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pear, that suspicions begin to be entertain- or special inquiry into a criminal charge.

ed of the sincerity of the king in his attachment to the new order of things. At Madrid, a groom of his majesty's bedchamber, and a colonel, with 24 other persons, have been arrested on a charge of being implicated in the counter revolutionary movement of Morales. On the 23d November, the magistrates of Madrid presented to his majesty an address, stating to him that those who keep alive this ferment are to be found in his court and palaces men who, falsely assuming to themselves the exclusive merit of loyalty, are incessantly occupied in endeavours to subvert the free constitution of their country; and they represent to his majesty the futility of all attempts to tranquillize the feelings of the people, until it shall be practically demonstrated that his majesty regards as his enemies all who are hostile to the new institutions. The Duke de l'Infantado, and Generals Bassecourt and St Marc, have been banished from Madrid, owing to the hostility which they avow to the constitutional system. An extraordinary meeting of the Cortes is talked of, for the purpose of taking precautions, as well against the internal dangers to which the country is exposed, as against those with which it is menaced from without, advices, it is said, having been received from Troppau which have caused serious alarm.

GERMANY. From Darmstadt, under the date of December 22, we learn that the new Constitution of Hesse has been pub. lished. The following are its leadings features. The first three articles relate en tirely to the relations of Hesse in the Ger. man Confederation. The fourth is the obligation of the Grand Duke to govern according to the new Constitution, and declares his person inviolable. The fifth article establishes the right of hereditary succession, which is to pass to a female in default of a male heir. The 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th articles relate to territorial possessions, which are uninteresting to English readers. Article 12 says, "The enjoyment of civil rights, public and private, is confined to natives." Thirteenth, the right of a nation is thus acquired:- 1. By birtli, if the parents were natives at the time of the birth of the individual. 2. By marriage of a foreign female with a native. 3. By the exercise of any public function. 4. By naturalization; all male residents, who are 21 years of age, who have lived three years in the duchy, and are not subjects of any other power. Article 15. Those who do not profess the Christian religion cannot enjoy the rights of citizens, except where the law has expressly allowed it.-Art. 16. Any legal judgment against a citizen for criminal offences deprives him of all his rights. The exercise of these rights is suspended-1st, By any judicial

2dly, By failure, (until his creditors are completely satisfied,) by curatelle (guardianship) during the whole of its duration. 4th, By servitude. Art. 17. The right of citizenship is lost-1st, By emigration. 2dly, By the marriage of a female with a foreigner. The widow, however, may recover her rights, if, during her marriage, she has continued to live in the Grand Duchy, or if, after the death of her husband, she has returned with the consent of the Government-Art. 18. All Hessians are equal before the law. Art. 19. Birth gives no man the right of exercising any public function.-Art. 20. The diversity of religious opinions under the Christian faith makes no alteration in civil or political rights.

