Page images

3; cholera, 81; death of Mr. King's daughter,

Hakodadi, description of, 86-8.
Hainee-see Diarbekir.

Hasbeiya station, 5, 136; annual report, 136;
erection of a church, 137.
Hass-keuy-see Constantinople.

Ifumi-see Zulus.
Inandi-see Zulus.
Iroquois, the, book noticed, 368.

notices of natives, 51, 284; additions to the | Greece, mission to, 3, 81-2, 155; annual survey,
church, 60-1. 220; marriages, 60; death of
Mr Poor. 168; cholera and small pox, 169,
187, 219, 251, 283; death of a Christian na-
tive, 170, 219; seminary, 187-S; Odooville
boarding school, 343.
Cherokees, mission to, 12, 189, 263-4, 350; an
nual survey, 12; schools, 12, 263-4; additions
to the church, 12, 189. 350; press, 12, 264;
annual report of, 263-4. 350; temperance, 350.
Choctaws, mission to, 11, 12, 124, 154, 218, 250,
262-3; annual survey. 11-12; admissions to
the church, 12, 154, 218, 250, 262; contribu-
tions. 12, 263; temperance law, 12; schools,
12. 263; church formed. 124; Lenox, 124, 154,
263; annual report of, 262-3.
Constantinople station, 4, 14-16, 78-80, 109, 142–
47, 268-70, 284; change of residence, 14; in-
quirers, 15, 16, 79; encouragement, 78-9;
dea h of Mrs. Everett. 80-1, 269; death of Mr.
Benjamin, 109, 142-7, 269; native labor, 147,
332; Broosa, 220, 270. 330-31; annual report,
268-70; Hass-keuy, 269; Pera, 269; Scutari,
269; revival in boarding school, 284; church
at Broosa, 330; persecution at Demirdesh, 331;
Nicomedia, 331; Adabazar, 331.
Church Missionary Society, 213.

[blocks in formation]

Divrik-see Kharpoot and Tucat.

Dole, Rev. N., death of, 253.

Japan, 86-8.

Jews, mission to, 3, 89-91, 140-2, 198-200, 252 ;
annual survey, 3; translation of the Bible, 4;
schools, 90, 140, 199, 252; interesting conver-
sion, 89-90, 141, 200; Thessalonica, 91, 198;
interest, 141, 199; Jewish book, 198; persecu-
tion, 252.

Kessab-see Aintab.
Khanoos-see Erzroom.

Kharpoot, 75, 277, 279, 338-40; encourage-
ment, 340; Ali Gako, 339-40; church formed
at Divrik, 338; Chimishgezek, 339; a tried
workman, 339

Killis-see Aintab.

Kolapoor mission, 8, 173-4, 371; annual survey,
8; annual report, 173; preaching, 8, 173;
schools, 8, 174; favor of the native goverment,

Koom Kapoo-see Constantinople.
Lenox-see Choctaws.

London Missionary Society, 215, 244.
Madras mission, 8, 22, 156, 187, 211; annual
Madagascar, 121.
survey, 8; church, 8; schools, 8; press, 8;
love feast, 22; death of Dr. Scudder, 156,
211; additions to the church, 187.

Donations, 29, 61, 91, 125, 157, 189, 221, 253, Madura mission, 8, 59-60, 114-16, 123, 156, 171–

285, 319, 350, 373.
Dwight-see Cherokees.

[blocks in formation]

3, 349, 357-9; annual survey, 8; village con-
gregations, 8, 115, 124, 358-9; schools, 8, 172;
churches, 8, 156, 172; additions to the church-
es, 60, 116, 123, 157, 349, 359; church formed,
156; annual report, 171-3; Native Evangelical
Society, 172; Cumbum valley, 357-8.
Mandahasalie, 358.
Manepy-see Ceylon.

Marash, 105, 201, 238, 251, 273. 281, 349; church
formed, 105; preaching, 106, 282.

Marsovan station. 4, 178, 275, 363-4; dishonest
Protestants, 178; return of Mr. and Mrs. Bliss,
363; cholera, 364.
Moosh-see Erzroom.

Mosul station, 6, 111-14, 153, 188, 361-2; Koord-
ish rebellion, 111; the Pope, 114; death of
Dr. Lobdell, 188; cemetery, 112; progress,
154, 361-2; protestant not to be bought, 153;
preaching to Moslems, 362.

