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Brings to the memory of many men What they might else forget.

Duke. There is no cause

For this between us.

Guido. Pardon me for once

Give me my humour.

Duke. As you please, for once.

Or if, like the wilderness creature, you have prey'd

Even upon your young, I bid you still
To tell me and take comfort.

Duke. I have been

Silent, my son

Guido. Not so, not so; and yet you

were in truth:

When slander came abroad, and I was absent,

You kept a politic silence! thus I've heard :
And, when I fell, you wept and kissed away
The bright warm tears from Isidora's cheek.
But I rose up again :- I rose, my lord,
Up from my bed of battle, and while the
Harden'd upon my wounds, I traced, with

And shaking fingers, a poor scrawl, reminding

Her of our love; you start? our love I said;

Come, let us sit. What cause have you And you-you kept it from her. Speak!

for this?

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was't so?

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Duke. You'll anger me. I tell you this [DUKE sits. For the last time. My blood is hot as

Distresssed, my son, to hear-
Guido. Ha! have you heard?
Duke. I hear the words you speak.
Guido. But understand not.

Was it not so, my lord? You hear-
Duke. I hear,

And see, and feel that now my only son.
And the first subject of my dukedom, dares
To spurn his Prince, his father :-put-

ting off

The garb of love, and

Guido. Right! it is a cloak; Under whose folds fathers, as well as sons, Do things to shame the stars.

Duke. Guido, by Heaven!

But this this is not well, my son, no

more of it.

I sent for you by the Confessor-
Guido. Ay,

That you may in my ear unload your mind Of some dark secret; what is't? Speak, iny lord.

If you have done aught that may leave a blot

On the bright annals of our house, confess, And I will be as secret as deceit.

If you have been a tyrant, and enslaved The bodies or the minds of noble men, Why, let me know it: or, if you have been As poisonous as the serpent, or have mined,


Guido. Much hotter. Noble lord, if I may speak

Duke. You may not, sir. Death! shall I stand and suffer

These insolent taunts from you, my son, my slave,


Guido. Slave!

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New Royal Society. A new Royal Society, for the encouragement of indigent merit, and the promotion of general literature, under the patronage of the King, is about to be formed, consisting of honorary and subscribing members and associates.

The class of honorary members is intend ed to comprise the most eminent literary characters, an annual subscription of two guineas to constitute a subscribing member, and the class of associates to consist of twenty men of learning and character, ten under the patronage of the King, and ten under the patronage of the Society.

His Majesty is to assign the annual sum of one hundred guineas, payable out of the privy purse, to ten of the associates, and an annual premium of one hundred guineas for the best dissertation on some interesting subject, to be chosen by a council of the society.

Ten associates will be placed under the patronage of the society, as soon as the subscriptions shall be sufficient for this purpose. An annual subscriber of ten guineas continued for five years, or a life subscription of one hundred guineas, will entitle such subscribers to nominate an associate under the society's patronage, according to the date of their subscription.

The associates under the patronage of the King to be elected by competent judges, and those named by subscribers must be approved of by the same judges.

From the months of February to July it is proposed that a weekly meeting of the society shall be held, and a monthly meeting during the remainder of the year.

His Majesty, it is said, has entrusted the formation of the institution to the Bishop of St David's; and from the numbet of those who have hastened to subscribe, the funds are already very considerable. Lit. Gaz.

Wernerian Society. - Dec. 16. - Mr Adie exhibited, and read the description of, an instrument for ascertaining the specific gravity of bodies, without the use of weights or calculations. This instrument is equally accurate with the hydrostatic balance; but the operation of taking the specific gravity by it is much simpler, is done in a much shorter time, and the instrument itself is greatly cheaper. Experiments were made with it before the Society, to the satisfaction of all present.

At the same meeting, Mr John Deuchar explained the nature of an apparatus, suggested some time ago by Colonel Yule, for firing ordnance without the use of a light or the usual prime. Mr Deuchar also gave an account of a number of experi

ments performed with the above apparatus, several of which he shewed to the Society; in one of these the flame passed through three pieces of the wire-gauze used in Sir Humphry Davy's safety lamp; and in another was shewn the singular result of the flame passing through some gunpowder without setting it off. -Edin. Phil. Jour.

We are authorized to announce, that John Lindsay Crawfurd, Esq. has arrived from New South Wales about five months ago, having been furnished with an absólute liberation from his Excellency MajorGeneral Macquarrie, Governor of that Colony.

He is heir male of line to the late George Earl of Crawfurd and Lindsay, and will immediately proceed on his claim of service to that Peerage, and the estates annexed


It is to be noticed, that Mr Crawfurd, since his arrival, has prepared for the press, and speedily will be published, in one elegant octavo volume, his life, from 1809 to 1820; with a portrait, executed by one of the first artists; exhibiting a full detail of his claim to the Crawfurd Peerage, and the formidable opposition he experienced from his opponent, with its consequences.

