The Works of John Hall-Stevenson, Esq: Containing, Crazy Tales. Fables for Grown Gentlemen. Lyric Epistles. Pastoral Cordial. Pastoral Puke. Macarony Fables. Lyric Consolations. Moral Tales. Monkish Epitaphs. &c. &c. &c, Volume 1J. Nichols, 1795 |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 39
Page 27
... fays Mifs Notable , is pofitive grimace , He thinks to rub the mould off an old face , By being smart and sly ; Juft as a housewife thinks you'll eat Her fusty meat When it is feafon'd in a pie . Mifs Mifs Notable , you are a Cynick ...
... fays Mifs Notable , is pofitive grimace , He thinks to rub the mould off an old face , By being smart and sly ; Juft as a housewife thinks you'll eat Her fusty meat When it is feafon'd in a pie . Mifs Mifs Notable , you are a Cynick ...
Page 30
... ftool is occupy'd Sooner or later . And fo a mifs that's thrown afide like lumber , Although they watch her , Will find occafions without number , If any one's inclin'd to catch her . When When a man's faying all he has to fay , [ 30 ]
... ftool is occupy'd Sooner or later . And fo a mifs that's thrown afide like lumber , Although they watch her , Will find occafions without number , If any one's inclin'd to catch her . When When a man's faying all he has to fay , [ 30 ]
Page 31
... fay , And fomething comes across the way , Without a provocation , I do not call it a digreffion , But a temptation Which requires discretion . And therefore I petition For leave to give a definition Of the word Reputation ; ' Tis an ...
... fay , And fomething comes across the way , Without a provocation , I do not call it a digreffion , But a temptation Which requires discretion . And therefore I petition For leave to give a definition Of the word Reputation ; ' Tis an ...
Page 46
... fays the afs , the queftion is not hard , And fo he made an excellent award , As you fhall fee . The Lark , fays he , Has got a wild fantastic pipe , But no more music than a snipe ; It gives one pain , and turns one's brain , One can't ...
... fays the afs , the queftion is not hard , And fo he made an excellent award , As you fhall fee . The Lark , fays he , Has got a wild fantastic pipe , But no more music than a snipe ; It gives one pain , and turns one's brain , One can't ...
Page 56
... fays fhe , For if I needs muft have a taylor , I promise without failure To marry none but thee , And as the Queen coquetted at an age When other Queens are tame , Till she went off the stage ; The Phenix did the fame . She died a great ...
... fays fhe , For if I needs muft have a taylor , I promise without failure To marry none but thee , And as the Queen coquetted at an age When other Queens are tame , Till she went off the stage ; The Phenix did the fame . She died a great ...
Common terms and phrases
againſt amongſt bagpipe Bamber Gascoigne Becauſe beft beſt birds cafe CANTO citling Cloſe confin'd court cry'd Drones Earl of Chatham eaſe eyes FABLE FABLE faid fame faſhion fays feldom fenfe fhall fhew fifter fight fignifies filk fimple firſt fiſh fome foon forc'd foul fpeech fpirits ftate ftill ftrength ftruck fuch grace greateſt hates head Heaven himſelf houſe Inftead Juft juſt King labour laft laſt Lobſters Lord Bute Lord Chatham Lord Shelburne loſe mafter Makaronies mean moft MOLOSSES moſt muft muſt o'er obferve occafions paffion Pericles pleaſant pleaſe prefent profeffion profeffor queen racter reafon refign reft rofe ſay ſchool ſhall ſhe ſhould ſkill ſkin ſmall ſmile ſpeak ſpite ſport ſtep thee Thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou Tory Trimmer truft try'd twas Twill underſtand uſe vex'd Virgil Whigs Whilft whofe wife worfe worſe yourſelf
Popular passages
Page 143 - I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot : I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Page 3 - BLADUD, king of yore, Skill'd in philofophic lore, Mingling various kinds of earth, Metallic, gave the waters birth, KING'S-BATH nam'd, beneath thy feet Boiling ay with mineral heat : Or, whether from his car on high Phoebus faw with amorous eye The fountain-nymph, with humid train, Light of foot, trip o'er the plain ; Strait the god, inflam'd with love, Swift defcending from above, All in fervors bright array'd Prefs'd her bofom ; and the maid Gladly to his warm embrace Yielded : whence the happy...
Page 22 - Who is it (I call'd) that my fleep thus deftroys ?" " You need not be frighten'd, he anfwered mild, " Let me in ; I'ma little unfortunate child ; " 'Tis a dark rainy night ; and I'm wet to the fkin ; " And my way I have loft ; and do, pray, let me in.
Page 17 - Ifluing from many a glow-worm bright ; While village-cur with minute bark Alarms the pilf 'rer in the dark, Save what light the ftars convey, Clufter'd in the milky way, Or fcatter'd numberlefs on high Twinkling all o'er the boundlefs fky. Then within doors let me meet The viol touch'd by finger neat, Or, foft fymphonies among Wrap me in the facred fong, Attun'd by Handel's matchlefs fkill, While Attention mute and ftill Fixes all my foul to hear The voice harmonious, fweet and clear. Nor let fmooth-tongu'd...
Page 14 - Unlefs by chance a trav'lling 'fquire, Of bafe intent and foul defire, Stops to infnare, with fpeech beguiling, Sweet innocence and beauty fmiling. Nor fail I joyful to partake The lively fports of country wake, Where many a lad and many a lafs Foot- it on the clofe-trod grafs. There nimble Marian of the green Matchlefs in the jig is feen, Allow'd beyond compare by all, The beauty of the ruftic ball : While, the tripping damfels near, Stands a lout with waggifh leer ; He, if Marian chance to...
Page 23 - I chaf'd him all over, kept out the cold air, And I wrung with my hands the wet out of his hair. He from wet and from cold was no fooner at eafe, But taking his bow up, he faid, " If you pleafe *' We will try it ; I would by experiment know " If the wet hath not damag'd the firing of my bow.
Page 31 - And fomething comes acrofs the way, Without a provocation, I do not call it a digreffion, But a temptation Which requires difcretion; And therefore I petition For leave to give a definition Of the word Reputation : 'Tis an impreffion or a feal Engrav'd, not upon fteel, On a tranfparent education, Which, held up to the light, Difcovers all the ftrokes and touches That mark the lady of a knight, A mantua-maker or a duchefs. A...
Page 248 - ESSAY upon the King's Friends, with an Account of some Discoveries made in Italy and found in a Virgil concerning the Tories, to Dr. S 1J n.
Page 12 - Pleafed ftill with thee to meet In fome friendly rural feat ; Where I gladfome oft' furvey Nature in her beft array, Woods and lawns- and lakes between, Fields of corn and hedges green, Fallow grounds of tawny hue, Diftant hills, and mountains blue ; On whofe ridge far off appears A wood (the growth of many years) Of aweful oak, or gloomy pine, Above th...
Page xi - That he was a man of singular genius and of a peculiar •cast of thought, must be acknowledged by all who read his works : that while he caught the ridicule of life, he felt for its misfortunes, will be equally evident to those who read the page that contains the epitaph on Zachary Moore; and nothing surely can be wanting to confirm the latter opinion when we have added, that he was the Eugenius of Sterne.