Micronesia mission, 10, 26-28, 89, 124, 129-32,
218, 225, 232, 250, 261, 282; annual survey,
10; see also Ascension Island, and Strong's

Gaboon mission. 2, 29, 33–38, 59, 99–104, 197-8,
220, 234, 325-7, 370; annual survey, 2; addi-
tions to the church, 2, 29, 37; visit to River
Nazareth, 33-35; visit to a Pangwe town, 103;
journals of Mr. Bushnell, 35-38, 99-104, 197-8;
schools. 36, 59, 104, 284, 327, 370; war, 101-Natal district, 3.
103, 197; novel interference. 103; marriage,
197; intemperance, 198; preaching, 220, 284,
327; death of Mrs Pierce, 221; call for help,
325; religious interest, 370.

Gawar station, 6, 17, 53, 124, 155, 318. 360-1;
annual survey, 6; death of Mr Crane, 17; death
of his son, 18; opposition of the Bishop, 53;
Deacon Tamo imprisoned. 53; the Pasha, 54
schools, 124, 155; preaching, 360; labors of
native helpers, 361.


Nestorian mission, 6, 17–20, 52-4, 72-4. 124, 155,
314-18, 359-61, 371; annual survey, 6; re
vivals, 6; interest, 52; schools, 6, 124, 316,
371; persecutions, 18-20, 72-3; the war, 52;
oppression, 52; seminaries, 73, 156; Dea. Yo-
nan, 73, 360; opposition of the Persian gov-
ernment, 314-18, 360; communion season,
marriage of converts, 318, 371; labors of na-
tive assistants, 360; Priest Abraham, 360. And
see Gawar.

Nicomedia-see Constantinople.
Niger river, exploration of, 120.

Ojibwas, mission to, 13, 118-20, 189, 265; annual
survey, 13; temperance, 13, 120, 189, 265;
treaty, 119; school, 119, 265; additions to,
189, 265.

Oroomiah-see Nestorian mission.

Paris Society of Evangelical Missions, 249.
Pera-see Constantinople.
Presbyterian Board of Missions, 216.

Rodosto-see Constantinople.

Sandwich Islands, 10, 11, 132-4, 165-7, 218, 240,
250, 321-25, 353-4; annual survey, 10; small
pox, 11; churches, 11, 132, 322; converts, 11;
contributions, 11, 132, 325; death of the king,
133, 321; influence of seamen, 165; anniver-
saries, 166; Romanism, 167; morals of the
people, 322, 325; condition of the people, 166;
arrival of missionaries, 218; wants of Kau,
240; death of Mrs. Conde, 250, 321; state of
religion, 322; education, 323; twenty years'
review by Mr. Coan, 323-25 death of Mr.
Kinney, 354; reception of Mr. Shipman at
Kau, 353-4.

Satara mission, 7, 8, 283; annual survey, 7;
schools, 8; Mrs. Graves's school, 283.
Scotland, Church of, missions, 249.
Scotland, Free Church of, missions, 248.
Scutari-see Constantinople.

Senecas, mission to, 13, 125, 189, 265–7; annual
survey, 13; revivals, 13, 125; schools, 13, 125,
266; progress, 13, 125, 267; press, 13; addi-
tions to the church, 189, 267; annual report,

Seroor station, 7, 211; annual report, 211.
Shanghai mission, 10, 47-8, 61, 89, 211-13, 343-
9; annual survey, 10; the war, 61, 89; tours
by Mr. Aitchison, 211, 348-9; present state of
affairs, 213.

Sidon station, 5, 135; opposition, 135; attend-
ance of Moslems, 136; annual report, 135.
Sivas station, 4, 124, 149, 151, 203, 235, 273-4;
description of Sivas, 149; encouragement at,
151, 203; state of things at, 235.

Smyrna (Armenian) station, 4, 56-7, 271, 365,

372; church at Thyatira, 56, 271,
lem favor, 366.

[blocks in formation]

Strong's Island, station at, 10, 124, 218, 261;
schools, 124; death of the King, 218; Captain
Handy, 261.

Syrian mission, 5, 59, 104-5, 135-40, 189, 251,
284, 311, 367, 372; annual survey, 5; annual
meeting, 251; schools, 5, 189, 367; press, 5;
death of Mrs. Foot, 59; want of missionaries,
311; qualifications for the Arab field, 311;
Ain Zehalta, 367, 372.

