such as heroes, inventors of arts and sciences, or who had otherwise been a blessing to cities, countries, tribes, or nations in their time. These after death the Heathens worshipped as Deities, and mediators between the superior Gods and men, under the title of demons. 1 Tim. iv. 1. Acts xvii. 18. All the nations of Asia were worshippers of demons, except the Mahomedans and Persians,, which last adore God under the emblem of fire, and the sun. It is worthy of remark, that the instruments of this woe, were not properly worshippers of demons, though they otherwise have been guilty of many crimes; and, to the eternal shame of idolatrous Christians, are most inveterate ene- . mies to the worship of images and saints, to this day. II. They worship idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood. These words evidently allude to image worship, and to that stupid veneration for the bones and carcasses of saints, which was first begun in Greece, about the year 590. After a terrible flame of controversy, attended with such fatal consequences to religion and government, both in the Eastern and Western part of the empire, this idolatrous worship was firmly established by two councils assembled at Constantinople, in the years 863 and 871. Since that time, this superstitious phrenzy became universal in the Greek Church; and that deluded people, to express their most signal approbation of the frenetic enthusiasm of this council for the introduction of this species of gross idolatry, have instituted the feast of orthodoxy, as an anniversary festival to commemorate this decree. The abettors of image worship were also triumphant in the Romish Church, loud and powerful as the testimony of European Christians has been against it, since the time of Charlemagne; wherefore the third woe is suffered to fall on them with equal severity, and during a much longer period of time. III. They are also charged with murders, sorceries, fornication and thefts. Murders of the saints and martyrs of Jesus, as evinced by their oppressive conduct against many seceding Christians, especially in those sanguinary persecutions of the Paulicians, between A. D. 845-950, by the Creek Church; when these firm and faithful servants of the Lord fled before the brutal rage of their persecutors from Asia to the Danube. φαρμακεία, sorcery, siguifies the art of poisoning in a clandestine manner, as it here stands united to notorious murder. But the most pernicious modé ot poisoning is performed by arts of magic, and John has here used a Greek word, which ch. xviii. 23. properly signifies sorcery. History also informs us, tbat necromancy and the magic art was very much in vogue in the East, and practised to great extent about this time. Fornication here signifies all unlawful and unnatural lusts; and theft, robbing men of their estates. History abounds with instances of these wicked and abominable practices in the Grecian empire, and more especially in the Eastern provinces, during the seventh, eighth and ninth centuries; by which they challenged the Lord to their own destruction. Though they were guilty of such heinous crimes against the dictates of religion, and the remonstrances of conscience, and had thus violated their most sacred obligations towards God and society ;-Though already scourged and severely reprehended by the judgments of this woe; yet they might have repented of their sins at the feet of Jesus, and would have found pardon with a merciful Saviour, and the aids of his Holy Spirit, in order to break their criminal connexions with sin and sinners, and attain to a new life. But such as remained impenitent, and would not abstain from their presumtuous sins, and insollent practices, are threatened with the third woe, 2 Thes. ii. 10. 12. and in case of further obduracy, with still severer judgments under the vials of wrath. The authorities, for the historical facts alledged in the explanation of these woes, are Gibbon, Mosheim, Shrœck, VI. TRUMPET, FROM A. D. 801-TO 1063. 265 Gatterer, Walch, Arnold, some historical dictionaries, and the Encyclopædia, under the different articles treated of in this chapter; where the learned reader may also meet with references to still more ancient authors than these, to satisfy himself on every subject. P.S. If this volume, under the auspices of an all ruling Providence, should meet the approbation of the Christian public, the Author is pre pared, and will furnish his indulgent readers with the second volume in a short time. FINIS. CONTENTS. c. Benevolent intention of these obscurities. III. Introduction concerning the calculation of prophetic times. 4. The Revelation contains two kinds of prophetic times. 5. The pious prelate Bengelius's system of computing the extraordi- 6. A new system of ordinary prophetic times, by which Bengelius's system is rectified and confirmed. 7. Prospective view of the whole system of the prophecies in the Re- 3. General sum of its Contents 4. Glorious appearance of Jesus Christ 5. Seven charges of Jesus Christ, the great shepherd and bishop of souls, to seven distinct successions of his gospel ministry: a. Pastoral Charge to the Angel at Ephesus, b. Pastoral Charge to the Angel at Smyrna, c. Pastoral Charme to the Angeles دو وو II. 1-7 8-11 |