To which will be prefixed, an introduction, giving a genealogical and historical account of that noble family, from the reign of Malcolm Canmore, King of Scotland, down to himself. To the whole will be subjoined, a brief account of New South Wales, with its agricultural pursuits, laws, and customs. - Price 10s. 6d.

He resides at present in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, the ancient abode of his ancestors.Edin. Courant, Nov. 30, 1820.

M. Ca

On the Cause of Regular Figures formed by Hoar-Frost on Windows. This curious phenomenon was ascribed by M. Mairan to the pre-existence in the glass of certain regular figures and lines generated during its formation, and he supposes that the particles of hoar-frost deposit themselves according to these figures. rena, in a memoir Sur le Givre figurée, published in the Mémoires de Turin for 1813 and 1814, p. 56-79, has overturned this hypothesis, and shews that the following are among the principal causes of the phenomenon. 1. The natural force of crystallization. 2. The necessity of the hoarfrost, extending itself along a plane surface, which restrains the quaquaversus tendency of crystallization. 3. The numerous and varied resistances presented by the surface of the glass. 4. The imperfect and irregular conducting power of the glass, which is

apt to produce in the vapours curvilineal motions at the instant preceding their congelation. M. Carena placed a small copper disc on the outside of one of the panes of glass, and found that the corresponding part of the glass was always free from hoarfrost. Edin. Phil. Jour.

Method of restoring the White Colours in certain Paintings.-M. Merimée having observed, in a design by Raphael, that the lights had lost their brightness, applied to M. Thenard for his advice. This distinguished chemist ascribed the effect to the circumstance, that the white lead dissolved in water had become sulphuretted by the lapse of time, and had been changed from white to black; and having sent to M. Merimée some slightly oxygenated water, it was applied to the black parts, and the white colour was instantly restored. The water contained only five or six times its volume of oxygen. There is reason to think, that this method will not succeed equally well with oil paintings.-Journ. de Physique, Mai 1820, p. 398.

Notice of a prolific Cross-breed between the common Cat and the Pine-Martin, (Mustela Martes.) - We find by the Bibliotheque Universelle, that there has been lately presented to the Imperial Society of Natural History of Moscow, an animal

Adjudication of the Copley Medal-The President and Council of the Royal Society of London have adjudged the Gold Medal on Sir Godfrey Copley's donation to Mr John Christian Oersted, for his discoveries respecting the connection between Electricity and Galvanism. Edin. Phil. Jour.

Arctic Expedition. Accounts have been received from a gentleman attached to the Arctic land expedition, dated in January last, at which period the party were in comfortable winter quarters at Cumber. land house. The cold was very severe, the thermometer standing at 30 deg. below zero, but owing to the dryness of the atmosphere it was not so unpleasant as the cold wet weather in England. The rivers and lakes abounded with fish of various kinds, particularly trout of a very large size, and the hunters brought moose deer and buffaloes from the woods, so that there was no scarcity of provisions at their station.

France. Natural History. - M. Lucas, keeper of the cabinet of mineralogy in the Museum of Natural History, has terminated a journey that has occupied him twenty-one months in Italy and Sicily. He has brought home more than thirty boxes of minerals and other valuable articles collected in those countries; and he highly praises the reception he has met with

ing; an antelope, a shoot of the cocoa-tree, a large black squirrel, and a large box containing specimens of plants and seeds. M. Plée, a naturalist in the service of government, is on his journey to Porto Rico. M. Augustus L. Hilaire has given information of his having completed the hazardous and laborious expedition that he had undertaken in South America. M. Milbert, naturalist and draughtsman in natural history, who had been obliged by the state of his health to quit the company of Capt. Baudin, during his expedition in the South, is at present in North America, as correspondent of the Museum of Natural History. In the space of three years he has sent over fifteen consignments of rare and interesting objects; among them are a bison, several deer of uncommon species, and other living animals never before seen in France. In compliance with the request of the professors in the Royal Botanic Garden, the minister of the marine has nominated M. de Sauvigny to repair to Senegal in quality of botanic agri. culturist.

