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1. What is glory in this world but shame? Why art thou afraid to carry Christ's cross? Wilt thou come into His kingdom, and not drink of his cup?

2. Dost thou not know Rome to be Babylon? Dost thou not know that, as the old Babylon had the children of Judah in captivity, so hath this Rome the true Judah, the confessors of Christ.

3. Hath not the harlot of Babylon more costly array and rich apparel than the homely housewife of Christ? Where is the beauty of the King's daughter, the church of Christ-without or within? Doth not David say within? Can the Pope and his prelates mean honestly, who make so much of the wife, and so little of the husband? The church they magnify, but Christ they contemn.

4. Covet not earthly riches; fear not the power of man; love not this world; but long for the coming of the Lord Jesus, when your bodies shall be made like unto His glorious body.

5. Dearly beloved, remember that you are not of this world; that Satan is not your captain; that your joy and Paradise are not here; that your companions are not the multitude of worldlings. But ye are of another world, Christ is your Captain; your joy is in heaven; your companions are the fathers, patriarchs, prophets, apostles,

martyrs, virgins, confessors, and dear saints of God, who follow the Lamb whithersoever. He goeth.

6. Faith must go before, and then feeling will follow.

7. Though you feel not as you would, yet doubt not, but hope beyond all hope, as Abraham did; for always, faith goeth before feeling.

8. Being assured of God's favour towards you, give yourself wholly to help and care for others; then shall you contemn this life, and desire to be at home with your good and sweet Father.

9. If you should believe or doubt for your goodness or illness' sake, which you feel or feel not, then should you make Christ Jesus, for whose sake only God is your Father, either nothing, or else but half Christ.


BORN 1517-DIED 1587.

1. As Christ Jesus, in this earth, sought nothing but the glory only of His Father, so His Father now seeketh nothing else in heaven but the glory of His Son.

2. The devil rages; the Turk daily winneth ground; the Papist persecuteth; and yet all this will not awake us to seek Christ, in whom only lieth our victory. Our covetous, voluptuous, vicious, and ambitious life, what does it declare, but either infidelity or neglecting of Christ's kingdom! We talk of heaven, we walk not to heaven.

3. The glory of Christ is not our study, or certes, is the least part of our study. We hear of the glory of Christ, but we feel it not; we talk of Christ, but have no experience of Him, no acquaintance with Him; we honour Him with our lips, but our heart doth not hunger after Him.

4. Let princes learn to know this Christ; let subjects attend upon Him; let ancient fathers take hold of Him; let young men embrace Him; let the rich enlarge their treasury with this precious jewel; and let the poor seek, as their relief, to be refreshed by Him.

5. As no man hath ever pleased the Father besides Christ, so in Him the Father is so well pleased, that for His sake, He dearly loveth all those who are of Christ.

6. Art Thou He that excellest all the children of men

in beauty in whose lips grace was shed most plentifully? Where is that beauty of Thine? I find it not; I see it not. Fleshly eyes conceive not so great a mystery. Open Thou the eyes of my mind. Bring Thy divine light nearer to me, and give me power to look more upon Thee.

7. O noontide of fervent love and sunshine, never drawing towards eventide, shew us where Thou feedest in the midst of the day, and where Thou shroudest Thy sheep from the cold!

8. Christ was made sin for us no other way, but by imputation only; therefore we are made righteous before God no other way, but by imputation only.

9. Though the righteousness of another, which is not inherent in us, cannot render us essentially just, nothing hinders but the righteousness of another may help our righteousness, according to judicial imputation.

10. The object of that faith which justifies us, is no other thing but the person of the Son of God.

II. Love proceeds from faith, and not faith from love. Because we believe, therefore we love; but we do not believe because we love. Whence the Lord, regarding more her faith than her love, said to her, 'Thy faith'—not thy love-hath saved thee.'


BORN 1517-DIED 1594.

1. St Paul spake with a loud voice and a strong spirit, 'Woe be to me if I preach not the gospel!' The same was the voice of all the old fathers and godly men in the beginning. They were occupied in nothing but either in teaching and confirming truth, or in reproving and defacing falsehood and heresy; but, after six hundred years, the prelates of the church well nigh clean lost their voices.

2. In Christ's Supper ye see the Master together with the disciples, the table and the meat common to all: not so much as Judas the traitor excluded; one loaf and one cup distributed among the whole company. Therefore when ye come together, ye must imitate the concord and equality that he then used.

3. The Lord's Supper is a remembrance of one perfect sacrifice, whereby we were once sufficiently purged from sin, and continually are revived by the same. The Lord's Supper is to be distributed in the common assembly of His people, to teach us the communion whereby we all be knit together in Christ Jesus.

4. What, I pray you, can be more contrary than, when Christ bade them drink, to take away the cup; and when Christ bade them distribute among them, and St Paul willed one to tarry for another, until they came together, yet contrary to this (as you do), to minister and receive alone?

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