And has it's curs'd foundations laid, 4 See! here an endless ocean flows, It rifes high, and drowns the hills, Has neither fhore nor bound : Believing finners here are cleans'd, Their fins no more are found. 6 Awake, our hearts, adore the grace, LIV. The Bleffednefs of an Ab and fence from the Body. Prefence with the Lord. 2 Cor, v. 8. 'H OW happy are the faints, From mortal flesh discharg❜d! From clogs, infirmities and chains, 2 No 2 No more in might they dwell; 3 Their father and their God, 4 The Lamb doth lead their fouls, 5 With pleasure they furvey, 6 No longer then let death, Be dreaded or deplor'd; 'Tis a deliv'rance from the flesh, To bring us near our Lord. LIV. God LIV. God befeeching Sinners to be reconciled to Him, V. 20. 2 Cor. ARK how the gospel-trumpet founds! 'H 'Tis a delightful voice: Pris'ners of death, no longer groan; 2 Pardon to finners is proclaim'd, "Tis GOD befeeches to accept, Peace made by Jefu's blood. 3 What anfwer, Lord, fhall we return, To this ftupendous grace? Shall the most high, t'eternal blifs, Befeech a ruin'd race? 4 When vengeance might have crush'd to death, The poor, rebellious worms, The God of love propofes peace, In moft alluring forms. 5 What heart fuch kindness can refift, Or fpurn fuch wond'rous grace? Come, finners, hear your maker's voice, And take, in heaven, your place. LV. Thanks to God for Jesus 'T Chrift. HE Father, in his boundless grace, His own beloved Son has given, From death and hell to fave our race; His Son! the richest gift of heav'n. 2 Bleflings tranfcendent and divine, Unnumber'd, and beyond all bound, In this ftupendous gift combine, In him, our Saviour-God, are found. 3 His blood effaces all our fin ; 4 But O! beyond this mortal ftate, Thro' Jefus what full pleasures rife ! Immortal, infinitely great In blissful realms, above the skies. 5 Father, and fountain-head of grace, LVÍ. The LVI. The Priveleges and Hopes of Saints, 1 John. iii. 1, 2, 3. H I OW wond'rous is the love, That makes us heirs of heav'n! The love that has renew'd our hearts, 2 The faints are here unknown, Nor fhall their glories be reveal'd, 3 Then fhall they fee his face, 4. Transported with this hope, 5: That hope fhall not be vain, Which operates by love ; : While hourly fruits of righteousnefs,› It's heav'nly virtue prove. |