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"and the King of glory shall come in. the knowledge of it thrives best in a pracWho is the King of glory? The Lord, the Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory" The same divine presence, that veiled in a golden cloud, filled of old the temple of Solomon-the same which in the likeness of flesh entered the temple of Zerubbabel and of Herod. He, who now in his influences, by his Spirit, is with his disciples always, even unto the end of the world.

tical course. Laying out here is a means of gathering in; an hearty endeavour to do good, and to communicate, is one of the greatest helps to our proficiency. So that by this means you are likely to become more able pastors of the church, than private studies alone can make you. Particularly it will be an excellent means to help you in preaching; for when you are well acquainted with your people's Receive these influences, brethren, in cases, you will know what to preach the temple of your souls. Behold he, upon. An hour's conversation will furthe Messiah, stands at the door of his nish you with as much matter as an hour's living temple, the heart of man, and study. As he will be the best physician knocks. He might force his way, but and lawyer, so he will be the best divine, he does not; he treats you as willing be- who adds practice and experience proporings he knocks. Open unto him, and tionable to his studies; whereas that man though in even the humblest mansions, will prove an useless drone, who refuses in the breast of the poorest disciple, with God's service all his life, under a prereference to outward splendours, he will tence of preparing for it; and let men's condescend to come in unto you; and the souls pass on to perdition, while he prechurch, the spiritual temple of the living tends to be studying how to recover them, God, and each integral part of that church, or getting more ability to help and save as a wing, a chamber, one of the many mansions of that temple, will be like the spouse of the King of glory, all glorious within. Prepare to sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, let the Spirit of God dwell in you, and this self-dedication, this spiritual worship, will be a far better consecration, than wealth, and pride, and pagan magnificence, could furnish forth with the cattle on a thousand hills, yea,

with rivers of wine and oil.


METHINKS I Would willingly exchange all the other knowledge I have, for one glimpse more of God and the life to come. Now, by frequent serious conversation about everlasting things, by diligently instructing and catechising your people, you will gain more of this kind of knowledge, than can be gained by other means; and thus you will really grow wiser than those who spend their time in any other 'way. As theology is a practical science,

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LET not my sermons be the children of my brain, but the travail of my soul, that I may serve my God with my spirit in the gospel of his Son; and as a true vessel of the sanctuary, have within me a savour of that water of life which I pour out to others. It is a doleful thing to fall into hell from under the pulpit. But, oh! how dreadful is it to drop thither out of it! Doth not my heart tremble to think, that it is possible for me, like the unbelieving spies, to coast the heavenly Canaan, to commend it to others, and yet never to possess it myself! that whilst I preach to others, I myself may be a cast-away! Lord, let me exalt thee in my heart, as my chiefest good; in my life, as mine utmost end; and preach so effectually to my own soul, and to others, that I may both save myself, and them that hear me.— Swinnock.




"Seek those things that are above.”—Col. iii. 1.

WHILE irrational creatures, by the constitution of their nature, are concerned only for the present moment, it is incumbent on man to consider his relationship to a future world, and to prepare for and anticipate its enjoyments, as being those only which are adapted to his wide-ranging capacity and interminable existence. The reality of a future and superior state has been clearly revealed to us-not to supply matter and occasion of curious and idle speculation-but to influence our conduct and affections, our life and conversation; to throw a sacred and immortal radiance over this present scene of our being, through which men too generally pass without thought, and from which they retire without hope.

