and base feelings.

When any one is detected in prevaricating, his answers on some matter are privately set down, by one of the masters. After an interval the same questions are put, and another view of the case is, perhaps, set forth. This course may be pursued for a few weeks; the various contradictory statements are then shewn to the offender, and

vigorous remonstrances are urged. The elder pupils are required to keep journals of their various transactions.

M. Fellenberg is very anxious to infuse into the minds of the pupils the most just and delicate sentiments, as regards the conduct that should be observed towards the female sex, with a profound respect for their virtues and merit.

It is a part of our philanthropist's plan to enlist taste on the side of morality. To this end, and especially where, from constitutional temperament or other causes, there is an aversion or a partial inability to follow intellectual or literary pursuits", the advantages which the institution affords for the cultivation of a taste for music, drawing, chemistry, botany, natural history, mechanics, or rural and agricultural economy, may be made decoys to other studies, and provide resources for after life.

In the cases of such as are to inherit large possessions, it may prove a great advantage to have been reared in the centre of benevolent designs, where practical exhortations on the use of influence in bettering the condition of the working classes of society, are preached with a devoted and an engaging sincerity. Incomparably happy and respectable above the thoughtless of his rank in society, must that landed proprietor be, who can discern, in the amelioration of his neighbour hood, nobler objects for his solicitude than in the sports of the field or the amusements of fashion. The uninstructed savage who lives by the chase, and whom intoxication and gambling delight above all things, may be more leniently re

The love of study drew from their repose, at one o'clock in the morning, the young Baron de Bissing, and the youngest of the three Princes de Wrede, pupils at the Institute. Greek is a favourite language, and Homer a favourite book, at Hofwyl; and it seems that the poet had enticed them from their rest. They were discovered, and of course sent to bed again.



garded for his lavish waste of leisure. Were he, with his savage habits about him, transported to a civilized kingdom, and loaded with riches, he might be forgiven for losing them at play, or on the turf; or if, through mere listlessness, his days were eked out as an itinerant from city to city, and from one watering place to another: but it is truly deplorable when the joys of roving Indians are estimated as the prime pastimes of life, by persons born in the midst of refinement, and exempted, by wealth, from toil. Such aberrations M. Fellenberg would prevent, by leading his more affluent pupils to understand the responsibilities which devolve on superiority of station, and what are the real pleasures and privileges which ennoble it. He endeavours, by a paternal discipline, and by the presentation of salutary incitements, to lead his pupils to consider themselves cooperators with their teachers. proficiency in any one department of polite learning is to be up-held as the great goal at which all must strive to arrive; and which, when gained, will be a satisfactory testimonial of ability. Sagacity is rather on the search to discover the manner by which, in each individual, the foundation can be so secured, as that the student shall see how little man can learn; shall take a pleasure throughout his future days in raising the superstructure of his own knowledge, and feel that he benefits himself in proportion as he benefits others. Milton defines that to be a complete and generous education which fits a man to perform justly, skilfully, and magnanimously, all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war. Hofwyl, scholastic instruction is in the education of the rich, what manual labour is in that of the indigent. The sobriety of M. Fellenberg's views as to this latter section of his labours, will be shewn by the following passage from one of his letters: "It is impossible that mankind should fulfil the sphere allotted 2 Z


them, except by means of an intellectual, moral, and religious cultivation; conducive alike to individual and domestic happiness, to national prosperity, and to the preservation of social order. In Europe, particularly, the maintenance of public tranquillity must depend on the efforts made, that both rulers and subjects may acquire such knowledge, virtues, and habits, as may fit each for the station which Providence has assigned to them by birth, and by the natural advantages which may have respectively fallen to their lot.

"By degrading the people," he continues, "we dry up the richest source of power, of wealth, and of happiness, which a state can possess: nor will its safety be less endangered, when the mass of the people, but too easily led astray while in a state of moral and intellectual degradation, are agitated by any accidental cause. The same evil will however result, attended with greater danger, from the opposite error-of extending too widely the instruction of the lower classes, and thus creating, in them, wants which it possesses no power to satisfy. There is not an error of more injurious influence on the happiness whether of individuals or of kingdoms. The friend of mankind can never succeed in the accomplishment of his desires but by respecting the order of things which he finds already established without his concurrence, and permitted by the Supreme Governor of the Universe."

