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that holy blessed frame, to grow in the love | Aim high. He that darts his arrow toof our God and Saviour. Such are the wards the heavens, will reach a greater means placed before us for the attainment | height than he that turns it on earth. Let, of this great object, namely, faith appre- at least, our standard be high; let our aim hending all the works of God in Christ be high; let the law of God in all its amJesus, and prayer poured out before him plitude be the object of our pursuit, the by the power of the Holy Ghost. And means of grace, the diligent instruments such is the encouragement to cheer the we employ, and the looking for the mercy drooping heart, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, our strong enof our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." couragement. The whole hangs together, and there is a correspondence in the magnitude of the end, and in the magnitude and fitness of the means; and there is a correspondence in the brightness of the encouragement. No man can read the text, and understand it, without saying, "these are the words of eternal life-no mortal pen ever dictated such a sentiment."

Secondly, let all be convinced that this is the only religion that can save the soul. Now this includes the conduct of all those whom I have now the pleasure, though a painful one, yet the pleasure to address, on this occasion. Let the highest not be satisfied with less attainments; let the lowest not despond at the first beginnings; let all be convinced that there is no other religion. There is no other bridge thrown over the bottomless abyss of the world's misery but Jesus Christ,

and but one. Sceptic, you will find at last that your vain reasonings are the mere ignis fatuus of a corrupt understanding. You will find, believe me, that a penitent's heart, that one tear dropped over your Bible for your sins, is worth all the metaphysics and all the speculations by which the head is lifted up and inflated, and the heart hardened. Worldly profes

And now, brethren, let me First exhort all of you not to be satisfied with any thing below this in your future course of life. Aim, I pray you, beloved, at further pro-and him crucified: there is one religion, gress in this divine and heavenly religion. Examine yourselves. Is this my religion? If it be, am I growing in it? am I advancing in it? am I going forward in it? am I more and more increasing in love to God? If I have fallen into decay, am I coming back? Perhaps half the Christian brethren that hear me may feel the note, when it is touched, vibrate in their own hearts. Beloved, if you have in any measure fal-sor, there is no other religion will do. len from God, or in any measure declined, will you come back, will you begin again to build up yourselves in your "most holy faith," to pray in the Holy Ghost, and keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life? He that is satisfied in a low and doubtful state of Christianity, has no Christianity at all. There is no such thing; there is no religion that is not a growing religion, a vivacious, augmenting, increasing religion. There may be a sickening religion, but it does not deserve the name; until it attains something of health we can express no hope, and we dare not poison you by flat-stance; to build up yourselves because tery.

Let, therefore, this be the first improvement that I will venture to leave on my own heart; and let, my beloved friends, let nothing short of this standard satisfy you.

You cannot have the world and God at once; you cannot have the love of the world and the love of God in the same heart at the same time. It is contrary to the nature of things; as much so as it is in physical science for two bodies to fill the same space at the same moment. Vain professors of evangelical truth, who form a large class at the present day, and will be larger, it is Satan's art when the gospel is widely preached and spread, to induce us to rely upon national approbation, to hang upon that doctrine, to make religion consist of this and that charity, this and that feeling, this and that circum

we belong to this or that society, or are doing this or that good thing. O, my brethren, this is not the love of God; and it is nothing but that which will prepare you for heaven, and nothing but faith in

a crucified Saviour that can ever build you may make the prayer in your own you up in your "most holy faith!"



Therefore, earnestly let me commend all that have not yet ascertained this great point, to take the friendly admonition, the last accents of one who desires to discharge his last duty, not merely by affection and the most sincere wishes, but in honest endeavours to save every soul he can ere he embarks, as it were, for another world. And therefore I must come to thy conscience, sinner, wherever thou art. I cannot find thee out, but God has thee under the glare of his eye at this moment! Thou art quivering in thy seat at this instant, though I know thee not! the friendly warning, and escape! I pray thee, from the wrath to come! Flee to the Saviour ere it be too late! Begin real religion! Renounce thy wine, thy harlots, thy lusts, thy pleasure, thy merely human science, thy poetry, thy philosophy, thy every thing that stands in the way to heaven: and when you have received the love of God you will use only what is lawful in any thing. O, remember it is not what I say-sayeth not God the same? Is not God love? If an earthly parent require the love of his child-if the love of a friend be the only essential quality of friendship-if a benefactor look for gratitude, I appeal to your common sense, I appeal to the tribunal of conscience-if it be not hardened by profligacy and habits of vice, which desolate conscience, and leave it like seared and callous flesh-if there be a conscience, if there be any thing of moral feeling in the sinner, shall not the God that made thee have thy supreme love? Shall not the Redeemer that died for thee claim and possess thy affection? Shall not the sanctifying Spirit see thee praying for his grace? Shall not the love of God be paid to thy heavenly Father, thy heavenly friend, thy divine benefactor? Yes! O, may the angels of Christ take up the tidings to his throne that every sinner here is beginning to repent! Yes; I pause while the desire is formed in the breast of every sinner. Let each one put up to the throne of mercy this ejaculation, "Lord, give me thy grace, and may I begin this heartfelt religion!" I pause that

breasts. O, my God! is there one that has not made the prayer? Is there a heart so hard that it has not seized the moment to aspire after grace and salvation? No; I so trust thy mercy, that I cannot think there is one from the youngest to the oldest that hath not addressed a prayer for the love of God; and in that persuasion, beloved, I bid you farewell. It was said by a great master of history, (I don't know whether these are his words, but they contain his sentiments,) Parvi affectus loquuntur, magni tacent. Little griefs speak, great ones are silent.