It is recorded of Socrates, that he brought men down from heaven to earth; that is, he drew the attention of men from the study and contemplation of the heavenly bodies, to the consideration of the nature and end of man, the duties and relations of men in this life. Socrates, therefore, was said to have brought down philosophy from heaven to earth. But of Jesus Christ it may be said, that he brings us from earth to heaven; he teaches us a divine philosophy; raises man from things seen, and temporal, and earthly, to things spiritual, heavenly, and eternal. He hath entered the heavenly places, and we are invited and entreated to follow. There is no subject to which the Scriptures more frequently solicit our attention than this. They constantly stamp this VOL. I.-45

life with importance, by calling us to consider its relationship to that state of rest and blessedness in heaven, which is the ultimate design of the Almighty concerning his rational offspring; a state in which the human mind will be carried to the highest pitch of improvement, and in which all the might of the human faculties, thus improved, will find appropriate and delightful exercise. How fitted is the revelation of such a state to awaken the attention and enkindle the desire of every living thing that is heir to immortality! And how effectually were the first Christians encouraged by it, to endure all that trial of cruel mocking and scourging, bonds and imprisonment, tortures and death, to which they were called for righteousness' sake! And what will so detach our hearts from the low and sordid vanities of earth; what will so guard us from its intoxicating and polluting pleasures; what will so sustain and exhilarate us, amidst its keen and varied sorrows; and, in short, what will so enable us to possess our souls in patience under all that we have to do, and all that we have to suffer, in this the house of our pilgrimage, as the continual thought, the bright prospect, the well-assured hope of the glories that are at God's right hand? Hence the inspired writers are constantly directing our thoughts to heaven; instructing and exhorting us to elevate our affections to the things that are above. Listen to the entreaty of the apostle in the words of the text: "Seek," with impressive 2 G 2


and affectionate solemnity and earnestness he calls upon us to "seek those things that are above." Our remarks shall turn


I. The things themselves to which reference is here made;

II. The conduct enjoined in relation to them; and,

III. The motives which should impel us to this conduct.

Man, by searching, cannot find out God or heaven; by his own penetration and unaided sagacity, he can neither find out what God is, nor where he dwells; neither his true nature, nor the palace in which he unveils his beauty and glory. Life and immortality are brought to light, but only by Christ Jesus in the gospel. From this source alone we derive all our just and appropriate, all our pure and influential conceptions, on this momentous and lofty theme.

I. THE SUBLIME OBJECT TO WHICH THE EXHORTATION OF THE APOSTLE RELATES. By the things above" we understand Owing to the thick veil that sin and the future blessedness, perfection, and mortality have spread over our mind, we glory of believers in heaven. In this ex- know, even with the revelation that planation, we are supported by the latter God has graciously favoured us, little part of the verse and of the sentence in in comparison of what is to be known. which the words of the text lie. "Seek Such is the darkening, and debasing, and those things that are above," "where," debilitating influence of the clouds and adds the apostle, “Christ sitteth at the fogs of earth, and sense, and sin which right hand of God." Now, at the right now envelope us, that of heaven, its duhand of God, as the sixteenth Psalm ties and exercises, its felicities and glories, teaches, are transcendent joys and eternal"we know but in part." Besides, so pleasures. "At thy right hand," ex- much has not been revealed as to gratify claims the devout prophet, "there is fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore." These, then, are the things above, even those which are at God's right hand, the mighty joys, the august exercises, the transporting pleasures, of an eternal heaven.

the entire of our curiosity, or satisfy the ." whole of our anxious wishes and desires in relation to the future and celestial state of man. The fact itself of the heavenly blessedness of saints is abundantly clear; but wherein consists the blessedness, of how many parts it is composed, what various ingredients enter into it, what is its length, and breadth, and height; what mind can fully conceive, what tongue adequately declare? Yet sufficient is made known to answer the merciful purposes of our Father in heaven, and to meet the pressing and affecting necessi ties of his human offspring, whilst journeying on through the shadows and wildernesses of earth and time: and heaven and eternity themselves must disclose the rest. Yes, happily for us, enough may be seen through the interposing cloud to awaken regard, to stimulate attention, to kindle desire, to rouse our criminal and destructive apathy; enough to throw the stillness of a solemn awe over our minds in the midst of the gayest and busiest scenes of this world, and to start, and quicken, and sustain us in a career of new, and upward, and holy conduct. The eye of faith beholds the land afar off, sees the King in his beauty, and gazes

