BASIL. BORN 329-DIED 379. 1. Life is a journey which commences when we enter the world, and ends at the grave. We are like voyagers on the ocean, wafted by winds towards the port, whilst asleep in the vessel, and who, insensible of the progress made, arrive there before they are aware. 2. Angels are distributed around us in great numbers. They form an army, an encampment, according to the Scriptures; and a numerous army, a well-regulated camp, are not afraid of the attacks of the enemy. 3. Never let us say of anything, it happened by chance ; there is nothing that has not been fore-arranged, nothing which has not its own special end, by which it forms a link in the chain of appointed order. 4. To blaspheme the Holy Ghost is to attribute His operations to the devil. 5. Many go to hear a preacher, not as learners, but as spies, anxious to find out the weak parts of his discourse e; and who, even in the Scriptures, seek matter for criticism, not edification. 6. The slanderer harms three persons at once: him of whom he says the ill, him to whom he says it, and specially himself in saying it. 7. The rose delights me; but I never look on it without remembering the sin that caused the earth to bring forth thorns, which before it knew not. 8. Pray without ceasing; not in mere words, but in thought and desire, so that your life shall be one long and perpetual prayer. Reply by bless 9. Has any one spoken evil of you? ings. Does he treat you ill? Be patient. Does he persecute you? Think of Jesus Christ. Can you suffer as he suffered? 10. The earth does not contain one inhabitant whose life is perfectly happy. Is there a stream whose waters are always clear? It is God only who is happy, completely and unchangeably. II. He calls Himself the Light of the world, both to indicate the unapproachable glory of His Godhead, and to shew that He illuminates with the splendour of the knowledge of Himself the purged eyes of sinners. 12. Christ was made of a woman.' Not by means of, but of a woman, to shew the identity of the nature produced with that of hers who produced it. 13. Life runs on in a continuous current, which carries us unconsciously along with it. We sleep, and as we do so, our brief space of time flies silently over our heads. We wake to a thousand cares, and, while struggling with them, life pursues its ever rapid course. JEROME. BORN 331-DIED 420. 1. Whether I am eating or drinking, or whatever I am doing, that voice seems always to sound in my ears, Arise, ye dead, and come to judgment. Whenever I think of that day of judgment, I tremble all over, heart and body. Whatever of pleasure there is in this present life, it is so to be tasted as that the day of coming judgment may never be lost sight of. 2. He is rich enough who is poor with Christ. 3. You err, my brother, you err, if you think that anywhere a Christian is not to suffer persecution. Then chiefly are you assailed when you know not that you are assailed. 4. Read again and again the divine Scriptures; nay, let the holy book never be out of your hands. Learn, that you may teach. 5. Of Christ's minister, let the mouth, the mind, the hands, be ever in harmony. 6. Shun the feasts of the worldly; specially of those who are puffed up with honours. It is not seemly in a minister of the poor and crucified Christ, to have lictors and soldiers standing guard before his door. 7. It will come, it will come, that day when as victor you shall return home; when as a crowned warrior you shall march through the heavenly Jerusalem. 8. To be a Christian is the great thing, not to seem one. 9. Far rather would I have pious rusticity than learned blasphemy. 10. Lord, let me know myself, that I may better know Thee, the Saviour of the world. II. The economy of the world, visible and invisible, before and since creation, has reference to the coming of Jesus Christ to earth. The cross of Christ is the centre to which everything tends, the summary of the history of the universe. 12. The praiseworthy thing is, not to have been at Jerusalem, but to have lived well there. The city which we desire, is not that which slew the prophets and shed the blood of Christ, but which the river of life gladdens ; which being set upon a hill cannot be hid; which the apostle calls the mother of the saints, and in which he rejoices to have his citizenship with the just. 13. The heavenly hall is equally accessible from Britain as from Jerusalem. 14. O lust, thou infernal fire whose fuel is gluttony, whose flame is pride, whose sparkles are wanton words, whose smoke is infamy, whose ashes are uncleanness, whose end is hell! 15. You walk as one loaded with gold; beware of the robber. This life of ours is a race; here we strive, that hereafter we may be crowned. No one can walk securely amid serpents and scorpions. 16. It is difficult for the human soul not to love something; and our affections must go out somewhere. Carnal love is overcome by spiritual love; desire is quenched by desire; and that which is lost on the one hand is gained on the other. Therefore cry out and say upon your couch, In the night I sought Him whom my soul loveth. 17. Let the foolish virgins wander abroad, do you remain at home with the Bridegroom. 18. Let the doors of your hearts be opened to Christ, but closed against the devil. 19. Like Daniel, have your windows open to Jerusalem, whence the light shall enter, and you shall behold the city of the Lord. |