I do not stop to inquire to what extent the above sentiment is valid. It is widely entertained; but some eminently enlighted and judicious men doubt it. Dr. Chalmers, for example, has just preached in London a discourse of great ability, to prove that popular education, even though it should not be religious, would still be a great, though not then the greatest, blessing; that it can never be too highly elevated; and that, far from endangering the peace of society, and the subordi

nations of rank, it would tend powerfully to confirm them.

But upon the point of moral education all are agreed. Vice and discontent are twins. Apathy, as to decency of appearance and domestic comfort, is either the precursor or the consequence of debasement. "No state in life can wear its proper interest whilst a vague imagination perpetually prompts to evil indulgences." In the case of the labourer or the mechanic, a timely occupation of the mind with fit ideas, and of the body with suitable employments, and an early acquaintance with the resources and rational enjoyments of a humble condition, (and those which Christianity offers are open to the poorest) may, M. Fellenberg thinks, make the humblest labourer dread a disreputable, and contend against a revolutionary, removal from that station which it has pleased God to destine him to fill. But in all thickly peopled countries, unless individual prudence and moral habits prevail, there cannot be maintained that just proportion between the number of labourers, and the demand for their labour, by which they may be preserved in a desirable state of independence and respectability *. That the education, in the widest meaning of the word, of their children, may be satisfactorily finished, it is in M. Fellenberg's estimation much more important to open the heart, to form the character, and to habituate to industry, than to charge the memory, or even to develop the mental faculties. The testimony of M. Le Comte de Villevieille who watched the establishment for years, as to the result of the prosecution of these ideas, is set forth in an animated passage of his report :-"J'ai vu, j'ai vu (et cela sans exception) tous les élèves sortis de l'ecole des pauvres d' Hofwyl, porter dans le monde un esprit de bienveillance et de paix, et je les ai

valuable work on Civic Economy, has treated this subject in an elaborate and valuable work on Civic Economy, has most convincing manner.

Dr. Chalmers, in the 3d vol. of his

vus, (ce qui doit être noté) réunir à un très vif désire d'être utiles, un mépris réel de toute prétension qui tendrait à les faire sortir de leur état."

In M. Vehrli's school, the Pestalozzian mode of instruction is principally followed; and the most advanced pupils assist in teaching the rest. Their time, during the week days in the summer, is thus divided the boys rise at half past four, assemble for their morning devotions, and if there be nothing particular to engage them in the fields, they are occupied with lessons till half past six, when they breakfast. Vehrli, according to previous directions from M. Fellenberg, then divides them into bands for the day some pick up stones, some weed, some thresh, some tend the plough, dig, sow, or reap, as the work of the farm may require. He is sometimes with a number of them in one place, and sometimes in another; proving himself at once their fellow-labourer, their overseer, and their preceptor. Their hour for dinner is twelve; after which, they are in the school-room till half past one. Rural labours, or learning trades, again occupy them till six, except that there is a short interval for rest at four, when they take a slice of bread. After six they usually have singing lessons: many of them play on instruments; and they all learn hymns and select moral songs; and a taste is sought to be formed, which will make them dislike licentious or inflammatory ballads. They sup at seven, then they are at liberty to work in their little gardens, or to improve themselves in the school-room. Before going to bed, M. Vehrli reads to them a passage from some moral or religious book, or from the Bible: he then recapitulates, and comments on, the prominent transactions of the day; a prayer is offered up, and they go to bed. It is gratifying to witness little and big shaking hands with him, as with a

parent, previous to the final disper


The monitors of this school are to act as elder brothers; and as a good elder brother would consult a parent in cases of difficulty, and when the younger were impervious to his advice, so are they to make known to their master, who demeans himself as a father, whatever may have occurred that demands his particular intervention. Goodwill towards each other, and alacrity in duty, now reign among these boys. The former destitution of some of whom might have moved the pity, if it could not have provoked the activity, of persons of M. Fellenberg's rank.

