While Jefu's blood thro' earth and skies, 4. By faith, I plunge me in this fea, 1 look into my Saviour's breaft; Away fad doubt, and anxious fear, I view divine compaffion there. 5 Tho' waves and ftorms go o'er my head, Tho' ftrength, and health, and friends be gone ; Tho' earthly joys, be wholly dead, And mortal comforts be withdrawn;: Stedfaft on this, my foul relies, Father thy mercy never dies. # 9.17 6. Fix'd on this ground wou'd I remain, Tho' my heart fail, and Aeth decay; This only can my foul fuftain, When earth's foundations melt away; Mercy's full pow'r I then shall prove, 19545 Lov'd with an everlafting love.. I XXVII. Admiring Chrift's Love,, and cleaving to him.. JES ESUS! thou wounded Lamb of God, a keep us near thy fide, then pain 2 Take our poor hearts, and let them be, 4 How can it be, thou heav'nly king, Ah Lord! enlarge our fcanty thought, 55 Firft-born of many brethren thou To thee both earth and heav'n must bow; Help us to thee our all to give, Thine may we die, thine may we live. XXVIII. Univerfal Praife. HE glories of my maker, God, Let all who live on earth adore, Their former and their king. 2 'Twas his right hand that fhap'd our clay, 3 We bring our mortal pow'rs to God, And worship with our tongues; We We claim fome kindred with the fkies, 4 Let grov'ling beafts of ev'ry shape, And rocks, and trees, and fires, and feas, 5 Ye planets to his honour thine, Praise him in your unweary'd course, 6 The brightness of our maker's name, XXIX. Inviting Sinners to Chrift. For a thousand tongues to fing, The glories of my God and king, [2 My gracious mafter and my God, And fpread thro' all the earth abroad, 3 Jefus, the name that charms our fears, 'Tis mufic in the finner's ears, He 4 He breaks the pow'r of cancell'd fin; His blood can make the fouleft clean, 3 Look unto him, ye nations, own Look and be fav'd thro' faith alone, 6 Harlots and publicans, and thieves, Sav'd is the finner that believes, Murd'rers and all ye hellish crew, 8 Thus fhall ye Jefus' pity know, XXX. O God our only Happiness. UR God, our portion, and our love, We've none but thee in heav'n above, 2 What empty things are all the skies, And this inferior clod! 1 There's nothing here deferves our joys, 3 How vain a toy is glitt'ring wealth, 4 Were we poffeffors of the earth, 5 Let others ftretch their arms like feas, XXXI. Praise to the Redeemer. LUNG'D in a gulf of dark despair, PLUNG'D We wretched finners lay; Without one chearing beam of hope, Or fpark of glimm'ring day. 2 With pitying eyes the prince of grace, He faw, and (O amazing love!) 3 He ran to our relief. Down from the fhining feats above, With joyful hafte he fled; Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. |