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does not prove my point. Consider
too the pride, vanity, envy, covet-
ousness, impatience, anger, lust,
hatred, revenge, hypocrisy, sloth,
drunkenness, profaneness, falsehood,
fraud, oppression, cruelty, and other
evil passions and evil habits which
disgrace mankind, and some one or
more of which are to be found in a
greater or less degree in every man,
and you will be disposed to say that
all men indeed "have sinned and
come short of the glory of God.”

brought from Scripture. The prayer
which Christ taught his Disciples,
forgive us our trespasses," implies
that all men had trespassed. His
charge to his Apostles, "Go ye and
preach the Gospel to every creature;"
God's command, that all men every
where should repent; as well as our
Saviour's assurances,
66 except a
man is born again, he cannot see
the kingdom of God," except ye
be converted and become as little
children, ye shall not enter the
kingdom of heaven," "except ye
repent ye shall all likewise perish,"
do of themselves prove that all men
need repentance, conversion, re-
generation; in other words, that
all have sinned and come short of
the glory of God."


But even had the Scriptures been silent on this head we should have had cause enough, from what we see around us, to conclude that all men are sinners. God made man at first to be happy. Why then is he not happy? Why those dreadful marks of God's displeasure which appear in the disorders of the earth; in the storms and thunders, the lightnings and earthquakes, which visit it, and which overwhelm thousands in one common ruin? Whence all the evils of life? Whence those diseases which prey on mankind? Whence all the miseries which they have to endure? Why is there no country which has not been wasted by war? Why is there no man who escapes the stroke of death? To all this there is only one answer, "All have sinned." The state of man in this world, and his history from the cradle to the grave, join with Scripture in proclaiming this truth.

Let us also consider the conduct of men in all ages, and see what farther support it gives to this doctrine. Since the first murder of Abel, what dreadful havoc has man made of man? Every page of history is filled with accounts of slaughter and desolation, of folly and vice. See all the nations of the world, except the family of Abraham, given up to stupid idolatry, and say if this

But not to confine our view to what passes without, let each of us turn his eye inward, and see whether what he finds there does not strengthen the doctrine. God hath given us a law, founded in justicè, goodness, and truth, and requiring us to love him with all our hearts, and our neighbours, that is, all men, as ourselves. Now let us inquire how far we have kept this holy law. Let us try ourselves by it, our own consciences being the judges, and we cannot fail to come to the conclusion, that we at least have sinned.

Have we then, as his subjects, yielded to God at all times a cheerful obedience? Have we been ready to adore, worship, and submit to him? Have we, as his children, loved and honoured him, applied to him in our straits, placed our dependence on him, acquiesced in his disposals, and been ready with childlike submission to receive the law from his mouth? Have we been always in the habit of delighting in him and his favour, being thankful for all his kindness, and zealous for his glory; or have we delighted in things which God has forbidden, and been ready to act for other ends than to please him? Have we in our different relations, as husbands and wives, parents and children, mas ters and servants; as superiors, inferiors, or equals, acted towards others as we would they should act towards us? Have we at all times behaved to all men with kindness and love? Have we never indulged the thoughts of envy, malice, revenge, lust, covetousness, discontent; to say nothing

"of the actions to which such dispositions lead? Have we always been sober, chaste, self-denying, meek, 'charitable, never violating truth, never indulging selfishness, never preferring the world and the things of the world to God and conscience? Where is the man who will lay his hand on his heart, and, appealing to that God who searches it and knows the ground of it, will say, I have fully performed all these duties, I have never been guilty of one or other of these sins?

But how greatly aggravated will our guilt appear, when we consider against whom it is that we have thus sinned. It is the God who 'created and who preserves us continually the kind Father who supplies all our wants, and whose mercies are renewed to us every morning. It is the God wao, notwithstanding our sins, still regards us with an eye of pity, and even now prays us to turn to him: nay more, who has sent his Son to suffer in our stead, to die to redeem us, to atone for our sins, and to make our peace. And have we not also increase our guilt, by setting at a ught his invitations, despising is warnings, reject ing his offers of mercy disregarding his calls to repentance, and endeavour ing to quench the motions of his Spirit? And yet, notwithstanding all this, God still spares us, prolong our days, and causes loving kindness and mercy still to follow us. Have we not, then, added base ingratitude to all our other sins?

