To The Rew Mr Palfrey with the Authors kind Regards. UNITARIAN CHRISTIANITY VINDICATED; IN FOUR LETTERS, Richard Winter ADDRESSED TO THE REV. R. W. HAMILTON, IN REPLY TO HIS PAMPHLET DENΟΜΙΝΑTED "THE RELIGIONISTS DESIGNATING THEMSELVES UNITARIANS, NOT ENTITLED TO THE CHRISTIAN NAME." BY JOSEPH HUTTON, LL. D. = "QUID VERUM ATQUE DECENS CURO ET ROGO, ET OMNIS IN HOC SUм."-Horace. "WHATEVER I WRITE, AS SOON AS I SHALL DISCOVER IT NOT TO BE TRUTH, MY HAND SHALL BE FORWARDEST TO THROW IT IN THE FIRE." Locke. "ALL I ASK IS IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE PATRIARCH, LET ME BE WEIGHED IN AN EVEN BALANCE." Rev. R. W. Hamilton. LONDON: ROWLAND HUNTER, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD; JOHN BAINES & CO., JOHN HEATON, AND MISS ROBINSON, LEEDS; AND TO BE HAD OF THE BOOKSELLERS. 1832. 44.100 C.8168.32 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRAKY 1863, April 30. Sift of (blass of 1815.) ADVERTISEMENT. IF any person shall think that I have expressed myself with undue asperity in the following letters, I entreat that person to take up once more the work to which this is intended to reply, and, having read a few pages in any part of it, (I should except, perhaps, the latter part of the last letter,) seriously to put it to himself how he would have felt, had he been one of those, upon whom the author has so unsparingly and authoritatively dealt forth his censures and anathemas. Argument I would at all times endeavour to meet with argument. Advice offered in a proper spirit, as by a man to a fellow-man, a learner to a fellow-learner, I would listen to with attention and respect, and follow or decline to follow, according to the dictates of my judgment and my conscience. Even some excess of zeal, and undue warmth of expostulation, I trust I could patiently bear with, from a knowledge of my own frailty, and liability to err in the same way. But mere contumely, if I am to answer at all, I can only answer by rebuke. If it can be shown to me that I have any where brought a railing accusation against my opponent, or that I have visited upon the sect to which he belongs the sins of individual members of it, or that I have given just offence to any worthy member of any sect whatsoever, I shall be not merely happy, but anxious, to retract and to apologise. While I was drawing up the following Letters, several arguments, and illustrations from other writers, suggested themselves, which, though closely connected with my subject, I could not have introduced, without some danger of trespassing on the patience of the general reader: these, therefore, I have thrown into an Appendix, in the form of Notes, to which those who feel interested in the subjects of them may refer. |