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Advertisement Duty, (110) 1242

Assessed and Window Duties Repeal, Leave,
Amend. (111) 313

Attornies' Certificates, Leave, Amend. (110)
1104, 1105; 2R. Amend. (112) 1383; Com.
Amend. 1525; cl. 5, 1526, 1527, 1528; 3R.
Amend. (113) 136

Brick Duties, Drawback on, (109) 1364, 1366,

Budget, The, (109) 972, 996

Charitable Trusts, 3R. (113) 70

Coffee, Adulteration of, (111) 273; Comm. moved
for, (112) 1187

Corn, Foreign, Comm. moved for, (111) 71
Crime and Outrage Act (Ireland), Continuance
(No. 2), Com. (113) 970

Customs Duties, Com. cl. 2, (113) 827, 828, 830;
3R. add. cl. 946

Distressed Unions Advances (Ireland), 2R.
(110) Com. cl. 1, 854; cl. 2, 855; cl. 3, ib.,
156, 858; cl. 7, 829, 1136
Drainage, Res. (109) 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067
Drainage (Ireland), (110) 1275, 1276
Drainage and Improvement of Land Advances,
Com, (11) 879; cl. 1, 882, 883; cl. 4, 884,
886, 888; cl. 8, 889, 890

Dublin Hospitals, Comm. moved for, Amend.
(111) 722

Ecclesiastical Commission, Com. cl. 16, (112)

Excise-Sugar, and Licenses, Res. (113) 69, 70
Exhibition of 1851-Hyde Park, (113) 885, 1010
Friendly Societies, 2R. (112) 100; Com. (113) 927;

cl. 2, ib.; cl. 31, 947; cl. 39, 948; cl. 8,
Amend. ib.; cl. 43, 949

Home-made Spirits in Bond, Comm, moved for,
(111) 1094; 2R. Amend. (112) 950
Income Tax-Tenant Farmers, (113) 167, 169
Jewish Members, Oaths of-Baron de Roths-
child, (113) 402; Amend. 403, 407

Kingstown and Holyhead Mails, Comm. moved

for, (110) 1258

Lord Lieutenancy Abolition (Ireland), Leave,
(111) 227

Lough Corrib Improvement, 2R. (113) 950
Malt Tax, Leave, Amend. (112) 1012

Mercantile Marine (No. 2), Com cl. 65, (112)

Navy Estimates, (113) 471

Paper Duty, (110) 391

Parliament, New Houses of, (110) 796

Post Office, Leave, (112) 69

Post Office, Sunday Labour in the, (111) 475;
(119) 1217

Post Office Appointments, (113) 32, 36, 88
Prince of Wales, The-Marlborough House,
Res. (113) 457

Real Property Transfer, (109) 1216
Redman, Mr., Case of Portandic, (113) 93
Rochdale Savings Bank, (112) 1298

Com. (113) 819; cl. 7, ib. ; cl. 8, 821, 822; cl.
9, ib.; add. cl. 824, 825

Steam Communication with Australia, Address
moved, (113) 237, 242
Sugar Duties, (111) 573

Sugar, New Mode of Refining, (113) 1070
Supply-Civil Services, (111) 234;-New Houses
of Parliament, 235, 332, 333, 337, 348, 350,
390, 391, 986, 1007;-Buckingham Palace,
323, 325, 327;-The Marble Arch, (113) 642,
643; Public Works (Ireland), (111) 361,
363; (113) 649, 651;-The Treasury, (111)
391, 392;-Comptroller of the Exchequer,
408;-Poor Laws 413, 414; Public Records,
425; (111) 270, 271;-Grant to Maynooth,
(111) 597; British Museum, (112) 810, 814;
-National Gallery (Edinburgh), 816;-
Public Education, 935;-Ecclesiastical Es-
tablishments, British North America, 1332,
1333;--Indian Department, Canada, 1334;
-Bahama Islands, 1335;-Salaries, West
India Colonies, 1336;-Stipendiary Magis-
trates, West India Colonies, 1337;-Regium
Donum, (113) 130;- Hospitals at Dublin,
257;-Ambassador's House, Constantinople,
269;-Post Office Packet Service, 476, 476;
-Convict Establishment, 583 ;-Harbours of
Refuge, 644; -Stationery, Printing, &c.,
655, 658;- Holyrood Palace, 724; · New
House of Commons, 726, 729, 731, 734, 737 ;
-Savings Banks, 740, 741, 742, 758
Transfer of Improvement Loans (Ireland), 2R.
(113) 949