NAPLES. The affairs of this country continue to excite a lively interest. Before coming to a determination, as to the course they will pursue, the Allied Sovereigns have invited the King of Naples to a person. al conference at Troppau, and his Majes. ty, with the permission of his Parliament, accordingly embarked on the 13th Dec. on board the British man of war Vengeur, for Leghorn. This request of the Allied Sovereigns gave rise to some very inter esting proceedings in Naples. On the 7th the King informed his Parliament of his wish to comply with it, and of his determination " to make every exertion for the enjoyment of a liberal and wise Constitution, that whatever measure circumstances may exact relatively to our actual political state, all my efforts will be directed, that it may remain for ever fixed upon the following basis: 1. That the individual and real liberty of my beloved subjects may be secured by a fundamental law of the state. 2. That birth shall confer no privileges in the composition of the legislative body of the state. 3. That no taxes shall be imposed without the consent of the nation in its legislative representation. 4. That the accounts of public expenditure shall be referred to the nation itself, and to its representatives. 5. That laws shall be made in accord with the national representatives. 6. That the judicial power shall be independent. 7. That the press shall remain free, except from the operations of laws enacted against the abuses of its liberty. 8. That the ministers be responsible. 9. That the civil list shall be fixed. I farther declare that none of my subjects shall ever receive molestation on account of past political events." The Parliament postponed its answer to the message to the next day, the 8th of December. On that day the Parliament Chamber was filled and surrounded by crowds of anxious spectators. A committee had been appointed to prepare an answer to the message. The answer of the committee was read and approved of with acclamation. It declared, that the Spanish Constitution alone must be the Constitution of Naples that this and no other had been sworn to by the King, the people, the military and civil powers and that the Parliament had not power to consent to the departure of the King, except upon the understanding that his departure should have for its object the support of the Spanish Constitution, sworn to by all. The King was singularly tractable. The Duke of Campo Chiaro sent a second message, stating, that the first had been misinterpreted, and disclaiming on the part of the King any thought of violating the Constitution, to which he had swern. This did not give satisfaction, and the Minister then sent a third message to the Parliament, in which was the following sentence: "I declare I will not go to Laybach, except for the purpose of maintain ing the Spanish Constitution. After this declaration, I desire that the Parliament will decide, in positive terms, whether they vill consent to my being present at the Congress at Laybach." It would appear that the conduct of the Ministers, in this emergency, appeared either treacherous or weak. The Parliament, it was evident, had no confidence in the Duke of Campo Chiaro. Accordingly, a decree of the Prince VicarGeneral (the King's son) announced, that the six Ministers, heads of departments, bad resigned, and naming their successors. The Duke de Gallo is the new Foreign "Minister, and he is a person in whom the friends of the new order of things have great confidence. He was the person chosen to defend its interests at Vienna.

The Parliament at last consented to the King's departure. He demanded the company and assistance of four members. The Parliament declined-relying, solely upon his royal faith, and his affection for his people. The departure of the King (to embark on board the Vengeur) was affecting; lhe was escorted by multitudes to the shore, greeted the whole way with the kindest expressions. He arrived in safety at Leghorn, and had lodgings prepared for him at Florence, on the 19th, on his way to Laybach. His suite is numerous, among whom no diplomatic person is mentioned. It is stated, however, that the Duke de Gallo was to join him at Laybach. No disorder was committed at Naples. The Prince Vicar-General or Regent directed a circular to the different Governors of Provinces, announcing the King's departure, and commanding them to preserve order and confidence, by firm and decisive conduct, on their responsibiliappears the Parliament of Naples had suddenly closed their modifications of the Spanish Constitution, and pronounced it complete. The change changes, however, did not obtain the the royal assent, which appears


to have been the object of bringing the deliberations so quickly to a conclusion. The unanimity which prevails in the Parliament is remarkable. It seems animated with one spirit. Such is the actual crisis of the affairs of Naples. The nation seems prepared to combat for its liberty and independence. It remains to be seen what will be the conduct of the Allies. A manifesto of the views of the Congress is expected shortly to appear.


The New York papers of the 16th November contain the President's message to Congress, which assemble on the 14th. In this document, the President commences by congratulating the Congress upon the flourishing state of the Union. He admits the embarrassed condition of trade, but treats it as " a mild and instructive admonition from dangers to be shunned in future;" and ascribes it to the present circumstances of the world, and the transitions from war to peace.

In those parts which advert to the internal condition of the Union, the President speaks with satisfaction of the already improving prosperity, and with confidence of its increase. His tone, also, is amicable, as respects the foreign relations of the United States. The Florida question is not yet settled with Spain, but a friendly adjustment is anticipated. A brief allusion is made to the commercial restrictions, imposed upon the intercourse between the United States and the British West India and American Colonies, restrictions, it is observed, which "it is satisfactory to recollect, are defensive only," on the part of the former. It is also added, that " the experiment is advancing in a spirit of amity between the parties." The question depending between the United States and Great Britain, respecting the construction of the first article of the Treaty of Ghent, has been referred by both Governments to the decision of the Emperor of Russia, "who has accepted the umpirage." The discussions between France and the United States, respecting the new tonnage duty upon French vessels, are to be earried on at Washington, whither the French Minister Plenipotentiary was ordered to repair for the purpose. The state of the South American Colonies is glanced at, and a confident hope expressed that their independence must be acknowledged by the mother country.

