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consequantur, et fidem suam ipsi of reason, and are able themselves

profiteri possint.

to profess their faith.

VI. Quod Christianorum liberi VI. That the children of Chriseam ob causam, quia parentibus tians, on the ground that they are Christianis et fidelibus orti sunt sprung of Christian and believing (etiam præter et ante susceptum parents (even apart from and bebaptismum), revera sancti, et in fore the receiving of baptism), are filiorum Dei numero sint ha- in very deed holy, and to be accountbendi. Qua de causa etiam ne- ed as belonging to the children of que Pædobaptismum magnifaci- God, for which reason they neither unt, neque id operam dant, ut make much account of the baptism infantes baptizentur, quod cum of children, nor take care to have expressis verbis promissionis di- their children baptized, which convinæ (Gen. xvii. 7 sqq.) pugnat: flicts with the express words of the ea enim tantum ad eos pertinet, divine promise (Gen. xvii. 7 sqq.): qui fœdus Dei observant, illud- for this only holds good to those que non contemnunt. who observe the covenant of God, and do not contemn it.

VII. Quod ea non sit vera et Christiana Ecclesia, in qua aliqui adhuc peccatores reperiun- sinners are yet found.

VII. That that is not a true Christian Church in which any


VIII. Quod conciones non sint audiendæ ullæ in iis templis, in quibus aliquando Missa Pontificia sunt celebratæ.

VIII. That we ought not to listen to any sermons in those churches in which the Papist masses have ever been celebrated.

IX. That a godly man ought to

IX. Quod homo pius nihil prorsus commercii habere debeat cum have no dealings at all with the Ecclesiæ ministris, qui Evange- ministers of the Church who teach lion Christi juxta Augustana the Gospel of Christ according to Confessionis sententiam docent, the tenor of the Augsburg Confeset Anabaptistarum conciones ac sion, and rebuke the preachings and errores reprehendunt, et quod errors of the Anabaptists; and that ejusmodi Ecclesiæ ministris neque it is not lawful either to serve or to servire, neque operam locare liceat, do any work for such ministers of sed quod iidem ut perversores the Church, but that they are to be

verbi divini vitandi et fugiendi | avoided and shunned as perverters of the divine Word.


Articuli Anabaptistici, qui in Politia [in der | Anabaptist Articles which are intolerable in Polizei] sunt intolerabiles. the Commonwealth.

I. Quod Magistratus officium I. That the office of the magisnon sit, sub Novo Testamento, trate is not, under the New Tesgenus vitæ, quod Deo placeat. tament, a condition of life that pleases God.

II. Quod homo Christianus salva et illæsa conscientia officio Magistratus fungi non possit.

II. That a Christian man can not discharge the office of a magistrate with a safe and quiet conscience.

III. Quod homo Christianus il- III. That a Christian man can lasa conscientia officium Magi- not with a safe conscience adminstratus, rebus ita ferentibus, ad- ister and execute the office of a versus improbos administrare et magistrate, if matters so require, exequi, et subditi potestatem il- against the wicked, nor subjects lam, quam Magistratus a Deo implore for their defense that accepit, ad defensionem implo- power which the magistrate has rare non possint. received of God.

IV. Quod homo Christianus IV. That a Christian man can sana conscientia jusjurandum not with a safe conscience take præstare, et juramento interpo- an oath, nor swear obedience and sito obedientiam et fidem suo fidelity to his prince or magisPrincipi aut Magistratui pro-trate.

mittere nequeat.

V. Quod Magistratus, sub Novo V. That the magistrate, under Testamento, bona conscientia ho- the New Testament, can not with mines facinorosos capitali suppli- a good conscience punish crimicio afficere non possit. nals with death.

Articuli Anabaptistici, qui in Economia Anabaptist Articles which can not be tolerated [Haushaltung] ferri non possunt.

in daily life.


I. Quod homo pius non possit I. That a godly man can conscientia salva proprium tenere with safe conscience hold or pos

et possidere, sed quod is, quic- | sess any property, but that whatquid omnino facultatum habeat, ever means he may possess, he is id totum in commune conferre bound to bestow them all as com[in die Gemein zu geben] debeat. mon good.

II. Quod homo Christianus il

II. That a Christian man can lasa conscientia neque caupona- not with a safe conscience either riam, neque mercaturam exercere, keep an inn, or carry on trade, or aut arma conficere possit [kein forge weapons.

Gastgeber, Kaufmann oder Messerschmidt sein könne].

III. That it is permitted married

III. Quod conjugibus, propter diversam religionem, divortium people who think differently in refacere, et cum alia persona, quæ ligion to divorce themselves, and in religione non dissentiat, matrimonium contrahere liceat.


to contract matrimony with some other persons who agree with them. in religion.


I. Quod omnes illi, qui Chri- I. That all those who affirm stum, secundum carnem, creatu- Christ, according to the flesh, to ram esse dicunt, non habeant be a creature, have no true knowlveram regnantis cœlestis Regis edge of the heavenly king and his agnitionem.