Thessalonica-see Jews.

Thompson, Rev. A. C., letters from, 161-5, 193-7.
Tillipally-see Ceylon.

Tocat station, 4. 148-52, 188, 236, 274, 318, 332-
34; Divrik, 338; Dr. Jewett's tour to Sivas
and Cesarea, 148-51; theological students, 151,
236, 333; progress, 188, 236, 274, 318; annual
report, 274; church, 275; conversion of a
Vartabed, 333; Turkish soldiers, 333-4.
Trebizond station. 4, 109-10, 178-9, 275, 363;
annual report, 275; church formed, 110; ear-
nest inquirer, 110; seriousness, 179; the war,
179; a new opening, 363.

Tripoli station, 5, 59, 137-8; death of Mrs. Foot,
59; annual report, 104; first fruits, 137; per-
secution, 138.

Turkish Missions Aid Society, 182-6.
Tuscaroras, mission to, 13, 14, 91, 125, 154, 267-8;
annual survey, 13; contributions, 13; church,
14, 154, 267; school, 13, 91, 267-8; temper-
ance, 91; annual report, 267-8.

Umtwalumi-see Zulus.
United Presbyterian missions, 246.
Wudaley-see Ahmednuggur.
Yuzgat-see Cesarea.

Zulus, mission to, 3, 38, 40, 59, 134, 186, 251,
327-30; annual survey, 3; Umtwalumi, 38-9,
186; heathen perverseness, 39; woman's lot,
40; removal of the natives, 59; indifference to
the gospel, 134, 251; intemperance, 135; reli-
gion of the Zulus. 327; Zulu beggar, 328
six months' mail, 329; appeal for missionaries,


The following Index contains the Names of the Missionaries and Assistant Missionaries whose communi-
cations are inserted in this volume, and those about whom information is given.

Abbe, B. R., 284.

Abbe, Mrs., 284.
Abraham, Andrew, 3.
Abraham, Mrs., 3.
Adams, Mrs. Sarah C., 3.
Adams, Henry M, 2.
Agnew, Miss Eliza, 9, 258.
Aiken, Edward, 372.
Aiken, Mrs., 372.
Aiken, Miss L. M., 11.

Aitchison, Wm., 10, 47. 211, 348.
Alexander, W. P., 11, 89.
Alexander, Mrs., 11.
Allen, O. P., 372.

Allen, Mrs., 372.

Andrews, C. B., 11, 241.
Andrews, Mrs., 11.
Archer, E. A., 12.

Arms, Miss Maria P., 12.

Backus, Miss Elizabeth, 12.
Bailey, Edward, 11.
Bailey, Mrs., 11.

Baldwin, Caleb C., 10, 23, 168.
Baldwin, Mrs., 10.'

Baldwin, Dwight, 10.
Baldwin, Mrs., 10.

Baldwin, William O., 11, 29, 218.
Ball, Dyer, 9, 69, 356.

Ball, Mrs, 9.

[blocks in formation]

Burnell, Thomas S., 9, 50, 169, Doty, Mrs., 9.

219, 258.

Burnell, Mrs., 9.
Bushnell, Albert, 2, 29, 35,

197,284, 325.
Bushnell, Mrs., 2, 104, 284.
Byington, Cyrus, 11, 262, 303.

Ball, J. N., 4, 77, 150, 273, 318, Byington, Mrs., 11.


[blocks in formation]

Dunmore, G. W., 4, 6, 54, 74,
152, 206, 279, 338.

99, Dunmore, Mrs., 4, 6, 206, 338.
Dwight, H. G. O., 4, 14, 78, 109,
220, 331.
Dwight, Mrs., 4, 15.

Eddy, William W., 5, 139, 251,

Eddy, Mrs., 5, 139.

Edwards, Miss Jerusha, 13.
Edwards, John, 11, 262, 303.
Edwards, Mrs,


Emerson, John S., 11.

Emerson, Mrs, 11.

Everett, Joel S., 4, 81, 110, 147.

Everett, Mrs., 4, 80, 269.

Fairbank, Samuel B, 7, 99.

Clark, William, 4, 55, 152, 203, Farnsworth, W. A., 4, 77, 78,

Clark, Mrs., 4.

Benton, W. A., 5, 251, 284, 312. Clark, Miss Harriet S., 13.

Benjamin, Mrs., 4, 143.