The President next congratulates the Congress upon the flourishing state of the national revenue. On the 30th of September 1815, the funded and floating debt of the States amounted to 158,439,049 dollars; and on the 30th of September 1820, it had been reduced to 91,993,883 dollars; notwithstanding that, in the intermediate time fortifications had been carried on, permanent magazines and arsenals erected, public buildings restored, the navy greatly augmented, and the military, ordnance, and naval magazines replenished. The net revenue for the year ending the 30th September 1820, was 16,791,107 dollars, the expenditure 16,871,536 dollars. The general tone of the message is pacific; and it dwells with undisguised satisfaction upon the success of the South American revolutionists.

The House of Representatives found an extraordinary difficulty in electing a new Speaker in the room of Mr Clay, who has resigned. There were four candidates, but the successful one must have an absolute majority of the whole number of votes. The number of ballotings, which amounted to twenty-one, is said to be wholly with out any precedent. At last, the choice fell upon Mr John Taylor, who was elected by a majority of four.

Four new States have been added to the Union during the last Session of Congress, viz. Illinois, Alabama, Maine, and Missouri, which, with the territories of Michigan and Arkansaw, which will soon have a population to entitle them to become independent States, will double the original number that declared themselves independent of Great Britain on the 4th of July 1776. The number of States being then only thirteen; it is now twenty-four, and with this acquisition will be twenty-six.

SOUTH AMERICA. - It appears that an armistice has been entered into between Bolivar and Morillo, after several actions, in which it is stated that the former had been worsted and driven back to the vicinity of Angostura. The letters state that it was the late revolution in Spain which weakened Bolivar, as it indisposed his troops to further resistance to the mother country. A meeting of commissioners, finally to adjust the differences, and put an end to hostilities, was to take place on the 23d October, at San Fernando de Apure. It is supposed, however, that nothing will be decided, as Bolivar will listen to nothing short of the entire independence of the country, which the other has not power to grant.

Accounts from Chili state the sailing of the expedition against Peru. The naval

part of the armament under the command of Lord Cochrane, and the land forces under General San Martin. The ships consisted of eight vessels of war of various rates, and fourteen transports; the former mounting 236 guns, and manned with 1538 seamen, half of whom are Englishmen.


accounts from this island are highly im. portant. The whole island is now united under one republican government, at the head of which is President Boyer. On learning the death of Christophe, he appears to have moved forward with rapidity and decision. On the 20th of October he took possession of Gonaives, without opposition, his army consisting of 10,000 men. On the 22d October he marched for the capital, where, it seems, every thing had been arranged for his reception; for, on the 21st, a meeting of the principal inhabitants, magistrates, and military officers, was held, and the immediate entry of Boyer was announced, as well as that in future all Hayti would be under one government. He accordingly entered the capital on the 22d, at the head of 20,000 men, and he was proclaimed President on the 26th, on which day he issued a proclamation to the Haytians.

After the revolt of the troops at St Mark's and the Cape, and the death of Christophe, the several quarters of the north declared rapidly for the government of the republic; and the only resistance which continued to be offered to. President Boyer was by the fortress of La Ferriere, near the Cape, to which the remainder of Christophe's family had filed, and by some troops under the command of General Romain, (Prince of Kimbe,) who had taken post in the mountains of Gross Morne, near Gonaives, with the assumed title of General in Chief. The fortress of Ferriere appears, however, to have been at last quietly given up to the republican troops, together with the members of Christophe's family, and the whole of the ex-king's treasures, &c. On this, Romain also made overtures to surrender to President Boyer, on condition that himself and all with him should be admitted to the privileges of ci tizens of the republic. To this proposition Boyer readily acceded.