which appears to be a cross-breed, formed throughout. M. Leschenault de Latour by the meeting of the common cat and the has sent from Pondicherry to the Museum pine-martin, and the fur of which promises of Natural History, a young elephant, livto be a valuable article of commerce. The specimen presented to the Society was sent from the Government of Penza, where the pine-martin is very abundant. The following history is given of the cross-breed. A domestic cat disappeared from a house in Penza, and returned in some days in a state of impregnation. At the usual period the cat littered four young ones, two of which very much resembled the martin. Their claws were not retractile, as in the cat, and the snout was elongated like that of the martin. The two others, of the same litter, more nearly resembled the cat, as they had retractile claws and a round head. All of them had the black feet, tail, and ears of the martin; and they killed birds and small animals more for the pleasure of destroying them than for food. The proprietor endeavoured to multiply this bastard race, and to prevent their intermixing with the other domestic cats; and his endeavours were completely successful. In the space of a few years he reared more than a hundred of these animals, and he made a very beautiful article of furriery of their skins. The specimen presented to the Society was of the third or fourth generation, and it retained all the characters of the first. The fur is as beautiful and as silky as that of the pine-martin, and it may, with some care, become an interesting object for commerce. Edin. Phil. Jour.

Germany. Ancient Roman Eagle.-It is well known that, at the defeat of the Roman legions in Franconia, in the days of Augustus, one of their ensign-bearers buried the eagle that was confided to his charge in a ditch. Time and chance have at length brought it to light. Count Francis of Erbach, who has a country seat at

Eulbach, and who has formed a magnificent collection of Roman antiquities, has found in the vicinity of his residence a Roman eagle, in a good state of preservation. It was discovered in a ditch, not far from some remains of a Roman entrenchment. It is of bronze, thirteen inches in height, and weighs seven pounds.

Improvement on Globes. A Berlin artist, Mr Charles P. Khummer, has recently published a globe with the mountains boldly executed in relief. This method impresses the subject more forcibly upon the mind than the mode hitherto adopted, and is consequently admirably calculated for geographical instruction.

Languages. According to a "View of all the known Languages and their Dialects," published by M. Fred. Aderburgh, their number amounts to 3064, viz. in all Asia 937, European 587, African 276, and American 1264.

Egypt. M. Gau, an antiquarian and architect of Cologne, is returned from his travels in Palestine, Egypt, and Nubia, where he has ascended to the second cataract. He brings a very valuable collection of drawings of remarkable monuments; many of these have been taken for the first time, and others have been executed in a more correct manner. There will be about sixty plates on Nubia, of which there are none in the great French work, and twenty additional plates on Egypt and Jerusalem; the explanations to be in French and German. A specimen of five or six plates will appear very shortly, representing buildings and bas reliefs.

Sweden. Linnæus. There has lately been discovered accidentally, among the papers of a shop-keeper, a biographical account of Linnæus, written by himself, and since continued to his death. The autograph MS. which is in the Swedish language, has been sent to Upsal, and will speedily be printed. It will form a book of 500 pages in 8vo, embellished with six engravings, exhibiting two portraits of the great naturalist, a fac simile of his hand-writing, his monument in the cathedral church, and the arms of his family.

New Islands.-M. Graner, a major in the Swedish service, who set out last year to explore, in the South Sea, a new route for merchant vessels from Chili to the East Indies, has discovered in that ocean a group of islands hitherto unknown to mariners. To the largest of them he has given the name of Oscar. It is to be regretted that the Swedish journals, from which this intelligence is extracted, furnish no details relative to the position of these is lands.

Russia. Peter the Great. A triumphal column has been erected at Pultowa, by the Emperor Alexander, in commemoration of the victory gained by Peter the

Great over Charles XII. It is of cast iron in four parts; each of the joints is covered with a crown; the first is of laurel and palms; the second of laurel only, and the third of oak leaves; the intervals are filled with bundles of arms. The capital is formed of large palm leaves; above it is a demi-sphere, with a spread eagle, holding in his talons the thunders of war, and in his beak a crown of laurel. The pedestal contains two inscriptions; one to the glory of the hero, and the other designating the day and year of the victory. On the right and left of the column are trophies in the Greek style. The monument is encircled with an iron railing, the bars of which are Greek swords, with their points fixed in the earth, an emblem of repose after victory. On the base appears a little fortress bristled round with the artillery that was used at the battle of Pultowa.

India. The Marquis of Hastings, Governor-General in India, has received, as a present from the Nabob of Bhawulpur, a wild ass, of the species called Gor Thur by the Indians. This beautiful animal is from 11 to 12 hands high, has long ears, black eyes, and is of a chamois colour. He is not to be tamed, and in this and many other respects he resembles the African Zebra. He is represented as a most finished model of beauty, agility, and strength. The Museum of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, among other curiosities, contains a bulrush, cut in Nepaul, 84 feet in length, a serpent with two heads, specimens of mosaic from Agra and Golconda, crystals from Nepaul, and sculptures from Persepolis, Java, &c.

