XX. To Jefus Christ.
Thou in whom the gentiles truft,
Ο Thou only holy, only just ;
Affift us to adore thy name, Jefus, unchangeably the fame.
2 If angels, while to thee they fing, Wrap up their faces in their wing; How fhall we, finful duft, draw nigh, Thy great and awful majesty!
3 Glory to thee, O fpotlefs Lamb! Thou holy Lord, thou great I AM! With all our powers; thy name we bless, Our joy, our peace, our righteousness !
4 Live ever glorious Jefus ! live, Worthy all bleffings to receive; Worthy on high, enthron'd to fit, With ev'ry power beneath thy feet!
5 Bleffings for ever on the Lamb, Who bore the curfe for finful man; Let angels found his facred name, And every creature say, A ME N...
NOME let us all unite to praise, The Saviour of mankind;
Our thankful hearts in folemn lays, Be with our voices join'd.
2 But how fhall duft his worth declare, When angels try in vain ;
Their faces veil when they appear, Before the fon of man.
3 Silent O Lord! we would not be," By love we are constrain'd,
To offer our best thanks to thee, Our Saviour and our friend!
4 Tho' feeble are our beft effays, Thy love will not defpife;
Our grateful fongs of humble praise, Our well-meant facrifice.
5 Let ev'ry tongue thy goodness fhew, And spread abroad thy fame; Let ev'ry heart with praife o'erflow, And blefs thy facred name.
6. Worship and honour, thanks and love, Be to our Jefus given ! By men below-by hofts above,
By all in earth and heaven!
ALVATION! O the joyful found! What pleasure to our ears!
A fov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
A cordial for our fears.
2 Salvation! let the eccho fly, The fpacious earth around, While all the armies of the sky, Confpire to raise the found.
3 Salvation! O thou bleeding Lamb! To thee the praise belongs; Salvation fhall inspire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues.
XXIII. Striving to praise Christ.
ET us the fheep, by Jesus nam'd, Our tender fhepherd bless;
Let us, whom Jefus hath redeem'd, Shew forth our thankfulness.
2 Not unto us, to thee alone, Be praise and glory giv'n; Here fhall thy praises be begun, And carry'd on in heav'n.
3 The happy fpirits now with thee, Eternal anthems fing! To imitate them here, lo! we Our hallelujah's bring.
4 Had we our tongues like them infpir'd, Like theirs, our fongs fhould rise ; Like them, we never fhould be tir'd, But love the facrifice.
5 Till we this veil of flesh lay down, Accept our weaker lays ;
And when O Lord! we reach thy throne, We'll join in nobler lays.
ITH all my pow'rs of heart and tongue, I'll praise my maker in my fong; Angels fhall hear the notes I raise, Approve the song, and join the praise.
2- I'll fing thy truth and mercy Lord: I'll fing the wonders of thy word: Not all thy works and names below, So much thy pow'r, and glory fhew...
To God I cry'd when troubles rofe ; He heard me, and subdu'd my foes; He did my rifing fears controul, And ftrength diffus'd thro' all my foul.
Amidst a thousand fnäres I ftand, Upheld, and guarded by thy hand; Thy words my fainting foul revive, And keep my dying faith alive.
XXV. Joy in Christ.
Y dear Redeemer, dying Lord, I love to hear of thee;
Thy name doth grace and life afford,
To finful fouls like me.
2 Thy precious name fo warms my heart, And fets my foul on flame;
I wou'd not Lord, from thee depart, But always love thy name.
3 I live, because my Saviour dy'd, Above the pow'r of fin ;: Hereby I'm freely justify'd,. Because he rofe again.
4 Chrift lives in me, and I in him, The happy life of faith; E'er long he will deftroy my fin, And quite abolish death.
XXVI. Living by Faith.
'N Sure my foul's anchor may remain ;.
WOW I have found the ground wherein,
The wounds of Jefus for my fin,
The Lamb of God, for finners flain ;; On him alone, my foul shall stay, When heav'n and earth shall pass away.
2 Father! thy everlasting grace, Our scanty thought surpasses far; Thy heart ftill melts with tenderness, Thy arms of love still open are, The worft of finners to receive, That mercy they may tafte and live.
3 O love thou bottomless abyfs! My fins are swallow'd up in thee; Cover'd is my unrighteousness, My foul from.condemnation free,
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