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It is the glory of Protestantism that the Bible is the sole and paramount authority before which all the Churches in her communion bow. It is a solid and blessed truth which the Church of England maintains, that "the cause of all error is ignorance of God's Word." How then we may best arrive at a clear and sound understanding of that word, is a question of the last importance to the Minister who is called to expound and preach it; and, perhaps, not less so (at least as far as its essential truths are concerned) to the private hearer of that word, that he may know how to distinguish God's simple truth from the many human mixtures which, in consequence of the channel through which the stream passes, under the happiest circumstances, are inseparable from man's preaching. Convinced that Scripture is its own best interpreter, and daily feeling, in the course of my work as a Minister, the infinite loss I am at for want of that full and connected view of Scripture doctrine and practice which the system of reading with Parallel Passages alone can fully give, I have entered upon this Work, in connection with other Brethren in the Ministry, who either personally or by letter assist me in preparing this Work for the Press. Those, whether Ministers or private Christians, who, feeling the importance of this method of studying Scripture, have attempted to practice it by looking out for themselves the texts marked in our Bibles with marginal references, must have found, that, whilst their labour has been amply repaid as regards the fresh light and interest thrown upon the Scriptures thus studied, the great expenditure of time makes

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