| Richard Hooker - Church polity - 1793 - 634 pages
...by imputation j the other in us, which confifteth of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and other Chriftian Virtues : and St. James doth prove that Abraham had not only the one becaufe the thing believed was imputed unto him for righteoufnefs •, but alfo the other, becaufe... | |
| William Holland Wilmer - 1829 - 258 pages
...inherent quality. CHRIST has merited righteousness for as many as are found in him. There is two kind of righteousness; the one without us, which we have by imputation; the other in us, which cpnsisteth of faith, hope, and charity, and other Christian virtues. God giveth us both the one justice... | |
| Richard Hooker - Church polity - 1830 - 552 pages
...so to interpret St. James speaking not in that sense, but in this. 21. We have already shewed, that there be two kinds of Christian righteousness: the...Hope, and Charity, and other Christian virtues: and P"^",St. James doth prove that Abraham had not only the one, because the thing believed was imputed... | |
| Theology - 1835 - 772 pages
...us hear another orthodox divine, the judicious Hooker. — (Discourse of Justification, sect. 21.) " There be two kinds of Christian righteousness, —...without us, which we have by imputation ; the other within us God givcth us both the one justice and the other, the one by accepting us for righteous in... | |
| Richard Hooker - 1839 - 656 pages
...interpret St. James speaking not in that sense, but in this. $ 3 XXI. We have already shewed, that there be two kinds of Christian righteousness : the one without us, which we have J. /JT by imputation ; the other in us, which consisteth of faith, /. ' ; hope, and charity, and other... | |
| Edward Bouverie Pusey - Justification (Christian theology) - 1840 - 342 pages
...sameness of his doctrine. contended for : or again, when Hooker ' says, " We " have already showed that there be two kinds of " Christian righteousness ;...without us, which " we have by imputation ; the other within us, which " consisteth of faith, hope, and charity, and other " Christian virtues. — GOD giveth... | |
| Charles Pettit McIlvaine - Faith - 1840 - 168 pages
...indeed, but essentially distinct. ' ' There be two kinds of Christian righteousness; (says Hookker) the one without us which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of Faith, Hope, Charity and other Christian virtues — God giveth us both the one justice and the other; the one by... | |
| Charles Hodge, Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater - Bible - 1840 - 644 pages
...inseparable indeed, but essentially distinct. ' There be two kinds of Christian righteousness; (says Hooker) the one without us which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of Faith, Hope, Charity and other Christian, virtues — God giveth us both the one justice and the otherf the one... | |
| 1841 - 274 pages
...fruit unto holiness ; this is the righteousness of sanctification. — We have already showed that there be two kinds of Christian righteousness ; the...faith, hope, and charity, and other Christian virtues. — God giveth us both the one justice and the other ; the one for accepting us for righteous in Christ;... | |
| William Holland Wilmer - 1841 - 334 pages
...inherent quality. CHRIST has merited righteousness for as many as are found in him. There are two kinds of righteousness; the one without us, which we have by...faith, hope, and charity, and other Christian virtues. God giveth us both the one justice and the other; the one by accepting us for righteousness in CHRIST... | |
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