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life of all Christian graces-of all Chris- ments of the world, the flesh, and the tian duties of all Christian ordinances. devil, where Christ is not the life of the 1. Jesus Christ is the life of all Christian soul? Christians are said to "walk in graces. These all proceed from Christ, newness of life;" and this new life deveand tend to Christ, and determine on lopes itself in all the various acts of godChrist. They have all a value in propor-liness. In this new life and walk is tion as they are connected with Christ, included the right management of the and bring us, at every turn, into contact thoughts and tempers-the proper governwith Christ. FAITH-Christ is the life ment of the discourse-due conduct toof this grace. How can it possibly exist, wards God and man. Are Christians in if it have not Christ to rest on? Faith any degree what they ought to be? It is cannot rest on peaceful or joyous feelings because they are made like Jesus Christ. -on regular and consistent conduct; these Is the Christian's conversation holy, and are all the fruits of faith, not the founda- does it minister any portion of benefit to tion. Faith gives life to good works-to those who hear him? It is because there holy tempers-to joyful affections; but is so much of Jesus Christ in it,-in what Christ must first be the life of faith; then, he is-in what he has done-in what he and then only, faith gives energy to all has suffered-in what he waits to dothe fruits of faith. Faith is called look- and what he expects in gratitude to be ing to an object; the object of faith is done to and for him. Are the actions of Christ. Faith is called the reception of the Christian holy? They are so in virtue a gift; that gift is Christ, and with him of the power of Christ resting upon him. all good. HOPE-Christ is the life of Christ is his life and strength; hence, all hope. If we have hope, it is because we he does is directed to the glory of Christ. are quickened together with him. Our anchor is cast within the veil, and it is both sure and steadfast; but if Jesus, our forerunner, had not entered there first for us, all attempts to cast our anchor there had been altogether in vain. LOVE Jesus Christ is the object of supreme regard to every genuine Christian; so it has been in all ages, however dim the light the individuals may have enjoyed. Yet, in proportion to the degree of knowledge which they possessed, they rejoiced in Christ. Simeon, when he embraced the Saviour, seemed to be fully satisfied with life; he had no remaining wish as to this world, and he said, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." Paul, you well know, counted all things but loss for Christ; and was ready to suffer the loss of all things, if he might but win Christ, in winning whom he thought he had won all. Christ was the life and soul of the joy of these ancient saints.

3. Jesus Christ is the life of Christian ordinances. Christian graces will not be maintained with vigour-Christian duties will not be performed with regularity, if we do not continue to implore and enjoy the divine influence, through the medium of the various means of grace. Of all these ordinances, Christ is the life. They would be all wells without water, if he were not conveyed through them in his spiritual and comforting influences. What are SACRAMENTS, if Christ be not the life of them? If people are content with the outward sign, and do not seek after the thing signified, they may become the means of spiritual delusion and eternal ruin. What is Baptism, but a figurative representation of our moral pollution—an ordinance which brings to our very eyes this truth, that unless Christ wash us, we can have no spiritual part in him—a rite, by the observance of which, we put in our claim to be acknowledged by him, and to rejoice in the blessings of his love? What is the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup2. Jesus Christ is the life of all Chris-per without Christ? It derives all its tian duties. This is another important significance and interest from its bringbranch of practical godliness. But where ing us into the presence-chamber of Christ, will you find these duties attended to, and what is it but the communion of his spite of all the temptations and allure- body and blood?

What are PRAYERS without Christ? Is and remission of sins." If we preach not he the chief object of the Christian's morality or holiness, the grand elementary supplication, that we may be more like principle is love to Christ. him-that we may have a deeper interest

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in him? Jesus Christ is the Great High-The grand morality is love to Thee!"
priest, "having the golden censer,' to
whom there is given "much incense, that
he should offer it with the prayers of all
saints, upon the golden altar which is
before the throne."

"Talk they of morals?—O thon bleeding love!