Bennet, Miss Hannah, 11.

Benton, Mrs., 5.

[blocks in formation]

Coan, G. W., 6, 52, 72, 314.
Coan, Mrs., 6.

Coan, Titus, 10, 165, 323, 354.
Coan, Mrs., 10.

Cochran, Joseph G., 6, 18, 52, 124
Cochran, Mrs., 6.

Conde, Daniel T., 11, 250.
Conde, Mrs., 11, 250, 321.
Copeland, C. C., 12, 154, 303.
Copeland, Mrs., 12.
Copeland, H. K., 11, 303.
Copeland, Mrs., 11.

150, 179, 236, 273. 364.
Farnsworth, Mrs., 4, 365.
Farrar, Miss Cynthia, 7, 174.
Fay, Miss Catharine, 12.
Fisk, Miss Fidelia, 6.
Foot, Horace, 5, 59, 104, 139,


Foot, Mrs., 5, 59, 104, 251.
Ford, J. Edwards, 5, 76, 139.
Ford, Mrs., 5.

Ford, George, 8, 294.
Ford, Mrs., 8.

Ford, Henry A., 2, 36, 38.

Gaston, Miss C. A., 373.

[ocr errors]

Gleason, Anson, 13, 267.
Gleason, Mrs., 13.
Goodell, William, 4, 15, 80, 284.
Goodell, Mrs., 4.

Goodell, Edwin, 4, 124, 151.
Goodell, Mrs., 4.

Goodell, Miss Isabella, 221.
Goulding, Miss Harriet, 11.
Graves, Mrs. M. L., 7, 283
Green, Samuel F., 9, 168, 187.
Grout, Aldin, 3, 186.
Grout, Mrs., 3.
Grout, Lewis, 3, 59.
Grout, Mrs., 3.

Gulick, L. H., 10, 26, 219, 225,
250, 282.

Gulick, Mrs., 10, 27, 226, 283.

Gulick, Peter J., 11.
Gulick, Mrs., 11.

Hall, Benjamin F., 13.
Hall, Mrs., 13.

Hall, Miss Lois W., 12, 263.
Hall, Sherman, 13, 118, 265.
Hall, Mrs., 13.

Hall, William, 13, 267.
Hall, Mrs., 13.
Hall, Miss Mary A., 13.
Hamlin, C., 4, 269, 330.
Hamlin, Mrs., 4.

Hancock, Miss E. Y., 373.

Harris, Miss M. A., 6, 18.

Johnston, T. P., 4.
Johnston, Mrs., 4.
Joralmon, John S., 372.
Joralmon, Mrs., 372.

Kent, Miss Mary, 13.
Ker, Miss Sarah, 11.
King, Jonas, 3, 81, 155, 269, 296.
King, Mrs., 3.

Kingsbury, Cyrus, 11, 250, 263,

Kingsbury, Mrs., 11.

Orr, James, 12.
Orr, Mrs., 12.

Paris, John D., 10, 240, 353.
Paris, Mrs., 10.
Parker, B. W., 11.
Parker, Mrs., 11.

Parsons, Justin W., 3, 89, 140,
199, 252.
Parsons, Mrs., 3, 141.

Parsons, Benjamin, 4, 124, 151,
203, 235, 273.

Kinney, Henry, 11, 21, 240, 321, Parsons, Mrs., 4, 124.


Kinney, Mrs., 11, 353-4.
Knapp, George C., 372.
Knapp, Mrs., 372.

Peabody, Josiah, 4, 181, 335, 362.
Peabody, Mrs., 4, 362.

Peck, Miss Abigail, 13.

Peet, Lyman B., 10, 168, 232.
Peet, Mrs., 10.

Ladd, Daniel, 4, 56, 270, 271. Perkins, Justin, 6, 72, 124, 317.


Ladd, Mrs., 4.

Lansing, A. G., 12, 304.

Lansing, Mrs., 12.

Lathrop, Mrs., 373.

Lathrop, Edwin, 373.

Libby, Samuel T., 11.
Lindley, Daniel, 3.
Lindley, Mrs, 3.
Little, Charles, 8, 156.
Little, Mrs., 8.

Lobdell. Henry, 6, 111, 153, 154,
188, 297.

Lobdell, Mrs., 6, 188, 362.
Lord, Miss L. H., 12.

Lord, Nathan L., 9, 187, 258.