Ways and Means, Com. (110) 1432
Westminster Bridge, 2R. (112) 777

[ocr errors]

Window Tax, Repeal of the, Amend. (110) 89
Wood used in Shipbuilding, Comm. (110) 766,
767; Res. Amend. (111) 307, 309

Chancery, Court of,

1. Returns moved for (Lord Brougham) (111)
369; Observations (Lord Brougham) (112)

c. Question (Mr. Baillie) (110) 1236; Mr. W.
Patten, (1) 431; (Hon. E. P. Bouverie),
432; (Mr. J. Stuart), 896; (Mr. W. P.
Wood), (112) 1378

Chancery, Court of, Bill,

c. 1R.* (110) 890; 2R. (111) 1128; 3R.* (112)

7. 1R.* (112) 326; 2R.* 1139; Rep.* 1237;
3R.* 1284

Royal Assent, 1337

Chancery Court of Appeal Bill,

1. 1R.* (111) 426; 2R. 1199;

Order for 2R. discharged, 1216

Salaries and Wages (Public Service), Address Chancery Administration of Justice in

moved, Amend. (110) 995, 1042

Salaries, Official, Comm. moved for, (110) 270
Savings Banks, (110) 624; Leave, 894, 923,
926, 936, 938; 2R. (113) 952

Stamp Duties, Res. (109) 1057, 1061, 1062, 1063,
1064; Com. (110) 300, 305, 311, 314, 315,
316, 317, 318, 319, 327, 329; cl. 5, 331; cl.
7, 332; cl. 8, 333; Schedule A, 334; Scho-
dule B, ib., 336, 339, 342, 624, 626, 627,
1316, 1429, 1430, 1431

Stamp Duties (No. 2), Res. (1) 157, 158;

Court of, Acts Continuance Bill,

7. 1R. (113) 604; 2R.* 678; Rep.* 762; 3R.*

Chancery, Court of (County Palatine of
Lancaster) Bill,

1. 1R.* (111) 491; 2R.* 931; Rep. 1030;
3R.* 1146

c. 1R.* (112) 6; 2R.* 101; 3R.* (113) 80
7. Royal Assent, (113) 392

Chancery, Court of, Fees Bill,
c. 1R.* (110) 792; 2R.* 1275

Chancery, Court of, Decrees of, &c., Bill,
7. 1R.* (111) 158; 2R.* (113) 954; Rep.* 1008
Chancery, Court of (Ireland) Bill,
c. Leave, (108) 402; 1R.* 460;

2R. 727; House counted out, 734, 863;
Amend. (Mr. J. Stuart), 870; Amend. with-
drawn, 882;

* (109) 233; (110) 890;

Com. 1149; cl. 1, 1151; cl. 15, 1153; cl. 30, ib.;
cl. 38, Amend. (Mr. Grogan), 1156, [A. 26,
N. 96, M. 70] 1157; 3R.* (111) 384

7. 1R.* (111) 491; 2R.* (112) 1054; Rep.*
1284; 3R.* (113) 604;
Royal Assent, 1068

Chaplaincies, Foreign,

l. 1R.* (119) 1; 2R. Order discharged, (110)

[blocks in formation]

Charitable Trusts Bill,

c. 1R.* 535; 2R. (110) 118;

Com. cl. 1, (112) 133; Amend. [Mr, Turner),
[o. q. A. 65, N. 14, M. 51] 134;

cl. 8. ib., [A. 61, N. 16, M. 45], (112) 135;
3R. (113) 70; Amend. (Mr. Henley) [A. 16, N.
74, M. 58] 71; 3R. postponed, 72; Amend.
(Mr. Turner), 277, [o. q., A. 96, N.53, M. 43]
280; Amend. (Rt. Hon. H. Goulburn) ib.,
[A. 38, N. 77, M. 39] 281; Bill passed, ib.
7. IR.* (113) 392; Order for 2R. discharged,