3. But let us consider the cause why all have thus sinned. And here we observe,that the cause is that corrupt nature which we have inherited from Adam, and which, descending from him, our common parent, hath infected the whole human race. On this point the Scriptures are very express. God created man in his own image, in knowledge, righ teousness and noliness: but, through the subtilty of the old serpent, the devil, his mind was drawn aside from the simplicity of dependence on God. Through unbelief he fell,

through his not believing the promises and the threatenings of God; the same cause which turns us also aside from his righteous ways. Thus did sin enter into the world. Man, by sinning, necessarily lost his Maker's image, and of course bis favour and friendship. He became unholy and unclean. And who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Therefore did Adam beget sons in his own sinful likeness, and therefore, till the present hour, have men come into the world with hearts prone to evil and averse from good; with hearts which are enmity against God, and with dispositions which are contrary to his pure and holy na


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Are further proofs wanting? Scripture is full of them. "In Adam all die." "The carnal mind," or the mind of man by nature, “is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." Among whom" (the children of disobedience) "we also had our conversation in times past, and were by nature children of wrath, even as others," or, as it might be translated, as the rest of mankind; as much as to say, that all by nature are children of wrath; and how can that be, unless by nature all are corrupt and sinful? Other proofs might be produced, but I conceive these to be fully sufficient. Indeed, when we look around us, and see that we cannot ourselves name a man who sinneth not; and when we look inward, and consider what passes in our own minds; there appears little room to object to this doctrine, but abundant cause to believe it true. How hard are our hearts, how obstinate is our resistance to the grace of God, whe ther he call us by his word and ministers, soften our hearts by the continual succession of mercies, or alarm us by afflictive or awful visitations! How do we fortify ourselves by pride and unbelief, against the whispers of conscience, the motions of God's Spirit, and the awful declarations and threatenings

of his word! And even when we begin to be convinced that we must repent, how do we put off the day of repentance! How backward are we to part with our sins! How do we flatter ourselves they are but small, and that there is no danger! And when we at length give up outward sins, how do we continue to indulge the lusts of the flesh! And what struggles have those with their car nal hearts, whose desires in the main are towards God, and who are in the main following Christ their Redeemer! Consider, in one word, the means God has used to recover us out of the snare of the devil: the pains he has taken in sending prophets into the world; the miracles, sufferings, and death of Christ; the blood which has been shed as a seal of the truth; the strivings of God's Spirit; the threatenings of God's Law; the gracious promises of the Gospel; the alarming sermons we have heard; the good books we have read; and all the instructions, warnings, and admonitions we have received; consider, I say, all this; and at the same time reflect uot only on what is passing in the world around us, but on what passes every day in our own hearts, and shall we not be constrained to allow that we have all sinned, because there is no spiritual health in us, and because we are by nature children of disobedience and children of wrath?

It may be asked, however, how can men now be answerable for Adam's sin? But the point we have been proving is, not that men are answerable for Adam's sin, but that they have inherited Adam's corruption. And what signify cavils against facts? It is plain that we have inherited Adam's corruption. And when we find that diseases often run in the blood, and taint whole families, why should it be so inconceivable, that sin, which so corrupts and vitiates the whole man, should extend its ruinous influence to man's offspring?

But if sin be natural to man, how can God blame him, or punish him

for it?" I must answer to this, that sin naturally brings a punishment with it; and that, even supposing no direct curse to be pronounced on it, yet it cannot but produce misery as well in another world, as in this, to the soul in which it dwells. But, whatever there might be in this objection in other circumstances, and I do not allow there would be any, there can be no weight given to it in our case. For the same Bible which makes us acquainted with our disease, points out to us also the remedy. We are called upon to repent and turn to God, to believe in Christ, to forsake sin, and follow holiness, that we may escape the punishment of sin. Nay, lest any man should still object, and say that this was beyond his power, God himself has promised, if we will but ask him, to give us repentance, faith, the pardon of our sins, his Spirit to renew and sanctify us, and his grace to fit us for glory. The objection then can have no weight; for if any of us are punished for our sins, it will be, not because our natures were originally depraved and corrupted, but because we would not have them renewed; but because we loved sin so well, as to refuse to exchange it for Christ and all the blessings of his purchase.

4. And now I come to consider the awful effects of our having thus sinned. On this point, suffice it to say, that God hath in express terms assured us, that the wages of sin is death; "that the soul which sinneth shall die;" "that his wrath is revealed from Heaven against all unrighteousness of men;" that "indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish await every soul of man that doeth evil;" that "the wicked shall be punished with everlasting destruc. tion from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power."

Nor is it only those who have been guilty of shocking and atrocious crimes, that in Scripture are classed with sinners, with the wicked and the unrighteous; for it is written, "Cursed is every one that con

unless we know ourselves ruined and undone without him? No: without the knowledge and the convic

tinueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them." And again, "Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offendtion of sin, we shall go on in impein one point, is guilty of all." Let no man then deceive us with vain words; let none of us deceive himself; for because of these things, because of the breaches of his law, shall the wrath of God come upon the children of disobedience,

If, then, this be indeed man's state by nature; if we are all thus the slaves of sin, enemies to God by wicked works, and the heirs of deserved and endless wrath; how incumbent is it upon us to cry aloud for mercy! How eagerly should we inquire, What must we do to be saved! And, blessed be God, there is a way of escape, which those who seek shall find. Help is laid for sinners, on Him who, though bone of our bone, is also the mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. In him is God now reconciling sinners to himself. Of his mere mercy does he save us, through faith, through a faith too not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" is the command to sinners," and thou shalt be saved." Nor is it by our works of righteousness, but according to his mercy, he saves us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he sheds abundantly on his children, through Jesus Christ our Saviour, that being justified by his grace, they may be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