Fossil Oyster Shell.-The Calcutta Mirror of the 23d of March last contains a letter from Dr Tyler, announcing that, in an expedition to Kallinger, he picked up a fossil oyster shell on the summit of a high hill, above the village of Bheeamow, in union with granite and basalt rocks. "This proves that these hills were formerly all under water." Dr Tyler has met with something still more wonderful. bed of a river near Russur, I also found," says he, "the fossil remains of the first joint of a human finger. It is evidently the first phalanx of a finger, and I think the first finger of the right hand."

" In the

Cicero. The Abbé Amadeus Peyran, Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Turin, has discovered some fragments of Cicero in a manuscript from the monastery of St Colomban de Rabbio, a town on the Trebia, in the dominions of the King of Sardinia. This MS. presents important new readings of orations already known, and confirms the identity of several texts that have been tortured by indiscreet critics. It contains also fragments of the Orations Pro Scauro, Pro M. Tullio, In Clo. dium, orations unfortunately lost.



A MEMOIR of the Operations of the British Army in India, during the Mahratta War of 1817, 1818, and 1819, is in the press, illustrated by maps and topographical plans; by Lieut. Colonel Backer, Quarter Master General of the Army of Fort St George. The plans have been carefully drawn under his own eye, and the maps from actual surveys under his immediate direction, and they are to be engraved under the superintendence of Mr Arrow


The Rev. John Hughes, author of the Horæ Britannicæ, in two volumes, is arranging materials for a supplemental vohume, which will contain a translation of the Welsh Historical Triads, with two essays, presented to the Cambrian Society, &c.

The Celt's Paradise; a Poem, by John Banim, will soon appear.

Oliver Cromwell, and his Times, is an. nounced, by Thomas Cromwell, with a Portrait.,

An original Miscellany is in preparation under the title of the Quarterly Magazine, and the first number will appear in March or April.

A second edition is printing of Lectures, chiefly on the Dramatic Literature of the age of Elizabeth, delivered at the Russel Institution; by William Hazlitt, Esq.

Essays on Character are announced, by the same author.

A new and corrected edition is printing of the Speeches of the late Right Hon. John Philpot Curran, with a preface and explanatory notes, by his son, William Henry Curran, Esq. Barrister at Law.

The Philosophy of Painting, by Wolstenholme Parr, is in the press.

Mr T. Arrowsmith has nearly ready for publication, a Map of the Constellations, on two very large sheets, accompanied by a Memoir.

The Rev. Thomas Smith, of Gordon House, Kentish Town, has in the press, an improved edition of Walkingame's Arithmetic, with upwards of 1800 additional questions, many new rules, tables, &c. &c.

Machin; or, the Discovery of Madeira; a Poem, by James Bird, author of "The Vale of Slaughden," will soon appear.

Dr Ramsbottom has nearly ready for publication, in one volume, 8vo, Practical Observations in. Midwifery, with a selection of cases.

Speedily will be published, written by himself, Memoirs of William Wallace, Esq. late Captain in the 15th Hussars;

with interesting particulars of his residence and confinement in Paris, and some account of the leading characters of fashion in that metropolis.

Mr Buck's expected work, on the "Beauties, Harmonies, and Sublimities of Nature," will be published in February. The entire work has been written con amore, and promises to excite considerable interest.

A new edition of the Practice of the Customs, with considerable additions, including the consolidated duties, by Mr Smyth, one of the Surveyors General of his Majesty's Customs, will be published in January.


Happiness, a Tale for the Grave and the Gay, is preparing for publication. A Novel, called Favourite of Nature, is printing in three volumes.

The Rev. Mr Fry, author of Lectures on the Romans, &c. is preparing a work, to be entitled the Second Advent, or Glorious Epiphany of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, being an attempt to elacidate in chronological order all the prophecies both of the Old and New Testament, which relate to this important subject, and to the events immediately con. nected with it; the judgment of apostate nations, the restoration of Israel, and the final establishment of the promised kingdom of the Messian, &c. &c.

In the press, a second volume of Sacred Lyrics, by Mr James Edmeston.

The third part, finishing the Pentateuch, is printing with all speed of Mr Bellamy's new translation.

A Life of Ann Boleyn, comprising Sketches of the early period of Henry the Eighth's Court, with many Original Letters and Documents never before published, is in the press; attributed to Miss Benger, the Author of the Memoirs of John Tobin, &c.

Shortly will be published, the Principles of Forensic Medicine, explained, illustrated, and applied to British Practice, by J. G. Smith, M.D.

The concluding volume of Bryan's Biographical Dictionary of the Worthies of Ireland, 8vo, is in the press, and expected to appear early in the year.

Early in January, Mr Pye (who wrote a description of Modern Birmingham) will publish a brief account of the General Hospital, near Birmingham, together with the Musical Festivals that have been celebrated for its benefit, from their commencement to the present time.

Mr S. F. Gray has in the press, and nearly ready for publication, a new and

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