II. Quod caro Christi per exal- II. That the flesh of Christ tationem eo modo omnes pro- through its exaltation has in such prietates divinas acceperet, ut wise received all the divine attriChristus, quatenus homo est, po-butes, that Christ, as he is man, is altentia, virtute, majestate, gloria, together like to the Father and to the Patri et τ Aoyų, per omnia, in Word [Logos] in power, might, majgradu et statu essentiæ, omnino esty, in all things, in grade and state aqualis sit, ita, ut jam utriusque of essence, so that henceforth there in Christo naturæ una sit essen- is one essence of both natures in tia, eadem proprietates, eadem voluntas eademque gloria; et quod caro Christi ad Sacrosanctæ Trinitatis essentiam pertineat.

Christ, and the same attributes, the same will, and the same glory; and that the flesh of Christ pertains to the essence of the Blessed Trinity.

III. Quod ministerium verbi, III. That the ministry of the prædicatum et auditu perceptum Word, the Word preached and verbum, non sit instrumentum heard, is not that instrument illud, per quod Deus Spiritus whereby God the Holy Ghost Sanctus homines doceat, saluta- teaches men, and bestows the salremque Christi agnitionem lar- utary knowledge of Christ, and giatur, et conversionem, veram effects conversion, true repentpænitentiam, fidem et novam obe- ance, faith, and new obedience in dientiam in ipsis efficiat. them.

IV. Quod aqua Baptismi non IV. That the water of baptism sit medium, per quod Dominus is not a means whereby the Lord adoptionem in filiis Dei obsignet, seals adoption in the children of et regenerationem efficiat. God and effects regeneration.

V. Quod panis et vinum in Sacra Cœna non sint organa, per qua et cum quibus Christus corpus et sanguinem suum distribuat.

VI. Quod homo pius, vere per Spiritum Dei regeneratus, legem Dei in hac vita perfecte servare et implere valeat.

VII. Quod non sit vera Ecclesia Christi, in qua non vigeat publica excommunicatio, et solennis aliquis excommunicationis modus, seu, ut vulgo dicitur, processus ordinarius.

VIII. Quod is Ecclesiæ minister alios homines cum fructu docere, aut vera Sacramenta dispensare non possit, qui ipse non sit vere renovatus, renatus et vere justus.


Quod Christus non sit ve

V. That the bread and wine in the Holy Supper are not organs by which and with which Christ dispenses his body and blood.

VI. That a godly man, truly regenerated by the Spirit of God, has power perfectly to keep and fulfill the law of God in this life.

VII. That that is no true Church of Christ in which there is not in full force public excommunication, and some formal mode, or, as is commonly said, ordinary process of excommunication..

[ocr errors]

VIII. That a minister of the Church who is not truly renewed, regenerate, and truly righteous, can not fruitfully teach men, or dispense true sacraments.


That Christ is not true, substan

rus, substantialis, naturalis Deus tial, natural God, of the same es

[wahrhaftiger, wesentlicher, na- sence with the Father and the Holy türlicher Gott], ejusdem cum Ghost; but that he has merely been Patre et Spiritu Sancto essen- in such-wise adorned with divine tive: sed divina tantum maje- majesty with the Father, as that he state ita cum Patre ornatus, ut is nevertheless inferior to the FaPatre sit inferior. ther.


Hæc prorsus nova est hæresis,


This is a heresy entirely new,

quæ antehac Ecclesiis Christi which hitherto has been unknown to ignota fuit, eorum videlicet, qui the churches of Christ-the heresy, opinantur, docent et profitentur, namely, of such as imagine, teach, non esse unicam tantum divinam and profess that there is not one et æternam Patris, Filii, et Spi- sole divine and eternal essence only ritus Sancti essentiam: sed quem- of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; but admodum Pater, Filius, et Spi- as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are ritus Sanctus tres sunt distincta three distinct persons, so each perpersonæ, ita unamquamque per- son has a distinct essence, separate sonam habere distinctam, et a from the other persons of the Godreliquis personis Divinitatis se- head. And some of these may think paratam essentiam. Et horum that the separate persons, in their alii sentiunt, quod singula per- separate essences, are of equal powsonæ in singulis essentiis æquali er, wisdom, majesty, and glory, as, sint potestate, sapientia, majestate, for instance, three men, differing et gloria: sicut alias tres numero numerically in respect of their esdifferentes homines, ratione essen- sence, are mutually separate and tiæ suæ, sunt a se invicem dis- disjoined. Others think that these juncti et separati. Alii sentiunt three persons and essences are so tres illas personas et essentias ita unequal in respect of essence and inæquales esse, ratione essentia et attributes, as that God the Father proprietatum, ut solus Deus Pa- alone is true God.

ter verus sit Deus.

Hos, atque his similes errores All these errors, and the errors omnes, ut eos etiam, qui ab his like to these, and also those which dependent, et ex his consequun- depend on these and follow from tur, rejicimus atque damnamus: them, we reject and condemn, as

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