Hastings, Eurotas P., 9, 61, 187. Lord, Mrs., 9.

Hartwell, Charles, 10, 168.

Hartwell, Mrs., 10.

Haskell, H. B., 372.

Hastings, Mrs., 9.

Haynes, Miss Melvina, 4.

Hazen, Allen, 7, 98, 175.

Hazen, Mrs., 7.

[blocks in formation]

Lyman, D. B., 10.

[blocks in formation]

Herrick, James, 8, 156, 157, 161, Lyons, J. L., 61, 251, 312, 367.

Herrick, H. P., 2, 37, 99, 221, Macy, William A., 9, 29,

Hinsdale, Mrs. Sarah C., 4.

Hitchcock, H. R., 11, 29, 218.

Hitchcock, Mrs., 11, 29, 218.


[blocks in formation]

Hobbs, S. L., 12, 124, 154, 263, Marsh, Mrs., 6, 188, 362.

McCormick, Miss Harriet, 11.


[blocks in formation]

Powers, Mrs., 4, 275.
Pratt, A. T., 4, 238.
Pratt, Mrs., 4.

Preston, Ira M., 2, 33.

114, Preston, Mrs., 2.

Pruden, Miss H. E., 11, 12.
Pulsifer, Charles, 13, 118, 189,

Pulsifer, Mrs., 13.

Meigs, B. C., 9, 49, 168, 258, 259, Rendall, John, 8, 59, 123, 157,

McKinney, Silas, 3.

McKinney, Mrs., 3.

McMillan, G. W., 8.

Ranney, T. E., 12, 264, 350.

McMillan, Mrs., 8.

Ranney, Mrs., 12, 264.

260, 283.

[blocks in formation]

Howland, William W., 9, 250, Mellen, William, 3, 38.


Hobbs, Mrs., 12.

Hoisington, H. R, 9.

Hoisington, Mrs., 9.

Hotchkin, E., 11.

Hotchkin, Mrs., 11.

Hotchkin, John J., 12.


Howland, Mrs., 9.

[blocks in formation]

Hume, R. W., 7, 156, 175.

Hunt, P. R., 8.

Hunt, Mrs., 8.

Hurter, G. C., 5.

Hurter, Mrs., 5.

Mills, Mrs., 9.

Morgan, H. B., 3, 91, 140, 198,
365, 367.

[blocks in formation]

155, 318, 360.

Rhea, Mrs., 124.

Rice, Miss Mary S., 6.

Richardson, Sanford, 4, 313, 362.
Richardson, Mrs., 4.

Munger, S. B., 7, 174, 175, 283. Riggs, Elias, 4, 269.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Riggs, Mrs. 12.

Noyes, Joseph T., 8, 60, 114, Rockwood, Gilbert, 13, 91, 125,

157, 357.

Noyes, Mrs., 8.

Jewett, Fayette, 4, 124, 148, 188, Nutting, G. B., 4, 188.

235, 236.

Jewett, Mrs., 4, 188.

Johnson, Edward, 11.

Johnson, Mrs., 11.

Johnson, Stephen, 10.

Johnson, Mrs., 10.

Nutting, Mrs., 4.

154, 267.

Rockwood, Mrs., 13.

Rogers, Mrs. Mary W.,
Rood, David, 3.

Nutting, David H., 6, 75,

206, Rood, Mrs., 3.

233, 341.

Nutting, Mrs., 6, 75, 206.

Osunkhirhine, P. P., 14.

Rowell, G. B., 11.

Rowell, Mrs., 11.


Sanders, M. D., 9, 50, 219.


The following Index contains the Names of the Missionaries and Assistant Missionaries whose communi-
cations are inserted in this volume, and those about whom information is given.

Abbe, B. R., 284.

Abbe, Mrs., 284.
Abraham, Andrew, 3.
Abraham, Mrs., 3.
Adams, Mrs. Sarah C., 3.
Adams, Henry M, 2.
Agnew, Miss Eliza, 9, 258.
Aiken, Edward, 372.
Aiken, Mrs., 372.
Aiken, Miss L. M., 11.

Aitchison, Wm., 10, 47 211,348.
Alexander, W. P., 11, 89.
Alexander, Mrs., 11.
Allen, O. P., 372.

Allen, Mrs., 372.

Andrews, C. B., 11, 241.
Andrews, Mrs., 11.
Archer, E. A., 12.