Charter, The,

C. Motion (Mr. F. O'Connor), (112) 1282;
House counted out, 1284

CHARTERIS, Hon. W. F., Haddingtonshire
Agricultural Distress, Comm. moved for, (108)

Real Property Transfer, (109) 1215

CHATTERTON, Col. J. C., Cork City

Address in Answer to the Speech, (108) 125, 128
Admiralty Contracts, (109) 1092

Army Estimates, (109) 687; (113) 362, 370, 384

Attornies' and Proctors' Certificate Tax, Leave,
(109) 27; (110) 1105

Cambridge, Duke of, Grant to, Res. (113) 26
Crime and Outrage Act (Ireland) Continuance,
Leave, (113) 878

Drainage, (109) 1069

Landlord and Tenant, 3R. (112) 851

Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) 2R. (113) 601
Libraries and Museums, Public, Com. (110) 158;
cl. 1, (111) 1176; 3R. add. cl. (113) 481, 482
Marriages, Com. (110) 533; cl. 6, Amend. (111)

Ordnance Estimates, (110) 43, 46, 48
Parliamentary Voters (Ireland), Com. (108)
1365; cl. 7; (109) 1072, 1075; Amend. (110)
1140, 1142, 1148

CHATTERTON, Col. J. C.-continued.

Poor Law (Ireland), Leave, (113) 160, 161
Postal Communication between London and
Dublin, (113) 888

Prerogative, Court of (Ireland), 2R. (111) 155;
Amend. 156

Chester and Holyhead Railway Bill,
Regimental Benefit Societies, (109) 358

c. 1R.* (108) 634; 2R.* 1286;

3R. (111) 384; add. cl. (Mr. O. Gore), 385,
[A. 118, N. 137, M. 19] 387

[blocks in formation]


Appeals to the Privy Council, &c., 2R. (111) 646
Ecclesiastical Commission, Rep. (109) 125
Education, Committee of Council on,
(109) 302
Religious Persecution in Ireland, (113) 1067

Chief Justices' Salaries Bill,

c. 1R. (109) 641; 2R. 939;

Com. 1391; Amend. (Mr. Spooner), 1400,
[o. q. A. 100, N. 51, M. 49] 1406; cl. 1,
Amend. (Mr. Mullings), 1407; Amend.
withdrawn, 1403; Amend. (Mr. Henley), ib.,
[A. 38, N. 86, M. 48] 1413

[blocks in formation]

Benefices in Plurality, Com. (110) 1087

Chief Justices' Salaries, Com. (109) 1391; cl. 1,

Copyholds Enfranchisement, 2R. Amend. (112)

County Courts Extension, 2R. (110) 138; Com.
cl. 2, 1118

Dundee and Perth, &c., Railways Junction, 2R.
(110) 68

Landlord and Tenant, 2R. Amend. (110) 1062,

1065; Com. (111) 1120; 3R. (112) 851, 852
Malt Tax, Leave, (112) 1007
Parliamentary Voters (Ireland), Com. cl. 1,
(109) 350

Small Tenements Rating, Com. cl. 1, (109) 1191

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

CLEMENTS, Hon. C. S., Leitrim

Attornies' Certificates, Com. cl. 5, (112) 1526
Distressed Unions Advances (Ireland), Com. cl.
3, (110) S55; Amend. 856, 1135
Medical Charities (Ireland), Com. cl. 1, (112)
1291; cl. 8, (113) 148, 149, 151; add. cl. 951
Parliamentary Voters (Ireland), Com. cl. 1,
(109) 258; cl. 2, 320; cl. 15, 1080; Re-Com.
(110) 1138; Lords Amends. (113) 550

Clergy, Proceedings against, Bill,

7. IR. (108) 333; Question (Lord Redesdale),

(110) 297

[blocks in formation]

CLERK, Rt. Hon. Sir G.-continued.
Mercantile Marine (No. 2), Com. cl. 62, (112)


