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Kept at Edinburgh, in the Observatory, Caltonhill.

N.B.-The Observations are made twice every day, namely, at eight o'elock in the morning, and eight o'clock in the evening. The morning observations in the first column are made on the Register


[blocks in formation]

COLD easterly winds, with frequent showers of hail and rain, prevailed from the 16th till the end of December. The present year commenced with keen frost. On the Ist the mercury in the thermometer stood at 27° Fahrenheit; on the 3d it fell as low as 20°; and in low situations, where hoar frost is always most powerful, it fell to 14°; on the 4th it rose to 25°; and on the 6th it stood at the freezing point during a heavy fall of snow. Towards the 10th, the temperature was about 37°; and in low situations the snow had entirely disappeared. The wind still continues easterly, and showers of sleet and rain are frequent. The plants of young wheat have hitherto suffered nothing by the frost; but, from the saturated condition of the soil, spring frosts are much to be dreaded, unless they are preceded by a tract of fair weather. Turnips have now got a complete check in growth, but have suffered nothing from the storm. Young clover plants continue to look healthy, but the weather has been such as to render pastures unavailable for live stock. Farm labour was far advanced before the date of our last; since then, little has been done out of doors. Carting out dung; pulling and driving home turnips; threshing and carrying grain to market, have been the only species of labour which it was possible to perform. The price of grain continues too low for the grower, and it is to be feared that the balance on profit and loss will, this season, in many instances, stand on the wrong side. Fat cattle are in demand, and bring good prices; in lean stock there is little doing. The winter season has hitherto been rather unfavourable to sheep fed on turnips, and this, with the lightness of that crop, may tend to keep up prices in the butcher market throughout the spring months.

12th Jan. 1821.

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Average Prices of Corn in Scotland for the Four Weeks preceding December 15. Wheat, 52s. 9d.-Rye, 34s. Od.-Barley, 26s. 2d.-Oats, 20s. 5d.-Beans, 33s. 5d.-Pease, 32s. 10d.

Oatmeal, per boll, 16s. 10d. Bear or Big, 24s. 4d.




[blocks in formation]

PIMENTO (in Bond), lb..

84 88

84 8


SPIRITSJam. Rum160.P. 2s lod 30 2728 2224 2540








[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

WINES, Clar. 1st Gr. hhd.

[blocks in formation]

Portugal Red, pipe,

[blocks in formation]

Spanish White, butt.



300 650


Teneriffe, pipe,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

LOGWOOD, Jamaica, ton, . £7

775 15 60 610 6 15


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

FUSTIC, Jamaica,



[blocks in formation]

INDIGO, Caraccas fine, lb.
TIMBER, Amer. Pine, foot,
Ditto Oak,

Honduras Mahogany,

TAR, American, brl.



TALLOW, Rus. Yel. Candle, 52

Home melted, cwt.



HEMP, Riga Rhine, ton, 45

9s 6d

11 6

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[blocks in formation]

7 15 8 0 71080 70 710 70 80 9 10 10 0 8 10 90

7 6868090 100 10 6

1812 181014011

[blocks in formation]


20 19 0


47 6

6 10


Petersburgh Clean,

[blocks in formation]

FLAX, Riga Th. & Dr. Ra. 58



[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

MATS, Archangel,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

BRISTLES, Peters. Firsts,

[blocks in formation]


ASHES, Petersburgh Pearl, 34

Montreal ditto, cwt.

OIL, Whale, tun,

TOBACCO, Virg. fine, lb.


COTTONS, Bowed Georgia,

Sea Island, fine, Demerara and Berbice,



84 (p.brl.)

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Course of Exchange, London, January 12.-Amsterdam, 12: 9. Ditto, at sight, 12:6. Rotterdam, 12:10. Antwerp, 12:10. Hamburgh, 38: 2. Altona, 38:3. Paris, 3 days sight, 25: 75. Bourdeaux, 26: 2. Frankfort on the Maine, 156, Madrid, 36. Cadiz, 351. Leghorn, 463. Gibraltar, 30. Genoa, 434. Lisbon, 4월. Oporto, 484. Rio Janeiro, 51. Dublin, 8 per cent. Cork, 8 per cent.

New dollars, L. 0: 4:11.

Prices of Bullion per oz.-Portugal gold in coin, L. 3:17:9. Foreign gold in bars, 1.. 3:17:101. New doubloons, L. 3: 15:0. Silver in bars, standard, L. 0: 4:11.

