M'CHEYNE. BORN 1813-DIED 1843. I. It is all the gift of the sun, that the grass is of that refreshing green, and all the rivers are lines of waving blue. It is all the gift of the sun, that the flowers are tinged with their thousand glories; that the petal of the rose has its delicate blush, and the lily, that neither toils nor spins, has a brightness greater than Solomon's. Now, this is the You are dark and vile in way you may be justified. yourselves, but Christ's glory shall be seen in you. 2. Amazing love, that calls you to a feast (Prov. ix. 1-6), and not to hell! 3. When you lift up your eyes in hell, or when Jesus comes, you will cry, 'Lord, Lord;' but all diligence will then be too late. When the boat has left the shore, it is vain for you to run. 4. The way of salvation, by Jehovah our Righteousness, was sweet to Paul. His soul rested here with great delight. He came thus to God in secret, thus in public, thus in dying. 5. For every sin of yours, here is a stripe in Jesus. For the sins of infancy, here are the sufferings of His infancy; for the sins of youth, here are the sufferings of His youth; for the sins of manhood, here are the sufferings of His manhood. 6. His obedience is divine obedience. For your unholy life, here is His divinely holy life to cover you. Here are His holy thoughts to cover your unholy thoughts; here His holy words to cover your unholy words; here are His holy actions to cover your unholy actions. There is something infinitely vast and glorious in the righteousness of God. 7. If Christ was sufficient for one sinner, then He must be sufficient for all. The great difficulty with God was, not how to admit many sinners into His favour, but how to admit one sinner. If that difficulty has been got over, then the whole has been got over. 8. I know that, if any of you have tasted the sweetness of Christ, you would be content to abide in Him for an eternity. 9. God's anger is like a river dammed up. It is getting higher and higher, fuller and deeper, every day. 10. Little children, if you would take Jesus for a Saviour, then you might carry all your griefs to Him; for Jesus. knows what it is to be a little child. be 11. God has an infinite sense of justice. His eyes hold the things that are equal. Now, when He sees the blood of His Son sprinkled on any soul, He sees that justice has had its full satisfaction in that soul; that that man's sins have been more fully punished than if he had borne them himself eternally. 12. If the word concerning Christ does not break your heart, it will make it as the nether millstone. 13. You will be incomplete Christians, if you do not look for the coming again of the Lord Jesus. 14. Soon we shall see Him as He is; then our trials shall be done. We shall reign with Him, and be entirely like Him. The angels will know us, by our very faces, to be brothers and sisters of Jesus. POWERSCOURT (LADY). DIED 1836. 1. It needs a great stretch of faith sometimes, when the enemy comes in like a flood, to believe that God is as much at peace with me, through Christ, as with those already above; that Abraham now in glory is not safer than I. 2. What simplicity there seemed to be in Christ's words after His resurrection! He seemed to enjoy the travail of His soul when distributing His peace. 3. It is worth being afflicted to become intimately acquainted with, and to learn to make use of, the chief among ten thousand, the altogether lovely. 4. The poor world may have a reprieve here from suffering, but the child of God may not, would not, if he might. Happy confidence; He will not keep back one needful stroke! Is it not strange that the moment He is acting most the part of a parent, is just the moment we are most apt to forget we are His children? 5. He is never more wounded in the house of His friends, than when they murmur. Nothing seems so to overcome His forbearance with the Israelites. 6. Let us come in the simplicity of sickness, in the helplessness of want; to trust is to be healed, to touch the hem of His garment is to be whole; but let us keep touching Him, for virtue is ever coming from Him. 7. Let us get well acquainted with our Physician; let 、us take lodgings in His neighbourhood; let us see Him every day. 8. We are not to flee from Satan, but to resist, that he may flee from us. 9. We have a right to wear a sweeter smile than even angels wear. 10. I am quite weary of this heart,-Satan's workshop, -always going on, hammer, hammer, hammer, stealing every grace given, to manufacture into some adornment for the ideal self. 11. It is underground work here; our roots taking a firmer grasp of the Rock of Ages, in order to our springing up and flourishing in the courts of our God. 12. I believe the Lord explains the meaning of words by His providences. 13. He has shewn His love in trusting His cause to us, and lent us as volumes of His library for the perusal of the world. 14. Perilous times! when Christians have time to play with idols; have time to feast the world; to nestle themselves as the world; to go rounds of formality; have time to pick faults in their neighbours, their brethren; have time to amuse themselves with religious dissipation! 15. Angels know the bliss of power, we the happiness of weakness. 16. Blessed be God, His blood can cleanse us not only from all the evil that we see, but what He sees. Many chambers within are unopened yet to us. We see but through the crevice; yet His blood gets entrance and drowns all. Ꮓ 17. Alas, what idolatry, what mockery, what mummery around me! May He quickly come and set all things in order, for this confusion is the earnest of hell! 18. From Scripture it seems to me that a minister's chief business commences instead of finishes when a soul is brought to life. 19. Having to reign with Christ we must come into the same school to learn to govern. 20. Our risen hands must not touch anything below accursed in Satan. 21. We are afraid of being desperate Christians! Oh, let us be desperate. The church needs extremity; a great tug out of the world. 22. Our kingdom is not from hence. We should be looking at earth as from heaven, instead of looking at heaven from earth, as though present things were already past, and future things already present. 23. What a thunderclap of hallelujah when all the prayers of all saints for our poor world, long, long laid up, shall all be answered in one event! |