widely extending the education of females in India and other parts of the East. The importance of educating those who in a few years will be the chief instruments of forming the minds of another generation, begins to be widely felt; and highly favourable at present are the openings for effecting this great object. The native prejudices in India are beginning to be shaken; and nothing seems wanting but funds and perseverance to extend eventually the blessings of education, under a wise and prudent system, to the extreme limits of our eastern possessions. Already has one lady in particular, Miss Cooke, assisted in organizing fifteen female schools in Calcutta; and we strongly recommend our readers to encourage the Church Missionary Society by their liberal contributions and exertions to pursue with large hearts and aims the career providentially opened before them for benefiting in this most essential manner the vast population of India and its dependencies and vicinage. now A third and overwhelming topic of general interest at these meetings has been the unhappy state of Ireland. The two momentous subjects just mentioned are in a great measure new to the public,and can be scarcely expected to have as yet made that wide and deep impression which we are persuaded will not long be wanting; indeed, it has already commenced with no slight energy; but the case of Ireland is now familiarly known, and the necessity of discovering a radical cure for the maladies of that unhappy country is every where ac knowledged. We are not insensible of the weight due to suggestions of a political and judicial kind in reference to Ireland; but we most earnestly rejoice that the subject has begun to be widely viewed in a still higher aspect. At the meeting of the Bible Society, Lord Harrowby strongly pointed out the necessity of religious education, giving the Scriptures to the Irish in their own tongue, as the grand specific for the maladies of Ireland. This just sentiment has been reiterated in a variety of reports and speeches; particularly in a most impressive speech by the Rev. R. Daly, at the Bible Society meeting. Mr. Daly delivered the following, among other statements on the subject.— "He had in commission to express the obligations of the Sunday-school Society in Ireland, for the copies of the Scriptures bestowed upon them. This Society had published an account of the comparative state of the numbers of the population under education: from this statement would be shewn powerfully the cause of the evils of Ireland-namely, ignorance, through want of education and religious knowledge. In the North of Ireland, where all was order, and where discontent and disloyalty scarcely existed, and disturbances were not thought of, the proportion of the population under education was as one to twelve; whilst in the South the proportion was as one to 965! It was in the South (in Limerick, for instance, where this darkness and want of educa tion chiefly existed) that they heard of those constant insurrections, disturbances, midnight murders, and atrocities which made humanity shudder. The proportions which he had mentioned gave also a distinct idea of the relative temporal condition of the two parts of the country. The remedy for all the evils which now afflicted Ireland, was to give the population a religious education. Now what had been the course taken from the earliest times to promote religion in Ireland? In the reign of Henry VIII. an Act of Parliament had been passed, enacting, that to convert the Irish, two churches should be established from which the ministers should preach to the wild' and poor Irish in English. If no English preacher could be found, why then they were to catch an Irishman to preach-the meeting would probably suppose in Irish-No; it was enacted that the Irish should then be preached to in Latin. This had been the course pursued until Elizabeth ascended the throne. She adopted the true and wise course of giving instruction to the Irish in their own tongue, and actually had types founded in the Irish character for the purpose of distributing the Scriptures in the Irish language; but, unfortunately for Ireland, the Jesuits obtained possession of the types, and conveyed them to France. The Irish still were suffered to go on in their ignorance, with scarcely one salutary effort to rescue them, until the arrival of Bishop Bedel, who did so much honour to England, and to whom Ireland had so much reason to be grateful. He printed a prayerbook in the Irish language, and became master of the language of the people for the purpose of instructing them. But beyond the exertions of this good man, very little had been done to instruct the unfortunate Irish in the only mode by which instruction could be efficiently administered-namely, in their own language.-The Irish were superstitiously fond of their native tongue. It was the only vehicle by which instruction could be made attractive or palatable to them. But although there were more than two millions of human beings who could only speak or understand the Irish tongue, there was now scarcely a copy of the Scriptures in the Irish tongue to be found. He had sought among all the book-shops and stalls, and found only one copy, which was sold to him for 21. as a curiosity. The only effectual mode of remedying the condition of Ireland was by giving the people religious instruction; and this could only be communicated, to that portion which stood most in need of it, by teaching them in their own language." We will only add, that, amidst the multiplied agency which is now in operation for the benefit of the world, one predominant feeling has been most apparent in the reports and speeches at these meetings -that the work of regenerating human society can prove successful only under the sacred influences of that Divine Being, without whom "nothing is strong, nothing is holy." May this devout feeling of mind increase from year to year; powerfully pervading every Christian mind, yet far from any approach to whatever is superstitious or enthusiastic, or would