Arms, Miss Maria P., 12.

Backus, Miss Elizabeth, 12.
Bailey, Edward, 11.

Bailey, Mrs., 11.

[blocks in formation]

Bowen, George, 7, 99.
Breath, Edward, 6, 18, 52, 155.
Breath, Mrs., 6.

Brewster, Mrs. Mary G., 9, 69.
Bridgman, Elijah C, 9, 10,61, 70.
Bridgman, Mrs., 9, 10, 61.
Briggs, Miss Mary, 12.
Brown, Miss Lydia, 11.
Britto, Miss Cinderilla, 13.
Burgess, Ebenezer, 7, 176,

Burgess, Mrs., 176.

DeForest, Mrs., 5.

Denny, Miss M. E., 12.

Doane, Edward T., 10, 89, 250.
Doane, Mrs., 10, 89, 250.
Dodd, E. M., 3, 318.
Dodd, Mrs., 3.

Döhne, Jacob L., 3, 134.
Döhne, Mrs., 3.

Dole, Daniel, 11.

Dole, Mrs., 11.


Doolittle, Jus us, 10, 168.
Doolittle, Mrs., 10.

Doty, Elihu, 9, 41, 43, 186, 354.

Baldwin, Caleb C., 10, 23, 168. Burnell, Thomas S., 9, 50, 169, Doty, Mrs., 9.

Baldwin, Mrs., 10.

[blocks in formation]

219, 258

Burnell, Mrs., 9.

Bushnell, Albert, 2, 29, 35,

Baldwin, William O, 11, 29, 218. 197, 284, 325.

Bushnell, Mrs., 2, 104, 284.
Byington, Cyrus, 11, 262, 303.

Ball, J. N., 4, 77, 150, 273, 318, Byington, Mrs., 11.


[blocks in formation]

Dunmore, G. W., 4, 6, 54, 74,
152, 206, 279, 338.

99, Dunmore, Mrs., 4, 6, 206, 338.
Dwight, H. G. O., 4, 14, 78, 109,
220, 331.
Dwight, Mrs., 4, 15.

Eddy, William W., 5, 139, 251,


Eddy, Mrs., 5, 139.

Edwards, Miss Jerusha, 13.
Edwards, John, 11, 262, 303.
Edwards, Mrs, 11.

Emerson, John S., 11.

Emerson, Mrs, 11.

Everett, Joel S., 4, 81, 110, 147.

Everett, Mrs., 4, 80, 269.

Fairbank, Samuel B, 7, 99.

Clark, William, 4, 55, 152, 203, Farnsworth, W. A., 4, 77, 78,

Clark, Mrs., 4.

Benton, W. A., 5, 251, 284, 312. Clark, Miss Harriet S., 13.

Benjamin, Mrs., 4, 143.

Bennet, Miss Hannah, 11.

Benton, Mrs., 5.

Best, Jacob, 2, 59, 220.

Best, Mrs., 2.

Bird, William, 5, 311.

Bird, Mrs., 5.

Bishop, Artemas, 11.
Bishop, Mrs., 11.

Bissell, Lemuel, 7, 99, 175, 211.
Bissell, Mrs., 7.

Bliss, Asher B., 13, 125, 189, 266.
Bliss, Mrs., 13.

Bliss, Edwin E., 4, 363.

Coan, G. W., 6, 52, 72, 314.
Coan, Mrs., 6.

Coan, Titus, 10, 165, 323, 354.
Coan, Mrs., 10.
Cochran, Joseph G., 6, 18, 52, 124
Cochran, Mrs., 6.
Conde, Daniel T., 11, 250.
Conde, Mrs., 11, 250, 321.
Copeland, C. C., 12, 154, 303.
Copeland, Mrs., 12.
Copeland, H. K., 11, 303.
Copeland, Mrs., 11.

150, 179, 236, 273. 364.
Farnsworth, Mrs., 4, 365.
Farrar, Miss Cynthia, 7, 174.
Fay, Miss Catharine, 12.
Fisk, Miss Fidelia, 6.
Foot, Horace, 5, 59, 104, 139,


Foot, Mrs., 5, 59, 104, 251.
Ford, J. Edwards, 5, 76, 139.
Ford, Mrs., 5.
Ford, George, 8, 294.
Ford, Mrs., 8.
Ford, Henry A., 2, 36, 38.

Gaston, Miss C. A., 373.

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