But it is not merely because he is the principal subject of preaching which makes preaching nothing without him, but because the very commission to preach, What are THANKSGIVINGS Without is derived immediately from him. He said Christ? Offerings which God will re- originally, and he still continues to say, ject, as he rejected the sacrifice of Cain." Go ye into all the world, and preach the Cain presented a thank-offering; but it gospel to every creature." To every true was accompanied by no recognition of a minister of the gospel it may be said, as Saviour there was no blood-shedding; it was to the first apostles, "Ye have not therefore, it was rejected. Cain's was chosen me”'—as some men choose physic, the religion of nature, about which some and others law, and others philosophy, and persons make such a mighty fuss! But others trade-all this is quite out of place God rejected it. If sin be not confessed, when applied to the kingdom of Christ, if forgiveness and purity be not suppli- in which Christ claims to be actual and cated, the religion of nature is an abomi- absolute king-" Ye have not chosen me, nation in the sight of God! The religion but I have chosen you, and ordained you, of sinners, the way of salvation through that ye should go and bring forth fruit, Christ, is the only religion that suits us. and that your fruit should remain." Our praises and thanksgivings will never be accepted, but as they are presented in and through Christ.

From Christ is derived also the power to exercise the ministry with fruitfulness and effect. And this is another reason And what is PREACHING without Christ? why preaching is nothing without him. Indeed, it is not the gospel that is From him is derived all that unction preached; it is not good news, if Christ which at any time accompanies our mibe not the subject of it. He is the princi-nistrations. As the clouds from which pal theme of all evangelical ministrations the rain descends have not that rain in "We preach not ourselves, but Christ themselves, but derive it from the sea and Jesus, the Lord"-we declare "the un- various moist places of the earth, and searchable riches of Christ." There may having thus received, are able to disperse be a great difference as to the form in abroad; so all the efficacy of the gospel which these truths are presented; yet which is preached, is derived from Jesus Christ must ever be the centre in which Christ, who is the overflowing fountain all the lines of truth meet. If we preach of all that is good and holy. But, "Christ the law, it is to show you your need of is our life." Christ; for "by the deeds of the law shall no flesh living be justified." If we preach the torments of hell, it is to induce you to make haste to Christ, lest those torments overtake you. If we preach the joys of heaven, it is to encourage you to come to Christ, that he may give you a title and a meetness for those joys. If we preach faith, it is a faith of which Christ is the object, the author, and the perfecter. If we preach repentance, it is that you may go to Christ, whom "God hath exalted as a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance

Thirdly, AS IT RESPECTS THE PROMISED RESURRECTION AND GLORIFICATION of the BODY, AND THE FINAL EXALTATION OF THE BODIES AND SOULS OF HIS PEOPLE TO ENDLESS BLEssedness. Even when Christ has become our life relatively, as it respects our justification, and our life really, as it respects our sanctification, it is still an awful fact, that "the body is dead because of sin." Though when the soul is restored to spiritual life, the body becomes a temple of the Holy Ghost, it is nevertheless dead; and, so far, remains for a

time under the divine displeasure, on account of sin. This is God's badge, which he has attached to transgression. He who carries a body about with him, carries about with him a proof that the Lord is righteous, and that he will not let sin go unpunished. "The body is dead," at present, "because of sin;" but that same body has the assurance of life hereafter: for it is to the whole man that the promise of eternal life is made. Jesus Christ has promised that he will restore it to vigour and immortal youth. Christ is the author of this life,

In assurance of hope,
We to Jesus look up,

Till his banner, unfurl'd in the air,
From our graves we shall see,

And cry out, "It is he!" And fly up to acknowledge him there. Further-In reference to that eterna glory to which we shall finally be exalted— Christ is the life of this also. He is "the Lord of heaven." "All power is given to him in heaven”—“ Angels and principalities are made subject to him"-" he has the keys of death and of hades”— "he both died and rose again, that he 1. As his power is the agent to effect this. might be Lord both of the dead and of He himself will perform this miracle; for the living." As the king of heaven it is it is a miracle. It is not because there his prerogative to admit others into that remains in the body some latent principle world. Hence we find that the dying of life to be wrought upon; Scripture con- Stephen said, “Lord Jesus, receive my tradicts this philosophic notion. They spirit." There was no admission even tell us plainly, that it will be a miracle- for a dying martyr into heaven but a miracle resembling that of the resurrec- through Jesus Christ. Christ must fortion of Christ himself. Now, if the re-mally agree to the admission of his peosurrection of Christ was a mere vegetative ple before that admission can take place. resurrection, Christ was not really dead, and his resurrection is no proof of his divinity. In order to prove the divinity of that operation, we must admit his real and absolute death. When the soul is separated from the body, no life remains; and no life will ever come into it, but what Christ puts into it" who shall change our vile body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself." There is, therefore, no latent principle of life to assist the operation; it is the effect of Almighty power, and that power put forth by Christ.

