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nuous and rational among them, to let the Bible take it's Turn, in their riper Years, among thofe Volumes which pass through t pass through their Hands either for Amufement or Inftruction. And thould fuch an Entertainment once become fashionable, of what mighty Service would it be to the Intereft of Religion, and confequently the Happiness of Mankind!

In order to this, I have endeavour'd to range together, under proper Heads, the feveral difpers'd Circumstantials relating to the peculiar Constitution both in Church and State, of that People, to whom God more especially vouchfaf'd to dif


pense his reveal'd Will; in fuch a Manner, that any ordinary Capacity may be enabled to apprehend the Drift and Design of the Holy Scriptures, upon all Occafions; either when they peruse them at home, or hear others read them by small Portions at a time, in the Pfalms and Leffons appointed for the daily Service of the Temple.

For whatever Dangers and Difficulties may have been furmis'd, as attending the Study of them, the whole Scope of the facred Writings, from the Beginning to the End, appears evidently to be but this one, The Salvation of Mankind through


JESUS CHRIST. Which being attainable only by a proper Faith, and a good moral Life, the Bible contains nothing but what relates to one or the other of these; nothing but Genealogies, Types, Predictions, and Demonftrations, concerning the MESSIAH; and Inftitutions, Precepts, Exhortations, and Examples, for living righteously. Therefore, that I might not burden, either the Reader or my self, with more than was neceflary, and perhaps fafe upon this Occafion, I have omitted confulting any of those very learned Authors who have written profeffedly upon the fame Sub


ject, except Sigonius; and him, more
for Method than any thing else;
keeping as clofe as poffible to the
exprefs Sense and Meaning of the
Scriptures; which I take to be the
best, if not the only allowable Inter-
preters of what themfelves contain.

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