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money arising from such sale, shall pay the balance, if not needed and applied for the purchase or improvement of other property for the use of the Church, to the Annual Conference within whose bounds such property is located; and in case of the reorganization of the said Society, and the erection of a new Church building within five years after such transfer of funds, then the said Annual Conference shall repay to said new corporation the moneys which it had received from the Church or Society as above mentioned.

¶ 315. Whenever it shall become necessary for the payment of debts, or with a view to reinvestment, to make a sale of Church property that may have been conveyed to Trustees or a Church corporation for either of the foregoing purposes, said Trustees or their successors may, upon application to the Quarterly Conference, obtain an order-a majority of all the members of such Quarterly Conference concurring, and the Pastor and the Presiding Elder of the District consenting-for the sale, with such limitations and restrictions as said Quarterly Conference may judge necessary; and said Trustees, so authorized, may sell and convey such property;

Provided, that in States or countries where the civil or statute law provides any manner of alienation, conveyance, and control of real estate inconsistent with the foregoing, such sale, alienation, or control may be effected pursuant to the provisions of the laws of such State or country; and

Provided, that in all cases the proceeds of the sale, after the payment of debts, if any, if not applied to the purchase or improvement of other property for the same uses, and deeded to the corporation in the

same manner, shall be held by such corporation subject to the order of the Annual Conference within whose bounds such property is located, or of the Trustees of the Conference Fund.

316. In all cases where Church property is abandoned, or no longer used for the purpose originally designed, it shall be the duty of the Trustees, if any remain, to sell such property and pay over the proceeds to the Annual Conference within whose bounds it is located; and where no such lawful Trustees remain, it shall be the duty of said Annual Conference to secure the custody of such Church property by such means as the laws of the State may afford, subject to be returned in the same manner and upon the same contingencies as named in ¶ 314.

¶ 317. Houses of worship and Parsonages may be removed from one place to another on the same conditions on which they may be sold.

V. Building and Renting Parsonages.

¶ 318. It is recommended by the General Conference that our Ministers advise our friends in general to purchase a lot of ground in each Charge, to build a Parsonage thereon, and to furnish it with, at least, heavy furniture.

319. The General Conference recommends to each Charge, in case it is not able to comply with the above request, to rent a house for its married Pastor and his family, and that the Annual Conferences assist to make up the rents of such houses as far as they can, when the Charges cannot do it.

¶ 320. The Stewards in each Charge shall be a

standing Committee, where no Trustees are constituted for that purpose, to provide houses for the families of our married Ministers, or to assist the Ministers to obtain houses for themselves, when they are appointed to labor among them.

¶ 321. It shall be the duty of the Presiding Elders and Ministers to use their influence to carry the above rules, respecting building and renting houses for the accommodation of Ministers and their families, into effect. In order to this each Quarterly Conference shall appoint a Committee, unless other measures have been adopted, which, with the advice and aid of the Ministers and Presiding Elders, shall devise such means as may seem fit to raise moneys for that purpose. And it is recommended to the Annual Conferences to make a special inquiry of their Members respecting this part of their duty.


I. Chartered Fund.

¶ 322. To make further provision for distressed Effective Ministers, for the families of Effective Ministers, for Superannuated and Worn-out Ministers, and for the widows and orphans of Ministers, there shall be a Chartered Fund, to be supported by the voluntary contributions of our friends; the principal stock of which shall be funded under the direction of Trustees chosen by the General Conference, and the

interest applied under the direction of the General Conference, according to the following regulations, namely:

§ 1. The Presiding Elders, and the Pastors, shall be collectors and receivers of subscriptions, etc., for this Fund.

§ 2. The money shall, if possible, be conveyed by bills of exchange, or otherwise, through the means of the post, to the General Publishing Agents, who shall pay it to the Trustees of the Fund; otherwise it shall be brought to the ensuing Annual Conference.

§ 3. The interest shall be divided into as many equal parts as there are Annual Conferences, and each Annual Conference shall have authority to draw one of these parts out of the Fund; and if one or more Conferences shall draw out of this Fund in any given year less than one of these parts, then in such case or cases the other Annual Conferences, held in the same year, shall have authority, if they judge it necessary, to draw out of the Fund such surplus of the interest as has not been applied by the former Conferences; and the Bishops shall bring the necessary information of the state of the interest of the Fund, respecting the year in question, from Conference to Conference.

§ 4. All drafts on the Chartered Fund shall be made on the Treasurer of the said Fund, by order of the Annual Conference, signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of the said Confer


5. The money subscribed for the Chartered Fund may be lodged, on proper securities, in the respective States in which it has been subscribed under the direction of deputies living in such States respectively; provided, such securities and such deputies be

proposed as shall be approved of by the Trustees in Philadelphia, and the stock in which it is proposed to lodge the money be sufficiently productive to give satisfaction to the Trustees.

¶ 323. The Board of Trustees shall have power to fill any vacancy or vacancies that may occur in their body by death, resignation, or otherwise, subject, however, to the approval of the first General Conference that may be held after such vacancy or vacancies shall have occurred.

II. Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

¶ 324. There shall be an incorporated Board of Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, located at Cincinnati, composed of twelve members, divided into classes of three Ministers and three Laymen each. The term of office shall be eight years. Each General Conference shall elect one class, and fill vacancies caused by death, resignation, cessation of membership in the Church, or otherwise. Vacancies occurring in the interval of the General Conference shall be filled for the remainder' of the quadrennium by the Bishops.

¶ 325. This Board shall hold in trust, for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, any and all donations, bequests, grants, and funds in trust, etc., that may be given or conveyed to said Board, or to the Methodist Episcopal Church, as such, for any benevolent object, and to administer the said funds, and the proceeds of the same, in accordance with the directions of the donors, and of the interests of the Church contemplated by said donors, under the direction of the General Conference; provided, that any

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