: the seals. And before the woes, three pauses of cessations must be admitted of which the third is of much shorter duration than the first and second, as expressly demanded by the words of the prophecy. At the beginning of the woes this prophetic chronology, moreover divides itself, by the internal order of the book, into two remarkable columns; one of which advances the lineage of the church of Christ, the other marks the progression of the woes, and their pauses of cessation. These two notable columns run on into the sound of the seventh trumpet, where again they furnish the exact dates, to a new succession of prophecies in four lines of periods and numbers, which are terminated by the seven vials, and the commencement of the happy Millennium. The reader perhaps may find this description dark and intricate, I will therefore give him a prospective view of this admirable fabric; the sight of which has brought full conviction to my mind, and comfort to my heart. Let serious and considerate lovers of the prophetic word, determine its real value. But in order to complete the solution of this divine scheme, or internal prophetic chronology of this prophecy, we are yet to settle those terms of time, which we have denominated indeterminate. These are the times of the woman; the short time of the dragon; the little season of the souls under the altar; the time, to which the angel swore; and the little season, in which the Devil is loose again, after the thousand years. These are the terms of time, in the solution of which, I humbly presume to differ from the learned Bengelius, and many other authors on this important subject. The accomplishment alone, as recorded on the page of history, can determine between us, what degree of credibility may be due to each of our labours. No doubt, all the periods of time, designated by these terms, have a reference to each other; and as they are all of the same indetermined kind, stand in a comparative re 1 lation among themselves, as to the exact quantity of time belonging to each period. If therefore a key could be discovered to determine one period precisely; the whole number might be adjusted into a scale of time, at least highly probable, if not certain and conclusive. And as these times also stand connected with the whole body of prophecies, arranged by methodical periods, and extraordinary, determined numbers; their lengths are moreover regulated by circumstances, and the limits of others. I presume to have found this key in the periods of the methodical times, and after mature consideration formed the following scale, which is verified by history, and accords with the scheme and connection of the whole book. I take a hundred years to be a time, and fifty years to be half a time; as it is expressly laid in Genesis, chapter xv. 13, 16. That this is the time of man, and of a generation of men. See also, Job XLii. 16. Isa. xxxviii.12. Where THORI signifies both. I must however previously inform the common reader, that some of these terms of time, are very imperfectly translated in our English version. My scale will therefore exhibit them in the original language, and after an improved translation. SCALE OF TIME. 50 years, ἥμισυς καιρός, half a timeof the woman. Chap. καιροι, 350 800 a time. times. xii. 14. καιρὸν, καὶκαιρᾶς, καὶ ῆμιου καιροῦ, A time, times and half a time. ̓ολίγον καιρὸν The original is not μικρὸν, parvum a little time, which would make it shorter than a whole time; it is ̓ ολίγον, a few, not many, and must be taken for a numerical word, to signify some times, but 1 : 1 wertheless, as to the time in which they are to be accomplished, they stand in the same relation to the seals and trumpets, as Joshua's taking the city of Jericho, chap. vi. 3, 4, 5. He compassed the city six days, each day once, and on the seventh day seven times, and took the city by a general shout. It is also manifest from the resemblance of the vials to the trumpets, and the different effects which they produce, that they do not comprise equal periods of time. The three last trumpets take up much more time in their accomplishments, than the four first; and this also is the case with the vials; however the great events, which have occurred in Europe these last twenty-five years, made it appear, that the duration of each of the three last vials, will not be more than fifteen years. Certain it is, that they are not yet poured out, if it has not been done since the beginning of the revolution in France; and in that case they would comprise a shorter time still, than above expressed. The fifth vial of wrath has probably been poured out A. D. 1798, and the kingdom of the beast has already stood in a state of darkness during fifteen years. The great whore mounted and curbed it, as she pleased. During the time in which the sixth vial is poured out, on the nations upon the river Euphrates. Popery will probably revive by the assistance of the second beast, and regain In some measure, its first power and grandeur. This second beast will bring all the horrors of persecution on the Protestants; first in Roman Catholic countries, and afterwards in those places of security, to which they shall have fled. And a bloody one it will be, indeed. During the sixth vial it also changes its character, and appears on the stage of action as the false prophet for the first time;.. and like the dragon, and the first beast, breathes out of its mouth one of those three unclean spirits like frogs, which go forth to gather the kings of the earth to the bats tle of the great day of God Almighty. ! Though popery, as established by Hildebrand, has done immense injury to the Church of Christ on earth-and is even now preparing, to fill up its measure to the brim, by the abominations of the second beast; yet it has only been the beast from the sea. Those calamities and corruptions, which the beast from the bottomless pit will cause over all Christendom, far exceed the Papal tyranny. As the Apocalypse saith but little of the doctrine of this Antichristian power, whose element is Atheism; I will here supply the reader with some of his most prominent tenets from other parts of the Holy Scriptures. Daniel chap. vii. 25. He shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the Saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws. Chap. xi. 36-45. He shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every God, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any God: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour his God Mozim (in the Heb.) 2 Thessal. ii. The day of Christ shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. His coming is after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceiveableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. r 1 Epist. John, chap. xi. 22. He is Antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Chap. iv. 3. And every spirit that confesseth not, that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God this is that Antichrist. O God! These things are so near at hand, and we continue so careless and unconcerned for ourselves and our children; they are so certain and important, and we are / |