Men's views differ concerning future, as they differ on the nature of present happiness, and on the way and means of attaining that which is future. Some think of it merely as a continuation of being, from which is excluded all pain, and want, and sorrow; a mere negative heaven. Some regard it as consisting in the active and uninterrupted exercise of their present senses and faculties; the full and free indulgence of their present tastes and affinities, inclinations and desires, habits and pursuits; a Mohammedan heaven. Others, stretching somewhat further, place it in an extension of all their pleasurable faculties, perceptions, and sensibilities, with a vast augmentation of new means of gratification and enjoyment. All our real knowledge of it is gathered from Scripture; and whatever is not drawn from revelation, or is at variance with its testimony on this subject, is not to be regarded.

sannahs of redemption, uttered by blest voices without number, ever sound before the throne. As a temple; bright with the divine glory, filled with the divine presence, streaming with divine beauty, and peopled with shining monuments of divine goodness, mercy, and grace.

In further contemplating the celestial blessedness of believers, let us very briefly notice,

on the glories of the new Jerusalem. | out a sigh, without an imperfection, and How gracious and condescending are without intermission; where hymns of many of the aspects in which the Scrip- praise, hallelujahs of salvation, and hotures exhibit the heaven of the believer. It is held forth to our view as a banquet, where our souls shall be satisfied for evermore: the beauties of Jehovah's face, the mysteries of divine grace, the riches of redeeming love, communion with God and the Lamb, fellowship with the infinite Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, being the heavenly fulness on which we shall feed. As a paradise; a garden of fruits and flowers, on which our spiritual natures 1. The perfection of character they shall and gracious tastes will be regaled, exhibit in heaven.-We shall then, indeed, through one ever-verdant spring and partake of God's nature; be holy as he is golden summer; a paradise where lurks holy, awake up with his likeness, and so no serpent to destroy, and where fruits be fully satisfied. It is impossible for and flowers shall never fade and droop, sin or sinners to enter there. All that is nor drop and die. As an inheritance; but above is holy, all that are above are holy. then an inheritance that is incorruptible, The throne is holy; the temple is holy; undefiled, and that fadeth not away, the the services are holy; the songs are holy; inheritance of the saints in light. As a the inhabitants are holy. There is no kingdom; whose immunities, felicities, imperfection above. In one sense Chrisand glories are splendid and vast, perma- tians are perfect now, and here they are nent and real, quite overwhelming indeed perfect in kind; but which of all them is to our present feeble imaginings. As a there that does not lament his short-comcountry; over whose wide regions we ings, his errors, that does not feel himself shall traverse in all the might of our surrounded with manifold infirmities. untried faculties, and in all the glow of God's salvation now experienced is a new and heaven-born energies, discover- salvation from sin, so that it has not doing and gathering fresh harvests of intel- minion over us. We now have fellowligence, satisfaction, and delight. As a ship with the Father and the Son, and city; whose walls are burnished gold, therefore walk in the light; and, if faithwhose pavement is jasper, sardonyx, and ful to the grace, and light, and means, onyx; through which flows the river of that are imparted, sin not. But still life; the inhabitants of which hunger no there are many frailties in us, many things more, thirst no more, sicken no more, in our character, which are positive imweep no more, die no more: a city, where perfections; there is much that God has there is no need of the sun by day, in to pity; but in heaven there shall be nowhich there is no night at all, and of thing which God will have to pity; on the which the Lord God Almighty is the contrary, he will admire us feel perfect light, and the Lamb the glory. As a complacency and satisfaction in us. We palace; where dwells the Lord our right- shall be free from wrinkles and spots; eousness, the King in his beauty dis- have no fadings, or faintings, or blemplayed his beauty of holiest love; in the ishes, but shall be without any such thing. eternal sunshine of whose countenance In heaven are the spirits of just men made bask and exult the host that worship at perfect. On earth how oft we have to his feet. As a building; that has God lament the wanderings of our mind, the for its maker, immortality for its walls, irregular emotions of our physical frame, and eternity for its day. As a sanctuary; the faintness of our desires, the coldness where the thrice-holy divinity, enshrined of our love. Oh! the thought, that I in our own nature in the person of Im- shall" attain,"—that I shall "be perfect," manuel, is worshipped and adored, with--that there will be nothing in me unwor