wither the hand of strenuous exertion by confounding the silent and ordinary with the miraculous agency of the Spirit of all grace and truth. PROGRESS OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE SOUTH-SEA ISLANDS. The encouraging progress of Christianity in the Society Islands seems likely to be followed up with perhaps equally delightful results in the Sandwich Islands, where the population is considered to be five times greater than in the former group. The following extracts from a letter to the Directors of the London Missionary Society, will exhibit, in a pleasing manner, the circumstances attending this new and unexpected opening for Christian missions. The letter is dated Honarooroo, in Woahoo, one of the Sandwich Islands, near Owhyhee, 10th August, 1822. "His Britannic Majesty's cutter the Mermaid, from New Holland, called at Huaheine, in February 1822, where we had then been six or seven weeks. The cutter was on its way to the Sandwich Islands, to convey a schooner, as a present from George IV. to the King of those islands. Captain Kent offered a free passage to us and a missionary, and a few natives, to the Sandwich Islands, and to the Marquesas, at which he said he intended to touch on his return; and said he would bring us back to Huaheine. His obliging offer induced us to consider whether we ought not to avail ourselves of so favourable an opportunity to convey the Gospel to the Marquesas. Nor did the necessity we should be under of going first to the Sandwich Islands, pain us; but we rather rejoiced in the prospect of seeing for ourselves the condition of those islanders, and the state of the American mission, which we learned had been established there. By the will of God, we had a prosperous voyage; and, after a month's sail, we came in sight of the islands. Our reception, by our brethren and sisters, the American missionaries, was most affectionate. Besides these four families, there are two other missionary families, on the neighbouring island of Atooi. The way was opened, for the admission of missionaries here, in a remarkable manner: Divine Providence having induced the King, Rehoreho, (in consequence of what he had been informed had taken place in Otaheite, &c.) to cause the idols and morais of these islands to be destroyed, just before our friends came. As their entrance upon the islands was providentially facilitated, so their establishment here is very comfortable. They have the approbation of the King and the principal Chiefs; and have been used to have one service in the chapel on Lord's-day, and one evening service in the course of the week. An unpleasant circumstance arose which at once cut us off from all expectation of visiting the Marquesas, and placed at an indefinite distance our possible return to Huaheine. "From our first reaching these islands, they appeared to us to present a missionary field of the first magnitude, and of the greatest promise; and while lying at Owhyhee, before we saw our missionary friends here, we frequently said to each other, Would God, that missionaries were here, to speak to these people, of the wonderful works and the grace of Jehovah in their own language!' Whilst we were at Owhyhee, the chief of that fine island and many others greatly desired that the pious natives who had come with us, and Mr. Ellis, would remain in these islands, to teach them the good Book, and all the good things which had been learned in the Society 'Islands.' When we reached this island, many expressed the same wishes. Auna (which is the name of one of the excellent deacons of Huaheine) and his wife have been teaching the Queen's household, which is large, many useful things, and also praying with them, morning and 6 evening. They brought a message from the King and Queen of Atooi and many chiefs; which was, that Auna and his wife might stay here, and teach them and the people to read and to write, &c., and to worship Jehovah. Also, that Mr. Ellis would go, and fetch his wife and children, to settle here as a missionary, to teach them all good things. "We quickly invited our American brethren to a consultation. Auna related before them what he had previously told us, and we desired their sentiments freely. Our missionary friends unanimously declared their opinion, that the thing was from God; that, at present, there appeared a decisive indication, that Mr. Ellis and the Tahitians should enter this missionary field; and that if, after due deliberation, inquiry, and prayer, it should continue to appear so, they should rejoice to receive them as brethren. "Mr. Ellis has composed four hymns, in the Owhyeean language, which are sung in the chapel. You will hardly be able to conceive the delight we had in hearing these people, for the first time, uniting to sing the praises of Jehovah in their own tongue! A scene of great usefulness appears to be opening here. One, indeed, of greater interest and importance, than that which is presented by the Sandwich Islands, could scarcely be found. A group of twelve or thirteen fine fertile islands, in one of the most delightful climates perhaps any where to be met with, rising rapidly into consequence as places at which vessels may refresh in passing from the western side of the new world to the eastern parts of the old world, and as the port for repairs and refreshments to great numbers of Pacific-Ocean whalers; having also a population of above 200,000 inhabitants, must have great importance as a missionary field. "We made a tour round the greater part of this beautiful island, accompanied by our missionary friend, Mr. Bingham, and a messenger from the King, and were every where received with the greatest kindness, both by chiefs and people. While we deeply mourned over the deplorable state of ignorance, vice, and wretchedness, in which we found the people of all ranks, we could not but rejoice at the readiness we every where found to listen to the Gospel, which was addressed to various assemblies; sometimes within a house, sometimes under a tree, or in the shade of a rock. We did not find any