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The following motion was made and carried.

Whereas, a certain pamphlet has been published and circulated throughout our Churches by the Classis of Ulster, said to criminate not only individual characters, but also the characters of both the Particular Synod of Albany, and this General Synod,Therefore,

Resolved, That for the protection of public character said pamphlet be referred to the committee on the Ulster memorial, to report on Monday next.

The committee appointed to confer with a committee of the Board of Trustees of Queen's College made a report. Ordered, that the report be taken up by paragraphs. After some progress the farther consideration of the report was postponed till tomorrow morning.

The Delegates appointed to attend a meeting of the German Reformed Synod of Pennsylvania made the following report, which was accepted.

The Subscribers being a majority of the committee appointed by the last General Synod to attend the Synod of the German Reformed Churches held in Frederick-town in May last, beg leave to report.

That in obedience to the resolution of this Synod they attended the German Synod, and presented to that Reverend Body the minutes of the General Synod, and further communicated to them the special object of their mission by tendering the friendly regard of this body for their German Brethren, and by offering to conduct the correspondence between the two Churches upon a more agreeable and useful plan than the one hitherto pursued, viz. by the ap

pointment of corresponding members. Your committee met with a friendly reception and were invited to a seat in their body, and after conferring with a committee appointed for the purpose, they were gratified with the unanimous resolution of the German Synod, agreeing to the proposition and appointing two of their members to attend the next meeting of this General Synod to be held in NewBrunswick in September last, all which will appear from a copy of their minutes herewith communicated.


committee held considerable intercourse with the ministers of the German Reformed Churches, and were pleased to receive their friendly atten tions and to hear their expressions of respect and esteem for the reformed Dutch Church.

Your committee having no particular instructions to propose or arrange any plan of further intercourse or connection with the German Churches, returned.



Resolved, That the Rev. C. Bork be requested to translate the letter from the German Reformed Church of Pennsylvania.

Resolved, That the Delegates be allowed one hun dred dollars for their expences in attending the Ger man Reformed Synod of Pennsylvania.

Resolved, That the President give an order on the Questor of Synod for the above sum.

The committee on the subject of Missions made the following report.

The committee on Missions submit the following Report:

That they have received no communications from the stated committee of Missions, and consequently are unable to furnish this body with any detailed account of Missionary labors since their last meeting.

They wish however to call the attention of this body to a representation which the Classis of NewBrunswick have directed their delegates to communicate to the General Synod: it respects the destitute state of some of our congregations on the Delaware River, within the jurisdiction of the Classis of New. Brunswick. The Classis applied sometime since to the stated committee of Missions to have the privilege to appropriate some of the money collected within their bounds for missionary purposes, to employ a person to visit the Churches and settlements on the Delaware. These Churches are in a destitute state, and require more service than what the Classis of New-Brunswick can afford them. If a suitable character could be obtained to visit those societies, the churches above mentioned might soon be placed in such a situation as to support at least one Minister, and new Churches be organized. The stated committee of Missions considered themselves as unauthorised to grant the request of the Classis of NewBrunswick. Your committee would suggest the propriety of granting the Classis their request, as in all probability, it would promote the general interests of the Church.


Upon which it was resolved,

That it would be improper to take the Missionary business out of the hands of the committee of Missions.

Resolved, That the committee of Missions be requested to use the money collected for Missionary purposes within such parts of the Church as may be most destitute until our ordinary Missionary ground be again open to us.

Adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. to-morrow. Closed with prayer.

Saturday Morning, 10 o'clock A. M.

Synod met pursuant to adjournment-opened with prayer.

The consideration of the report of the committee appointed to confer with the committee of the Trustees of Queen's College was resumed.

After full discussion, the report was adopted, and is as follows.

The committee appointed to confer with the committee of the Board of Trustees of Queen's College, beg leave to submit the following report, viz.

Your committee upon examining the minutes of the extra Synod of A. D. 1807, at Haerlem, find that by solemn contract General Synod stand pledged to the Board of Trustees of Queen's College to defray the expenses for the building of a Theological Hall, by collections to be taken up in the congregations of the state of New-York, and in case of failure from that source, by an appropriation of so much of the principal of the Theological fund as may be ad equate; which appropriation is to be made by the


Board of Trustees of Queen's College. Your committee upon examining official extracts from the Minutes of the Board of Trustees, also find that the sum of $21,000, has been subscribed for the Theological fund, of which $16,192 have been collected, of which latter sum $10,400 have been put to interest on bond and mortgage; and that for the sum of $5,772% interest has been paid by the literary to the Theological Institution from its reception.

Your Committee do therefore recommend for the adoption of Synod the following resolutions viz:

Resolved, 1st. That the sum of three thousand dolla's be appropriated for defraying the expences of the Theological Hall.

Resolved, 2ndly. That the monies already obtained by collections in the State of New York be first appropriated, and that the deficiency be paid out of the Theological fund.

Thirdly. Whereas the Trustees of Queen's College have allowed interest to the General Synod for the use of the sum of $5,772 of the Theological fund from the time of its reception, and justice demands that the General Synod allow interest to the Board of Trustees for the use of two thirds of the sum appropriated, from the time of the inclosure of said building: Therefore, Resolved; That interest for $2,000, be allowed for four years by the The. ological to the literary fund.

Y ur Committee cannot but applaud the watchfulness, zeal and engagedness of the Board of trustees for the prosperity of both the literary and the

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