3. In his Affections and Inclinations. Pfal. lxxiii. 25. III. In his Eftate and Condition. 1. Because he was made Happy. 2. Had Power over all other earthly Crea tures, Gen. i. 28. USE. 1. Admire the Goodness of GOD in our Creation, Pfal. c. I, 2, 3. 24. 2. Bewail our Lofs of this Image. 3. Endeavour to have it repaired, Eph. iv 1. Be fenfible of your Lofs. 2. Believe on Jefus Chrift, 1 Cor. i. 30% 5. Live up according to that Image you GEN. xlix. 10. The Scepter shall not depart from Judah, &c. I. AN being fallen from GOD, could not recover himself. 2. Hence the Son of GOD undertook to Redeem him. 3. To do this, he was to become Man. 4. Hence a Time was fet when he should become Man, Gal. iv. 4. 5. Before he came, GOD revealed him to his People, Gen. iii. 15. c. xii. 2, 3. c. xxii. 18. To the Gentiles, Job xix. 25. Numb. xxiv. 17. To the Jews, Ifa. vii. 14. c. ix. 6. 6. Not only his Perfon, but the Time also of his Appearing, was revealed. 7. There are Three Places especially that determine the Time. 1. Mal. iii. 1. Hag. ii. 9. 2. Dan. ix. 25. 3. Gen. xlix. 10. Where understand, 1. By Scepter, Government. 2. By Departing, total Departing. 3. By Judah, the Tribe: 2 Reg. xvii. Salmaneffer having carried the Ten away Captive. 4. By Lawgiver, Qui jus dicit. 5. By, from between his Legs, his Pofterity born of him. שילה זהמלך המשיח 7. By the gathering of the People to him, Obedience to him, Paruit, obediens fuit. y, in Arabick, Prov. XXX. 17. On nop's j'an. To fhew when the Prophecy thus explain'd was fulfilled: Confider, 1. When Jefus was born, Herod was King, an Idumaan by Father's, Arabian by Mother's fide; though a Profélite, yet not of Judah's Pofterity. Non defuit Judeorum Princeps ex Judeis ufque ad iftum Herodem quem primum acceperunt alienigenam Regem. Auguft. So Eufebius, Hift. 1. 1. c. 6. St. Jerome. Hence fome, Ηρώδην ἡγονται Xesν κύριον. Epiph. Hieron. Matt. xxii. 16. Mark iii. 6. c. viii. 15. 2. But the Jews in Herod's Time had their -be,סנהדרין הגדרלה & סנהדרין קטנה,Sanhedrim fore which Herod himfelf was brought, and fcarcely escaped with his Life, Jofeph. 1. 14. 18. But he after, πάντας απέκλεινε τὰς ἐν τῷ συνε Seiw, Jofeph. 1. 14. 18. But this Sanhedrim was taken away, Years before 40 ארבעים שנה קורם חורבן הבית the Deftruction of the Temple, David Ganfius, and Talmud. And fo, juft when our Saviour appeared in the World, Job. xviii. 31. B 3 1 Αμα γ αυτὸς εἰς ἀνθρώπες παρῆν καὶ τὸ Ικδαίων καθήρητο βασίλειον. Eufeb. 3. The whole Prophefie was fulfilled at the Deftruction of the Temple, for then were the Nations converted to Chrift. USE. 1. Obferve the Certainty of Scripture, foretelling Things 1700 Years to come. 2. Jefus is the Christ, Job. xx. 31. EXHORTATION, 1. Blefs GOD. 1. For making, 2. For fulfilling this Promife, Luk. ii. 13. 14. Let your Thankfulness be expreffed, 1. By a ferious Meditation upon the Mercies of GOD, in fending his Son into the World; for this is the Mercy of all Mer cies. 2. By a fincere and hearty Obedience to all the Laws of fo good and gracious a GOD. 3. By a liberal Contribution to the Poor, that they may rejoyce too. By addreffing your felves with all Humility and Reverence to the Sacrament, that you may partake of his Merits, who as upon this Day came into the World to fave you from your Sins, and bring you to Heaven. WH II. His Effence, and in that, 1. His Unity, Deut. vi. 4. 1 Cor. viii. 4, 6. 1. To apprehend as but one GOD, tho' 2. To worship and serve but one GOD. 2. His Independency, Pfal. 1. 10, 11, 12. 1. Admire his Mercy. 2. Dread his Juftice. 3. His Self-fufficiency, T, Asus, Deus. 1. Intereft your felves in him. 4. His Caufality, Act. xvii. 28. 1, Acknowledge and conceive him as your Maker. 2. Give your selves to him, who gave your felves to you. 5. His Immutability, Heb. xiii. 8. Fac. i. 17. Mal. iii. 6. 1. Truft in his Promises. 2. Tremble at his Threatnings. 6. His Sovereignty, Pfal. xlvii. 2. Mal. i. 14. 1. Obey his Commands chearfully. 2. Suffer his Punifhments patiently. 7. His Immensity, Pfal. cxxxix. 7. 1. Often be thinking of his Prefence. 2. Act always as in his Prefence. |