native who had the least notion who it was that made the sea, the sky, or themselves; but CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 257. they all said it was maitai (good) to learn these things, and to worship Jehovah ; and that as soon as the King told them to do so, they would all come to learn. At one place (Uarua) we were kindly received and hospitably entertained by an intelligent chief, who was one of the prin cipal priests of the abolished system. He made many inquiries about the nature of this new religion, and proposed some difficulties for solution. Among other questions, he asked whether Jehovah could understand if they prayed to him in Owhyeean, or whether they must all learn English. When he had received answers which appeared to satisfy him, he said it was maitai (good), and he was ready to receive instruction, and to worship Jes hovah, as soon as Rehoreho (the King) should order it. All seems to hang on the word of the King. The government of these islands is an absolute monarchy: there is no law but the King's will. The King (Rehoreho) says that by-and-by he will tell his people that they must all learn the good word, and worship Jehovah ; but that the missionaries must teach him first, and get well acquainted with the Owhyeean language. Two weeks ago the names of twelve persons were given in, who appear to be sincerely attached to the word of God; so that ere long we hope the administration of Christian baptism to the natives will commence. "We trust you will desire our Christian brethren and sisters in Britain to unite with us in thanksgiving to God for this remarkable opening for still more extensive missionary influence; and in earnest prayer for the Divine blessing upon the joint efforts of the American and English missionaries in these islands, that the present most promising appearances may be abundantly realized." In a postscript, it is added: "The King's decision is made in favour of the Gospel! He, his queens, and chiefs are all learning from day to day. Two days ago the chapel overflowed with all the royalty and other dignity which these islands afford. All connected with the mission are fully employed in communicating instruction in reading and writing to kings, queens, and chiefs, old and young. Verily Jehovah is a God hearing and answering prayer! O for grace and wisdom to all concerned, rightly to improve this remarkable providence!" MORAVIAN MISSIONS. An auxiliary association has been lately formed in Bristol, in connexion with the 2 U London Association in aid of the Missions of the United Brethren. Auxiliary associations had been already formed at Liver pool, Leeds, and Hull; and an encouraging, but by no means adequate, measure of assistance has been rendered to these invaluable missions. The Committee of the Bristol Association have circulated the following statements. "In thirty-three missionary stations in Greenland, Labrador, North America, the West Indies, Surinam, South Africa, and Tartary-there are about 32,000 Christian converts, under the care of 168 missionaries; whose attention is not, however, exclusively confined to them, for they also preach the Gospel to many thousands of the heathen in their respective vicinities. The direct expense of all these stations amounted, in 1820, to 66771. 9s. 9d., a sum incredibly small in proportion to the magnitude and extent of the good effected. But there were arrears and contingencies to be added, partly for the maintenance of aged missionaries worn out in the service, or of the widows of deceased missionaries, or for the education of their children: these arrears, when added to the preceding sum, produced a total of 94311. 17s. 1ld. "The smallness of the expenditure is to be accounted for, not merely by the rigid economy and the self-denying habits of the missionaries, but also by the gratifying fact, that, in some of the stations, trades, or manufactures, carried on under the superintendence of the brethren, have been so productive as nearly to cover the whole of the expenses. In the Danish West-India islands, containing 12,000 Negro converts, the missionaries have exerted themselves so effectually as even to remit 750%. during the year 1820 toward the maintenance of other missions. "The congregations of the Brethren, on the continent and elsewhere, amount not, on an average, to more than 8000 persons, and these chiefly belong to the humbler classes of society, so that their means of contributing to this expenditure are very small: yet they were able to meet it, in a great measure, until the difficulties and devastations attendant on the late war had so impoverished the continental congregations, as to throw the burden almost exclusively on those of Great Britain. With every effort, however, on their part, they are not able to raise above 2000l. per annum ; less than a fourth part of the whole annual expense. The Society labours, in consequence, under heavy pecuniary embarrassments, and must long since have relinquished a great part of its missionary stations, and yielded up these Christian inclosures a prey to the powers of darkness, but for the spontaneous bounty of benevolent friends, chiefly in England and Scotland, by whose aid and exertions upwards of 4000l. per annum have been collected in aid of the missionary fund. Still an annual sum of 2000. remains to be provided for; to which are to be added unliquidated deficiencies of former years; and, during the present year, this deficiency has been considerably augmented, owing to the dreadful devastations produced by hurricanes on two of the South-African stations." SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL. At a very numerous and respectable meeting of the Bath District Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, the following very important address was proposed and unanimously carried. "We, the undersigned, incorporated, contributing, and associated Members of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, being as sembled in the Guildhall of the city of Bath, on Tuesday, April 29, 1823, to