5 Come and with a humble fouls adore, Come kneel before his face; O may the creatures of his pow'r, Be children of his grace. 6 Now is the time, he bends his ear, And waits for your request; Come, left he rouse his wrath and swear, "Ye fhall not fee my reft." II. Liberty to enter into the holieft by the blood of Chrift. Heb. x, 19, 22: 'Α PPROACH your father, fons of God, A Fav'rites of heaven, draw near: Enter the holicft, with delight, Tho' his own ark be there. 2 Pafs thro' the veil, the Saviour's flesh, That new and living way; And majesty enshrin'd in love Shall gentle beams display. 3 Jefus, with fin-atoning blood, The throne hath fprinkled o'er 4 Approach with boldness and with joy, Ye holy ones draw near; Pure be your lives from every ftain, So fhall refreshing dews of grace, 'Till more than conqu'ror each arrives, On his celeftial hill. III. God glorified by the holiness of his faints. G REAT teacher of thy church; we own, 2 Deep on our hearts thy law engrave, 3 Adorn'd with ev'ry heav'nly grace, 4 Thefe lineaments, divinely fair, IV. Inviting finners to Chrift.. I C OME ye finners, poor and wretched, Jefus ready ftands to fave you, Full of pity, love and pow'r. He' He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. 2 Let not confcience make you linger All the fitness he requireth, Is to fee your need of him. 'Tis ths fpirit's glimm'ring beam. 3 Agonizing in the garden, Lo! your maker proftrate lies; On the bloody tree behold him, before he dies, Hear him cry "It is finish'd. ” 4 1 Sinners will not this fuffice? Lo! th' incarnate God afcended, Can do helpless finners good. 5 Saints and angels join'd in concert, The trumpet of the gospel founds, 2 Come all ye hungry starving fouls, 3 Eternal wisdom has prepar'd, 4 Ho! ye that pant for living ftreams, Here you may quench your raging thirst, 5 With ftreams that never dry. Rivers of love and mercy here, In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. 6 (Dear God! the treasures of thy grace, 7 The happy gates of gospel grace, Stand open night and day; Come finners, here, receive supplies, And drive your wants away. VI. Another A 3 NOME, finners, to the gospel-feast, Ye need not one be left behind, 2 Have me excus'd" why will you fay, From health, and life, and liberty; From all that is in Jefus given, 3 Come guilty fouls, by fin oppreft, 4 See him fet forth before your eyes, Pardon and life, let all embrace, Ye who believe his record true, 6 This is the time, no more delay, |