I say, therefore, in bidding you farewell, I return you my most heartfelt acknowledgments for all the kindness and attention, and more than ministerial affection, which you have rendered to me. I also desire to beg your forgiveness, each of you individually, if you be present, (or if not, I desire it may be reported to every parishioner,) of any unintentional errors, offences, mistakes which I must I know have committed. I would likewise solemnly return my thanks, most of all, to Almighty God for his mercies to me. And "Now,” brethren, “unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever." Amen.



THE (LATE) REV. JOHN FLETCher, Vicar of Madeley.

J. W. DE LA FLECHERE was born at Nyon, in Switzerland, on the 12th of September, 1729. In March, 1757, he entered the ministry of the Episcopal church, and with an uncommon degree of pastoral fidelity, and ardent piety, amidst much weakness of body, discharged with almost apostolic zeal and earnestness the varied duties of his office, until August, 1785, when he expired in the triumphs of faith.

as he saw him, to run home with all speed, and close the door before Mr. Fletcher could reach it: and thus, for many months together, he escaped his deserved reproofs. The holy man, however, still persevering in his attempts, on one occasion outran this determined sinner, and obtained possession of his house before him. The poor man, awed by the presence of his minister, and softened by the persuasive kindness of his manners, was greatly affected, and received those religious impressions which soon ended in a thorough change of his character.

It has been recorded of him, that when vicar of Madeley, as often as a small congregation could be collected, which was usually every evening, he preached to them. He visited every family in his parish that gave him access, for conversation and prayer; and no hour of the night, nor severity of the weather, precluded his attendance on the sick. He interrupted the nocturnal revellings, then common among his young parishioners, by his solemn but affectionate admonitions; and braved the fury of the colliers, amidst their savage orgies and inhuman sports. At Coal-brook Dale and Madeley- Another of his parishioners, who is still wood, two hamlets in his parish, distant living, relates the following characteristic from the church, he preached alternately; circumstance:-When a young man, he and erected, chiefly at his own expense, was married by Mr. Fletcher, who said two buildings for more convenient wor- to him as soon as the service was conship. At his church he preached twice cluded, and he was about to make the every Sunday, besides catechizing chil- accustomed entry, "Well, William, you dren; and often repeated his services, in have had your name entered in our registhe evening, at places considerably dis- ter once before this." 66 Yes, sir, at my tant. In his efforts to do good he mani- baptism." "And now, your name will fested a zeal and perseverance rarely seen, be entered a second time. You have no and was frequently rewarded with a suc- doubt thought much about your present cess as striking, as the means employed step, and made proper preparations for it to obtain it. A poor collier, now living in many different ways." "Yes, sir." at Madeley, and upwards of eighty years" Recollect that a third entry of your of age, relates, that in the former part of name,-the register of your burial, will, his life he was exceedingly profligate, sooner or later, take place. Think, then, and that Mr. Fletcher frequently sought about death, and make preparations for opportunities to warn him of his danger. that also, lest it overtake you as a thief "For," added the poor man, "he used in the night.' This person also is now always to run after such wicked fellows walking in the ways of the Lord, and as I was, whenever he saw us, in order states, that he often adverts to this and that he might talk with us, and warn us.' ." other things which his serious and affecBeing aware of his pious vicar's intentionate pastor found frequent occasion to tions, this collier was accustomed, as soon say to him.

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“Let not, then, your good be evil spoken of.”—Rom. xiv. 16.

of the Christian-(and only any thing because of its accessary and incidental character with respect to the particular department of his benevolence and zeal)

form the scope and the reward of all their exertions: the soul, the object of our care; the salvation of the soul, the prize of our ambition, have no points of attraction, and no ground of admiration for them. How could they value in others that which they in themselves do not appreciate? How could they desire for others that which they do not seek for themselves?