Merchant Seamen's Fund, Comm. (108) 694
Parliamentary Voters (Ireland), (110) 1139
Pirates (Head Money) Repeal, 2R. (108) 661
Postal Communication between London and
Paris, Comm. moved for, (109) 378
School Establishments (Scotland), 2R. Amend.
(112) 83


Address in Answer to the Speech, (108) 41
Peel, Sir R., Death of, (112) 865

(113) 388

CLIVE, Hon. R. H. Shropshire. S.
Army Estimates-Yeomanry,
Coal Mines, Accidents in,

7. Petition (Lord Wharncliffe), (110) 1161
Coal Mines, Inspection of, Bill,

7. 1R.* (112) 137; 2R.* 1139; Com. 1239;
3R. (113) 3; That the Bill do pass; Amend.
(Lord Brougham), ib.; Bill passed, 4.

c. IR.* (113) 80; 2R. 603; Amend. Adj. (Mr.
Wawn), [A. 15, N. 54, M. 39] 604, 759; 3R.

7. Royal Assent, (113) 1068

COBDEN, Mr. R., Yorkshire, W.R.
Address in Answer to the Speech, (108) 245
Army Estimates (109) 683, 690; (113) 370
Australian Colonies, Com. cl. 2, (109) 1267
Borneo, Alleged Piracy off, (112) 1307, 1318
Brooke, Sir J., (111) 294, 296, 297, 301, 302,


Cambridge, Duke of, Annuity, Com. cl. 1, (113)

Corn, Foreign, Comm. moved for, (111) 88, 97
Expenditure, Public, (109) 542, 612

Greece, Affairs of, Return moved for, (111) 235,
236; (112) 659, 670
Marriages, 2R. (109) 444

Metropolitan Interments, Com. cl. 27, (111) 912
Navy Estimates, (111) 287, 291, 293, 294, 296,
297, 301, 302, 303; (113) 464

Ordnance Estimates, (110) 45, 49, 50
Parliamentary Returns, (113) 717
Passport System, The, (111) 403

Pirates (Head Money) Repeal, 2R. (108) 664
Salaries and Wages (Public Service), Address
moved, (110) 1030


Supply-Royal Palaces, (111) 322;-New Houses
of Parliament, 341-Public Works (Ireland),
360;-The Treasury, 393;-Indian Depart-
ment, Canada, (112) 1334 ;-Stipendiary Ma-
gistrates, West - Indian Colonies, 1336;-
the Gold Coast,
Danish Settlements on
Amend. (113) 37;-Hong-Kong, 104, 105, 119,
121;- Consulate Establishments, Amend.
123, 124, 127;-Stationery, Printing, &c.,

Ways and Means-Crown Property,

COCHRANE, Mr. A. B., Bridport

Borneo, Alleged Piracy off, (112) 1314
Factories, Com. (111) 1271
Foreign Policy, (111) 315, 318

Greece, Affairs of, (111) 719; (112) 373

(113) 762

O'Brien, Mr. S., Comm. moved for, (112) 791
Tuscany, British Claims on, (113) 253, 284

COCKBURN, Sir A. J. E., Southampton | Commons Inclosure Bill,
*Affirmation, Com. (110) 789

c. 1R. (108) 968; 2R. 1268; 3R.* (109) 14

Attornies' and Proctors' Certificate Tax, Leave,
(109) 26

Chancery, Court of (Ireland), 2R. (108) 869, 875
County Courts Extension, 2R. (110) 142; Com.

cl. 1, 1111, 1112, 1117, 1121; cl. 4, 1125;
cl. 5, 1128; cl. 13, 1131; add. cl. (1) 1170
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 2R. (110) 973
Education, Leave, (109) 55

Friendly Societies, 2R. (112) 98

Greece, Affairs of, (112) 267, 596, 609, 661
Marriages, 2R. (109) 436; Com. (110) 533; cl. 2,
(11) 126, 149; cl. 3, 1188

Negro, Free, Imprisonment of a, at Charleston,
(110) 891

Polish Refugees, Address moved, (108) 507
Salaries, Official, Comm. moved for, (110) 259
Small Tenements Rating, 3R. (11) 1145

CODRINGTON, Mr. C.W., Gloucestershire, E.
Bristol Riots-The Yeomanry, Explanation,
(113) 437

