THE PROPHETIC HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION EXPLAINED; OR A BRIEF EXPOSITION OF THE REVELATION OF ST. JOHN; ACCORDING TO A NEW DISCOVERY OF PROPHETICAL TIME, BY WHIСИ DOWN TO THE PRESENT PERIOD-WITH BY THE REV. J. GEORGE SCHMUCKER, VOL. I. Tempora distingue et concordat Domini Verbum. * * BALTIMORE: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY SCHAEFFER and MAUND. 5356 pr RECOMMENDATIONS. The attentive reader will find abundance of entertainment, instruction and edification in the perusal of this work. The prophetic chronology by which the different prophecies as arranged into one continual series, and which seems to accord so well with history, merits the particular attention * of the learned. I have no doubt, the Lord will graciously bestow his blessing upon it, especially in the present critical juncture of times. The long and intimate friendship existing between the author and myself, prevents me from saying more, than to express my wish, that his learned labours may meet with that success, which they so eminently and deserv. edly merit. J. HENRY CH. HELMUTH, D. D. Senior Reverendi Ministerii of the Evangelic Lutheran Church in Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1816. Reverend and Respected Sir, I have read with attention and pleasure, your "Prophetic History, &c." In a style easy and luminous, and with a train of illustration purely evangelic, you have prepared a pleasing and edifying entertainment for your future readers. I am aware o the difficulties that have offered themselves to the Commentator on the Revelation of John. Every endeavour to elevate the veil, by which its prophecies as to import and period, are concealed from public view, deserves commendation. I shall be happy to see the principles contained in your introduction, employed in elucidating the latter chapters of the Apocalypse. I am, Reverend Sir, Your attentive Fellow Servant, In the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus, W. STAUGHTON, D. D. Pastor of the Baptist Church in the city of Philadelphia. That the prophecies of the Apocalypse, are progressing in their accomplishment, by the events of our own days, is an interesting truth; and that its credibility is abundantly established by the history of the ages, since its publication in the world, is clear to every well instructed and unprejudiced mind The partial conflict of interpreters, are so far from invalidating, that their discrepancies of sentiment on minor points, have exhibited the prophecy itself, in a clearer light, and given it a more convincing efficacy. Of these the Reverend Mr. Schmucker, has availed himself; his knowledge of the subject, and his piety, will strike every reader. Bengelius, he most prefers, whose discrimination and pungency are seen in his Gnomon. Mr. Schmucker's Prophetic History, &c. merits, and it is hoped, will receive the attention and gratitude, both of the Student, and the Christian, JAMES P. WILSON, D. D. Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. ROBERT CATHCART, D. D. Pastor of the Presbyterian Congregation of York-Town. |