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when the multitude heard this, they were aftonished at his doctrine.

We have only one thing to observe further in relation to the Sadducees; which is, that this mostrous Opinion of theirs was abetted and follow'd by the most considerable People among the Jews; fuch as the Beau monde, as it is call'd, is moftly made up of, in the present Age. When the Apostles, after the Death of CHRIST, began to attract the Regards of the People, both by their Doctrine and Miracles, and multitudes of believers were added to the LORD; then it is faid, The High-Priest rose up, and all they that were with him (which is the fect of the Sadducees) and were filled with indignation; and laid their hands on the Apoftles, and put them in the common prison. Now the Reason of the Sadducees being fo active against the Apostles was plainly Acts iv.z. this, Because they preach'd thro' JESUS, the refurrection from the dead.

Acts v.



xlix. 10.

The Herodians were a Sect, who differed from the Reft of the Jews, by believing that Herod was the Meffiab: Grounding their Opinion upon that celebrated Prophesy of Jacob; The Sceptre shall


not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him fhall the gathering of the people be. These Marks they, miftaking the Nature of CHRIST's Kingdom, thought fuited exactly with Herod; because he was a Stranger, and withal, a Great and flourishing Prince.

This Opinion, Herod judg'd it proper -for him to encourage, because it so manifeftly tended to fupport his Power and Grandeur: And for this Reason it was, that we find him so troubled, when the Mat. ii. wife men came from the Eaft to Jerufalem, 1, &c. to worship Him that was just then born king of the Jews: and that he could act fo exceeding inhuman a Tragedy, as to order all the Children, under two Years old, to be put to Death, in and about Bethlehem.

And, upon the fame Account, we find the Herodians, afterwards, fo bufy and follicitous in joining with the Rest of our LORD's invidious Enemies. No fooner did he begin to work Miracles, and make

↑ He was firnamed, The Great.


Himfelf known by his heavenly Doctrine, Mark. iii. but we find, The Pharifees went forth, and ftraitway, with the Herodians, took counsel




viii. 15.

against Him, how they might destroy him. Mark xii. Again; The Pharifees and the Herodians, are fent to him, to catch him in his words. Therefore, our LORD charges his Difciples, to beware, not only of the leaven of the Pharifees, but of Herod alfo; that is, of the Herodians. This is all we find neceffary to be obferv'd, in relation to the Affairs of Religion, among the People of Ifrael.



SECT. I. The Civil Government.


E come, next, to difcourfe of their Civil Government. Having, according to our bleffed LORD's Direction, render'd unto God, the Things which are God's; that is, having gone through all those Particulars, which more immediately relate to fpiritual Matters, and divine Worship; we shall now endeavour to ren


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der unto Cæfar, the Things which are Cæfar's; to give fuch Account of the Temporal Administration of the Ifraelites, as the Holy Scriptures furnish us with.

And this we shall do, by inquiring after and laying together what may be found relating to these three Heads, Councils, Judicatures, and Magiftrates. The Good and Happiness of all Nations, arifes and grows from their respective Councils; from such wholfom and beneficial Laws, as the wifeft Heads among them are, from Time to Time, able to devife: And these again, must be defended and maintain'd by the regular Administration of Justice.

But because, neither Councils can be fummon'd and adjourn'd, upon Occafion; nor Laws, when made, be put in Force and Execution, fo well, without a fufficient Power being delegated by Commiffion and Truft to fome Person, under whom others again should be fubordinate, for the fame Intents and Purposes; Therefore these are what we may call Magiftrates: And whom, after we have treated of the other two Branches, we shall confider in their proper Place.




By Councils we are to understand, any of those authoriz'd Meetings, in which Things appertaining to the Good and Welfare of the State are propos'd, debated, and finally enacted into Laws. Such as Matters relating to Peace and War; encouraging and regulating Trade; appointing Magiftrates, as often as Occafion requires; and levying fuch Supplies as fhall be judg'd neceffary for the general Support, Defense, and Honour of the Nation.

But as thele Councils, in most well-regulated Governments, are of two Kinds; one public and general,confifting of a Convention of the whole collective Body of the People; the other private and separate, made up of a certain number of felect Perfons, whom either their Age, or extraordinary natural Parts have qualified for Bufinefs; fo it was among the Jews. Their Councils were, either The Congregation; a promifcuous Meeting of all their Tribes come together in one Place; or, the Sena..


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