Coffee, Adulteration of,

c. Motion (Mr. C. Anstey), (111) 268; Motion neg.
279; Comm. moved for (Mr. C. Anstey), (112)
1186, [A. 60, N. 205, M. 145] 1190

[blocks in formation]

7. 1R.* (109) 122; 2R.* 354; Rep.* 944; 3R.*


Royal Assent, (111) 158

Commons Inclosure (No. 2) Bill,

c. 1R.* (113) 211; 2R.* 396; Rep.* 486; 3R.*


7. 1R.* (113) 678; 2R.* 762; Rep.* 838; 3R.*

Royal Assent, 1068

Commons, The New House of,

c. Observations (Rt. Hon. Sir G. Grey), (111)

First Sitting in, 456;

Question (Mr. B. Osborne), 458; (Mr. Bankes),
755; (Mr. Aglionby), 1121;
Supply, (113) 726

Compound Householders Bill,

c. ÎR.* (111) 456; 2R. (113) 188; Amend. (Mr.
Newdegate), 189, [o, q. A. 80, N. 24, M. 56],


COMPTON, Mr. H. C., Hampshire, S.
Small Tenements Rating, Com. cl. 1, (109) 1192
CONOLLY, Mr. T., Donegal

Distressed Union Advances (Ireland), Re-com.
cl. 3, (110) 1137

Fisheries, Irish, 2R. Amend. (110) 1263

Lord Lieutenancy Abolition (Ireland), 2R. (111)
Parliamentary Voters (Ireland), Com. cl. 110,
Amend. (110) 174, 175

Stamp Duties, Com. (110) 325

Consolidated Fund (8,000,000l.) Bill,

c. 1R.* (109) 641; 2R.* 737; Rep.* 882; 3R.*

7. 1R.* (109) 1037; 2R.* 1088; Rep.* 1206;
3R.* 1226

Royal Assent, 1347

[blocks in formation]

Common Pleas, Court of, Fees (No. 2) COPELAND, Mr. Ald. W. T., Stoke-on-


c. 1R.* (113) 297; 2R.* 396; 3R.* 760

7. 1R.* (113) 762; 2R.* 838; Rep.* 928; 3R.*

Royal Assent, 1068


Metropolitan Interments, Com. el. 30, (111) 1072
Smoke Prohibition, 2R. Amend, (112) 1436
Supply-Poor Law, (111) 416, 417, 418, 419,
420; Amend. 421;-The Mint, 421, 424

Copyholds Enfranchisement Bill,

c. Leave, (109) 220, [A. 97, N. 32, M. 65] 225;
1R.* 882; 2R. (112) 451; Amend. (Mr.
Christopher), 452, [o. q. A. 103, N. 84, M.
19] 452;

Com. 1427; Amend. (Sir G. Strickland), 1428,
[o. q. A. 49, N. 40, M. 9] 1429;

cl. 1, Amend. (Mr. Mullings), 1450, [o. q. A.
55, N. 47, M. 8] ib.; Amend. (Mr. Henley),
[o. q. A. 44, N. 74, M. 30] 1432; Amend.
(Mr. Hume), [A. 66, N. 53, M. 13] ib.;
cl. 4, Amend. (Sir B. Hall), 1433; Amend. (Mr.
Henley), (113) 205, [A. 61, N. 36, M. 25] 206
Copyright, Law of, Designs Act Amend-
ment Bill,

7. 1R.* (112) 221; 2R.* 817; Rep.* 1054; 3R.*

c. 1R. (113) 80; 2R. 674; Com. 1009; 3R.*

7. Royal Assent, (113) 1068

Corn Averages,

c. Question (Earl of March), (110) 1383

Corn, Foreign,

c. Comm. moved for (Hon. G. Berkeley), (111)
19, [A. 184, N. 298, M. 114] 97

Corn Trade (Scotland), Removal of Ob-
structions Bill,

7. 1R.* (109) 221; 2R.* 354; Rep.* 457

Cornwall, Duchy of,

c. Comm. moved for (Mr. Trelawny), (109) 1370;
Motion neg., 1389

Coroner, Deputy, of Middlesex,

c. Petition (Lord R. Grosvenor), (113) 718
Coroners' Fees Abolition Bill,

c. 1R.* (112) 1444; 2R. (113) 206

[blocks in formation]

Royal Assent, ib.