thy to my God, or unlike my Redeemer, | strike our minds at all, and probably or unsuited to the pavilions of immortal never enter the imagination of most men, beauty and glory! "Him that overcometh even among Christians. Yet if we read will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him my new name."

How multiplied then must be the actions
involved in a service which night never
interrupts; of a mind and a body which
are never wearied, and of an existence
which knows no end! That they are
endlessly varied is unanswerably evident
from the consideration, that no two beings
in the creation, and no two events in the
providence of God have been found ex-
actly alike. Variety is a standing law of
created existence and providential dispen-
sation, and throughout eternity will be
the great means of disclosing to the intel-
ligent universe the glorious thoughts and
purposes treasured up from everlasting in
the omniscient mind. Instead, therefore,
of being a tame, dull, monotonous, spirit-
less existence, immortal life is a state of
intense energy, vast design, and vigorous
action, in which to know and to love, to
do and to enjoy, will form a combination
of dignity, glory, and happiness, trans-
cending every earthly conception.
this, also, will expand, and rise, and im-
for ever.

the Scriptures with attention, and believe what we read, we must clearly discern that both the number and the variety are 2. The exercises in which they shall be immense. The inhabitants of heaven engaged.-Ease, it is commonly thought, serve God day and night in his temple. is necessary to repose-to complete and The services of those who in this life fill uninterrupted repose; and heaven itself is up their duty, are certainly very numerimagined by many to be a scene of inac-ous; and are so entirely varied, that no tivity, a region of utter quiescency. But two actions among them all are alike. analogy and revelation are against this sentiment. Ease is not real happiness, it is not even an ingredient in happiness. This kind of heaven-one thus characterized and composed-would be death rather than life; it would be exemption from pain rather than positive bliss. Angels, those natives of heaven, those ministers of God's presence, not only know but do his pleasure. And are we not taught to pray that our divine Father's will may be done on earth, even as angels do it in heaven? The Scriptures have every where spoken of the employments, as well as of the happiness of heaven, in the most exalted terms. Let us not forget that to act in the service of God, and to communicate good to others, constitutes, according to the Scriptures, one vast and glorious division of celestial blessedness. Both of what we are to be, and what we are to do, many things are said of a highly interesting nature; and from these, when we compare them with diligence and attention, a great multitude of other things, deeply interesting, may This view may tend to moderate the be derived by irresistible inference. For surprise and the sorrow, that seize and instance; those who obtain immortal life possess the common mind at the early are said, by our Saviour, to be equal or deaths of eminent Christians, and zealous, like to angels. This one declaration and laborious, and gifted, and successful opens to us a wide field of inquiry and young ministers. They are snatched conclusion; and assures us, that whatever away from the most active and important angels are or do, or are exhibited as being services, and we are apt to think that or doing in the Scriptures, we also shall they are gone into darkness and silence, substantially be or do. But the things and have sunk into torpor and inactivity: which angels do, together with their at- but could we trace their flight, and distributes and circumstances, are, as exhi-cern the lofty, and energetic, and valuable bited to us in the Scriptures, very numer- exercises in which their freed spirits are ous and very great; and these irresistibly now occupied in some of the bright fields infer others which are great and numer- of eternity, the wide regions of their aus also. The number and variety of Maker's universe, and their Redeemer's events which make up our system, hardly | heaven, our wonder at their departure


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