20.-Arrest for Sedition. - Saturday the 25th instant, the Middlesex Grand Jury found a true bill of indictment against Dennis O'Brien, Esq. of Craven Street,

Strand, for publishing, or causing to be published, divers seditious and inflammatory hand-bills, with intent to excite disaffection in the minds of the subjects of the late and present King, &c. As usual, on warrant was immediately issued to apprehend Mr O'Brien, who, having heard of the circumstance, applied several times on Monday to Mr Birnie, the Magistrate, to allow him to give bail before him without the form of being apprehended. It being a Judge's warrant, however, the Magistrate had no power to take bail; and on Monday evening Holyland, a constable, accompanied by Mr Pearson, the Solicitor, proceeded to the house of Mr O'Brien, took him into custody, and conveyed him to the Judge's Chambers, in Serjeant's Inn; but the Judge having left the Chambers, they proceeded to Mr Justice Bayley's house, in Bedford Square, where the defendant was held to bail, himself in L.200, and two sureties in L. 100 each. His sureties were Mr Christian, of the Strand, linen draper; Mr Hardie, of the firm of Messrs Greenwood and Cox, Army Agents, Charing Cross.

bills of indictment being found, a Judge's this country has latterly been much dis

Earthquake. Wanlockhead, Nov. 30. -The weather for some time past has been remarkably stormy; heavy rains accompanied by high winds have prevailed, but in the end of last week and beginning of this, the clouds, which had for some time lowered, appeared to be dissipated, and we had some signs of returning good weather. Tuesday morning was remarkably fine but hazy, the atmosphere still, and the clouds, when they were visible, had no particular appearance. About 8 o'clock A. M. a slight shock of an earthquake was felt at Leadhills and Wanlockhead, attended with a hollow rumbling noise. The miners, who were at work 150 fathoms below ground, heard the alarming sound very distinctly, and being afraid lest the works were rushing down, many of them left their employment, and came above ground. In the evening of the same day, about 11 o'clock, a similar, or still louder sound was heard at the above places, but not accompanied by any trembling or motion of the earth. These phenomena have been observed for eight or ten miles eastward, and three or four miles westward of these places, but whether they have extended beyond these limits is not yet accurately ascertained, but it is probable that the more immediate effects of these awful convulsions of nature may have already been experienced in some distant quarter, particularly as the earthquake, by which Lisbon was almost totally destroyed 65 years ago, was very distinctly felt at Leadhills and Wanlockhead, according to tradition, and in the memory of some old residenters.


Ireland. From various accounts that have come to our knowledge from most respectable sources, we regret having it in our power to state that the tranquillity of


turbed by the predominant spirit of disaffection that is making rapid strides, we may say into almost every district of it. Administering illegal oaths, taking arms forcibly by night, &c. has of late been carried on with too great success, and we are sorry to add with impunity. On Friday week an armed banditti broke into the houses of several farmers in the parish of Rahne, during the night, and succeeded in taking 12 or 14 stand of arms. A poor man in a thatched cabin, who, we are informed, belongs to a corps of Yeomanry, was at tacked by those ruffians for the purpose of taking his arms also; but we have much pleasure in stating that he made a most spirited resistance, and effectually beat them off. - Westmeath Journal.

2. Glasgow. There has not appeared for the last thirty years so many removal tickets on shops, and that too in Gallowgate Street, as is at present exhibited; nor is this confined to the shops; whole flats of lodgings, counting-houses, and even moderately sized dwelling-houses, are to be had " at present, rent moderate." A flat of a house, in a certain and respectable neighbourhood, that let three years ago at L. 28, has been let at L. 15, and a shop in the same tenement, the rent of which was L. 22, has been let for L. 16. Many shops are shut altogether in the suburbs and even in the town, and those that are kept open generally have just reason to complain of a greater demand being made on their stock of humanity than on that of their wares. A gentleman in Trongate, who rents a shop at no less than L. 100, with a suitable establishment, sells 25 needles, No. 7, neatly put up, at one halfpenny: A Sheffield merchant offers a gross of six bladed knives at 10s.-Glasgow Chronicle.

