2. In thinking upon them. 3. In having good Ground to believe we fhall enjoy them. 4. In our prefent Communion with God. V. Its Neceffity. 1. To true Comfort here. 2. To Happinefs hereafter, Heb. xii. 14. II. What is External Holiness? The Conformity of the Life of Man to the 1. What is the Life of Man? Whatfoever 2. What is the Law of God? Whatsoever God in his Word hath enjoyned all Men to obferve. This Law is, Deut. iv. 12, 13, 14. c. vi. 1. · 1. Ceremonial. Impofed upon the Jews only from Mofes till Chrift. 1. To preferve them from Idolatry. 2. To lead them to Chrift, Gal. iii. 24. Col. ii. 17. Now it is of no Force; as appears, 1. From Scripture, Acts xv. 2. Reason. The End being now taken away, away, Heb. ix. 10. c. vii. 12. Ego libera voce pronunciem ceremonias Judeorum & perniciofas & mortiferas effe Chriftianis, Hieron. ad Auguft. Epift. 2. Judicial. Of the Civil Polity. This alfo difannulled, being only for Jews, 3. Moral. This ftill in Force; for, 2. But establishes it, Matt. v. 17. c. xix. 17, 18. 3. Reafon confirms it. 1. "Tis the eternal Rule of Juftice in God. 2. Established before Chrift and Mofes, Matt. xix. 8. 3. It is a standing Law to all Nations and Times. 3. What by Conformity? When our Lives are according to this Law, in Omiffions and Commiffions. In obferving, 1. The Matter. 2. The Manner. 1. Knowingly, I Cor. xiv. 15. בהביטי אל כל מצותיך 3. Chearfully, Rom. xii. 8. 5. Conftantly. 3. The End. God's Glory and Pleasure, 1 Cor. X. 31. This Law we must obey: t. In our Understandings. 1. Know God, 1 Chron. xxviii. 9. 2. Meditate on his Word, Josh. 1. 8. 3. Confider our latter End, Deut. xxxii. 29.' C 2 2. The 2. The Will. Chufe no other God but Jehovah, Exod. xx. 3. 3. The Affections. 1. Simple. 1. Love God, Deut. vi. 5. 2. Love thy Neighbour as thy felf, Matt. 3. Love your Enemies, Matt. V. 44. 5. Rejoyce in the Lord, Phil. iv. 4. 6. Repent, Ezek. xiv. 6. Matt. iii, 2. 7. Be Angry, but Sin not, Eph. iv. 26 2. Mixt. 1. Believe in Chrift, A&t.xvi. 31. 2. Be thankful, 1 Thef. v. 18. 4. The outward Life and Converfation. 1. In fpeaking. 1. Swear not at all, Matt. v. 34° 2. Nor Lie, Lev. xix. 11. 2. Actions. 1. Do all with thy Might, Eccl. ix. 10: 2. To God's Glory, 1 Cor. x. 3. 3. Do as ye would be done by, Matt. vii. 12. LIVIN I. LEVIT, XIX. II, Ye shall not fleal, &c. HAT is it to fteal? WHA Fraudulenty to take away or withhold another Man's Goods without his Knowledge and Will. 1. God hath the abfolute Propriety in, and is the firft Owner of all Things in the World, Gen. xiv. 19. 2. He is pleased to put fome Things into the Hands of Men to difpofe of and manage under him. 1. For the Employment of their Faculties. 2. For the maintaining of their outward Man. 3. For their Trial here,in order to their Eftate hereafter. 3. He entrufts all with fomething, but not all alike; but fome more, fome lefs, Matt. xxv.. 15. 4. Every one hath a real and particular Title, under GOD, to the Goods entrusted with him, fo that they are not Common, as the Fratricellians and Anabaptifts hold. 44 1. We are commanded not to covet our Neighbour's House, 2. To give to him that asketh, Matt. v. 42. A&t. xx. 35. 3: St. Paul laboured, Act. xx. 34. C3 Thef. ii. 9. OBJECT. 1 OBJECT. Act. iv. 32. Anfw. 1. It is faid that he poffeffed. 2. The Poffeffors fold the Land, and brought it to the Apostles, ver. 34, 35 3. Peter tells Ananias, his Lands were his own, A&t. v. 4. There was a Communication of Eftates to one another, but no Community in Eftates. Omnia indifcreta funt apud nos præter uxores, Tertul. Apol. Not as that all Things were Common as to the right Title and Poffeffion, but to the Ufe and Enjoyment. 5. He that taketh away or withholdeth what another hath a civil Right unto, ftealeth. To Theft then is required, 1. That a Man take away, or withhold, 3. Without his Knowledge, and contrary II. How appears the Greatness of the Sin? 4. The Civil Law. III. Who are guilty of it? 1. Such as violently take any Thing from 2. That do but covet it. Command. X. That do any Injury to anothers Estate. 5. That |