County Courts Extension Bill,

c. Leave, (109); 1R.* 68;

c. 2R.* (110) 131; Amend. (Rt. Hon. Sir G.
Grey), 132, [o. q. A. 144, N. 67, M. 77] 152;
Com. 1108; Amend. (Mr. Keogh), 1109; Mo-
tion withdrawn, 1110;

cl. 1, Amend. (Mr. Mitchell), ib.; Amend.
withdrawn, 1112;

cl. 2, Amend. (Attorney General), ib.; cl. 4,
1123; cl. struck out, 1127;

cl. 5, ib.; Amend. (Mr. Cockburn), 1128, [A.
66, N. 162, M. 96] 1129;

cl. 7, ib.; cl. 13, 1130;

County Courts Extension Bill-cont.
add. cl. (The Attorney General), (111) 1162;
add. cl. (Mr. T. M'Cullagh), 1166; cl. with-
drawn, 1167;

add. cl. (Mr. Crowder), ib., [A. 25, N. 108, M.
83] 1173;

3 R. (112) 135;

That the Bill do pass, add. cl. (Major Black-
all), 136, [A. 58, N. 111, M. 53] 137;
add. el. (Mr. Mitchell), [A. 55, Ñ. 90, M. 35]
ib.; Bill passed, ib.

7. IR. (112) 137; 2R. 1059;
Com. 1286, 1337;

cl. 4, Proviso (Lord Redesdale), 1443;
3R. (113) 77; add. cl. (Lord Beaumont), ib.
[Content 19, Not-Content 13, M. 6] 78;
Amend. (Lord Brougham), ib. ;

add. cl. (Lord Langdale), 79 ;

Bill passed, 80

Explanation (Lord Brougham), 282

c. Lords' Amends. (113) 602

1. Commons' Amend. (113) 768 [Contents 13,
Not-Contents 11, M. 2] ib. ;

Royal Assent, 1067

County Courts Extension Act Amendment

7. 1R.* (113) 760; 2R.* 838; Rep.* 928; 3R.*

County Courts, Fees in,

c. Question (Mr. Drummond), (109) 816
County Prisons Bill,


c. 1R. (113) 11
County Rates Bill,

c. 1R. (109) 971;

2R. (112) 445; Amend. (Mr. G. C. Lewis),
448; Bill put off, 451

County Rates and Expenditure Bill,

c. Leave, (108) 392; 1R.* 737 ;

2R. 737; Amend. Adj. (Mr. Spooner), 741;
Adj. Debate, (109) 817; Amend. (Sir J. Paking-
ton), 821; Amend. withdrawn, 838;
Com. 1205; Adj. Debate, 1221; That Mr. Ker-
shaw be added to the Com. 1223, [A. 37,
N. 11, M. 26] 1226

County Rates, Charges formerly paid out

c. (112) 221; (113) 273

Court of Prerogative (Ireland) Bill,

c. 1 R.* (110) 844; 2 R. (111) 152; Amend. (Mr.
Reynolds), 154, [A. 34, N. 91, M. 57] 156; 2nd
Div. [A. 20, N. 95, M. 75] ib.; (Col. Chat-
terton), [A. 20, N. 83, M. 63] 157, 384;
Nomination of Comm. 710, [A. 106, N. 29, M.
77] 712; 2nd Div. [A. 77, N. 30, M. 47] 713;
3rd Div. [A. 75, N. 36, M. 39] ib.

Court of Session (Scotland) Bill,

c. 1R. (109) 641; 2R.* (110) 164; Rep.* 1275;
3R.* (111) 528

7. 1R.* (111) 598; 2R.* (112) 326; 3R.* 1139
Royal Assent, (113) 392

COWAN, Mr. C., Edinburgh

Budget, The, (109) 1003

Caledonian and Edinburgh Railways Amalga-
mation, (109) 1050

Marriages, Com. cl. 2, (111) 144

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