My Dear Friend and Brother, You have been so good as to send me the manuscript of your work, entitled "Prophetic History," &c. I had not time to read the whole of it; but what I did read, pleased me much. I have no doubt of its being a useful work, and have no hesitation in recommending it to the public. May your labours in the Vineyard of the Lord, not be in vain! And may this work of yours, be the means, in the hands of Providence, to bring many to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, and to strengthen the faith of the weak. Your's sincerely, GEORGE LOCHMAN, A. M. Minister of the Lutheran Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Reverend Sir, BALTIMORE, Nov. 20, 1816, I have attentively read your Exposition of the Apocalypse. The new plan which you have adopted to elucidate the Prophetical Chronology, is a proof of ingenuity and deep research. Every attempt, by a discerning mind, to explain this prophetic Book, which certainly is drawing near its fulfilment, deserves commendation. Your readers will be gratified with many historical facts, and pious reflections. I sincerely wish the public may be favoured with a continuation of this interesting work, and solicit you to lose no time in its completion. I am, very respectfully, Yours, &c. DANIEL KURTZ, D. D. Minister of the Lutheran Congregation in the city of Baltimore. Reverend Sir, I have only had time to take a cursory view of the work of the Reverend Mr. Schmucker, which you were so good as to put into my hands; and consequently, I am not able to speak with confidence of its merit. But it appears to me to be a performance of great ingenuity, and deep research. Whether he has discovered the true key to the Revelation of St. John, I would not venture to say; but his arguments and illustration, seem to throw additional light on this difficult subject. I am, Reverend Sir, Yours, &c. JAMES KEMP, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland' Doctor KURTZ. TO THE REVEREND J. HENRY CH. HELMUTH, D. D. Senior Reverendi Ministerii of the Evangelic Lutheran Church, and Minister of the Gospel at Philadelphia. DEAR SIR, To live retired from the bustle of the world has always been my delight, and the study of the Holy Scriptures my greatest pleasure; ever since I had the honour of studying divinity under your care, and of being inducted a fellow labourer by you, into the vineyard of our Lord. Many of my leisure hours from official duty, have particularly been devoted to a more close investigation of the prophecies and their completion. The Apocalypse of St. John had long been impenetrable to my view, and the authors which I read on that subject, left me in doubť and perplexity. But at last I obtained an insight, which to me appears fully satisfactory. My eye was attracted by the true key to this Divine treasure-A prophetical chronology, or calculation of the different denominations of time in this book, not yet noticed by the writers on this subject. By this key the whole number of predictions arrange themselves into a long chain, shewing the beginning, connexion and length of every link, and the extent of the whole system. My joy was truly great, when by the help of this key, I compared the prophecies with history; conviction broke in on the mind like a torrent-doubt and hesitation disappeared. The light, which has discovered itself to me; the conviction which it afforded my mind, of the credibility of the gospel; the confident rest in our glorious and ever blessed Redeemer, with which I was comforted; may, under the Divine auspices of an all ruling Providence, also convince and comfort others. These are my motives, my object and apology for publishing this small I do it with unaffected diffidence, when I consider the high importance of my subject, and my own fallibility. I rejoice at this opportunity to make you a public tender of the gratitude of my heart, for the many favors which you have bestowed on me, during an uninterrupted friendship of twenty-four years. Be assured, sir, I should suspect my own heart, if among the many pupils, which you so successfully prepared for the gospel ministry in the Evangelic Lutheran Church in this country, there was one, who actually entertained more respect for your character, and a higher esteem for your inestimable labours in the Lord. It will continue to be a large part of my earthly happiness, to enjoy your friendship, your counsel, your confidence and comfort, during the shadowy path of my life through the valley of this world; as I often ask myself in cases of difficulty, how you would probably act in the same situation, and still look up to you as an example, worthy the imitation of all your brethren. |