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without suitable society. God indeed was the friend of man, and held familiar intercourse with him; the angels also frequently visited their younger brother, to instruct him in important subjects, and to enlighten his mind with valuable knowledge." And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept ; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh thereof. And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Gen. i. 21.

I now see

Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, myself

All was harmony and beauty, and innocence, throughout the creation, while man retained his integrity. On his obedience depended the happiness of this world. He stood the representative of the whole extended line of his posterity; and, in some measure, that of all animated nature, and even of the globe itself. "And Adam said, This is bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh; she is called woman, because she was taken out of man." Gen. ii. 23.

632 Hesperian sets, my signal to depart,

Hesper, or Vesper; the setting sun, or the evening.

639 Him whom to love is to obey, and keep

His great command;

This is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. 1 John, v. 3. Wonder not that I insist so much on the influence of religious principles, on the life and conversation. For this is the love of God, this is the great evidence we are to

give of it, that we impartially keep all his commandments, without allowing ourselves in the violation of any one of them. And, to a mind influenced by true love, his commandments are not grievous: as they are all most equitable, reasonable and gracious in themselves, all adapted to promote the true happiness of our lives; so we shall find, that fervent love will make them all pleasant and delightful to us.



15 Of stern Achilles on his foe pursued Thrice fugitive about Troy wall;

Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of Thessaly, and of Thetis, goddess of the sea. His education was entrusted to the centaur Chiron, who taught him the art of war and of music: he was taught eloquence by Phoenix. Vulcan, at the entreaties of Thetis, made him a strong armour which was proof against all weapons. Agamemnon deprived him of his favourite mistress Briseis, who had fallen to his lot in the division of the booty of Lyrnesse.

The following is an extract from Homer's Iliad.
Trust the powers above,
Nor think proud Hector's hopes confirmed by

How ill agree the views of vain mankind,
And the wise counsels of eternal mind?
Audacious Hector, if the gods ordain
That great Achilles rise and rage again,
What toils attend thee and what woes remain?
A place there was, yet undefiled with gore,
The spot where Hector stopp'd his rage before,
When night descending from the vengeful hand,
Repriev'd the relics of the Grecian band:

(The plain beside with mangled corps were spread,
And all his progress mark'd by heaps of dead):
There sat the mournful kings: when Neleus' son
The council op'ing, in these words begun.
Lives there a man who singly dares to go
To yonder camp, or seize some straggling foe?
Or, favour'd by the night, approach so near,
Their speech, their counsels and designs to hear?
Tydides spoke :-The man you seek is here:
Thro' yon black camps to bend my dang'rous way,
Some god within commands, and I obey.
Nor less bold Hector, and the sons of Troy
On high designs the wakeful hours employ ;
Th' assembled peers their lofty chief inclos'd,
Who thus the counsels of his breast propos'd
What glorious man, for high attempts prepar'd,
Dares greatly venture for a rich reward? ›
Of yonder fleet a bold discov'ry make,
What watch they keep, and what resolves they

His be the chariot that shall please him most,
Of all the plunder of the vanquish'd host;
His the fair steed that shall the rest excel,
And his the glory to have serv'd us well.
A youth there was, among the tribes of Troy,
Dolan his name, Eumedes only boy,
Not bless'd by nature with the charms of face,
But swift of foot and matchless in the race.
Hector, (he said) my courage bids me meet
This high achievement, and explore the fleet:
But first exalt thy sceptre to the skies,
And swear to grant me the demanded prize:
That bear Pelides thro' the ranks of war.

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Encouraged thus, no idle scout I go,
Fulfil thy wish, their whole intentions know.
The chief then heav'd the golden sceptre high,
Attesting thus the monarch of the sky.
Be witness thou, immortal Lord of all,
By none but Dolon shall the prize be borne,
And him alone th' immortal steeds adorn.
Thus Hector swore: the gods were called in vain;
But the rash youth prepares to scour the plain.

Dolan's rashness throws him into the power of the enemy; he is killed. Hector is struck to the ground by a stone from the hand of Ajax; but recovers Several actions succeed, till the Trojans are obliged to give way. Hector is again reinspired, and the fortune of the fight is turned. Hector kills Patroclus, the friend of Achilles : the Trojans fly before Achilles; they retire into the city: Hector stays to oppose Achilles. As when some heroes' fun'rals are decreed, In grateful honour of the mighty dead; The panting coursers quickly turn the goal, And with them turns the rais'd spectators' soul. Thus three times round the Trojan wall they fly: The gazing gods lean forward from the sky. The silence Hector broke;

His dreadful plumage nodded as he spoke :
Enough, O son of Peleus, Troy has view'd
Her walls thrice circled and her chief pursued.
But now some god within me bids me try,
Thine or my fate; I kill thee or I die.
Detested as thou art, and ought to be,

Nor oath nor pact Achilles plights with thee.

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