The youths who continue with him till they are grown up, can have, at quitting, a tolerable sum, accumulated by the means that are taken to cherish providence, and to teach the proper use of money. There is a savings bank, and interest is allowed on all deposits. The ability to lay up in it arises from M. Fellenberg's new year's gifts; from the trifling reward given for dexterity in catching vermin; from that bestowed for sowing seeds with so careful a hand, that a greater number of plants do not appear than ought; and lastly, from their skill and industry in the small gardens that are allotted to them. They cultivate these at their leisure hours, and after the work of the day is finished; and it is a pleasing spectacle to see them at their twilight labours. The vegetables and seeds which they raise are sold to M. Fellenberg at a low price.

Their food is simple; bread, potatoes, and other vegetables; soup, milk, with meat once in the week. Their appearance bespeaks health, their countenances cheerfulness and vivacity; loitering and quarreling seem to be pretty well excluded. They learn from the mouth of their teacher more than by books; and things more than letters occupy their attention. Order is strictly en


forced their tools are all numbered, and regularly deposited in a suitable place. When any thing is left about, M. Vehrli notices it the next opportunity, perhaps at meal-time, and inquires who has been so careless. Falsehood is punished severely. The only corporal chastisement is inflicted on the hand with a ferula. M. Vehrli considers it good policy to allow them but few hours for the pursuits of the school-room, as it provokes the liveliness of their application, and incites them to value the occasions for gaining knowledge. The proficiency of some of them, in various branches of instruction, fully justifies this mode of procedure. Some draw very well; and the copy for drawing, of a class I saw at their occupation, was a plough brought into the middle of the room. In a familiar manner they also are taught the geography of Switzerland and the elements of geometry. A little boy will have as one of his first lessons in that science eight pieces of stick given him; four are to be placed on the table horizontally, two perpendicularly, two obliquely. M. Vehrli finds that these exercises make his boys thoughtful.

They have a museum, in which the plants, minerals, birds, and animals found in the neigbourhood are properly preserved and arranged. Additions are constantly made; such as a new kind of grass, or a good mineralogical specimen that may have been picked up. This collection is not for what is exotic of any description; and the wise limitation M. Fellenberg assigns to all these kind of researches confines the boys to those objects which they may have to handle, and will see about them from time to time. In the long evenings of winter, to correct their patois*, they are taught good German; and from seven to eight amuse themselves

The different patois spoken in the several cantons is found to be more than

a mere inconvenience.

with light sports, to render them quick and nimble.

Those not thoroughly acquainted with the theory of Hofwyl, might be apt to attribute the success of this seminary for indigent boys too exclusively to the agency of Vehrli. Eulogy without discrimination has been poured upon him; whilst perhaps, his steady adherence to M. Fellenberg's principles of education has been overlooked. It is the commendation which is due to excellence of conduct that should be awarded to M. Vehrli; and not the admiration exacted by extraordinary talent. Every man that is assiduous, persevering, and faithful, that is not to be flattered by applause into remissness, indolence, or a prurient restlessness, whatever may be his rank, is equally a subject for encomium. M. Vehrli has good abilities, sound health, a benevolent disposition, and has been improving himself ever since he came to Hofwyl, in 1809. His influence over his scholars is not derived from the countenance of his patron, so much as from the quickness with which he practically enforces, the coolness and kindness with which he executes, the clear method in which he exemplifies, and his thorough knowledge of all he has been directed to perform and to teach. He possesses the confidence of his boys; and his example is an illustration of his precepts. To say more in favour of the moral worth of a man than can be truly said of Vehrli is hardly possible; but he has been tutored by one who has perhaps studied the moral of education more closely and more successfully than any other person of modern days. As the best illustration of his manner of fulfilling his duties, I purpose, in my next paper, to transcribe some interesting and characteristic passages from his own journal. For the present, I conclude with suggesting one remark, which I think is of considerable importance, and very appropriate to the preceding

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