celebrate our District Anniversary, do unanimously resolve to present the following Address to our Parent Board in London:: "Being deeply impressed with a sense of the many signal advantages which have resulted from the past exertions of this Society to several of the plantations, colo nies, and factories belonging to the British empire, and being more particularly sensible of its recent services when the question of an ecclesiastical establishment for India came before the Legislature, we are the more desirous of recording our sentiments as to that which appears to us the duty of this Society, at the present moment, with respect to our West-India colonies. "As it is generally understood that questions of great importance relative to these colonies are shortly to engage the attention of Parliament, we are decidedly of opinion, that this is the proper time for calling the attention of his Ma jesty's Government towards the expedi ency of forming a regular ecclesiastical establishment for these colonies, similar to that which has lately been given to our Eastern empire. When we consider the peculiar circumstances of these islands, we are persuaded that motives of sound policy, not less than those of Christian duty and benevolence, concur to recommend this proposal, both as it regards the English colonists and the Negroes, a proposal to which we rejoice to think that no suspicion of endangering the property or security of the colonies can attach. By thus imparting the blessings of Christianity and civilization, the feelings of gratititude and good will may be mutually engendered; and we may finally hope to see the heathen slave exalted into the Christian servant. "We are persuaded that this object, if it can be obtained, will open a new har vest for our Society's labours; and that many and splendid as are the achievements which distinguish the present reign, there will be none for real glory to compare with that of its having communicated the benefits of the English Church both to the Eastern and Western Hemispheres." We must forbear at present entering on the many momentous points which arise from the consideration of this address. We shall have other opportunities of alluding to the subject; but we cannot forbear expressing our gratitude to God, that, in this and so many other quarters, the spiritual welfare of our fellow-subjects in the West Indies, without distinction of name or colour, is beginning to be so zealously and judiciously supported. Earnestly shall we rejoice to see the great weight and influence of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and of all our other religious and charitable institutions, duly exerted in promoting the best interests and welfare of this important branch of his Majesty's dominions. CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY, The Committee of the Church Missionary Society have circulated an address, of which the following is the substance. "Of all parts of the Society's proceedings, the preparation of suitable missionaries is confessedly one of the most important. On them, under the Divine blessing, depend all the hopes of the Society for the attainment of its objects. In the choice and preparation of missionaries, the Committee have hitherto availed themselves of the best means in their power; but these means are becoming so inadequate to the increasing wants of the missions, that the Committee have found it requisite to adopt some more efficient measures. In the choice of students, it has been their usual practice to place them with a clergyman for six months, on probation; and, in their preparation, if approved, to continue them with him, unless sent to one of the universities, till ready to be offered as candidates for holy orders. It is an obvious defect in this course, that the Committee and officers of the Society can have but an imperfect acquaintance with the character of the missionary; and the advantages connected with mutual knowledge in their future correspondence are consequently in a great measure lost neither are such opportunities afforded by this course for the character of the candidate to develop itself, as more constant intercourse with other missionary students would furnish; nor can those means of instruction and improvement be so well supplied, with reference to the students who do not go to college, in small and insulated circles, as may be brought into action when a larger number are collected together. The duty of adopting the best practicable system of preparation for the Society's missionaries is obvious: advantages are afforded for this object by the vicinity of the metropolis, which cannot be elsewhere secured: means, for example, of acquiring from living instructors the elements of various heathen languages are thereby offered, which may obviate much of the evil arising from the early application of missionaries to that object in debilitating and unhealthy climates. A further advantage will be obtained, the importance of which has been strongly represented to the Committee by several friends of the Society who have returned from India; which is, that the capacity or incapacity of a student to acquire the requisite languages may be thus ascertained, before the expense of sending him abroad shall be incurred. "In contemplation of these and other advantages, the Committee have availed themselves of an opportunity to purchase a house and an eligible piece of land in the parish of Islington. A special Committee having been appointed to consider the best mode of rendering these premises available for the purposes of the Society, it appears, on an examination of the number of students and missionaries likely to be brought together, that an average of not less than twenty should be taken; for whom, together with the necessary teachers, suitable apartments must be provided: with these apartments must be connected a hall or common dining room; and a lecture room, which might also serve for a library. The buildings at present on the premises may be rendered available to the objects for which the pur |