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III. Why should we defire GOD above all things?

1. Because he is more defirable than all things, Luke xviii. 19. Prov. iii. 15.

2. All other things are only defirable for his fake.

3. He alone can fatisfie our defires, Ifa. lv. 1. Pfal. xvii. 15.

I. USE. Reproof, to thofe that defire all things before GOD.

1. That think of other things more than GOD, Pfal. xviii. 4.

2. That are unwilling to part with any thing for GOD.

3. That regard not the Ordinances,

4. That make it not their business to seek after GOD.

2. Exhortation, As Solomon, 1 Kings iii. 5, 11,
12, 13.

1. This is the end why we have defires.
2. 'Tis grofs Idolatry to defire any thing be-
fore GOD, Col. iii. 5.


To defire GOD above all things, is a good evidence of Heaven.

4. Defire GOD here, and enjoy GOD hereafter.

Defire GOD above,

1. Riches.

2. Honours.

3. Friends.

4. Relations.

5. Pleasures.

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6. Liberty.

7. Knowledge, Si Chriftum difcis fatis


Bb 4

8. A

8. A good Name.

9. Health.

10. Life, Temporal, Eternal, Exod. xxxii. 32.

And manifeft that you defire GOD more than these things.

1. By being willing to part with them when GOD calls for them.

2. By being more ferious in looking after GOD than these things.

Vide Vol. 4. Serm. viii. of this Author.

PSAL. XC. 12.

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.


T is our Duty to number our days, Pfal.


I xxxi. 4.

I. What Arithmetical Operations should we perform each Day?

1. Addition. Add each day,

1. To the number of your Graces, 2 Pet. i. f, 6.

2. To the Degrees of each Grace, 2 Pet. iii.


2. Subftraction. Subftract,

1. From the fins of your Souls, Col. iii. 5. 2. From the ftrength of your fins.

3. Multiplication. Multiply,

1. Your thoughts of GOD, Pfal. cxxxix. 17, 18.

2. Your

2. Your defires of heaven, Pfal, xlii. 1, 2. 3. Your endeavours after Salvation, 2 Pet.i.


4. Division: Divide,

1. All your days into Holy and Common, Ifa. lviii. 13.

2. Each day betwixt your general and particular Calling.

5. The Rule of Proportion.

1. Proportion the Repentance of each Day to your fins.

2. Your thankfulness to your Mercies, 1 Thef.

V. II.

II. Directions how to number our days. 1. Caft up your accounts each Night. 2. Count that Day loft wherein you have not either, Eph. v. 16.

1. Done,

2. Or gotten good.

3. Number the days gone not to come, Fam.

iv. 13.

4. Count every Day the laft, Luke xii. 20. 5. To fubftract every Day you have lived from the whole of your life, that you may live, counting a day lefs to live. Fob vii. 1.

6. Devote the refidue to the Glory of GOD.

7. The more days you live, the greater account prepare to give, Ecclef. xii.


8. Count all your days as a Cypher to Eter-
nity, Pfal. xc. 4. 2 Pet. iii. 8.

9. The fewer days you expect to number, the
more diligence ufe in them.
10. Examine


10. Examine the numbring of your Days by the ordering of your Lives.

11. So number your Days, as to apply your Hearts to Wisdom

1. To know GOD.

2. Your felves.

3. Chrift, 1 Cor. ii. 2.

Learn this Art, beg of GOD to teach you it.

1. You have spent much Time already.
2. You know not how little more you have.
3. You have a great Work to do, Phil. ii. 12.
4. Time once spent cannot be recalled.
5. You must give Account of it at the Day
of Judgment. 2 Cor. v. 10.

PSAL. XC. 3.

Thou turneft Man to deftruction, and Sayeft, Return, ye children of men.


"His World is full of Turnings and Changes,


1. In our Conditions or Eftates, 2 Sam. xix. 43. and xx. I.

2. Employments.

3. Names.

4. Bodies, Job ii. 7,8. Fob vii. 3, 4, 5.
J. Souls.


OBS. II. The laft Turn will be to Deftru


1. Of the whole Man, confifting in the Separation of Soul and Body, Heb. ix. 27. Job vii. 1.

2. Of the Body, in its Diffolution into its firft Principles, Ecclef. xii. 7.

3. Of the Soul too (without Repentance
and Faith) in Hell-fire.

1: From GOD's Prefence, 2 Thef. i. 9.
2. Its own Conscience, Mark ix. 44.

OBS III. GOD will hereafter bid us return again, 1 Cor. xv. 12, 51. At this our Return 1. Our Bodies fhall be gathered together, Mat.xxiv. 31.

2. Our Souls united again to them, Phil. iii.21. 3. Both of them brought before Christ's Tribunal, Heb. ix. 27. 2 Cor. v. 10.

There receive their Sentence, Mat. xxv. 34, 41.

5. And fo live together for ever, Mat, xxv. 46.


1. Live above the Turnings of this Life, 1 Cor. vii. 29, 30, 31.

2. Prepare your felves to be turned out of it.
By turning,

1. From your felves to Chrift, Mat. xi. 29.
2. From Sin to GOD, Ezek. xxxiii. 11,
3, From Earth to Heaven, Phil. iii. 20.


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