But there are accidents to our cause, and in our progress, which are levelled to their understanding-inferior spoils which are congenial to their tastes. The subserviency of missions to literature and

THE question of Christian missions | which is almost nothing in the estimation occupies, my beloved hearers, a very different position in the public mind in our current history from that which it formerly obtained. Statesmen do not necessarily, as at the first, denounce it; philo--the burning surface, the elaborate ornasophers do not necessarily denounce it; ment, the productions of the soil-these travellers do not necessarily deprecate it. | It does not, as of old, invariably provoke mercantile clamour and political alarm. Contempt has become more calm, and calumny has learned to impose a restraint upon itself. The old outcry is spent; the fierce onset has obeyed the sound of retreat; "the stout-hearted are spoiled; and none of the men of might have found their hands." Insinuation still secretes its subtle poison, and crawls its reptile course; but the invective and menace which once filled our legislatures, our tribunals, our schools, our marts-which were heard in high debate, and were re-science-in arranging languages whose verberated by popular tumult-which gave a tone to polite letters, and an expression to outrageous vulgarities these, with a few exceptions, which stand related to a system whose moderation can never be more than affected, and whose enmity it is impossible to allay or subdue -these more boisterous ebullitions have-in collating facts which sustain the wellnigh died away. The adventurer, most important conclusions and systems the speculator, the infidel, the bigot, must in physical truth;-the favourable influnow avail themselves of other expedients, ence of missions in providing security and have recourse to other weapons. for persons, and infusing confidence into The missionary enterprise has secured | barter, as well as opening new fields, and to itself no small portion of secular re-establishing fresh interchanges, by accusspectability; there are many who are now toming the savage to social institutionsdisposed to do it homage on account of the grandeur of the very scheme of misits indirect results. They have, indeed, sions taking hold upon the imagination, no sympathy with its nobler aims. That and of the mind, as the nearest possible

name had not hitherto been heard-in supplying knowledge touching mythologies which had hitherto been screened from every curious eye, and fenced from every intrusive footstep-in marking, with a very accurate geography, the chart of rivers and oceans, states and countries

approach to disinterested virtue, embodying that which had been hopeless as a vision, and baseless as a dream-the certain success of missions-certain, as it is seen in a thousand peaceful trophies of civilization, mild manners, and enlightened principles; these great issues have surrounded missions with a considerable share of favour, and have adjudged to them a character even of renown.

The enmity of the human heart is what it ever was against the revealed history of free mercy, and the strict purity of Christianity. But some of its stronger efforts, in consequence of these circumstances, have been remitted-some of its wilder frenzies have been dropped. At least, it never can be made a charge against us that we are engaged in an untried invasion, in a rash experiment. We have the results before us, and that charge is reduced to silence, if not put to shame. We are truly thankful that we can refer to an effect which runs within the range of worldly prepossessions; but chiefly we rejoice over the deeper process into which the unrenewed mind cannot enter —a hid treasure, which the hopes and sympathies of the world can never make its own--the consequences that a solemn treaty attaches to all that take a part in missionary operations. This thing is not done in a corner; they are a city set upon a hill, and every shadow cast from it is observed; they are the light of the world, and every wavering of the flame is noticed. Their language is extensively quoted; their deportment is narrowly watched; they have to pass through a fearless scrutiny heated sevenfold. Myriads of eyes are upon them-eyes which stand out with suspicion, with jealousy, with distrust, with resentment, with rage. Hence arises the necessity of the greatest caution and prudence, as well as of the greatest frankness and intrepidity. Ought we not "to walk in the fear of the Lord, because of the reproach of our enemies?"

But we would rather make this a personal inducement and reason arising out of the subject itself. Think of its sublime purpose, its high calling; think of the estimate which has been fixed upon inccessively by apostles, by evange

lists, by martyrs; think of the manner in which it approves itself to every holy precedent and principle, and commends itself to every holy sentiment and affec tion; think of your professed subjection to the gospel of Christ, and of "the pow er which worketh in you mightily ;" think of the souls of the heathen in their uncomputed millions, in their unfathomable woes; and it will then be easy to convict the most generous of selfishness, the most disinterested of indifference, the most susceptible of apathy, the most devoted of disaffection, the most liberal of parsimony, the most constant of fickleness, the most active of supineness and sloth. Should we not study a delicate and a sensitive consistency? What manner of persons ought we to be?

We do good by communicating it. We are employed in an effort and a system of well doing. But let us clothe ourselves with the things that are amiable and of good report. Let us shun the appearance of evil; and, though certain that it is a good, let us preclude the possibility of that good being "evil spoken of." You will allow me, therefore, my brethren, to give the following discourse a practical bearing and character. It shall be left to others to raise more delightful themes. We seem to have reached a crisis; we ought now to come to a pause. What are we doing? What is the general impression of what we have done? There may be inconsistencies amongst those who profess themselves the friends of the Christian enterprise of missions; there may be inconsistencies, and "faithful are the wounds of a friend." There is no doubt in our own mind as to the genuineness, as to the reality of the beneficence itself; but let us not give any occasion to them who seek occasion by which that beneficence might at all come under suspicion. Some of these inconsistencies shall now be stated. I throw myself upon your candour-many of you know the heart of a stranger; and, whilst I will endeavour to feel as little as possible a stranger amongst you, relieve that almost irrepressible sense of estrangement by your candour and by your prayers.

We are inconsistent when the truth we

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