2. Because his raised and glorified body will be the model to which the bodies of his people will be conformed. "He will change our vile bodies, and fashion them like unto his own glorious body."

3. Inasmuch as his appearance the second time in the clouds with glory will be the signal for our resurrection. He will appear again in power and great glory, and at this his coming we shall live; we shall then all be summoned from our dusty-beds," meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we be for ever with the Lord."

It is his to assign to each of his saints their proper place and occupation in heaven. "In my Father's house are many mansions: I go to prepare a place for you." From this it is clear that the kingdom of Christ extends to heaven; and all that is connected with the bliss and glory of heaven will be dispensed by him.

His presence mainly constitutes the bliss of heaven. It is by him, and through him, that all the glory of heaven is made known. All the saints will shine by a reflection of his glory: their union to Christ will be the instrument of their realizing the promised bliss; and it is through this medium alone that they can enjoy the vision of God. Paul knew this; hence he said, "I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better." To be by Christ in heaven he esteemed to be far better than to be in Christ on earth, even under the most favourable circumstances.

We have good reason to think that the degrees of heavenly glory will be regulated by the degrees of nearness and intimacy to Christ to which we may have been previously exalted. It is true, that on this subject the Scriptures speak but little;

more by hints than in detail. But this | you following Christ in the way of holimuch we may learn, that there will be ness? Oh! if Christ be only your light degrees in glory-"One star differeth and not your life, you have heard and read from another star in glory; so also is the in vain. The first thing you have to do resurrection of the dead." The saints, is to come to God, and confess your we are told, will be made like angels, and wicked waste of former opportunities; amongst these we know there are degrees; you must obtain pardon for the past, bewe read of "thrones, dominions, princi- fore you can hope for future good. There palities, and powers." There is a supe- are many who go to hell after hearing the riority, and of course there is also a rela- gospel for years. It were better to go to tive inferiority. The chimerical equality | hell from the grossest darkness of paganfor which some so foolishly and zealously ism, than thus turn your knowledge to no contend, in the world and in the church, account! This hearing, this knowledge has no place even in heaven. We may reasonably infer, that in proportion as we are like Christ, and near to him, we shall shine. All the stars of heaven shall shine with great lustre, but those will shine the most brightly who most resemble Christ, and who are most near to him who is the Sun of righteousness.

Thus have we illustrated and proved this great gospel axiom, that Christ is the life of his people.

is a talent which you are required to occupy. If you neglect to improve this light, or if you resist it by the indulgence of worldly tempers, or vain and foolish conversation and conduct, it will greatly aggravate your doom that you have had light. Wo unto them who have the key of knowledge, and do not use it to open the door of truth! There are many among all our congregations, who, when the gospel is put into their hands, that they may 1. This subject addresses itself most pow- open the door to pardon and salvation, erfully to the hearers of the gospel. We turn the key the wrong way, and actually learn from it what is the design of the lock themselves out. What madness can various exhibitions of Christ in the equal this? To hear the word of life, and preaching of the gospel. Christ is run on to death, without pardon, without preached, to the end that he may be your any effort to obtain salvation! O! be life. Preachers labour in vain, hearers careful not to make this perverted use of listen in vain, if there be no communica- the gospel! Let not that bring you down tion of life. When a man of common to hell which was designed to raise you understanding listens to a plain, faithful to heaven and holiness. So it will be if preacher, if he be not grossly inattentive, you do not connect faith with your hearhe must derive some light; his under-ing, and if obedience do not prove the sinstanding must be informed. But this ac- cerity of your faith. cession of knowledge does by no means answer the end of preaching. This ordinance is not intended to make you perfect theologians. You may be able to defend every article of the Christian faith; there may not be a speck in your orthodoxy, and yet the great end of preaching remains unaccomplished; for Christ is life as well as light. What effect has been produced by your former hearing? Has Christ become your life? Is the sentence of death reversed, or does the wrath of God still abide upon you, because you have not fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before you? And has Christ become your real as well as your relative life? Do you rejoice in purity of heart? and are