To conclude; let no man imagine that the knowledge of our lost estate is a point of no moment. "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." But how can we repent, unless we know and feel ourselves sinners? Unless we are made to feel our need of salvation, how shall we regard Christ as our Saviour? " Unless ye believe that I am he," that is, the Christ, the Saviour, "ye shall die in your sins." But how can we believe in him as our Saviour, CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 147.

nitency and unbelief, we shall continue in a state of carnal security, dreaming that we are safe, until death wake us from our dream, and convince us, though too late, of our guilt and misery.

But see, on the other hand, the blessings which flow from an affecting knowledge of our sinful and lost estate. We shall be disposed to seek for salvation; and those who seek as they ought shall assuredly find it. The knowledge of our disease will naturally lead us to the Physician. Christ, the Physician of souls, waits to be gracious to us. He will blot out the sins of the penitent. He will bind up the broken-hearted. He will free those who desire deliverance from the yoke of sin. Justified by his blood and righteousness, we shall be sanctified by his Spirit: made children of God by faith in Christ, we shall be freed from the curse, and sin shall have. no more dominion over us; we shall have peace and joy in believing, and at length receive the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls.

Now to Him who hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in his blood, and who will make all that truly believe in him kings and priests unto God and his Father, may we, with all the redeemed, ascribe the dominion and glory both now and eyer. Amen.

To the Editor of the Christian Observer. I MUCH incline to think, that if PAROCHUS (with whose paper your Number for January begins) could meet with a publication of 1654, entitled, A Rejoinder to Mr. Drake: by John Humfrey, A. M. Minister of Frome, Somersetshire; it might very much relieve his mind on one part of the subject on which X

he complains, and perhaps fully convince him, that neither any minister or spiritual society has any right from Scripture to exercise a power to separate the worthy from unworthy communicants, viz. while they are actual members of the visi ble church; except by loudly calling on all, with St. Paul, to examine themselves, &c. It is somewhat remarkable, that Mr. Humfrey was one of the ejected Bartholomæans after the Restoration; but he did not quit the Established Church through any scruples respecting mixt communion, as it is called. Ever since I read the said Rejoinder, I have not felt a wish to possess such a power as Parochus seems to covet; nay, I am glad to have it not, as it would be of no service, and I can conduct myself full as well without it.


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Thus superstition may seem to run here in a channel directly contrary to that in the parish of Parochus.

The office for the Communion of the Sick supposes that people ought diligently to attend the Sacrament in their health, and that then they' need not be disquieted for the want of it in time of sickness. As Paro'chus observes of several eminent" Christians by name, I have also known many pious persons, who, having been regular communicants in health, expressed no anxiety to communicate on their dying beds; well knowing, according to the Rubrick, that while they truly repented of their sins, and stedfastly believed that Jesus Christ shed his blood for their redemption, earnestly remembering the benefits they have thereby, and giving him hearty thanks therefore, they did eat and drink the body and blood of Christ profitably to their souls health, although they did not then receive the Sacrament with their mouths.

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The existing state of things may be rather different in that part of England where Parochus resides. I have been in my present situation betwixt 30 and 40 years. I have I do not know that, in my large very often, all along, spoken with and populous district, the opus ope-" the utmost plainness and fidelity on ratum of communicating on a deaththe subject of the Sacrament, in my bed is at all considered as a passport public ministrations. From the first to Heaven. I generally have some I was never much disturbed with or other, to whom I occasionally those persons intruding themselves administer the Sacrament at home, to the Lord's table, whose absence who have been communicants beI should rather have preferred. I fore, and are disabled from attenddo not know that there are any ing the church, by sickness, old amongst my present set of monthly age, or other infirmities. But it is communicants whom I would wish not Very often that I have been to be kept away; and I verily be asked to administer it to persons on lieve, that upon the whole, their death-beds, though I am much in the characters are at least as examplary, habit of visiting the sick. In some**** as those of any set of Church Mem-such cases, I have declined doing bers (as they are called) amongst it; and then and in other cases, then any of those parties who separate when I have complied, I have in from the Established Church on pre structed and solemnly admonished tence of greater purity. My chief the parties, that it would avail cause for complaint is, that there them" nothing, unless they were is a considerable number of per- deeply humbled for their sins, sons in my congregation who I found the remembrance grievous, think ought to attend the Lord's renounced all dependence on their table, but by all my endeavours, own righteousness, and trusted only, both in public and private, cannot in the merit of Christ's death and be prevailed with to do so, nor to passion, whereof the Sacrament is lay aside their mistaken fears of a solemn and thankful teremeating and drinking unworthily. brance, &c.; that if endued by grace

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