Fatal Affray-On the 25th uit. a quarrel, which was attended with fatal conse quences, took place betwixt four men who were drinking in a public house at Kilsyth, about 11 o'clock at night. The quarrel is said to have originated in consequence of the landlord, Thomas Cuddy, having refused to supply them with spirits. In the altercation, the landlord, an old man, was knocked down-whereupon one of his sons, and a young man of the name of James Shaw, who were in the kitchen at the time, came immediately to his assistance; a violent scuffle ensued, in which one of the four men, named James Thomson, weaver, was stabbed with an instrument in the groin-He was removed to his father's house in Kilsyth, where he died next morning. Two men, James Davidson Cuddy, and John Shaw, both belonging to Kilsyth, were apprehended and lodged in Stirling jail on Tuesday last, on suspicion of being concerned in this sanguinary outrage. A precognition is now going on


before the Sheriff, who has ordered medical men to inspect the body of James Thomson. We understand that Neil Stevenson, another of the four men, was also very seriously wounded in the side. He is at present at Kilsyth, and considered in a very dangerous state.

Fire. Wednesday, the 29th ult. a melancholy catastrophe took place at the house of Mr Fulford, bookseller, in Little Bellalley, Coleman Street, London:- Mr and Mrs Fulford in the morning went to see the procession of the Queen to St Paul's, leaving the house and four children in the care of their servant maid. About three o'clock the neighbourhood was alarmed by the servant calling calling " Fire!" Scarce a mo

ment elapsed before the flames burst out from the first floor window, she exclaiming, " For God's sake, save the children." A Mr Hughes procured a ladder, and endeavoured to get in at the window, but in vain. On the arrival of the engines, the flames were impeded, but not till they had communicated to the adjoining house of Mr Williams, bootmaker; by this time Mr and Mrs Fulford returned, when Mrs Fulford swooned away whilst her husband ran about in a state of frenzy, endeavouring to find his unfortunate children, two of whom were found in a neighbour's house, where they had been the whole of the day; but all search for the remaining two, a girl about two years old, and a boy about six months, were of no avail, and it was afterwards discovered they had fallen victims to the flames. Not an atom of Mr Fulford's furniture was saved, and the house is in ruins, and that of Mr Williams has suffered considerably.

7.-Shocking Accident. The following shocking accident occurred last week:As the Rev. John Reid, minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Lauriston, was passing some carts laden with hay, at the Boat-house Bridge, near Linlithgow, he was forced from his horse, and, melancholy to relate, a wheel of one of the carts passed over his head. He was carried in a hopeless condition to a neighbouring house, where every attention was paid to the unfortunate gentleman, but he died on Monday the 4th instant.

The following was the state of Newgate on the 1st instant :

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11.-Yesterday afternoon, at five minutes after five o'clock, the Duchess of Clarence was happily delivered of a Princess. Royal Highness the Duke of York, the Lord Chancellor, and the Right Honourable George Canning, First Commissioner of the Affairs of India, were in attendance. Her Royal Highness is, God be praised, as well as can be expected; and the young Princess, although prematurely born, is expected to live. - London Gazette.

Destructive Fire. A most melancholy occurrence took place on Thursday night, the 7th inst. at Kirby-Lonsdale, in the total destruction, by fire, of the Rose and Crown Inn, (kept by Mrs Roper,) and the death of no less than five young women, who perished in the flames! On the alarm being first given, Mrs Roper, her two daughters, and a servant girl, appeared at the windows of the second floor, and, as their escape by the stairs was cut off, they were compelled to leap from the windows, with nothing on but their night-clothes, in order to avoid the destruction which was inevitable, if they remained longer in the house. The five unfortunate females all lodged on the same storey. Their shrieks were heard by the people in the street, and one of them was seen struggling at a window; but their sufferings were of short duration-they were all quickly engulfed in the burning ruins! An attempt was made to rescue the poor sufferers, but the door which led to their apartments was found to be fastened in the inside, and the person who made the humane attempt narrowly escaped destruction.

14.-Execution.-Yesterday morning, pursuant to his sentence, John Dempsey, late private in the 13th regiment, was executed at Edinburgh, for the murder of Robert Simpson and John Pearson, at Greenock, on the 30th July last. Dempsey was a native of Ireland, and a Catholic, and has been attended by one of the Catholic clergymen here, as well as by Dr Thomson, of the established church, to whose instruction he paid decent attention. After prayers by the Rev. Mr Porteous, he bowed respectfully to the magistrates, and shook hands with those around him, and then mounted the drop, assisted by the executioner. where he continued a few minutes

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