2. To earnest seekers of salvation this subject affords much encouragement. When you think of your numerous wants, you feel shocked, and are ready to say,

"I want-alas! what want I not?" You want pardon-you want purityyou want strength-you want a lively hope of glory-and all this is in Christ. Secure Christ for your life, and you will have all. And Christ is every sinner's right; Christ is God's gift to the world— the world which was the object of his pity, shared the effects of his pity. Christ is therefore every sinner's right; and if you receive him, you have all that can

conduce to your present safety and eternal life. Be careful that you use Christ for all the purposes for which he is offered to you.

3. Let Christians learn a lesson from this subject. BE GRATEFUL. You see how much you owe to him; you cannot be Christians without him. He gave you life, but he gave it you at a great cost!

he died that you might live. thanks then are due to him.


In the discharge of parochial duties the sick and afflicted will have the strongest claims upon your time and attention. Let these claims always be held sacred. Wait not to be sent for. Hasten to them as soon as you know that they are in distress. And while on your way to the sick chamber, or the house of mourning.

It is by his stripes that you are healed-lift up your soul in prayer to God, that he O what will put thoughts into your heart, and words into your mouth; that he will enable you to be faithful, and bless your visit. If the sickness be severe, let your remarks be few and direct, and your prayers commonly short; but let your calls be frequent. When there is imminent danger in the case, study not to conceal it; but urge upon the sick man the infinite im

"Too much to thee I cannot give,
Too much I cannot do for thee;
Let all thy love and all thy grief

Grav'n on my heart for ever be!"

death. If it is one of the sheep, or one of the lambs of Christ's flock, who is about to be called home, and is rejoicing in the prospect; talk of heaven, of deliverance from sin, of the excellence of Christ, of the glory of God, and of the songs of the redeemed.

BE CONSISTENT as well as grateful. Live to Christ. "Glorify him in your bodies and in your spirits which are his.portance of immediate preparation for You must identify yourselves with all that belongs to him; his cause must be yours, his people yours. You are required, as Christians, not only to live to Christ, but to live like him, to live the life of Christ. We do not sufficiently consider the height of our calling; we are not careful to live up to the standard. As If it is the dying bed of an impenitent Christians, we ought to live the life of sinner to which you are called, and he is Christ over again: the removal of his stupid; O, if it be possible, sound a note bodily presence was no doubt a great loss of alarm so deep, that it shall awake his to the world; but mark how the gospel slumbering conscience; and at the same repairs this loss. Christians are to be time so affectionate, that he shall thank made like Christ, that they may be his and love you for your faithfulness. Hold substitutes, and become to the world what no fellowship with that cruel affection he would be were he still upon earth. which conceals from a dying friend his We are called to be his visible represen- danger, or which cries, "Peace, when tatives; every Christian is a sort of Christ, there is no peace." If the dying sinner resembling him, going about doing good, is alarmed, and his transgressions are at strengthening the weak and defenceless; least set in order before him, beware that bearing testimony meekly and mildly you do not comfort him too soon. Many, against evil, doing good in every possible I fear, have been destroyed in this way. way. Then will it be seen that Christ The law was doing its work, and would is indeed our life. Let us set about this have brought them to the cross of Christ, work immediately in our families and in but for the pains which were prematurely our neighbourhoods, with more prayer taken to convince them that their sins than we have ever yet done, and there- were forgiven, and that all was safe. Refore with more success. joice in it, if you have good evidence that BE USEFUL. You may have to contend a sinner has been plucked as a brand from with difficulties, to encounter enemies, to the burning at the very close of life; but make struggles, but you shall be ulti-in your preaching and conversation lay mately successful. May God grant you very little stress upon a death-bed repentthis grace.

ance.—Dr. Humphreys.

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