Premiums of Insurance at Lloyd's. Guernsey or Jersey, 15s. 9d. Cork or Dublin, lás. 9d. Belfast, 15s. 9d.-Hamburgh, 45s. - Madeira, 20s.-Jamaica, 30s.Greenland out and home, 4 gs. to 5 gs.

Weekly Prices of the Public Funds, from December 13, 1820, to January 10, 1821.

Dec. 13. Dec. 20. Dec. 27. Jan. 3. Jan. 10.


Bank stock,

3 per cent, reduced,

3 per cent. consols,

35 per cent. do.

4 per cent. do.

5 per cent. navy annuities

India Stock,


Exchequer bills, 24d.

Consols for account, ....

French 5 per cents...

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ENGLISH BANKRUPTS, announced between the 20th November and 20th December 1820; extracted from the London Gazette.

Arnett, J. H. Smith's-square, Westminster, coal- Hay, T. Kenilworth, Warwickshire, builder

Housman, W. Bridge-steeet, Blackfriars, mer

Adams, J. Trinity-square, Minories, merchant

Gray, J. Bishopsgate-street Without, grocer

Adlington, J. Tottenham, builder

Allen, J. Warwick, innkeeper

Green, J. Heden, Yorkshire, merchant
Gregson, R. Liverpool, merchant


Hartley, R. Ripon, mercer

Ayers, J. Sutton Valence, Kent, farmer

Hickes, J. Leeds, linen-draper

Batten, L. St Albans, cooper

Holmes, J. Portsmouth, coal-merchant

Brown, FR. Sheffield, draper

Baillie, J. Liverpool


Barker, T. and F. Hudson, Stratford, brewers

Bevans, J. City-road, timber-merchant

Houlse, R. Hinckley, grocer
Hunt, H. Liverpool, haberdasher

Biekerdike, G. Huddersfield, victualler

Hunter, J. A. Aston, Warwickshire


Inchbold, T. Leeds, bookseller

Bramwell, M J. Liverpool, ship-chandler

Bond, J. B. Blackman-street, Southwark, inn- Hutchinsen, J. Manchester, joiner

Brown, J. Great Cambridge-street, Hackney-road, timber-merchant,

Bromley, J. Circus-street, New-road, Mary-le
bone, ironmonger

Bray, G. Leeds, pocket-book-manufacturer
Brinkworth, G. Bath, vietualler
Buckley, J. Saddleworth, Yorkshire, dyer

Budgett, J. B. Stoke-lane, Somersetshire, dealer
Butgess, H. and J. Hubbard, Miles-lane, Cannon-

street, woolstaplers

Bury, T. Exeter, factor

Butler, J. C. and F. Dunnington, Yorkshire, ba


[blocks in formation]

Jackson, H. Great Prescott-street, merchant
Jackson, J. Coventry, ribbon-manufacturer
Jefferies, J. Siston, Gloucestershire, inn-keeper
Johnson, A. Palmer-village, Westminster, brick-


Kingsell, S. Blackwall, painter
Lamb, J. Birmingham, saddlers' ironmonger.
Lankesheer, W. Walcot, Somersetshire, victualler
Lawrence, W. H. Bath, linen-draper
Laycock, S. and G. Brooke, Minories, slopsellers
Lesley, W. A. Stowmarket, cabinet-maker
Leeson, G. Wood-street and Coventry, ribbon-ma-


Levy, M. A. and D. Bath, goldsmiths
Lloyd, T. W. Evesham, Worcestershire, fell-

[blocks in formation]

Nichols, S. and M. New Woodstock, milliners
Oldaker, E. Ipswich, grocer

Olive, J. Longford, Gloucestershire, farmer
Page, J. Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire, tan-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Symonds, C. and W. Taylor, Watling-street, warehousemen

Phillips, G. Old Brentford, cabinet-maker

Pickels, N. Colne, Lancashire, grocer

Taylor, A. Kent-road, malt-roaster
Tahourden, G. Warwick-court, Holborn, money-

Pierce, W. High Holborn, wax-merchant



Thompson, G. Preston, Lancashire, cheese-mong

Phillips, P. R. Carmarthen, druggist


Ploughman, H. Romsey, Hampshire, brewer

Thompson, J. Liverpool, factor

Pratten, M. jun. Bristol, leather-dealer

Pierson, J. S. Sutton-street, Clerkenwell, gold- Thompson, T. Camomile-street, merchant

Prentice, W. High-street, Southwark, ironmonger Price, D. T. Holywell-street, Shoreditch, butcher Pratt, W. Walsall, Staffordshire, retailer of wines Quintin, W. and G. Basford, Nottinghamshire,


Radnedge, J. Bathwick, Somersetshire, dairyman
Ranson, J. Union-street, Southwark, tea-dealer
Reynolds, T. Highworth, Wilts, draper
Rogers, S. Gutter-lane, Cheapside, hosier

Rucker, S. Old South Sea House, merchant
Ross, A. and J. Murray, Leadenhall-street, mer-


Sallows, R. Hadleigh, Suffolk, grocer
Sharpus, R. Berkeley-square, dealer
Sheard, L. Kerkheaton, Yorkshire, scribbling-


Shuttleworth, A. and G. Robinson, Lincoln, boat-builders

Simpson, W. Coppice-row, Clerkenwell, japan


Silva, J. R. Liverpool, merchant

Slater, T. Wolverhampton, maltster

Scarf, S. Leeds, stuff manufacturer

Stott, C. Manchester, brush manufacturer.

Strong, R. Exeter, clothier

Sweet, C. Northampton, Devonshire, tanner

Tipper, J. E. Romford, stationer
Treffiy. H. and R. Liverpool, chemists
Tuck, W. Marlborough, carpenter
Turner, T. Stock Exchange, broker
Underwood, S. St Philip and Jacob, Gloucester-

shire, carpenter

Varey, J. Lee-Green, Wakefield, cloth-maker

Wadham, R. Poole, grocer
Warwick, J. St Alban's, draper

Webb, W. and H. Bristol, linen drapers
Weetman, J. Liverpool, merchant

Webster, J. and G. M. Simpson, Tower-street,

Welsford, J. C. Adam's-court, Old Broad street, merchant

Wheeler, W. jun. New Kent-road, timber-mer


Wilson, W. Liverpool, merchant
Williams, J. Bishopsgate-street-within, linen-drap-


Wilson, J. and G. Waugh, Aldersgate-street, hat.


Wiseman, S. J. Harper, and T. Foyson, Norwich,
bombazeen manufacturers

Woolley, E. Bilston, Staffordshire, iron-master
Worthy, J. Exeter, factor.

ALPHABETICAL LIST of SCOTCH BANKRUPTCIES and DIVIDENDS, announced December 1820, extracted from the Edinburgh Gazette.

[blocks in formation]

Crawford, J. and A. Glasgow, merchants
Dickinson, A. and Co. Edinburgh, booksellers
Dunlop, J. Stewarton, grocer and spirit-dealer
Finlayson, T. at Allan, Ross-shire, cattle-dealer
Galloway, R. Dundee, merchant

Lamb, W. Leith, builder

Lamb, Kerr, and Co, Glasgow, and Kerr, Lamb, and Co. Gibraltar

M'Callum, Donald, Port-Bannatyne, Island of
Bute, vintner

Milligan, J. Boghouse, Lanarkshire, cattle-dealer
Mungall, Robert, Carse Mill, distiller
Paterson, R. Edinburgh, merchant
Rae, J. Aberdeen, merchant

Ritchie, W. Dalry, grocer and spirit-dealer
Robertson, J. Anstruther, merchant

Scott, Francis, Locherby, linen and woollen-draper
Smellie, W. Hamilton, spirit-dealer

Turnbull, J. Galashiels, skinner and wool-merchant

Watson, J. Dundee, plumber and tinplate-worker Wilson, J. Glasgow, baker and flour-dealer


[blocks in formation]

Barclay, Arthur, and Co. Glasgow, merchants, Thomson, T. and J. Auchtermuchty, merchants; by J. Berry, merchant there

by J. Kyd, writer in Cupar.



June 1, 1820, At Bombay, the lady of Michie Forbes, Esq. a son. Oct. 2. In the Colony of Berbice, the lady of D. C. Cameron, Esq. a son.

21. At Quebec, the lady of the Rev. J. F. Mills, a daughter.

Nov. 15. At New, Mrs Dr Forbes of Strathdon, a daughter.

16. At Bath, the lady of Sir Alexander Hood, Bart. a daughter.

17. Lady Kennedy, a son.

21. At Denlugas, the lady of H. G. Les

lie, Esq. of Denlugas, a daughter.

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